Boon of the Devourer (5e Epic Boon)

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Boon of the Devourer[edit]

You have the incredibly rare ability to claim the traits of those you devour. You can devour the heart of a creature you've slayin within the last minute. To devour a heart, you must spend your entire turn (you can't take actions, reactions or move). The creature must have a CR equal to a third of your character level (minimum of 1) in order of your to benefit of the heart.

As a bonus action, you can choose to gain the properties of the last creature you have consumed, lasting for 1 minute. You gain that creature's AC (if provenient of Natural Armor), Movement, Resistances, Immunities, Condition Immunities, Senses, Traits and Actions. You don't gain the creature's legendary actions or legendary resistances, spell slots or class features.

If you have devoured the heart of a creature for longer than 8 hours, you can no longer benefit from it. When you devour a humanoid heart, you can assume its form, as if you were under the effects of alter self.

Once you use this boon, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.

(2 votes)

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