A Call Beyond (3.5e Epic Spell)

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A Call Beyond
Divine, Universal, Evocation [Force, Positive Energy] [Summon a small nova which fires multiple homing projectiles]
Spellcraft DC: 89
Components: V, S, DF, XP
Casting time: Standard action
Range: Area, Small (15ft radius) and Target, Medium (15ft ft. + 10 ft./level radius)
Targets: 1 creature/ level + Wisdom Modifier
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex, half
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 400,000 gp; 30 days; 15000 XP. Factors: Standard action DC +22, Duration increased (1 round) DC +12, Reduce duration to instant DC -2, Spell does not require line of sight or effect DC +20, Spell can affect incorporeal and ethereal creatures normally DC +10, Spell can affect one normally immune type DC +15, Three energy types of damage (Force, Positive Energy, and Divine) DC +12

Summon a small nova that fires multiple homing projectiles. Caster claps their hand together to create a small collapsing star. Enemies within the Small range of the caster must make a Reflex Saving Throw or take 20d10 damage and be knocked prone and back 1d6 squares, half on successful Reflex save and they do not get knocked prone. From the collapsing star, small fragment missiles shoot out towards the enemies of the caster's choosing. Enemies within the Medium range of the caster Must make a Reflex save (those that failed a Reflex Save within the Small Range do not get to Reflex again) or take 10d10 damage per missile, half on a successful Reflex save. Collapsing a star has its price though. The caster can not cast spells of any type for 5 rounds and take 5d10 damage. This damage can not be reduced or avioded.

Material Component: crushed diamond worth 100 gp (for force effect only)

Focus: Holy focus costing 50 gp (for positive energy effect only)

XP Cost: 1000

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