Boon of the Squirrel (5e Epic Boon)

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Boon of Squirrel[edit]

When you gain this boon you immediately turn into a squirrel and stay that way for 24 hours. You gain the ability to turn into a squirrel at will. As an action, you may Squirrelify yourself. You use your hit points while Squirrelified, and if reduced to 0 you return to your true form with 1 hit point. While a Squirrel, you gain the following benefits:

  • As a Squirrel, you are a tiny creature. You gain +2 to your AC, and +10 to Stealth checks.
  • You gain climb speed equal to movement speed. In addition, your movement and climb speeds both increase by 30 ft.
  • You can speak with animals at will, requiring no spell slots or Verbal and Somatic component.
  • You can choose for your equipment, armour and weapons to either fuse into your form, or simply shrink with you. Shrunk weapons are reduced to tiny, while oversized weapons are reduced to small.

These effects are only gained while in Squirrel form. Transforming back requires a 10 minute ritual. You may use your bonus action each consecutive turn in combat to continue the ritual to Un-Squirrel yourself.

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