Epic Boons (Soul Society Supplement)
Boons are only granted to those who reach the pinnacle between the 3 worlds, they have powers and Reiatsu beyond comprehension. Only the ones worthy of being called the strongest receive this.
Spiritual Boons[edit]
- Immeasurable Reiatsu
You’ve taken a step towards refining your power to new heights, gaining the following benefits:
- Your reiatsu level increases by 1
- If you only have Reiryoku, its maximum increases by 5. However, if you have Reishi, the maximum you can store at once is increased by 5.
- Your level for the purposes of hit points and hit dice increases by one.
You may obtain this boon multiple times; the benefits stack accordingly, however you cannot obtain this boon more than 40 times.
- Zanpakuto Creator
Prerequisites: Must have the Genius spiritual feat.
You've discovered the secrets behind the Zanpakuto, and managed to actually be able to create them from scratch. You gain access to the Asauchi invention.
Sword Awareness. You are aware at all times of the locations of any Asauchi created by you, and know what Zanpakuto type they became and who is their current wielder.
Sword Repair. During a short or long rest, you can repair a number of broken Zanpakuto equal to your proficiency bonus (this includes your own).
This can repair even Zanpakuto broken during Bankai.
Hollow Boons[edit]
Shinigami Boons[edit]
- Beyond Bankai
Prerequisites: Must have Mastered Bankai.
You've reached the pinnacle of bounding with your Zanpakuto, with both of you merging as one. You are now under the following effects:
- You are always under the Bankai state, and cannot deactivate it even if you are knocked unconscious.
- Your Bankai now increases your reiatsu level by 4 instead of 2.
- Any Bankai abilities have their cost reduced by your proficiency bonus added twice (to a minimum of 1 reiryoku).
- Any Bankai abilities that deal damage to yourself have their damage reduced by your proficiency bonus added twice.
Unique Bankai Abilities. Once you gain this Epic Boon, you and your GM can create additional abilities to your Bankai that fit alongside the Zanpakuto.
- Final Bankai
Prerequisites: Must have Bankai and do the Final Bankai training method (described below in the Epic Boon).
To achieve Final Bankai, you must go through a rigorous training. Once during a long rest while your Bankai is activated, you can enter your inner world and may fight against your Zanpakuto spirit.
This works the exact same as the Spirit Materialization battle against your Zanpakuto spirit to gain Bankai, however your Zanpakuto spirit regains its maximum hit points and reiryoku at the beginning of its turns.
At the beginning of your turns, you can make a DC 40 Wisdom check. On a failure, nothing happens. For every 50 failures, you reduce the DC by -1. If you are in a place where time passes faster, the amount of failures you need to have before succeeding is reduced (GM's discretion is advised).
On a success, you accept your Zanpakuto's blade into your heart, with them being forever engraved into your being, in exchange for their eternal silence.
You gain the Beyond Bankai Epic Boon (without gaining new Bankai abilities), and may activate your Final Bankai as a bonus action on your turn for 1 minute. For the duration, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom scores are increased to 30.
- Your Zanpakuto's damage die increases by a number of steps equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Your zanpakuto attacks overcome any type of damage resistances or immunities.
- You add your proficiency bonus twice to attack rolls made with your Zanpakuto or Zanpakuto abilities. Also, your Zanpakuto abilities have their DC increased by your proficiency bonus.
- You gain the Immeasurable Reiatsu Spiritual Boon a number of times equal to half your level (rounded up), with this not counting against the limit of the epic boon.
- All Final Bankai have their own unique special ability based on your Bankai abilities. Work alongside your DM to decide this ability based on your character's zanpakuto.
At the end of your Final Bankai, you receive 3 levels of exhaustion and you're knocked unconscious. Your Zanpakuto shatters, and you lose all features and levels from the Shinigami class.
There are some methods to gain your Shinigami powers back. You can gain it via completing your Fullbring and merging your powers with it. Other method is to receive powers from a Reiatsu Sword, therefore fully restoring your powers.
- Royal Guard
Prerequisites: Must be a Shinigami, must have done something that is considered a great contribution to the soul society by the Soul King.
You have been recognized for deeds that have changed the Soul Society as a whole, therefore being promoted to become a member of the great Squad 0.
Royal Guard Training. You receive the special training only those in the royal guard have the privilege of receiving. You receive the Immeasurable Reiatsu Epic Boon a number of times until your reiatsu level reaches 50.
Blood Oath Seal. You cannot activate Bankai while other members with this spiritual boon are alive.
Ōken. You take no damage in the way to the Soul Palace. Creatures may use your bones or other body parts to create clothing capable of protecting them from the barriers, making them also take no damage.
Name Revival. If you are killed, if a creature with this Epic Boon calls your name, they lose 5 reiryoku and you are revived as if the true resurrection spell was cast on yourself, however you come back with a reiatsu level of 1. After a number of minutes equal to your proficiency bonus has passed, you return to your normal reiatsu level.
- Visored Resurrección
Prerequisites: Must have the Visored spiritual feat.
Either via training or through exterior help, you've reached the very limits of your Hollow mask. You are now capable of performing Resurrección, a technique only arrancars were supposed to be able to do.
Choose a Resurrección. You count as an Adjuchas Arrancar of a level equal to your own for the purposes of using said Resurrección, and you cannot gain the Segunda Etapa feat.
As a bonus action while your Visored Mask is active, you can spend 5 reiryoku to transform your whole body, turning into the form of your chosen resurrección for 1 minute, still following the same rules of resurrección. You gain the benefits of resurrección on top of the benefits of Visored.
If your resurrección ends early by you being knocked unconscious, you must make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you are receive two levels of exhaustion . On a success, you receive one level of exhaustion. If you have Endurance, you don't get any levels of exhaustion.
Quincy Boons[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have been blessed with the blood of the creature who has the Child of the Soul king background feat.
You have proven your worth before the progenitor of all Quincy, being worthy of drinking from their blood and awakening the dormant power of your soul.
The Antithesis grants you the ability to reverse the effects of two creatures, be it their position or effects they’re currently experiencing. Your Antithesis allows you to invert effects currently affecting creatures. You can spend 20 reiryoku as a reaction to a creature receiving damage or as an action (both which can be used even while you are incapacitated, but not unconscious), forcing two creatures (this can be yourself) within your reiatsu radius to switch their current ailments. Both creatures are forced to make a Wisdom saving throw, though one may fail this saving throw if they so choose. On a failure, any effects such as damage, conditions, reiryoku effects or any other type of detrimental effects now affect the other creature instead of the currently affected creature. On a success, nothing happens. You can spend 10 reiryoku as a reaction to a creature moving within your reiatsu radius or as a bonus action on your turn, you force two targets (this can be yourself) within your reiatsu radius to switch places. If the target has a reiatsu level equal or higher than your own, they may make a Wisdom saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they suffer the effects as normal. On a success, their places are not switched. The amount of damage a target took during combat is exchanged when using Antithesis with a creature. For example, if one creature received 200 damage in battle and another creature is at its maximum hit points, upon using Antithesis successfully the other creature would regain 200 hit points, while the other creature would receive 200 damage. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. Only creatures with a reiatsu level equal to or higher than your own can make the Wisdom saving throw to avoid having their effects switched. Additionally, you gain one additional reaction which can only be used to activate The Antithesis.
The Balance is a Schrift capable of reversing all the fortune your enemies receive and delivering it to you, and all the misfortune you and your allies are suffering from is redirected straight to your enemies. As a bonus action for 20 Reiryoku, you can alter the weight of the Balance of any misfortune and fortune within your Reiatsu radius that has occurred within the last two rounds. If a hostile creature chooses to activate an effect or take an action, bonus action, or reaction, that grants fortune such as; damage reduction, regeneration, increased maximum hit points, maximum damage, resistance, immunities, damage and accuracy bonuses, or similar effects, you can adjust the weight of the Balance to reverse all the misfortune you're facing, turning it into misfortune for them. See the table below:
A targeted unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you can affect them with the misfortune detailed above. On a success, nothing happens. You can choose an amount of creatures within your reiatsu equal to half your Wisdom modifier to receive the misfortune. Additionally, whenever misfortune occurs to you or allies within your reiatsu radius that actively spend reiryoku to use, such as abilities that reduce your damage damage dealt, degeneration, decreased maximum hit points, minimum damage, vulnerability, weaknesses, penalties to damage and accuracy, or similar effects, follow the table below:
As an additional application of fortune and misfortune manipulation, whenever you're within difficult terrain caused by a magical effect or you're trapped by magical effects such as a kido spell, Shikai ability, Bankai ability, etc. You may spend 15 reiryoku as a bonus action to instantly cause those effects to fail and be disabled. You can choose an amount of creatures within your reiatsu equal to half your Wisdom modifier to receive the fortune. All redirected misfortune and fortune sat active for 1 minute for both you, your allies and your enemies. If the creature is vulnerable to the attack’s damage, overexposure overrides that vulnerability; do not double the tripled damage. If you chose your Unique Heilig Bogen to be a shield. You may spend a long rest to turn it into a Freund Schild. This shield grants you +3 AC, has an equal amount of hit points equal to your maximum hit points and you do not lose the benefits of your unarmored defense. Whenever an enemy acquires fortune through actively spending reiryoku that personally affects you as misfortune, that misfortune is transferred to the Freund Schild. When the misfortune is stored, whenever you use the Balance to turn fortune into misfortune for the enemy, you may spend an extra 10 reiryoku to rain down an additional misfortune to the enemy, causing them to receive the misfortune twice in effect. For example, if they take 60 extra damage to have 60 damage Reduction, they now take 120 extra damage due to Freund Schild, if they have disadvantage, they now roll thrice and take the lowest, etc. If you're afflicted by the misfortune of hit points loss, you may transfer the damage to the shield at will (no action required), making it take an equal amount of damage to the damage you took while you regain an equal amount of hit points up to your maximum hit points. When you use the shield to rain down additional misfortune, you may transfer the damage the shield took to the creature making it take the misfortune twice in effect while the shield regains an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. This does not stack with the wording above this so you do not transfer the damage three times. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, you can choose a number of creatures that will receive your misfortune and fortune equal to your full Wisdom modifier, and any fortune and misfortune lasts for 2 minutes. Freund Schild Balance Breaker. Whenever you spend reiryoku to rain down additional misfortune on enemies due to Freund Schild, it now rains down an additional amount of misfortune, causing the enemy to receive the misfortune three times in effect. For example, disadvantage would be to roll four times and take the lowest amount, damage reduced by 60 would be to take extra damage of 180.
Prerequisites: Must have the Soul King’s Host: Left Hand spiritual feat. The Compulsory is a powerful technique that allows you to extend your own nerves and control those of your enemies. As an action for 15 Reiryoku, you can extend your nerves to reach a creature. Make a melee reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they are forced to make a Constitution saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they take Xd10 necrotic damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added four times), and one of their Limbs of your choice takes half as much damage (you cannot deal damage to the Skull, Jaw, Neck or Torso). On a success, they take half as much damage and do not receive damage to their limbs. If they fail by 5 or more, they are restrained until the end of their next turn. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this Schrift, they are killed outright as you dominate all of its nerves and transform them into a ball of flesh. Also, you can also extend your nerves to inorganic matter such as buildings. Whenever you attack objects or structures with your nerves, it deals twice as much damage.
Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. The damage die tier of your compulsory increases by one tier, becoming Xd12.
The Deathdealing is a vicious ability that allows you to calculate the perfect lethal dose, which is the amount that will cause death without fail. Whenever you get hit with an energy based attack or a melee attack that counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunities due to a feature that incorporates energy in it, you “consume” the Reiatsu of the creature that hit you. Follow the table below:
For every 10 damage you take, you gain 5 stages of Lethal Dose Consumption. Once you reach 50 Lethal Dose Consumption Stages, you may now activate The Deathdealing. As a bonus action or reaction upon reaching 50 Consumption Stages or taking damage while you've reached 50 Consumption Stages, you may spend an amount of reiryoku up to your Wisdom modifier added four times. For every reiryoku spent, you can increase the Lethal Dose to an attack by 5 Consumption stages to a maximum of 100 Consumption stages.
Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger.
The Explode grants you the ability to create bombs, however yours are unique because they cannot be blocked. This is due to the true function of The Explode, which is not making your attacks bombs, but making whatever your Reishi touches a bomb. Whenever you use an attack that you've needed to spend Reishi on, you may choose to turn it into a bomb. Upon hitting, all creatures within a 10 foot-radius of the target (including the target) must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 fire damage (With X being your wisdom modifier added four times). On a success, they take half as much damage. This deals twice as much damage to objects and structures. Additionally, you can turn objects into bombs by touching them as an action and spending 4 reishi. Whenever you're within 30 feet of a bomb created by yourself, you can spend a free action and 10 reiryoku to make them go off, forcing anyone within 10 foot radius to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take The Explode's normal damage and on a success, they take half as much damage. You may choose to hamper the timer of when your explosions can be set off as a free action, being able to choose when to set them off as a reaction when done so.
Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. Your explosions have their damage die tier increased by one, turning Xd10 to Xd12.
The Fear turns you into a walking fear inducing entity, allowing you to reach the mind of the people you're fighting to drive them borderline insane via fear. Whenever you make an attack roll against a creature with a spiritual weapon (a Arrancar, Zanpakuto, Heilig Bogen, Fullbring), you can spend 5 reiryoku to make it deal psychic damage and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they suffer a stage of fear. On a success, nothing happens. If they fail by 5 or more, they suffer two stages of fear. A creature can have a number of stages of fear equal to your proficiency bonus, and loses all of them once they complete a long rest. For every stage of fear a creature has, they receive a -2 in all of their rolls against you but Constitution checks and saving throws. If a creature has the maximum amount of fear stages and fails the Wisdom saving throw, they are now turned for 1 minute. If they fail it by 5 or more, they are also paralyzed until the start of their next turn. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action. If you target objects or structures with this ability, it instead deals necrotic damage and the damage is maximized. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. Whenever a creature looks at you, they must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they suffer two stages of fear. On a success, they suffer only one stage of fear. If they fail by 5 or more, they suffer three stages instead. If a creature has the Intuition resistant feature, they do not receive a stage of fear on a success. A creature can be forced to make this saving throw only once per round.
The Glutton grants you the power to consume the power of everything you devour in exchange for a great hunger. As an action for 10 Reiryoku, you can shift your mouth to become a gaping maw of jagged teeth to attack an area within 30 feet of you. Make a melee reiryoku attack roll against all creatures in a 15 foot square within range. On a hit, you deal Xd12 piercing damage (where X is your Wisdom modifier added four times). If you reduce the creature to 0 hit points via this Schrift, you may choose to devour and swallow them whole, killing them outright.
Even if you consume a Hollow, you do not gain any of its abilities. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. Your jaws now deal Xd12 piercing (where X is your Wisdom modifier added five times) on a hit.
The Heat allows you to produce flames which you can launch at the opponent by manipulating Reishi in the air. Burner Finger 1. when attacking, you may replace one of your attacks with Burner Finger 1 for 2 Reiryoku, the user points their index finger at their opponent and launches a narrow, concentrated beam of fire. Make a ranged reiryoku attack roll and deal Xd8 fire damage (X being your wisdom modifier) on a hit. Burner Finger 2. As an action for 5 Reiryoku, the user concentrates the power of their flames into two fingers, causing them to leave a trail of fire behind in the air, before swinging them at an opponent. All creatures in a 30 foot line of you must make a Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw, dealing Xd8 fire damage (X being your wisdom modifier, added twice) on a failure and half as much on a success. This move deals double damage to structures. Additionally, in a 10 foot circle at the end of the line of Burner Finger 2, all creatures make a Dexterity saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, all creatures take half the damage of Burner Finger 2 and no damage on a success. All creatures that are hit by Burner Finger 2 must make a Constitution saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they receive Second Degree Burns and First Degree Burns on a success. Creatures with the Endurance Feat are not burnt on a success. Burner Finger 3. As an action for 10 Reiryoku, the user points three fingers at a surface, allowing them to melt solid structures into lava. Every creature in a 60 foot circle is forced to make a Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, all creatures take Xd10 fire damage (X being your wisdom modifier added thrice). If this attack reduces a creature to 0 HP, they are disintegrated as if done so by the Disintegrate spell. All creatures that fail the save must also make a Constitution saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they receive Third Degree Burns and Second Degree Burns on a success. Creatures with the Endurance Feat are not burnt on a success. The surrounding area is considered difficult terrain for the next minute and all creatures that end their turn in the area take 2d10 fire damage. Burner Finger 4. As an action for 15 Reiryoku, the user points all of their fingers except their thumb forward and creates a large blade of fire with an elongated crossguard around their hand before slashing at the opponent, creating a massive explosion. The user creates a massive sword of flames which lasts for 1 minute. It has the reach property (30 feet). On a hit, it deals 3d8 fire damage. Each time you hit a creature, they must make {5a|con}} saving throw against your reiryoku DC. Failure on normal attacks result in the creature gaining First Degree Burns. If they are already burned, they go up to the next stage (e.g. First Degree turns into Second Degree). For an extra 5 Reiryoku, the user can use both action and bonus action to do a big swing of the blade. All creatures in a 30 foot wide circle are forced to make a Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, all creatures take Xd10 fire damage (X being the your wisdom modifier added twice). All creatures that are hit by Burner Finger 4 must make a Constitution saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they receive Second Degree Burns and First Degree Burns on a success. Creatures with the Endurance Feat are not burnt on a success. Burning Full Fingers. As an action for 20 Reiryoku, using all 5 fingers, the user unleashes a torrent of flame in a spiralling cone in front of him. All creatures in a 40 foot cone in front of the user must make a Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, the creatures take Xd10 fire damage (X being your wisdom modifier added four times). All creatures that are hit by Burning Full Fingers must make a Constitution saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they receive Second Degree Burns and First Degree Burns on a success. Creatures with the Endurance Feat are not burnt on a success. Burning Stomp. As a bonus action, the user stomps the ground, releasing a torrent of fire and heat which sweeps over the surrounding area. Each creature in a 25 foot circle centered on yourself must make a dex saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes Xd6 fire damage (X being your wisdom modifier) and is knocked prone. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. All your burner fingers have their damage add your wisdom modifier an additional time and your movement speed doubles. Additionally, your Burner Finger 1 can be shot multiple times up to your proficiency bonus.
The Iron allows you to coat your skin partially or fully with a layer of iron, turning your body invulnerable to physical harm while the ability is active. As a reaction to receiving damage or as a bonus action on your turn, you can spend 2 reiryoku to gain a damage reduction equal to your level added twice and a bonus to melee weapon damage rolls equal to your proficiency bonus until the start of your next turn. You may also use this ability to only partially cover your body, allowing you to use it as a free action but reducing the damage reduction to only your class level. Also, for the duration you deal twice as much damage to objects and structures. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. Your damage reduction is increased to your class level added thrice, and your damage roll bonus is increased to your proficiency bonus added twice. While partially covering your body, your reduction is only your level added twice.
The Jail can get anyone locked into an extremely powerful prison. You can spend 20 Reiryoku to trap a creature within your reiatsu radius in a prison made for their size, working like the forcecage spell. However, creatures that aren’t Quincy or have the Quincy Hybrid Soul cannot escape. The jail doesn’t disappear even if you die. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. Your cage can now pass through dimensions, being able to reach creatures in other planes however in the same radius as you would be in said plane. Additionally, you may close portals such as Garganta as a bonus action as long as they are within your reiatsu radius.
The Love allows you to mark any creature with a heart, making them have unconditional love for you. You can spend 10 reiryoku to make a ranged reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they are forced to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they become charmed by you for 1 minute. The creature is under the effects of the dominate person spell for the duration. You can have a number of creatures controlled by your love at once equal to your proficiency bonus. Once per round when you make an attack roll against a creature with a spiritual weapon (a Arrancar, Zanpakuto, Heilig Bogen, Fullbring), you can spend 10 reiryoku to make it deal psychic damage and force them to make the save against your love feature.
Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. For the duration of your Vollständig, your reiryoku DC is increased by your proficiency bonus when making saves against your schrift.
Prerequisites: Must have the Blessed By the Soul King: Heart spiritual feat. The Miracle is capable of manifesting miracles; the smaller the probability, the greater the chance of the Miracle occurring. Probability Manipulation. Your power stems from miracles, which are the results of impossible or nigh-impossible events happening! Whenever you fail saving throw, skill check or any type of d20 roll that isn't an attack roll, you may spend 10 reiryoku to reroll the dice. Depending on the odds (being how much you have failed by), your nigh-impossible results awaken! You follow the table below:
Damage Empowerment. Danger empowers you! Turning the people's fear into hope which turns into might! As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you may activate Damage Empowerment for 1 minute. For as long as it is active, you follow the table below:
The bonuses from each severity do not stack; instead, the highest severity's bonus takes precedence, overriding bonuses from lower severities. Whenever Damage Empowerment is about to end, you may spend 10 reiryoku to extend its duration by another minute. Hoffnung. You are a symbol of hope to your allies and a terror to your enemies. If you chose Unique Heilig Bogen to be a short sword, you may spend a long rest to turn it into your Hoffnung. This sword now has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. It has hit points equal to your maximum hit points. Whenever you are targeted by an attack roll, you may use a reaction to block with Hoffnung. If Hoffnung is damaged, you may spend 10 Reiryoku to make the creature that damaged it take damage equal to twice the amount they dealt to the sword. Hoffnung grows in size with you. If Hoffnung is reduced to 0, it shatters and returns to maximum hit points on a long rest. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. You now double the bonuses within Probability Manipulation, with it moving up the stage normally. (Ex. Half wisdom modifier is now wisdom modifier., wisdom modifier + half wisdom modifier is now wisdom modifier added thrice, Wisdom modifier added twice is now wisdom modifier added six times). Additionally, the maximum your Strength and Constitution scores can reach is increased to 30.
The Overkill grants you the ability to gain strength for every individual, be it friend or foe, that you kill with your own hands. Whenever you kill a creature willingly, your Schrift gives you more power. For every creature you kill, you gain a +1 to your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution to your ability scores. The maximum your ability scores can reach from this feature is 20 + Your proficiency bonus, any kills which are gained after you’ve hit your max are converted to a static +1 to all damage rolls you make up to a max to your level. The effects of The Overkill refresh themselves at the end of a rest or 2 hours after your last kill. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. Whenever you kill a creature, you now gain a +2 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution up to a maximum of 20 + Proficiency bonus + Half your Proficiency Bonus. Once this cap is reached, the static bonus for damage is increased to +2, to a max of twice your level.
The Power enhances your physical strength, turning you into a powerhouse. You may push this strength even further by utilizing your Schrift. You gain the following benefits:
As a bonus action, you can spend 10 reiryoku to increase your physical strength even more for a short moment. For 1 minute, you gain up to two of the following benefits:
You can switch the benefits you are currently benefitting from as a bonus action, the duration remaining the same. Your Schrift ends once you are knocked unconscious or killed. You may also deactivate it at will.
Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. You now roll three dice and pick the highest result whenever you roll with advantage for Strength checks or saving throws. Additionally, you gain the following abilities:
The Question grants you the power to make objections to your opponents, which they are forced to answer after a short period of time. If they cannot overcome this objection, they receive a penalty. As a full round action for 5 reiryoku, you make an objection against a creature within 30 feet of you, forcing them to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they cannot speak a deliberate lie and must answer your objection. On a success, nothing happens. If they cannot overcome your objection with a truth, they take Xd10 psychic damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added six times) and have disadvantage on all rolls until the end of their next turn. For example, you make an objection about a creature's fidelity, such as mentioning a case where they have "cheated" on their significant other. If they can explain why even doing that they are still loyal, they beat the objection and do not suffer the penalty. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. You can now cast the detect thoughts spell as a free action for 5 reiryoku and 10 reishi against a creature within 30 feet of you, with the creature failing any saving throws against the spell. Additionally, the penalty has its damage die tier increased by one, turning Xd10 into a Xd12.
The Roar allows you to greatly enhance your size, making you adopt a more feral ape-like form that amplifies the force of your roars, essentially making you able to shout opponents apart. As aa bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you can increase your size by 2 categories (to a minimum of huge) for 1 minute. For the duration, you gain advantage on Strength checks and saving throws and can now roar as an action. Whenever you roar, you force all creatures in a 30 foot cone to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 (with X being your Wisdom modifier added five times) thunder damage and become deafened for 1 minute. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not deafened. An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of their turns, ending the condition early on a success. Your Schrift ends when you are knocked unconscious or killed, or if you deactivate it at will (no action required). Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. Your size category is increased by 3 sizes (to a minimum of Gargantuan) instead of 2. Also, your roar now deals Xd12 thunder damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added five times).
The Stigma grants you the ability to regenerate through absorbing Reishi within your surroundings, making you an unkillable machine. At the beginning and end of your turns, you passively accumulate Reishi equal to the Reishi feature's amount. This Reishi cannot be used for Quincy features, as its only purpose is for your own Schrift. If you are under your maximum hit points, you automatically lose an amount of reishi equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) at the beginning and end of your turns. For every Reishi lost, you regain 10 hitpoints. Additionally, this regeneration also applies to any limbs that may have been injured, broken or removed, perfectly fixing them in place. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. You now lose an amount of Reishi equal to your Wisdom modifier added twice. Additionally, for every Reishi lost you regain 15 hitpoints.
The Superstar turns yourself into a star, creating a bond with another person that is your fan. Once you receive this Schrift, you must choose a willing creature to be your fan. Whenever your fan cheers you on, you are healed and become stronger! The fan can cheer as an action, making you regain hit points equal to 10 times your class level, and gain a +2 to all rolls for 10 minutes. Whenever they cheer on you again, you gain the same benefits without increasing the duration of the bonuses. Your bonus to all rolls cannot exceed your proficiency bonus. Life Link. Even if you are killed, if your fan cheers you on you come back to life with 1 hit point and with all limbs healed. If your fan is killed, as long as you aren't killed they are resurrected at the start of the next round as if the true ressurection spell was cast on them. Empowered Form. Whenever you reach your maximum amount of cheers, you gain an empowered form. You gain the following benefits for the duration of your cheer benefits:
Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. Your cheer maximum amount is now your proficiency bonus added twice, however the amount needed for empowered form remains the same.
The Thunderbolt grants you the ability to create, control and project bolts of lightning. Upon gaining this Schrift your Heilig Bogen changes with you, gaining the ability to conduct electricity into its arrow tips. Your Heilig Pfeil arrows now deal Lightning Damage. Also, any weapon generated from your Quincy (Soul Society Supplement)#Reishi Manipulation feature deals Lightning Damage. Additionally, whenever you fire an attack you can 5 Reiryoku to deal additional damage dice equal to your Wisdom Modifier on a hit. Finally, any creature that gets hit by an attack generated from The Thunderbolt must make a Constitution saving throw against your Reriyoku DC. On a failure, they are becoming stunned until the end of their next turn. If they fail by 5 or more, they are paralyzed instead. Upon gaining this Schrift, you add Galvano Blast to your list of known Heilig Pfeil techniques. Galvano Blast. As an action, you force all creatures in a 60 feet long, 5 foot wide line to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Reiryoku DC. On a failure, they take lightning damage equal to XdY (X being equal to your Wisdom Modifier added twice, and Y is your Heilig Bogen damage die tier). If this attack reduces a creature to 0 hit points, they are killed outright, as their body is disintegrated as if done so by the Disintegrate spell. Electric Enhancement. As a free action for 2 Reiryoku, you can momentarily enhance your movement by shifting your body into lightning. You may teleport up to half of your movement speed in an unoccupied space without provoking attacks of opportunity. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. The Lightning generated by The Thunderbolt adds your Wisdom modifier one additional time. Electrocution. As a full-turn action for 20 Reiryoku you target a space within your reiatsu radius, launching a beam of electricity against a 20 foot-square of the area. All creatures caught in the beam must make a Evasive Dexterity Saving throw, taking Xd10 (X being your Wisdom modifier, added four times) on a failure.
The Underbelly allows you to analyze the reiatsu of a target by observing them, and then poke holes within it to deplete them of their energy. As a free action, you can begin to observe a creature and determine their spiritual power’s distribution. For every round you spend observing a creature, you gain a +2 bonus to your Morphine Pattern’s attack roll. If a target is otherwise unmoving or otherwise remaining idle, you gain the +4 bonus every round. However, if you are attacked or otherwise stop concentrating on observing a creature’s reiatsu, this bonus is reset. Morphine Pattern. When targeting an individual for an attack, you may instead target their Reiatsu as opposed to the person themselves for 5 Reiryoku. When attacking the Reiatsu of an individual, their Reiatsu level is counted as the AC to beat. Should you land an attack using Morphine Pattern, the damage dealt is instead done to the target’s Reiryoku but treated as resisted. If a creature’s Reiryoku is dropped to 0 via Morphine Pattern, they are instantly rendered unconscious. If you still attack them with Morphine Pattern while their Reiryoku is 0, the damage is translated to their health and doubled. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. You now gain a +4 bonus to Morphine Pattern’s attack roll every round and your damage to their Reiryoku is no longer treated as resisted.
The Visionary grants you the power to make anything you imagine come into existence, essentially giving you the ability to turn fantasy into reality. As an action or as a reaction, you can spend an amount of reiryoku to cast the wish spell (the detriments of the spell do not affect you). You cannot make effects that go beyond your reiatsu radius. If you die, anything you created disappears, however their effects such as conditions caused don’t.
Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. The reiryoku cost of your Schrift is halved (rounded down, to a minimum of 0 reiryoku).
The Wind grants you the capability to be impervious to any attacks that might come your way, allowing you to prevent them from hitting you. Whenever a attack roll or saving throw targets you, you can spend 5 reiryoku so that the attack instead automatically misses as it is bent away from you, this means the attack isn't countered or stopped, just prevented from making contact with you. In the case of saving throws, you suffer no effects or damage. Additionally, you may apply this benefit to one creature within your reach. If you use Shadow to be inside a creature's shadow, this creature counts as being in your reach for the purposes of this Schrift. You may only gain the above benefits if you have at least 1 Reiryoku. If a creature is considered an unseen attacker, this schrift instead grants a bonus to your AC and Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saves equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down). If you succeed on a physical save, the attack entirely misses you, being bent away like normally.
The X-Axis allows you to fire shots with your Heilig Bogen that uniformly "pierce all things" in your sight. Whenever you would make an attack using your Heilig Bogen, you may choose to fire specific shots using your shrift: The X-Axis. For 5 reiryoku, you can fire a shot that is considered invisible to anyone without truesight. The attack automatically lands if the difference between you and the target's reiatsu levels is more than 3 in your favor. The attack is rolled with advantage if the difference between you and the target's reiatsu levels is 3 or less. And finally the attack is rolled normally if the difference between you and the target’s reiatsu level is more than 3 in the targets favor (e.g. Your reitatsu level is 6. If the target’s reiatsu level is 2, they are automatically hit. If the target's reiatsu level is 3-9, you roll with advantage, and if their reiatsu level is 10+ then you roll normally.) These bullets bypass immunities and resistances, as well as all damage reduction and damage thresholds. Additionally, the bullets pass through any obstacle between you and the target as it always reaches them no matter what. Any creature or object/structure between you and the target will take instance of the damage as well. These bullets do not go past the target you chose. The damage of each shot is scaled to the size of your Heilig Bogen + Xd6 Piercing Damage (X being your wisdom modifier). Intangibility. You are able to turn yourself intangible as you exercise the "quintessence" of The X-Axis by applying its effect on yourself. Every time you are targeted by an attack, you are able to pay 10 reiryoku to turn yourself intangible, reducing the damage of the attack to zero for yourself and hitting anyone behind the user if it beats their AC like normal. You may also use this effect to automatically succeed on a str, dex and con saving throws. You can use Intangibility an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus per round. Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. Your light wings are unique, gaining 24 holes in them. Enhanced X-Axis. Your X-Axis grows much stronger while in your Vollständig. You are able to perform a total of 24 X-Axis shots on your turn or spend your action, for 23 reiryoku, to fire out of 6 of the holes in your wings simultaneously. This is considered X-Axis attack and deals Xd12 force damage (X being your wisdom modifier added thrice) and all creatures within 30 feet of the point of impact must make a Evasive Dexterity Saving throw and take Xd10 force damage (X being your wisdom modifier added three times) on a fail. Additionally, for the duration of your Vollständig, you are constantly in your Intangible form. You are not required to pay the cost for intangibility as it is always in effect. Teleportation As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you are able to teleport to any unoccupied space within double your movement speed. This does not provoke opportunity attacks and appears as a spiraling green circle of energy that expands into your body. Regeneration As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you are able to heal Xd8 hit points (X being your wisdom modifier added thrice). Additionally, if you were to be reduced to zero hit points or outright killed, you may spend 30 reiryoku to make a Constitution saving throw against your Reriyoku DC. On a success, you instead are left on 1 HP and have any lost limbs regained and effects on you ended. This can only be done once per Vollständig usage.
The Yourself grants you the capability to be another person, allowing you to mimic their appearance, memories and albeit weaker, their powers. As a free action when you can visually see a creature within 30 feet of you (whether physically or through something like a picture), you may spend 15 reiryoku to transform into them. Your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores are replaced with theirs if it is higher. If the creature you're impersonating is not anywhere near you, other creatures that are familiar with the creature are unable to figure out you're the imposter. Additionally, you add the creature's Strength, Dexterity and Constitution modifiers to your own Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores. You must spend 1 reiryoku at the end of your turns to keep this active.
Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. You are no longer affected by the imperfect power replication feature, and you no longer halve the mentioned features within Imperfect Power Replication.
The Yourself grants you the capability to be another person, allowing you to mimic their appearance, power and albeit weaker, their memories. As a free action when you can visually see a creature within 30 feet of you (whether physically or through something like a picture), you may spend 15 reiryoku to transform into them. Your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores are replaced with theirs if it is higher. If the creature you're impersonating is not anywhere near you, other creatures that are familiar with the creature are unable to figure out you're the imposter. When you transform into the creature, you also replicate their power. You count as being the current level the creature is and your current class features are replaced with all the class features the creature has. These features include but aren't limited to:
Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. You are no longer affected by the imperfect memory replication feature, with you replacing your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores with theirs if it is higher than yours.
The Zombie allows you to create an army of zombies via your blood. Whenever you are hit by a attack roll that deals piercing or slashing damage, you can spend 5 reiryoku as a reaction to spit your blood from the wound into all creatures within a 10 feet radius centered on you. All creatures must make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they become zombies depending on the blood amount and their reiatsu level. If there are any dead creatures in said area, they also become your zombies. You can only have a number of zombies equal to your class level. Whenever you gain a new zombie above said anount, one zombie of your choice dies permanently. The amount of Blood dripped depends on the amount of damage you've taken. See the blood table for details:
A creature's reiatsu level also influences at how much blood is needed to transform them. If you spill out a blood quantity below the creature's reiatsu level, it automatically fails. Also, creatures attuned to a Quincy Cross are immune to this ability unless they're dead. See the spiritual power table below for details:
Once a creature transforms into a zombie, they become charmed by you and have their Intelligence and Charisma scores reduced by 8. If someone replaces the blood inside your zombies by their own, the zombies are now charmed for said creature instead of you. If they transform a creature into a zombie after they were already dead, their Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores are reduced by 4. Additionally, they have disadvantage on Dex checks and saving throws. Your Zombies cannot use actions on their own, and cannot use their multiattack or extra attack features if they have them. You can spend a bonus action to control the zombie with a Simple Command, or with an action to order them a Complex Command. Whichever command you use, you can command multiple summons at the same time, giving them different orders or the same, but you can only control a number of summons individually per round equal to your proficiency bonus, while the others you didn't control will just keep doing something they were doing (such as fleeing, holding an object, concentrating on a spell or technique or grappling a creature) or defend themselves to the best of their ability, such as taking the Dodge action.
Additionally, you are able to heal yourself and others by utilizing the bodies of the dead.
Vollständig. While in Vollständig, your Schrift grows stronger. You do not spend a reaction to spit out blood.
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Fullbringer Boons[edit]
- Fullbring Fusion
Prerequisites: Must have received a second Fullbring.
Fullbrings can't evolve, that is well known throughout their own. However, you received a second Fullbring from an outside source, merging both Fullbrings together.
Once you activate your Fullbring, your reiatsu level is increased by one and its appearance is changed. It also gains additional benefits depending on the type of the second Fullbring:
Clad-Type. Once you activate your Fullbring, you gain a +1 bonus to your armor class and your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 2, alongside its maximum.
Effect-Type. Once you activate your Fullbring, the reiryoku cost of your Fullbring abilities is reduced by your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 1), and your reiatsu level is increased by one.
Weapon-Type. Once you activate your Fullbring, you can take one additional attack with your attack action, which must be a weapon attack.
Finally, your Fullbring gains a power up related to it. This power up is related to the Fullbring type you just received, with both you and the GM making an appropriate power boost.
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