Impure Heart (5e Epic Boon)

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Impure Heart[edit]

Prerequisite: Having once held aPure Heart and lost it, or evolved from the Beating Heart.

The Impure Heart is a reflection of those who have fallen into moral ambiguity, but have not yet completely surrendered to darkness. Though you have lost the idealism of purity, you have gained a pragmatic versatility that allows you to navigate between good and evil. This heart grants great power without the strict constraints of absolute morality.

The Impure Heart emerges when a character is faced with difficult decisions and prioritizes survival and pragmatism over morality. Unlike the Pure Heart, which only thrives on unwavering goodness, the Impure Heart develops in those who understand that the world is not black or white. An Impure Heart can evolve from the Latent Heart if the bearer makes choices that fall somewhere between neutrality and selfishness, or if they once had a Pure Heart and failed to maintain their purity. Unlike the Pure Heart, the Impure Heart does not demand such strict conduct and provides greater freedom.

When you gain this epic boon, you gain the following benefits:

  • Corruption Resistance: Your heart, though not pure, provides you with defense against evil, whenever you choose. You gain immunity to fear, charms, curses, or possession (your choice), though you can choose at will to have a corruption affect you if you feel it would be beneficial to you.
  • Between Two Worlds: Since you do not choose between good or evil, you gain resistance to both elements. You gain immunity to necrotic and radiant damage, and any damage dealt to you by a creature of good or evil alignment is halved. You also gain advantage on saving throws against good or evil creatures.
  • Sovereign Will: Your will does not allow you to fall in the face of adversity. Once per long rest, you can choose to automatically succeed on any saving throw.
  • Amoral Alignments: No one can discern your alignment, your mind cannot be read by any means, and you are immune to effects and spells that force you to speak the truth. Your heart does not allow your words and thoughts to be manipulated.
  • Ambiguous Touch: As an action, you can unleash a wave of corrupting energy. Choose one creature within 60 feet of you to take necrotic damage equal to half your hit points, or inflict a curse that gives them a disadvantage on saving throws for 1 minute. You can use this ability once per long rest.
  • Hoarding Vessel: Though diminished, your ability to store the power of extraplanar beings persists, but you no longer bend to them. If an entity wishes to use you as a vessel, your being will never bend to good or evil, stealing some of their power in the process. When you steal power from these entities, you gain a number of their characteristics, granting you cleric, paladin, or warlock class abilities equal to your proficiency modifier. This act does not go unpunished, as the being from whom you stole power will seek to destroy you for this deception.
  • Duty Still Calls: Your heart does not allow you to bend until your task is complete. As a reaction, you can become immune to all status effects you suffer until your next turn. You can use this feature only once per long rest.

Impure Heart Traits

Pragmatic Ambition: Impure Heart bearers are driven by a strong desire for power, though not necessarily in an evil way. They are calculating and efficient, willing to sacrifice whatever is necessary to achieve their goals.

Moral Versatility: The flexibility of an Impure Heart allows the bearer to easily adapt to situations both good and bad. They are not forced to follow strict moral codes, making them unpredictable.

Immoral Leadership: Though they may be questioned for their lack of principles, Impure Heart bearers are charismatic in their ability to make difficult decisions. They are the ones to turn to when solutions to complex problems are needed without the hindrance of morality.

Power in Neutrality: The Impure Heart allows its bearer to be neither entirely good nor entirely evil, gaining the best of both worlds without being swept up in evil or altruism.

The Fallen's Balance: Those who once had a Pure Heart and lost it become even more dangerous, as they know what purity is and have chosen to reject it. They use their experience to navigate the darker paths of the world with a clear purpose.

Moral Detachment: The bearer of an Impure Heart can be cold and detached. While they can still form bonds, these are more strategic than emotional. They know when to withdraw from a cause that no longer benefits them.

Impure Heart Evolution

The Impure Heart can evolve into the Corrupted Heart if the bearer begins to make selfish choices and crosses the line into cruelty or remorseless power. While the Impure Heart maintains some neutrality, the Corrupted Heart plunges completely into darkness, gaining even more power but also losing all connection to morality.

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