Boon of the Yellow King (5e Epic Boon)
Boon of the Yellow King[edit]
Fortified Mind
Gain resistance to Psychic damage, gain advantage on all Saving Throws against Madness.
Aberrant Visage
As a Bonus Action, your form becomes that of an Eldritch horror, inspiring fear and panic. All creatures of your choice within 60ft must make a Wisdom saving throw, DC = 12 + Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus, or be Frightened of you for one minute. At the start of their turn each creature may repeat the save. When a creature succeeds, they cannot be affected by this feature for 24 hours. This feature resets after a short/long rest.
Voice of the King
As an Action, you let out a roar that echoes through the surrounding area. All creatures of your choice within 100ft must make a Constitution saving throw, DC = 12 + Constitution Modifier + Proficiency bonus, or be Paralyzed until your next turn. If you're in your Aberrant Visage form, all creatures make this saving throw at disadvantage. Deaf creatures or those immune to paralysis are unaffected. This feature can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all are regained after a long rest.
Wrath of the Old Ones
As an Action once per day, you call out for power, and the glowing symbol of Hastur The Yellow King appears on your forehead. For the next minute, or until cancelled via another Action, all damage you deal is now Psychic. This damage ignores Resistance, and treats Immunity as Resistance. If you're in your Aberrant Visage form and Voice of the King has been used, all creatures affected by both are considered vulnerable to Psychic damage.
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