Pure Heart (5e Epic Boon)

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Pure Heart[edit]

Prerequisite: Having had the Beating Heart and evolve it.

The Latent Heart can evolve into the Pure Heart if the bearer demonstrates an unwavering commitment to goodness, justice, and the protection of others. Decisions based on compassion, self-sacrifice, and resistance to outside corruption are what lead them down this path. The Pure Heart is the ultimate state that altruists can reach, where the bearer is able to harbor divine power without being consumed.

Process of Evolution: This process is neither easy nor immediate. Bearers must undergo trials that challenge their moral principles, face temptations, and suffer great loss. Only those who maintain their integrity through the chaos can evolve into the Pure Heart.

When you gain this epic boon, you gain the following benefits

  • Imcorruptible: You are immune to the effects of corruption, curses, and any outside influences that attempt to change your nature. You cannot be controlled, charmed, or possessed against your will.
  • Divine Resistance: You receive a permanent +3 bonus to all saving throws against spells and magical effects. This effect is doubled if the alignment of the creature making this saving throw is evil.
  • Healing Touch: You can use an action to heal a creature within 60 feet of you for a number of hit points equal to half your maximum hit points. Alternatively, you can use this feature to raise a non-evil creature that has not died more than a week ago with 1 hit point, or remove any status effect or curse imposed on a creature that you can touch. You can do this a number of times equal to your long rest proficiency modifier.
  • Unbreakable Heart: Once per long rest, you can choose to take no damage for one full turn, whether physical, magical, or otherwise. Your resolve and will are so pure that you become immune to pain and suffering for a brief period.

although he who has a pure heart will have a great weight on his shoulders

  • A Beacon of Light that All Darkness Hates: because your presence has increased so much that it is impossible to hide, making you the target of those of corrupted heart. While your alignment MUST always be good, all creatures within 60 feet of you will immediately notice your presence. creatures with an evil alignment will try to kill you if they have the power, but if they don't they will just try to hinder your plans or actions as best they can.
  • Without Sin Conceived: your alignment must always be good and your deeds must be constant to keep your heart pure, otherwise you will lose this epic boon forever and it will transform into an Impure Heart. In case the DM deems that you have broken these rules, this epic boon will be revoked.
  • The Perfect Vessel: Your purity draws the attention of all kinds of extraplanar entities, because you have the ability to harness their power without breaking in the process, making it possible for a god to unleash all his power on the material plane, or for Asmodeus to bring the apocalypse to Earth. You will always be hunted by religious people, witches, pagans, and even wizards eager to unravel the secrets of your pure soul. You may choose at will to allow yourself to be the vessel of a higher being, but think carefully, because it will irreversibly affect your world.
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