Corrupted Heart (5e Epic Boon)

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Corrupted Heart[edit]

Prerequisite: Having once held an Impure Heart or fallen completely into darkness from a Beating Heart.

The Corrupt Heart is the final and most terrifying evolution. It represents the absolute surrender to selfishness, cruelty, and power at any cost. Those who possess this heart have forsaken any trace of morality, and in exchange, they have gained immense, uncontrollable strength. Unlike the Pure Heart or Impure Heart, the Corrupt Heart thrives on destruction, manipulation, and fear.

Evolution Process:

The Corrupt Heart is born when the bearer fully embraces the darkness within, choosing paths that prioritize their gain at the expense of others. Those with the Impure Heart may slowly descend into corruption through increasingly remorseless acts, or the Beating Heart may be twisted into the Corrupt Heart through relentless exposure to evil. Once this transformation happens, there is no going back.


  • Absolute Corruption: You can no longer be harmed or affected by any form of corruption or curses, as you have fully embraced your dark nature. You are immune to necrotic damage, curses, charms, fear, and possession. Additionally, any necrotic damage you deal ignores resistances. Also, whenever you bond with a cursed weapon, you are not affected by its curse effect, and only retain the positive effects.
  • Heart of Darkness: Your presence spreads fear and dread. All creatures within 30 feet of you of a lower level or CR must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your wisdom, constitution or Charisma modifier) at the start of their turn or become frightened for 1 minute. If a creature succeeds on this saving throw, they become immune to this effect for 24 hours. Frightened creatures will attempt to flee or, if they cannot, will attack you with disadvantage. Additionally, all of your allies gain an additional bonus to all of their attacks and damage equal to the chosen stat.
  • Unstoppable Force: Once per long rest, you can unleash an overpowering surge of dark energy. For one minute, your attacks deal maximum damage and automatically hit any creature of a good alignment. Additionally, you can choose to heal yourself for half the total damage dealt in this state. If you reduce a good-aligned creature to 0 hit. Finally, any neutral-aligned creature within your aura takes double damage from all of your attacks, and good-aligned creatures take triple damage. points while in this form, you gain temporary hit points equal to half their maximum hit points.
  • Unholy Resurrection: If you are reduced to 0 hit points, your body reanimates with all your hit points restored after 1d4 hours. When you return, you rise as a twisted, shadowy version of yourself, gaining resistance to all physical damage for 24 hours. This effect can only be used once every 7 days, and your appearance remains darker and more corrupted afterward.
  • Soul Drain: As an action, you can touch a creature and drain its life force. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma, wisdom or constitution modifier). On a failed save, it takes necrotic damage equal to your total hit points and you heal for the same amount. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and you heal for half. You can use this ability once per long rest.
  • Harbinger of the End: Your power attracts the attention of beings from the darkest corners of existence. Extraplanar entities, especially fiends and malevolent spirits, may seek to form pacts with you. You can channel their power without being overwhelmed, stealing their abilities and wielding them as your own. You gain a number of abilities from their class lists equal to your proficiency modifier (as warlock or cleric features). In doing so, however, you permanently taint yourself, leaving no possibility of redemption.
  • Corrupted Form: Once per long rest, you can transform into a twisted version of yourself for 1 hour. In this form, you gain the following benefits:
  • Your size increases by one category.
  • You gain advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws.
  • Your attacks ignore resistance to non-magical damage and deal additional necrotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • You can attack twice when you take the Attack action (or an additional time if you already can attack twice).

When the transformation ends, you suffer one level of exhaustion.

Corrupt Heart Traits: =

  • Endless Ambition: Nothing can satisfy your hunger for power, and your ambitions drive you to constantly seek greater domination. Your schemes are far-reaching, and you have no problem sacrificing others to achieve your goals.
  • Manipulator of Weakness: You are adept at recognizing and exploiting the weaknesses of others, whether through physical, mental, or emotional means. This makes you a master of manipulation, coercion, and deceit.
  • Unforgiving Power: Your connection to darkness makes you less empathetic and more ruthless. Any decisions or bonds you form are purely strategic, and you will turn on others the moment it benefits you.
  • True Evil: Unlike the Impure Heart, which still wavers in moral ambiguity, the Corrupt Heart has fully embraced its path of cruelty. You are a force of pure, malevolent will, and your alignment must always be evil.
Corrupt Heart Evolution:

There is no further evolution from the Corrupt Heart. It is the pinnacle of evil, a path that has no redemption. Those who possess it either rise to the height of their power, eventually consumed by their own darkness, or become the harbingers of a much greater evil.

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