3.5e ECL 1 Races

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Effective Class Level 1

ECL 1 races without an improving, reviewing, or removing template present.
Race Name ECL Type (Subtypes) Ability Adjustments Size Favored Class Racial Description
Aasimar, Keran Variant 1st Outsider(Native) +0 Medium Any A race descended from divine beings.
Abadones 1 Humanoid(Animal) No ABS adjustments Small Fighter Abadones are anthropomorphic badgers, small and stout of stature, a bit reserved, and somewhat aggressive when confronted. They prefer secluded wilderness lives and make their dwellings away from other peoples.
Accipiter/Corivair 0 Humanoid (Accipiter) +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom Medium Paladin A tall, proud humanoid race possessed of great white wings, the Accipiter are famed throughout the world for their great strength and their powerful force of will.
Adapter 1 +4 Intelligence, +4 Charisma, -4 Constitution, -2 Dexterity Monk, Ranger Mysterious, otherworldly beings with hidden true forms.
Adustans 1 Humanoid (Canine) +2 Dex +2 Int, −2 Wis Medium Rogue A race of clever jackal-like humanoids. Skilled in stealth and trickery, they make great rogues.
Aegis, Keran 1st Construct(Living) +0 Medium Any A of Sentient Constructs made from Bright Crystal.
Aegyl 1 Humanoid (Aegyl) −2 Con, −2 Cha Medium Any A winged, humanlike race, having a very short life span.
Aelfinn 1 Humanoid (Halfling) +2 Dex, −2 Str Small rogue Aelfinn are cunning and charismatic. They love betting and gambling, but be wary. It's only cheating if you get caught.
Airkin (Cora Race) 1 Humanoid (kin) +2 Int, −2 Cha Medium Any Airkin are graceful beings born with a bit of the element of air.
Aiton Amazons 1 Humanoid (+2 Str, +2 Wis), −2 Int Medium Ranger The last of a long fallen culture, dominated by women.
Aknari 1 Humanoid and (Human) +2 Con, +2 Int Medium Any Sturdy humans traders native to vast desert regions. Known for their strong swords and sharp wit. Excellent for desert campaigns.
Al Bheds 1 Humanoid +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, −2 Charisma, −2 Strength Medium Rogue A technologically advanced race Nomads who begin are considered adults at a young age, study technology, and fly airships.
Allurin 1 or 2 Humanoid (Planetouched) +2 Cha Medium Sorcerer Humans with Succubus heritage.
Alouettians 1 Humanoid (Avian) Varies Medium Varies A cross between many types of avians and humans.
Alumaril, Keran Variant 1st Humanoid (Evil) +0 Medium Any A of succubi descended humans.
Alumaril, Two-Armed Variant 1st Humanoid (Alumaril) +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity Medium Any A curious, excited race descended from mixed humanoid and demonic bloodlines.
Amazons Male: 1, Female: 2 Humanoid Male: -2 Str and +4 Cha, Female: +2 Str, +2 Con, and -2 Cha Medium Varies A female run society known for their great strength and great size as well as their quickness to anger. They can withstand quite a bit a physical punishment as well as some magical punishment. They tend to respect anyone who can match their strength.
Ambikos 1 Humanoid (Shapechanger) +2 Cha, −2 Con Medium Any Ambikos are like humans except that they tend to be trickier, more devious, more aloof and have the ability to alter themselves.
Anarchs 1st Humanoid (Native, Human, Chaotic) −2 Str, +2 Wis Medium Chaos Mage Chaos-altered humans.
Ancient Remnant, Ice
Ancients, Variant 1 Outsider (Native) +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha Medium Any Ancients are one of the first beings to emerge from the primordial stages of the world.
Andalites 1st Psionic +2 to this stat, −2 to that one Medium Any A quadrupedal hoofed race with four eyes, telepathic speech, and a sharp tail.
Ani-Men, Lion-Man 1 Humanoid +2 Str, +2 Dex Medium Paladin or Crusader (1st class chosen counts as Favored) A hybrid of a lion and a human. Lion-men are zealous and (perhaps overly) righteous.
Ani-Men, Monkey-Man 1 Humanoid +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Int Medium Cleric A hybrid of a monkey and a human. Monkey-men are flexible and athletic.
Ani-Men, Rabbitman 1 Humanoid +2 Cha, -2 Con Medium Bard A hybrid of a rabbit and a human. Rabbit-men are the luckiest and most charismatic of the ani-men.
Ani-Men, Rat-Man 1 Humanoid +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con, -2 Cha Medium Ninja or Rogue (1st class chosen counts as Favored) A hybrid of a rat and a human. Rat-men are stealthy and inconspicuous.
Ani-Men, Serpent-Man 1 Humanoid +2 Int, +2 Cha, -4 Wis Medium Wizard A hybrid of a snake and a human. They are the most evil of the ani-men.
Ani-Men, Shark-Man 1 Humanoid +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, -2 Wis Medium Barbarian A hybrid of a shark and a human. Shark-men are the aquatic version of the ani-men.
Ani-Men, Tiger-Man 1 Humanoid +2 Dex, -2 Int Medium Ranger A hybrid of a tiger and a human. Tiger-Men are passionate and love the wild.
Animated Armor 1 Humanoid +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, −2 Charisma, −2 intelligence Medium fighter sentient suits of armor
Animorphs 1 Magic Beast(Shapechanger) +1 Dexterity, −2 Intelligence, +1 Strength Small Druid Animorphs are wolves with the ability to shapeshift into elves.
Animus Apparatuses 1 Construct (Gear) +2 Str, −2 Dex Medium Any Animus Apparatus are the result of the advent of steam engineering and the soul-domineering powers of necromancy.
Animus Dolls 1 Construct, Possessed +2 Wisdom, −4 strength, −4 Constitution Small Sorcerer Living dolls, well animated by the woes and lost spirits of the near damned. Killed in fear or struggle, youth cut down in their prime, or just spirits seeking vengeance, animating the dolls.
Anouki 1 Monstrous Humanoid (Cold) Small Cleric/Wizard Gestalt Cold-Dwelling folk with an appearance similar to penguins and reindeer.
Anthromals 1 Humanoid Varies Varies Varies Anthropomorphic versions of various animals.
Anthromorphs 1 ? None Medium Any Anthromorphs are humanoids with bestial appearance traits
Apostle Varies Outsider (Native) +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution Medium Cleric, or Paladin Beings that serve various gods and goddesses and have a direct connection to divinity. They are chosen and have been enhanced with divine powers and blessings, making them demigods.
Aquans 0 Humanoid (Aquatic, Aquan) -2 Wisdom Medium All (See Text) Aquans are travelers, never staying in one place or even on water or land
Aquiter Kobolds 1 Humanoid (Dragonblood, Reptilian) −2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, −2 Constitution Small Rogue or Sorcerer Society-Accepted Kobold Variant.
Ar' Eisyyan 1 Humanoid +2 Strengh, -2 Constitution Medium Any Pronounced (r-eis-yan), they are a unique race of elven lineage. They resemble high elves with pink skin tones and reflective golden hair. The Ar'Eisyyan are an evolved breed of elven lineage who hail from the Crystal Sky-Continent, "The Crystal World". Using their ability to summon and sculpt anything from gold metal they have created a small floating world upon which to live in peace.
Aradan 1 Humanoid (Aradan) +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma Medium Fighter Often percieved as naught more than intelligent vermin, aradan are as hardy and nimble as the rats they resemble.
Arasi 1 Monstrous Humanoid Varies by subspecies Medium Varies by subspecies Tribal Humanoids modeled after the great cats.
Arbustus 1 Humanoid, Plant +2 Dexterity, −2 Intelligence Medium Ranger These humanoids have more in common with people than with plants, but they are born as "small children" from magical fruit that grows at the base of The Great Sun Tree, the magical home of the Sun Elves in Avalestra. Living about 80-100 years before they become immobile, sentient plants, the Arbustus seek to learn all they can about the world before becoming one with it's soil.
Arcanosians 1 Outsider (native) +2 to this stat, −2 to that one Medium Any Some race
Archanians 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Cha, +2 Int, -1 Str, -4 Dex Medium Sorcerer, Psychic Warrior Beautiful, talented, and mysterious, Archanians are unique to the world.
Arctic Foxkin Varies Monstrous Humanoid (Beastfolk) +2 Charisma, -2 Strength Medium Sorcerer or Ranger. Arctic foxkin tricksters.
Arkanian 1 Humanoid (Arkanian) +4 Int, +2 Any Stat, −2 Cha Medium Wielder of the Force Arkanians are a hyper-intelligent, very arrogant, Force-sensitive race of highly advanced humanoids. They are experts in genetic engineering.
Armorals 1 Humanoid (Armoral) None Medium Any Recent arrivals that fit in among other races.
Artaiads, Variant 1 Fey (Shapechanger) +2 Dex, +2 Cha Medium Ranger A fey race that transform into deer or antelopes.
Arthantians 1 Humanoid +2 intelligence and charisma. +1 wisdom Medium bard and sorcerer Deceptively charismatic and friendly, they are just as likely to run a sword through through their enemies, as their friends.
Aspect 1 Humanoid +2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Chr, −2 Wis Medium Ranger An tribalistic human-like race whose looks reflect their environment
Auditae 1 Outsider +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma, -2 Strength Small Sonic Warrior (3.5e Class) A race of short, dense folk, hailing from the Elemental Plane of Sound.
Avalors 1 Humanoid +4 Dex, − -2 Str, -2 Con Medium None Blind but not incapable. They have smoky granite colored skin and large, pointy, fin-esque ears. Having to navigate the tight, dark underground caverns they frequent, their bodies have become small, agile, and lithe.
Avianexi, Valshock 1 Humanoid (Monstrous) +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int / +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Con Medium Any The Valshock bird people.
Banari 1 Humanoid (Banari) +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Ranger Banari are very simple, tribal cave dwellers.
Bangaas 1 Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Str, −2 Int, −2 Cha Medium Fighter
Basti 1 Humanoid +2 Dex, +2 Cha, −2 Str, −2 Con Medium Monk or Bard Nomadic cat-folk
Batalagh Dwarves 0 Humanoid (Dwarf) +2 Constitution, +1 Strength, +1 Charisma, -2 Dexterity Size:Medium Paladin Protectors and guardians of the passes in the Kulakuh mountains. The Batalagh Dwarves are also proficent in the mercantile field. They have warehouses in all regions with the exception of the Red Bellows. They do however maintain a small outpost on the western edge of Virani near the ruins of Ahb-e Sabz.
Bathuria 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Dex, −2 Int, −2 Cha Medium Rogue Humanoid bats. They delight in the panic and blood shed of the innocent.
Bear, Pure-Blood 1 Humanoid +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, −2 Dexterity, −2 Wisdom Medium Any Bears are typically used as wild encounters by DMs for their campaigns. Simple, yet also deadly, a bear can be a formidable opponent for lower level players.
Beastfolk, Aranthi
Beastfolk, Arthrophages
Beastfolk, Birdfolk
Beastfolk, Bucktoothed Builders
Beastfolk, Danali
Beastfolk, Elapi
Beastfolk, Equitra
Beastfolk, Grand Turos
Beastfolk, Mouselings
Beastfolk, Night Peepers
Beastfolk, Ovida
Beastfolk, Porque
Beastfolk, Prickleskins
Beastfolk, Procion
Beastfolk, Ragemongers
Beastfolk, Ratlings
Beastfolk, River People
Beastfolk, Roos
Beastfolk, Sirius
Beastfolk, Slinks
Beastfolk, Treefolk
Beastfolk, Urban Catfolk
Beastfolk, Wolfen
Beastfolk, Xi-Coatl
Beastmen 1 Humanoid (Beastman) +2 to Dexterity, −2 to Intelligence Medium Ranger, Druid Ancient people of the untamed wilds, part man and part beast
Ben-Abbas 1 Humanoid +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence Medium Scout (rogue) A race of tribal marsh dwelling Fox-like humaniods that are skilled in making traps
Berzikir 1 Monsterous Humanoid +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution Medium Ranger, Druid. The Berzikir are masters of the wilderness and are near impossible to track. For this reason they take up roles as messengers and traders in normal society.
Beteaillee Varies Humanoid Varies Medium Warrior or Druid Humans with bat like features that were enslaved at one point, but are now a proud species.
Bijou-Naître 2 Humanoid (Psionic) +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, −2 Constitution, −2 Strength Medium Psion Frail bodied natural psionics with terrible natural power, and strikingly alien beauty.
Bleu Naga
Blibby 1 Monstrous Humanoid Aberration +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con, 2 Levels. Small Rogue, bard. A small creature, Blibbies are happy lads to talk to. They can get annoying but they'll always be there for you when you need a hand.
Blood Elves 1 Humanoid +2 Dex and +2 Int Medium Wizard The Blood Elves are a long living race of survivors. While their woodland cousins excel in archery theirs is in harnessing magic.
Blood-Haired Dwarves 1 Humanoid (Dwarf) +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, −2 Wisdom, −2 Charisma Medium Fighter An aggressive defender dwarf, that's strong but impulsive.
Blues 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid, Psionic) +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution Small Psion Blue-skinned goblinoids with a natural knack for psionics.
Bondo 1 Humanoid +2 Wis, +2 Cha, −2 Str, −2 Dex Medium Fighter A race that gifted with the power to see into the future
Bound Djinn 1 Aberation (Outsider) +2Int, +2 Dex Medium Any Bound Djinn are Djinn permanently bound to the will of a master.
Bourgensia 1 Humanoid (Cold) −2 Str, −2 Dex, +4 Int, +2 Wis Small Cleric or Wizard A small, weak and frail race that is gifted with supreme intelligence and wisdom from birth.
Burrow Gnome 1 Humanoid (Gnome) +2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, -4 Strength, -2 Charisma Tiny Fighter Underground dwellers that are frequently solitary.
Bür 1 Humanoid +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha Medium Barbarian Bür prefer a life in the wild. They are tall and strong, but flexible and fast too.Our World
Cacnaer 1 Outsider (Cacnaer) +2 Str, Cha; −2 Wis, Dex Medium Fighter A race of fighting oriented outsiders that were banished and now see the only way is the non-evil way
Cactii 1 Plant −2 Dex, +2 Con Medium Any Sentient cacti that dwell in the deserts of Taresi.
Cafters 1 Humanoid (Cafter) +2 Dexterity, −2 Strength Small Rogue Yes, cafters are rodents of unusual size, but they are also so much more than that.
Cainnin 1 Humanoid (Canine) +2 Int, Cha −4 Wis Medium Ranger A trusting canine like race
Canin Breeds 1 Humanoid Varies Varies Canin come in many different breeds
Canin, Miniature 1 Humanoid +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom Small Rogue Small dog men
Canin, Standard 1 Humanoid +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -4 Constitution Medium Ranger Human sized dogmen
Canin, Toy 1 Humanoid +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -4 Strength, -2 Wisdom. Tiny Barbarian Tiny dogmen with something to prove
Canis Humanis 1 Humanoid (Canine) +2 Con, +2 Wis, −2 Dex, −2 Cha Medium Ranger A secritive, dog-human race. They have keen senses and strong bodies, but are not very friendly, and aren't as graceful as other races.
Carvers 1 Humanoid (Carver) +2 Str, −2 Cha Medium Ranger Carvers, comparable to gnolls and orcs, are attuned with nature
Catalons 1 Humanoid +4 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, −6 Constitution Medium Paladin, Warrior Cat-like, observant humanoids with thick coats, and a mind for business.
Catfolk, Tirr 1st Humanoid (Feline) +4 CHA, +4 DEX, -2 WIS, -2 CON, -2 INT Medium Ranger, Rogue A nomadic race of feline folk with many derivatives of sub-species. They live all across Tirr, and often interact with many other races in the vast world; Often friendly, very few tribes maintain war-like postures.
Catkin 1 Humanoid (Feline) +2 Dex, Cha, −2 Wis, Str Small Lorechaser Bipedal Felines.
Cattine Race 1 Humanoid (Feline Subtype +6 Dex, −2 Str, −4 Con Small Rouge, Ranger  A race of small humanoid cats or furies who are more cat than human possessing all the capabilities of felines.
Cave People 1 Humanoid (Neanderthal) +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -4 Wisdom. Medium Barbarian The cave people are primitive, cannibalistic savages that haunt the winterlands in the northernmost reaches of the An Age of Ice and Stone Setting
Cealandrian 1 Outsider (Extraplanar) +2 Int, −2 Cha Large Monk Humanoids, born in the chaotic reaches of the storm planes.
Centaurs, Crescent 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence Large Ranger Crescent centaurs are lean and agile.
Centaurs, Draught 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence Large Fighter Draught centaurs are large, powerful warriors.
Cetra 1 Humanoid (Human) +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution Medium Ranger The Cetra, also sometimes called the Ancients, are an ancient sub-race of Humans who have traveled the planet in search of the Promised Land for generations. They have a spiritual connection with the planet and the lifestream.
Chajjyk 2 Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, −2 Cha Medium Any Chajjyk follow their Lord, Arkun, with the utmost faith. They are blessed with a greater knowledge of their surrounding, but their reptile like appearance causes them to frighten most and makes it difficult for communication.
Changeling (3.5e Race Variant) 1 Humanoid (Shapechanger) −2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con, −2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha. Medium Rogue This peculiar humanoid has pale gray skin, thin hair, and blank white eyes. You see hints of a nose and mouth, but its face is bereft of expression. Its limbs are gangly and slightly misproportioned, although it moves gracefully.
Changelings 1 Humanoid (Shapechanger) −2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con, −2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha. Medium Rogue This peculiar humanoid has pale gray skin, thin hair, and blank white eyes. You see hints of a nose and mouth, but its face is bereft of expression. Its limbs are gangly and slightly misproportioned, although it moves gracefully.
Charon 1 Humanoid (Human) * +2 constitution, +2 charisma, -2 Intelligence Medium Any Charons are races of discovery and adventure. They are ever curious and wanting to learn more. They as well have heightened senses.
Chiroptera Varies Humanoid Varies Small or Large Cleric, Druid, and Bard. Very happy and friendly
Chocobos 1 Animal +2 Dex, +2 Con, −4 Int, +2 Wis, −2 Cha Medium Any The playable version of chocobos.
Ci Corrach 1 Monstrous Humanoid +1 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -1 Constitution Small Cleric or SRD:Paladin Corgi-like humanoids that enjoy simple lives. Called Ci Corrach in Sylvan and by elves, Futh Gazaath in Orkish, and Hound Dwarves in Common.
Clingerie 1 Humanoid +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma Small Rogue Short, dwarf-like humanoids that hold a great reverence for mountain regions, and get along well with gnomes.
Clockwork 1 Living Construct, Humanoid +2 Cha, -2 Con Medium Ranger, Bard The Clockwork are alot like their Warforged cousins only created to be closer to humans. They are weaker than most constructs by design however they are made to be more emotional.
Colored Fire Oni 1 Outsider (Native) Varies Medium Varies Demon people with singular abilities depending on the color of the flame they born with
Coraxi 1 Magical Beast +2 Int, +2 Cha, −4 Str, −2 Con Small Word Wizard A race of magically attuned ravens.
Crete 1 Humanoid (Human) −2 Strength, +2 Dexterity Medium Any Some race
Crickori 1 Monstrous Humanoid −2 Dex Medium Druid A race of peaceful cricket-like people.
Critterfolk 1 Humanoid (Fey) -2 strength, +2 dexterity small Druid or Ranger Half-animals fey-folks who lives in the deepest of forests.
Cryptoss 1 Humanoid +2 Int, −2 Str Medium Any Intelligent undead who rule the Taresi underworld
Crystalforged (Cora Race) 1 Construct (living) +2 to Constitution, −2 to Dexterity, −2 to Charisma Medium Barbarian
Cu Sidhe 1 Fey +2 Wisdom, −2 Constitution Small/Medium Any Small elf-like fey that transform into worg-like beasts at night.
Cursed Ones 1 Fey +2 Dex, +2 Int, −2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma Medium Hexblade A cruel race with an ancestrial curse
Cyclopses 1 Giant +4 Str, +2 Con −2 Dex, −4 Int, −2 Cha Medium Barbarian A Giant with one eye on its forehead and poor social skills. What it can't solve with wit, it solves with large, crushing rocks.
Dakin (Cora Race) 1 Humanoid (kin) +2 to Wisdom, −2 to Constitution Medium Any
Dark Elves, Warhammer <!-#-> Humanoid Elf +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity , −2 Constitution, +2 Charisma Medium Sorcerer Surface dwelling, dark elves that thirst for war, and battle.
Darkaralome 1 Humanoid +2 Con, -2 Dex Medium Sorcerer Dark-skinned fey-kin, wiry but hardy, with innate fire magic.
Darkspear Troll (Warcraft) 1 Humanoid(Giant) +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma Medium Barbarian or Class%29 Gravity Warrior Recently (in the last couple of years) accounts of various unknown races have been reported all over the world, saying that they hail from a land called Azeroth. Among them are blood elves, night elves, draenei, tauren, and darkspear trolls.
Decapodian 1 Magical Beast +2 Str, +2 Con, −2 Int Medium Barbarian, Fighter Alien life form resembling a humanoid crustacean.
Defective Angel 1 Celestial Humanoid +2 Dexterity, +4 Charisma, -2 Strength Medium Rogue Primarily well intended angels that often lack impulse control leading to trouble.
Deku Scrub
Delphi 0 Humanoid −2 Str, +2 Wis Medium Cleric, Paladin A divine race of alien looking creatures that live in floating archipelagos constantly making maps of the surface. Believed to be the chosen race of the gods saved from a plague that ravaged the world not one century ago.
Demic 1 Humanoid (Gnome) +2 Int,-2 Str Small Cleric Gnomes who are constantly sick.
Demon Vampire 1 Monstrous Humanoid +4 Charisma +2 Wisdom +2 Dexterity +2 Constitution Medium Sorcerer The unholy union of a vampire and demon. They are often outwardly charming while hiding their truly sinister natures.
Demonoid 1 Humanoid, (Demonlike) Depends on the chosen environment for Adaptive Body. Medium Any A race, descending from Demons & Humans, now evolved to a 'hybrid' with the Adaptive Body ability.
Desertfolk (Cora Race) 1 Humanoid (folk) no ability adjustments Medium Any
Doge 1 Magical Beast +4 Charisma, −2 Strength, −2 Intelligence small Sorcerer A creature about the size of a small dog, and similar in appearance. However, they are intelligent and can speak.
Dogtaur 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence Medium Any A short statured cross between human and dog. They commonly live in cities and get along well with others.
Doom Slayer 1 Humanoid +6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, -4 Wisdom, -4 Intelligence, -2 Charisma Medium Fighter The slayers of evil and the ones chosen to do what is necessary to eliminate the opposing side with little regard.
Doppelkinder 1 Humanoid (Shapechanger) +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 [SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] size=Medium favored_class=Wizard desc=Doppelkinder are Human-like shapechangers descended from
Draconoids, Ahi 1 Monstrous Humanoid, Dragon (Draconoid Subtype) +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity Huge Brawler Ahi draconoids are huge dragon creatures with a fire breath attack.
Draconoids, Aquatic 1 Monstrous Humanoid, Dragon (Draconoid Subtype) +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution Medium Rogue Aquatic draconoids are dragon-like creatures who can breathe underwater.
Draconoids, Bombadier 1 Monstrous Humanoid, Dragon (Draconoid Subtype) +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength Medium Wizard Bombadier draconoids are medium-sized dragon creatures with an acid attack.
Draconoids, Siren Monstrous Humanoid, Dragon (Draconoid Subtype) +2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution Small Bard Siren draconoids are small dragon creatures with sonic abilities. They can also charm people with a song.
Draconoids, Stormcaller 1 Monstrous Humanoid, Dragon (Draconoid Subtype) +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma Large Druid Stormcaller draconoids are large dragon creatures who can call lightning.
Dragon, Variant 1 Dragon +2 Con, −2 Cha Medium Any Dragons are a strong breed of innately strong monsters that have the ability to use a Breath Weapon, amidst their strong claws and sharp teeth, and traits based upon their coloration of scale. Dragons are known as hoarders of wealth, and they are known to inhabit much of the natural plains.
Dragon, Variant 2 1 Dragon +2 Con, −2 Cha Medium Any Dragons are a strong breed of innately strong monsters that have the ability to use a Breath Weapon, amidst their strong claws and sharp teeth, and traits based upon their coloration of scale. Dragons are known as hoarders of wealth, and they are known to inhabit much of the natural plains.
Dragonblood - Royal Variant 1 Humanoid


+2 STR or DEX and +2 WIS, -2 CHA and INT in dragon form, & normal stats in human form Medium Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Any Dragonbloods are a proud and noble race. Dragon-humanoid.
Dragonborn, Keran Variant 1st Humanoid (Dragonblooded) +0 Medium Any A Race of Draconic Warriors sworen to combat evil Dragons.
Drakin 1 Plant (Reptile, Psionic, Extraplanar) +2 to any one chosen at character creation Medium Racial Hit Dice Just your average utopically-Inclined Warrior-race of psychic-dragon-plants
Drakons 1 Dragon +6 Strength, −9 Intellegence, −2 Wisdom, −2 Charisma Large any Distant, brutish cousins of true dragons.
Drakons, Lynirian 1 Dragon +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, −2 Wisdom, −4 Charisma Large any Drakons from the region of Lynir in Sosfron that are steeped in poison and likened to lizards and serpents more than dragons. Smarter than the Common Drakon.
Drakouni 1 Dragon Humanoid +2 Con, − Cha Medium Sorcerer A race of dragon and elf hybrids who adore and often worship dragons, believing them to be the perfect creation of the gods. Generally tribal, drakouni will follow the chieftain They are also warlike, but possess an honor not unlike the barbarian tribes of many other races.
Drow Elf, Variant 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Wizard a LA +0 drow variant
Drowgar, Dark Dwelves 1 Humanoid (Elf, Dwarf, Psionic) +2 Con, +2 Dex, +2 Int, -6 Cha Medium Wizard, fighter, or cleric (see) The dwelf's vicious offshoot
Drox 1 Humanoid (undead) +2 Intelligence +2 Wisdom −2 Strength −2 Charisma Medium Wizard A undead race for Our World
Dryad, Vagrant Variant 1 Fey -2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Int Medium Druid, or Ranger. Dryads are fey bound to mystical oak trees. They are hardy, and wise creatures gifted with a preternatural lifespan, and many amazing abilities.
Dryads, Ornaeian 1 Fey(Shapechanger) +2 Strength, −2 -2 Wisdom Medium None A roaming dryad race that seeks to spread groves of their mother trees.
Dryder-Born 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Str + 2 Dex −6 Cha −2 Con Medium Any Some race
Duald 1 Humanoid (Shapechanger) +2 Wisdom Medium Cleric Surface-dwelling shapechangers who worship and draw power from the Sky-bodies, strange satellites that orbit their world.
Dunners 0 Humanoid (Dunner) +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution Small Rogue A race of simian-like, fiercely independent folk who enjoy a naval life.
Durzite, Keran Variant 1 Humanoid (Durzite) −2 Str, −2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis Small Binder (3.5e Class) Crafty underground dwellers. Careful and precise. Spiny heads. Gaunt faces.
Durzites 1 Humanoid (Durzite) −2 Str, −2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis Small Wizard Crafty underground dwellers. Careful and precise. Spiny heads. Gaunt faces.
Dusk Goblins 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength Small Ranger Dark-skinned goblinoids with bright water-colored eyes which seem to glow in moonlight.
Dwarf, Keran 1 Humanoid (Dwarf) −2 Dex, +2 Con, Medium Fighter Sturdy underground dwellers.
Dwarf, Variant 1 humanoid (dwarf) -2 strength, +2 constitution. Small Rogue A small variant of the hill dwarf.
Dwarves, Ardanian
Dwarves, Ice 1 Humanoid, Cold +2 Con +2 Wis, -2 Dex, -2 Cha Medium Fighter/Ranger Cold, Unfriendly
Dwarves, Mittelhelm 1 Humanoid (Dwarf) +2 Constitution, −2 Charisma Medium Any. Honorable, fair minded, hard-working and unyielding dwarves.
Dwarves, Obsidian ? Humanoid (Dwarf) +2 Str, +2 Con, −2 Dex, −2 Wis, −2 Cha Medium Fighter Harder than the rock they inhabit
Dwarves, Red Bellows 0 Humanoid (Dwarf) +2 Constitution, +2 Strength, -2 Charisma Size:Medium Fighter The Red Bellows dwarves have been under the rule of the humans for 1200 years. The Alchemist uses the dwarves as the core of his army. The one advantage the Red Bellows dwarves get is access to technology such as black powder weapons.
Dwarves, Taresi 1 Humanoid (Dwarf) +2 Str, +2 Con, −2 Cha Medium Fighter or Paladin Dwarves that have mastered the metal trade on the planet Taresi
Dwelf 1 Humanoid (Dwarf, Elf) +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -4 Charisma Medium Any The unfortunate offspring of a dwarf and an elf. They frequently find themselves ostracized from society and end up alone.
Dworc 1 Humanoid +3 Strength +2 Constitution -3 Charisma Medium Barbarian, Fighter, and some Monks or Rangers. A dwarf orc hybrid that is hardy than most.
Dworcs 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) +1 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, - 2 Cha Medium Barbarian The products of orcs forcefully mating with dwarves
Earth Ponies 1 Magical Beast +4 STR, +2 CON, -2 INT, -2 WIS Small Any Earth Ponies are the rank and file of the Pony species, most like their unmagical cousins.
Earthkin (Cora Race) 1 Humanoid (kin) +2 to this stat, −2 to that one Medium Any
Eevee <!-#-> <!-Types and (Subtypes, Subtypes)-> <!-+2 <!-Stat->, −2 <!-Stat->, etc-> <!-Size: Pick (Small, Medium, Large, Huge, etc)-> <!-Class. Add a link if it's a class found here.-> <!-around 25 word introduction and overview of race; displayed elsewhere.->
Elan Warriorbloods 1st Aberration (Psionic) +2 Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, −2 Intelligence, Wisdom, −4 Charisma Medium Psionic Warrior/Soulknife (or any other psionic fighter type) An Elan that trains in combat.
Elf, Marsh 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 Con, -2 Cha Medium Hexblade A group of elves that evolved in a climate far different from their forest dwelling brethren. Somber and self-serving, these elves are not to be trifled with
Elf-Orc 1 Humanoid (Elf, Orc) Medium Hex Blade Elf-orcs combine the best and worst of the natures of both of their parents.
Elratten 1 Humanoid (Gnome) +4 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -4 Constitution Small Wizard or Sorcerer The Elratten are a vastly intelligent race of gnomes, who have come to lack the hardiness of their kin.
Elven Cat +1 Magical Beast -8 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +6 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma Tiny Wizard Elven cats are identical to normal cats in all ways except the Elven cat is intelligent and can speak one language.
Elves, Ancient, Valshock 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Con Medium Magi The rare and almost extinct Ancient Elves.
Elves, Ardanian
Elves, Ash 1 Humanoid (elf) +2 Dex, −2 Con, −2 Char, +2 Wis. Medium Monk or Ninja (Rogue) Quick witted, and very shy this, stealthy, and monastic, race of elves have a high distaste for those non-elven.
Elves, Cat 1 Humanoid (Fey) +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom Medium Ranger, Sorcerer They hold a high respect for nature and feel at home surrounded by plants and animals, and will defend it fiercely.
Elves, Clan Ele Drize 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Fighter Elvish clansmen that will do anything for their clan.
Elves, Dar'oka Deep 1 Humanoid (Elf +2 Dex, -2 Con Medium Ranger Quiet and secluded elves of underdark forests.
Elves, Dawn
Elves, Deep 1 Humanoid (Elf) −2 Dex, +2 Con. Medium Druid Elves with an affinity for caves. Ruddy skin. Friendly, but socially awkward.
Elves, Edesil 1 Humaniod (Alvblood, Fae) +2 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, −2 Strength Medium Warlock, Rouge Afterworld Campaign Race
Elves, Exiled 1 Humanoid (Elf) −2 Str, +2 Dex, Medium Wizard, Keran (3.5e Class) Ruler's of the Sumran Wastes.
Elves, Fleshforge Legacy
Elves, Frost 1 Humanoid (Elf, Cold) +2 Dex, −2 Cha Medium Ranger Barbaric, narcissistic, and generally unpleasant.
Elves, Grel 1st Humanoid (Elf) +2 Dex, −2 Con, −2 Cha Medium Any The lineage of elf that didn't run under ground during the Great War.
Elves, High, 4th Variant 1 humanoid (Small) +2 Dex +2 Cha, -2 Str -2 Con Small Wizard, Sorcerer or Druid This is a variant of the high elf as a small race
Elves, High, Variant see text ?? see text Medium Wizard This is a set of variant Elf rules, representing them as immortal beings of untold Beauty.
Elves, Jakril 1 Humaniod(Elf) +2 Dex, Wis, −2 Cha Medium Ranger The elves born of the power of the mountains. Often dusky or ruddy in complexion, and fiery or stubborn in temprament.
Elves, Kirin 1 Humanoid (Elf) −2 Str +2 Dex, −2 Con, +2 Cha Medium Any These are the elves native to the Mittelhelm.
Elves, Newesti 1st Humanoid (elf) +0 Medium Any The noble elves of Keran.
Elves, Oseend
Elves, Primal, Valshock 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 Dex, -2 Cha Medium Ranger The most numerous type of elves in Valshock.
Elves, Rytha
Elves, Schandernan 1 Humanoid (Elf) None Medium Artificer Cunning Crafters from a real of fire
Elves, Silver, Variant 0 Humanoid (Elf) +4 Int, +2 Dex, -2 Cha, -2 Str Medium Wizard A society of paranoid, technomagical savants.
Elves, Snow <!-#-> <!-Medium Humanoid (Elf)-> <!-+2 <!Wisdom>, -2 <!Intelligence>, etc.-> <!-Size: Medium-> <!-Paladin-> <!-A secluded branch of the Elven family that promotes piety and humility.->
Elves, Song 1 Humanoid +2 CHA, DEX, -2 WIS, CON Medium Bard Fast, Witty, charismatic, and annoying, are the most common words used to describe Song Elves.
Elves, Sun
Elves, Syphoner 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 Intellect, +2 Dexterity, −2 Constitution Medium Sorcerer Elves whose ancestors lusted for power and grew too dependent on the arcane and became "addicted" to magic. Their descendants share this trait.
Elves, Taresi ? Humanoid (Elf) +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Ranger Arboreal elves that live in the dense forests of Taresi
Elves, The Silver Lands
Elves, Townlike 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 Cha-, -2 Str, Medium Bard Town Elves are the least haughty of all elves and most commonly found highly integrated into human towns.
Elves, Valenal 1 Humaniod(Alvblood, Fae, Arctic) (Elf, Feyblood, Arctic in normal campaigns) +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, −2 Charisma. Medium Barbarian, Warmage A strong race of elves meant to be used in the Afterworld Campaigns. They are not like elves from usual D&D campaigns, and will not have the same bonuses as them.
Elves, Variant Jungle 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2Str, Dex -2 Int,Cha Medium Any Tribal elves that live in the jungle in numbers of 10-30. Jungle elves have dark brown skin that is lined with natural stripes like those of a tiger.
Elves, Variant Sun 1st Humanoid (elf Subtype) +2 Dex, −2 Con, +2 Char Medium Sorcerer Sun Elf revised by Lord Dhazriel
Elves, Variant Wild ? Humanoid (elf) +4 Dex, −2 Int Medium Sorcerer A primitive offshoot of elves that lives in the wilderness.
Elves, Wild Drow 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution Medium Sorcerer A Long Time Ago, When The Drow Were First Cursed By Correllon, A Small Faction Left The Evil Underdark To Remain On The Surface. Travelling For Decades, They Were Taken In By A Community Of Wild Elves, And Have Since Lived Alongside Each Other. They Appear To Have Become Their Own Race.
Elves, Wind 1st Humanoid (Elf) +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Wizard Arrogant and proud elves. Pastel hair and purple eyes.
Elves, Wolf 1 Humanoid (Elven) +2 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Wis, −2 Int, −4 Cha Medium The Beast Within Savage Elf Descendants of the original Lycanthrope. These creatures, unlike other Lycanthropes, are not afflicted by a curse nor do they shapeshift. Their physical properties are genetic and do not have magical cause. Because they are Elven, they retain some magical property.
Emote 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 Charisma, −2 Wisdom Small Bard Some goblins grow to shun their kin's natural intuition of stealth and ambush. Some goblins just want to be noticed.
Eons 1 Humanoid (Dragon) +2 Int, +2 Cha −2 Str, −2 Con (Males); +2 Wis, +2 Cha −2 Str, −2 Con (Females); Medium Illusionist (Males), Cleric (Females) Based on anthropomorphic versions of the Pokemon Latios and Latias.
Escarians 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Str, Con , −2 Dex, Int, Cha Medium Druid A race of snail people.
Esquirels 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Dex, −2 Str Small Rogue Squirrel people who live in trees, they are known to be extraordinarily skittish, dodging between the legs of larger creatures.
Evoil 1 Humanoid +2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Int, −2 Wis, −2 Cha Medium Fighter
Ewok 1 Humanoid +2 Dex, -2 Str , +2 Int, -2 Wis Small Any. Curious and fierce fur-covered tribal folk.
Exceeds 1 Magical Beast (Feline) +4 Dex, +2 cha, −4 Str Tiny Fighter <!-around 25 word introduction and overview of race; displayed elsewhere.->
Faeries, The Silver Lands
Fairy 1 Fey +2 Dex, +4 Cha, −2 Str/Con/Int/Wis Small Sorceror If you're lost, you've probably been tricked by the Fairies.
Fawn 1 Monsterous Humanoid -2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, -2 Consitution Medium Ranger A shy race that feels completely at home in the woods, they are typically chipper, and energetic, mingling easily with other forest creatures.
Feld 1 Humanoid −2 Con, +4 Wis Medium Monk The name in their own language means "The one people of the clouds"
Felidae 1st Humanoid (Feline) +2 Dexterity, +4 Charisma, −4 Wisdom Medium Bard Race that look human, have slight cat traits, like ears, tail.
Feline Shifter
Fennec Foxkin Varies Monstrous Humanoid (Beastfolk) +4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -4 Strength, -2 Constitution Small Ranger or Beguiler. Desert foxkin tricksters.
Fennihk 1st Humanoid +2 Cha, +2 Int, +2 Wis, −2 Con, −2 Dex, −2 Str Medium Any class entitled to an Animal Companion or Familiar. A humanoid being whose soul has been bonded to that of an animal.
Fenris 1 Magical Beast +2 Strength, +6 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma Medium Any The Fenris are a race of intelligent wolf-like beings that are often mistaken for ordinary wolves.
Feonix 1 Animal +2 Dex & Cha, −2 Con & Str Medium Bard Pheonix's, a race that has much in common with the fox, seem to be cunning, however their high energy levels and ADD somewhat offset this.
Ferrs 1 Humanoid +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma Medium <Fighter
Fey, Tears of Smoke Variant 1st Fey (Extraplanar) +2 Wis, +4 Con Medium Scout Some race
Fiendish Laborer 1 Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful) -4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom Medium Rogue Devils hate doing things that they can just make someone else do, the Fiendish Laborer is the first choice for skilled laborer.
Fire Elementals 3 Elemental(Fire) +2 Dex; +4 Int; -2 Wis; -6 Cha Generally Medium, Varies Wizard Fiery inhabitants of the Elemental Plane of Fire, conjured to the material plane by a spell caster. Not well liked by commoners.
Fireborn 1 Humanoid (Fire) −2 Wis, +2 Cha Medium Sorcerer Humanoids with a fiery heritage.
Firekin (Cora Race) 1 Humanoid (kin) +2 to Charisma, −2 to Strength Medium Any
Fisherfolks 1 Humanoid (Aquatic) +2 dex, -2 str, -2 con, +2 cha Medium Sorcerer Fisherfolks are a strange race of humanoid otters
Fledgling Doppelgangers 1 Monstrous Humanoid (Shapechanger) +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma Medium Rogue Fledgling Doppelgangers are those who have not yet fully developed their shape changing ability.
Forestfolk (Cora Race) 1 Humanoid (folk) +2 to Dexterity, −2 to Constitution Small Any Some race
Form-Changers 1 Varies Varies Varies None Form-changers are mixes of races that have the extraordinary ability to, in a sense, "change what they are." More accurately, form-changers must be what they wish to change into, or rather, possess the blood of what they wish to be in their veins.
Fornraeth 1 Outsider (Native) +2 Int, -2 Cha Medium Barbarian Cold-loving demons from an inhospitable mountainous land in the north.
Foxin 1 Humaniod (Canine) -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma Medium Rogue Fun loving rogues that are descendants of the fox.
Frogkin ? Humanoid (Aquatic) +2 Dex, −2 Str Small Monk, Sorcerer, or Wizard Frogkin are small humanoid frogs known for their monastic lifestyle and arcane lore.
Furbolgs 1 Humanoid −2 Wis Medium Barbarian A race that specializes in fire, like the "Goblins" in Artemis Fowl.
G'Koatone 1 Monstrous Humanoid Medium Fighter The G'Koatone are a race of scaly, powerfully built beings.
Ganteka 1 Humanoid (Gan) +2 Wisdom, −2 Strength Medium Rogue or Sorcerer The D&D embodiment of Ganteka, our beloved admin. In Race form.
Gear Actua 1st Construct +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis. Medium Any Humanoid machines built with gear and clockwork, animated by a methodic intelligence.
Geastreor 1st Humanoid +3 Str, +1 Con, +1 Dex and -4 Cha Medium SRD:Cleric Prowling the darkness of the cities, hunting in the deep hours of the night, these beings are known to leave corpses behind that look like they died of old age.
Gelflings 1 Humanoid (Fey) +2 Dexterity, −2 Strength Small Male- Bard, Mage, Sorcerer, Druid. Females- Celeric, Druid A fey touched race of Halfling like beings, who's connection to nature rivals the elves. Based on the race in the movie "The Dark Crystal"
Genasi, Tirr 1st Outsider(Native), Elemental Subtype Dependent on Genasi Type. Medium Dependent on Genasi Type. In Tirran lore, Genasi are essentially diluted half-breeds of mortal races and elementally aligned Gods or other powerful creatures. Their heritage manifests in innate abilities with the elements involved, as well as in their appearance.
Genomes 1 Humanoid −2 Str, +2 Dex Medium Rogue Humanoids with prehensile tails
Geodes 1 Elemental (Earth) +2 Con Medium Any Spherical stone boulders.
Gerudo 1 Humanoid (Elf) Medium Any Dark-skinned, desert-dwelling folk renown for their cunning.
Gestbar 1st Humanoid (Elf) +2 Dex, +2 Con, −4 Cha. Medium Ranger A gruff, but tough and agile race
Ghul 1st Undead +2 to this stat, −2 to that one Medium Any Ghul are The offspring of Ghouls. Because Ghouls are sterile, they are very uncommon. They can only come to pass when a pregnant woman is turned into a ghoul.
Giants 1 large +2 Str, -2 Dex Giant Barbarian Giants are very muscular humanoids. Lumberjack style "Sturdy folk"
Gigantes 1 Monstrous Humanoid +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, -4 Charisma Large Barbarian Massive beast-like humanoids that live in caves. They are generally not very productive or motivated.
Githyanki 1 Humanoid (Extraplanar, Psionic) +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, –2 Wisdom Medium Fighter LA0 variant of psionic githyanki.
Githzerai 1 Humanoid (Extraplanar, Psionic) +4 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, –2 Intelligence Medium Monk LA0 variant of psionic githzerai.
Gnolls, Apaloosa ? Humanoid (Gnoll) +2 Con, −2 Wis, −2 Cha Medium Scout Tribal hunters and gatherers.
Gnome, Bohemian 1st Humanoid(Gnome) −2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha Small Bard This offshoot of Rock Gnomes are slightly taller on average, with longer legs. They travel in nomadic clans similarly to Halflings and have the linguistic variety, social understanding, and tough, leathery feet to prove it.
Gnome, Keran 1 Humanoid (Gnome) −2 Str, +2 Int, Small Any Quirky Gadgetmakers.
Gnomes (Vermadad) 1 Humanoid (Gnome) +2 Charisma, −2 Strength Small Sorcerer Friendly but lazy small humanoids who love fun and have a gift for magic
Gnomes, Albion
Gnomes, Ardanian
Gnomes, Grey 1 Humanoid (Gnome) -2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom Small Wizard Grey gnomes are known by their allies for their sparkling wit and friendly attitude, but their enemies know them as fearsome spellcasters and tenacious adversaries.
Gnomes, Screaming 1 Humanoid (Gnome) +4 Con, −2 Wis, −2 Cha Small Fighter Screaming Gnomes are dim-witted and easily frightened. However, they are sturdy and possess a powerful set of lungs with which to scare away weaker enemies, and warn others of stronger ones.
Gnomes, Taresi ? Humanoid (Gnome) +2 Int, +2 Con, −2 Str Small Bard or Gunslinger Technophilic gnomes who have created the best steampunk technology on Taresi
Gnorf ? Humanoid (Dwarf, Gnome) +4 Con, −2 Int, Cha, & Dex Small Fighter or Barbarian A dwarven-like race that likes to dig; comparable to a mole.
Goblins, Ardanian
Goblins, Feral Nation
Goblins, Marsh
Goblins, Pansaer 1 Humanoid(Goblinoid) +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength Small Wizard A race of small-bodied but great-minded scholars, vastly different from goblins of other settings.
Goblins, Taresi ? Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 Dex, +2 Cha, −2 Str Small Rogue, Alchemist, Smuggler, or Firestarter Goblin junk-collectors who are runners-up in the Taresi trade business
Goblins, The Silver Lands
Goblins, Valshock 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 Dex, -2 Con Medium Any The Valshock Variant of Goblin.
Goblins, Variant 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 Dex, -2 Con Medium Ranger A completely different goblin, Medium sized, green skinned.
Goliaths, Pansaer 1 Humanoid (goliath) +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity Medium Barbarian A race of massive, nomadic warriors with a balanced, passive outlook on life.
Goo 1 Humanoid Ooze +4 Strength, +10 Constitution Medium Grappler Goo are sentient creatures that are the result of a magical being breeding with an ooze of any kind.
Gormkaji Orcs 1 Humanoid (Orc) +2 Str,-2 Dex,+2 Con,-4 Cha Medium <Barbarian A mighty, brutish but not merciless, subset of orcs who worship their ancestor, Gorm the Ascendant
Goron 1 Humanoid (Earth) +4 Strength, -4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2


Medium Fighter A race of powerful and proud rock people.
Gors 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Con, -4 Int. Medium barbarian or druid A bestial race of barbaric raiders who storm the forests in large groups, drinking and fighting where and when they please.
Gremlins ? Humanoid (Gremlin) +2 Con, −2 Str Small Rogue A Race of short dogish "disablers".
Gremlins, Variant 1 Humanoid (goblinoid, dusk) -2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Cha Small Tinker or Hexgunner Gremlins are a cheerful race of goblinoids that shun there predecessors' lack of intelligence and creation in general.
Gukin 1 Humanoid +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, −3 Wisdom, −2 Constitution Small, Medium Mechanist <!-around 25 word introduction and overview of race; displayed elsewhere.->
Guromescai 1 Humanoid (Aquatic) +2 Cha Medium Sorcerer Colorfully skinned fish-like merfolk/malaquian half-breeds.
Gymizophun 1 Humanoid +6 dexterity, +2 strength, +2 intelligence, + 2 charisma, -6 wisdom, -6 constitution Medium rogue or ranger Flexible and versatile humanoids that were bitten by magical spiders of Merlin the High Wizard, long ago.
Half-Corrupted <!-1-> <!- Types and (Demon Subtype)-> <!-+2 <!-Stat->, −2 <!-Stat->, etc-> <!-Size: Pick (Medium)-> <!-Class. Any.-> <!-A corrupted people cursed by the Drow elves' cultist-like behavior and false deity.->
Half-Cow 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha Medium Fighter, Barbarian, Hobo Need I explain?
Half-Crool 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 Con, +2 Wis, –2 Cha. Medium Fighter Half-Crool, the rarely seen offspring of humans and crool.
Half-Elves, Keran 1 Humanoid (Elf) +0 Medium Any Hybrids of Dunesti & Karmainians.
Half-Elves, Moon of Five Suns 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 to this stat, −2 to that one Medium Any Some race
Half-Elves, Prince of a Thousand Faces 1 Humanoid (elf) +2 Wis, −2 Charisma Medium Ranger The bastard offspring of barbaric humans raping and pillaging their way through elven lands. Outcast as beasts from both human and elven society, these half-breeds are extremely rare and spiteful toward anyone that is not half-elven.
Half-Elves, Teoryran <!-#-> <!-Types and (Subtypes, Subtypes)-> !−2 con medium any The most human of the teoryran elfs.
Half-Giant 1 Giant +2 Strength, −2 Intelligence Medium Fighter When the half-giants revolted against their slavers not all that survived were gifted with mental prowess. As such some half- giant offspring don't inherit their ancestors psychic gifts.
Half-Giant, Tirr 1st Humanoid (Human), Giant (Psionic) STR +2, CON +2, DEX −2 Medium Psychic Warrior, Fighter As scions of both normal humans and giants, Half-Giants are a hybrid race with latent psionic abilities, making them formidable fighters in combat.
Half-Goblin, Variant 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Cleric or any healer A human and homebrew goblin mix.
Half-Hobgoblins ? Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 Dex Medium Fighter The result of breeding a hobgoblin with a human
Half-Kenku 1 Humanoid (Human, Kenku, Avian) +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Charisma Medium Fighter, Ranger, Rogue The Half-Kenku are a unique people descended from the cunning Kenku and resourceful Human. As Kenkus and Humans normally can not procreate the Half-Kenkus to not naturally appear and are a result of experiments and slavery.
Half-Kobold 0 Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Dex +2 Int, -2 Con, - 4 Str − Medium Any Offspring of a Kobold and a human
Half-Lunars 1st Humanoid +4 Charisma, −2 Constitution Medium Sorcerer Some race
Half-Nymph Fey +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +4 Charisma Medium Any Some race
Half-Orc, from R.M.G.C.L.F. 1 Humanoid (Orc, Human) +2 Str, −2 Int Medium Barbarian Orc-human crossbreeds.
Half-Pangoloid ? Humanoid −2 Dex, +2 Int Medium Wizard The cross of pangoloid and most humanoid races
Half-Sprites 1 Humanoid Medium Sorcerer, Barbarian or Rogue Children of humans and woodsprites
Half-Succubus, Variant 1 Humanoid (Demonic) +1 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -1 Strength Medium Any An extremely attractive demonic half-breed.
Half-Trolls 1st Humanoid +2 Strength Medium Barbarian or Rogue Half-trolls are the result of the not-very-holy union between a troll and a human. Half-trolls are actually very good, tougher than any human and smarter than any troll, ever. However no one want them, for some more or less obvious reasons.
Halfling - Rhulisti
Halfling, Rhul-thaun
Halflings, Desert 1 Humanoid (Halfling) +2 Dex, −2 Str Small SRD:Rogue Desert Halflings are clever capable opportunists. As a society, they tend to remain in desert areas, the deeper desert, the better. They often react towards others with suspicion and curiosity. They might be Hard working citizens or thieves just waiting for the opportunity to make a big score, then disappear into the night. Either way, Desert Halflings are cunning, resourceful survivors.
Halflings, Hairfoot 1 Humanoid (Halfling) −2 Str, +2 Dex Small Rogue The Tolkien Halfling
Halflings, Quickmind 1 <-types and subtypes-> +2 to Dexterity, −2 to Strength Small Any Some race
Halflings, Rageblade 1 Humanoid (Halfling) +2 Strengh, +2 Dexterity -2 Charisma Small Barbarian Rageblades are the muscle of halfling society, they act pretty much like regular halflings, except they are far more prone to anger.
Halflings, Stoor ? Humanoid (Halfling) −2 Str, +2 Con Small Ranger Grittier version of Halflings
Halflings, Taresi ? Humanoid (Halfling) +2 Cha, +2 Dex, −2 Str Small Rogue or Freelancer Urban halflings that have cornered the trade market on Taresi
Hanyo 1 Humanoid (Yokai) +4 Strength, −4 Charisma Medium Any Hanyo are the half-blood offspring born between a human and a yokai.
Harkotian 1 Humanoid(Canine) +2 to dex, −2 to Con Small Rogue A race of forest dwelling anthropomorphic foxes.
Heart-Reachers 1 Humanoid +2 Str, −2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis, +2 Cha Medium Paladin Devoted to one cause for a long time, this well liked race does not age.
Heartbound <!-#-> Humanoid type +2 Charisma, −2 Constitution Medium Paladin
Hellborn Vampire 1 Humanoid (Unliving) Special Medium Rogue Half-vampire, half-fiend, all kickbut.
Hendyn ? Humanoid +2 Int, +2 Wis, −2 Dex Medium Any Humans born with Eternal youth
Heni 1 Humanoid (Cold) +2 Con, -2 Wis, +2 Cha Medium Shaman. Arctic climate merfolk-human off-shoot.
Higardi 1 Humanoid Medium Any for males, bard or sorcerer for females Modified humans
Hitakand ? Monstrous Humanoid +2 Int, −2 Con Large Ranger Like a centaur, but without the horse
Hobgoblins, The Silver Lands
Hu Child 1 Humanoid None Medium N/A One born of the Deity Gods Hu and Fi. Formed without birth, in an adult body. Spirit and knowledge are recieved at their creation from their divine parents. Their material body is fashioned after the universal design of humans. They are cousins to the Human Race.
Humans Yao <!-#-> Humanoid (Human) +2 Dex, -2 Str Medium Ranger A variant of humans who tend to live in mountainous regions - great for a Japanese-like build.
Humans, Albion
Humans, Ardanian
Humans, MoFS 1 Humanoid (Human) +2 to the ability score of the player's choice. Medium Any The version of Humans used in the Moon of Five Suns campaign setting.
Humans, Oreisan 1 Humanoid (Human) (noble)−2 Con, +2 Int, −2 Wis, +2 Cha; (commoner)+2 Con, −2 Int, +2 Wis, −2 Cha Medium (noble)Buke, (commoner)Any In the lands of Oreisa, humans are dictated by both caste and honor. Masters of at finishing any task they set their minds to, their ingenuity is respected by the spirit races if not their attitude.
Humans, Serpentshrine 1 Humanoid (Human) +2 Str, −2 Int Medium Barbarian The once advanced humans of Serpentshrine Isle.
Humans, Steelhive 1 Humanoid(Human) Cha -4, Int +2 Dex +2 Medium Any Some race
Humans, Streetlike 1 Humanoid +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, −2 Strength Medium Rogue Raised on the streets the streetlike has learned to fend for himself.
Humans, Taresi ? Humanoid None Medium Any The first race and most dominant race on Taresi
Humans, True Ancient
Humans, Valshock 1 Humanoid (Human) Varies Medium Any -A human that has been cursed with a strange power
Humans, Variant 1 Humanoid (human) Medium Any Clannish, mildly xenophobic humans who serve the cause of Balance
Humans, Æskmann
Hydras 1 Monstrous Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha, −2 Con Medium Rogue Cruel and calculating reptilians.
Hylian 1 Humanoid (Elf) Medium Any The rulers of Hyrule, made in the image of the Goddesses.
Iceborn 1 Humanoid (Cold) +2 Int, −2 Cha Medium Wizard Humanoids with icey heritage.
Ignika Elementals 2 Humanoid(Elemental) +0 M, L or S Fighter, Druid Humanoids able to use the powers of the elements.
Ikasus 1 Humanoid +2 int, +2 cha, −2 str Medium Merchant Ikasus are a smart and charismatic race with a great love for money
Imperials 1 Humanoid None Medium Fighter These humans built empires.
Inka' Jarr 1 Humanoid +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence Medium Monk Inka'Jarr are a nomadic desert humanoids with slit noses, secondary eyelids and sandy-colored skin. Inka' Jarr are generous and hospitable folk who enjoy good stories, and reminisce about their histories most every night.
Intierity 1 Humanoid (Shapechanger) −2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int Medium Any The Intieri are a fast and smart race, they have lived through the ages and are able to assume the forms of humanoids.
Intruugin 1 Humanoid −4 to Str, +4 to Int Large Wizard Intruugins, an ancient race of brilliant, towering beings.
Inumimi, Oreisa 1st Monstrous Humanoid +2 Con, −2 Wis, −2 Cha Medium Samurai A subrace of yokai called Kemonomimi and bare specific features of a dog.
Inumimi, Variant 1 <-types and subtypes-> +2 to this stat, −2 to that one Medium Any Some race
Jilts 1st Humanoid −2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Cha Small Male: Ranger, Female: Druid Bright little creatures of chaos
Kaisan 1 Humanoid (Kaisan) -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int, +2 Cha Medium Rogue Naturally charismatic, able to charm with their exotic beauty and alluring speech.
Kapikos 1 Fey +4 Charisma, +2 intelligence, −2 Strength Small Sorcerer and Spellthief. Kapikos are tan or pale, appearing to be small elves. Kapikos are an charismatic bunch, wild enough to do as they please yet stable enough to stick at what they like.
Karakasa or Kasa-Obake 1st Monstrous Humanoid −2 Str, −2 Con, +2 Int Medium Wizard Living parasol monsters of myth.
Karmainian 1 Humanoid +0 Medium Any People native to the plains of North Karma.
Kataran 1 Humanoid +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha Medium Ranger Witty, capitalistic hunters. They have no real community, and live in forests.
Kathari 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 Dex; -2 Con Medium Sorcerer A flying goblin-like race that are especially adept at fire magic.
Kattai 1 Humanoid (Feline) +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Xenshi An exotic race of cat-eared humanoids, Kattai are known for their graceful nature and intimate culture.
Kattai, Wild 1 Humanoid (Feline) +2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con, −2 Int, −2 Cha Medium Ranger The wild and uncivilized to modern kattai, the wild kattai (also known as Wikai).
Kaylik 1 Humanoid Medium Wizard Exotic-looking humans with a touch of elven ancestry from a distant pocket-realm of the prime material plane.
Keldrashnim 1 Outsider (Native) +2 Dexterity −2 Strength Medium Bard Long ago a group of Tieflings gathered together, rejecting the evil of some of their ancestors and wishing an identity they forged one. Over many generations of selective breeding and forming tight-knit communities they have become a uniform and distinct race, the Keldrashnim.
Kemonomimi 1 Monstrous Humanoid (Yokai) −2 Wis Medium (Depends on animal subrace) Kemonomimi is a category used to refer to all animal-eared humanoid yokai races.
Kender 1 Humanoid (Gnome) +2 Dex and Cha, -2 Str and Wis. Small Rogue A small, flamboyant people with boundless curiosity and a great sense of humor.
Kitsune Foxkin <!-#-> Monstrous Humanoid (Beastfolk) +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution Medium Sorcerer or Wizard. Mystical foxkin tricksters.
Kitsune, 2nd Variant
Kitsune-jin 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 DEX,+1 WIS, +1 INT, −1 CON, +2 STR Medium SRD:Rogue, Ninja, Scout, or Sorcerer Intelligent, sly, and agile fox-people from the Orient, Kitsune-jin are known tricksters and can assume their animal form (a large, multi-tailed fox) in order to fight.
Klilks 1 Humanoid (Klilk, Extraplanar) +2 Dex, -2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Cha Medium Any. Appearing mostly human, but born of essences of the Ethereal Plane. Have malleable bodies.
Kobold, from DracoRuler 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) −4 Str, +2 Dex Medium Any Some race
Kobold, Keran 1 Humanoid (Dragonblood, Reptilian) +0 Small Sorcerer Dragonmen native to the Dragon Isles.
Kobolds (Multiworlds) 1 Humanoid (Reptilian, Dragonblood, Nordheim/Mittelreich) −4 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con Small Sorcerer, Smith a reptilian race living in the Northern domains.
Kobolds, Gemstone 1 Humanoid (Dragonblood, Psionic) Varies Small Varies Psionics-attuned kobolds with the blood of gemstone dragons in their lineage.
Kobolds, Whiskered ? Humanoid (Reptilian) −2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con, −2 Cha Small Monk A funny looking Kobold that has shunned Kobold society
Kobrings 1st Humanoid (Reptilian) −2 Str, −2 Con, +2 Wis Small Rogue Rotund reptilian traders and merchants.
Kojin ? Humanoid (Feline) +2 Dex, −2 Str Small Ranger A nomadic cat-like race.
Kopikos 1st Fey +2 Cha, −2 Str Small Sorcerer and Spellthief Born of magic, kopiko can absorb magic powers into themselves.
Kreinos +0 Humanoid, reptilian +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity Medium Threat
Kroot 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 on a Physical Score, -4 on any mental scores. Medium Fighter, ranger or barbarian Resembles carrion-eating avian creatures.
Lacer, Agua 1st Humanoid (Reptilian, Dragon Blooded) +2 Con, -2 Int Medium Priest A group of anthro-lacertians at home in the water.
Lacer, Arbor 1st Humanoid (Reptilian, Dragon Blooded) +2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Cha Small Druid A group of anthro-lacertians at home in the trees.
Lacer, Deep 1st Humanoid (Reptilian, Dragon Blooded) -4 Str, -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha Small Priest or Sorcerer A group of anthro-lacertians at home in the underdark.
Lacer, Free 1st Humanoid (Reptilian, Dragon Blooded) -4 Str, -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha Medium Any A group of anthro-lacertians.
Lacer, Land 1st Humanoid (Reptilian, Dragon Blooded) +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha Medium Priest A group of anthro-lacertians at home on land.
Lampir 1 Monstrous Humanoids +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, −2 Wisdom, −2 Charisma Small Eldritch Cannoneer The Lampir are a race of subterranean humanoids often compared to fireflies, but despite their eccentricity they get along well with most other intelligent races.
Lapruni 1 Humanoid (Rodent) +2 Dex, -2 Int Medium Ranger In the oldest of tomes, Lapruni have been called Lagomorphs, Lapines, or more simply "Rabbitfolk".
Lath'Gar Mountain Troll 1 Humanoid (Troll) +2 Strength +2 Dexterity, −2 Charisma Medium Fighter/Rogue. Lath'Gar Mountains Trolls are raised off the land in the harsh frozen climate of the Lath'Gar mountains has groomed this species into relentless survivalists, hardened warriors and determined enemies. All Lath'Gar Mountain Trolls have tusks and horns, and hair colors vary with red being common, and white or grey being less so.
Lati 1 Dragon Humanoid (Psionic) Varies depending on subrace Medium Pison, Wilder or Sorcerer A bird- and jetplane-like subrace of dragons which had hardly left any mark on history before the present day.
Leonine 1 Outsider (Native) +2 Str, −2 Dex, −2 Cha Medium Fighter or Paladin The mighty offspring of the Guardinals and there human lovers.
Lephevi 1st Humanoid (Human, Psionic, Extraplanar) Medium Any Human-like invaders from another world!
Lesser Dragon, Variant Dragon -2 Str, +4 Dex, -2 Con, +2 wis Medium Any A fun class with advantages and disadvantages which allows you to play a medium sized dragon-like creature
Lesser Hulk 1 Small Aberration +4 Str, +2 Con Small Fighter If umber hulks were part great ape and part beetle, lesser hulks are part monkey and part beetle. Same great shape, much smaller body.
Liminal 1st Humanoid (aquatic) +2 Cha, −2 Con Medium Ranger Human–merfolk hybrid.
Lin Kuei 1 Humanoid +2 STR, +2 CON, +2 DEX, -6 CHA Medium Ninja Masters of cyromancy and ninjitsu, the Lin Kuei are a race of proud warriors from the frosted mountains of Earthrealm.
Lizardfolk, Duneswift 1 Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Dex, −2 Int Medium Ranger or Racial Class Desert dwelling blue lizardfolk
Lizardfolk, Emberscale ? Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Con, −2 Int Medium Fighter or Racial Class Burly red lizardfolk favoring mountainous terrain
Lizardfolk, Emerald Thorn ? Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Dex, −2 Str Small Rogue or Racial Class Small, nimble, green jungle dwellers
Lizardfolk, Keran Duneswift 1st Humanoid (Reptilian) +0 Medium Any Lizardfolk adapted to life in the Sumran Wastes.
Lizardfolk, Marsh Shadow ? Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Con, −2 Int Medium Druid or Racial Class Sneaky, black-scaled swamp lizardfolk
Lizardfolk, Marshshadow 1st Humanoid (Reptilian) +0 Medium Druid Lizardfolk adapted to life in the Moonshadow Jungle.
Lizardfolk, Spikeback 1 Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Cha, +2 Int, −2 Dex Medium Any A more civilized version of the lizardfolk that blends well into most towns.
Llathrana 1 Humanoid (Llathrana) +2 Str, −2 Int Medium Ranger A lupine race native to the Faltharis Campaign
Lombax 1 Humanoid (Lombax) +2 Dex, —2 Con Medium Any. Example: Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank.
Lotorian 1 Monstrous Humanoid -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha Medium Rogue Curious Raccoonfolk.
Lunars 1 Humanoid +2 Wis and Cha, -2 Con. Medium Sorcerer A nearly extinct race of Ascyria, being powerful sorcerers these beings are known to change their gender every full moon.
Lurewolves +1 Humanoid (Lurewolf) +2Dex,+2Wis,-2Cha Mediun Ranger or Rogue Lurewolves keep to themselves and are very wary of others. These wise and agile hunters travel the world while keeping others at a comfortable distance.
Lyran 1 +2 Cha, −2 Con Small Special A Race of child like people, they are separated in to three groups, Street, Wild, and Temple.
Magneti 1 <-Humanoid (Earthen)-> +2 Str, +2 Con, −2 Wis Medium Fighter, Ranger A race of grey-skinned humanoids who can channel magnetism.
Malleas 1 Humanoid (Elemental) +2 to STR, −2 to WIS Medium Any, a Malleas highest class level is not affected by multi-classing XP penalties. The Malleas are the result of magic, or engineering gone wrong. Humanoids comprised almost entirely of elemental force, as such, they are a newer, and naive race, even though their strength is great.
Mandisans 1 Outsider (Native) +2 Charisma Medium Favored Class: Sorcerer. Mandisans are believed to be an offshoot of humans that were blessed by the goddess of Mandisa to become the leaders of their nation. They have strangely pale skin and light colored hair.
Mandragoras 1 Plant +2 Cha Small Any. Small cheerful rootfolk.
Manes, The Silver Lands
Mankey ? Humanoid (Halfling, Monkey) +2 Dex, −2 Str Small Rogue A humanoid monkey-like race that is very similar to halflings.
Manxoks 1 Humanoid, Aquatic None Medium Fighter Shark people with deeply rooted spirituality and religion.
Marpies 1 Outsider (Native) none Medium Self Telekineticist Outsiders who inhabit cloth puppets on the material plane.
Mela'xin 1 Humanoid (Mesha'xin), Aberration (Mela'xin) +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom −4 Strength Medium Druid or Wizard The Mesha'xin, which translates as the "Children of Fate", are an elder race, predating the elves and humans. The Mela'xin are part of a 4-caste system in their culture, each with military and domestic roles. The Mela'xin are the "spellcasters" and "teachers" caste, and least likely to reveal themselves to the outside world.
Mena'xin 1 Humanoid (Mesha'xin), Aberration (Mena'xin) +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, −4 Constitution Medium Mena'xin Skyblade (Paladin can be used if Skyblade is disallowed; Substitute Druid spell list instead of Paladin) The Mesha'xin, which translates as the "Children of Fate", are an elder race, predating the elves and humans. They have developed a 4-caste system in their culture, each with military and domestic roles. The Mena'xin are one of the "warrior" castes, the primary "shock troops" and calvary. Unlikely to adventure, some nonetheless do. This has led to (false) rumors regarding an alliance between angels and the Mesha'xin
Merfolk, Tirr 1st Humanoid (Aquatic) +4 CHA, -2 STR Medium Bard, Dancer A race of amphibious humanoids found in the Tirran Oceans between Loupe and Halimeda. Their love of song and dance is renowned throughout the world.
Merlings ? Humanoid (Aquatic) −2 Str, −2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Cha Medium Druid or Sorcerer Aquatic Humans who live on continental reefs
Mesha'xin 1 Humanoid None Medium Any The Mesha'xin, which translates as the "Children of Fate", are an elder race, predating the elves and humans. They have developed a 4-caste system in their culture, each with military and domestic roles. The Mesha'xin are the "laborer/merchant" caste, and the most commonly seen by outsiders during peacetime.
Mewling 1 Outsider (native, magical beast) +4 Dexterity, −2 Strength, −2 Constitution Small Rogue Mewlings are condemned or punished souls that have been confined to the physical restrictions of that of a domestic house cat. Sometimes this works in ones favor, allowing them to access the natural stealthy prowess the feline possesses along with a few other charismatic skills.
Meza'xin 1 Humanoid Aberration +4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -4 Charisma Medium Meza'xin Warblade (or Scout, if Warblade is disallowed) The Mesha'xin, which translates as the "Children of Fate", are an elder race, predating the elves and humans. They have developed a 4-caste system in their culture, each with military and domestic roles. The Meza'xin are one of the "warrior" castes, the primary infantry and archers. Along with the Mela'xin, the most likely to become adventurers.
Minfolk 1 Humanoid +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Cha Small Rogue A smaller subrace of minotaur.
Moai 1 Humanoid (earth) +2 Con, −2 Wis Medium Fighter Although they seem distant, they are probably just biding their time. A Moai is calm like the very stone around him. It's body, although organic, is as hard as the earth itself, and the only thing greater than a moai's patience, is their ability for stoneworks.
Moffet 1 Humanoid +2 DEX, +2 WIS, -2 CHA Medium <!-Class. Add a link if it's a class found here.-> Humanoids with the eyes, ears, and tail of terrestrial mammals.
Momonga ? Humanoid (Flying Squirrel) +2 Dex, +2 Wis, −2 Str, −2 Cha Small Druid A race of intelligent large-sized flying squirrels.
Monkeyfolk 1 Humanoid (Monkey) +2 Dex, -2 Int, +4 Cha Medium Bard Charismatic, quick, strong... What more could you want?!
Monstrous Spidernoid 1 Magical Beast Medium Rogue Monstrous Spidernoid is a human-like variant of monstrous spider
Moogles 1 Fey +2 Dex, +2 Int, −2 Str, −2 Con Small Bard or Wizard Moogles are clever folk who are able to handle any tool with ease.
Mormolycean 1 humanoid (mormolycean) +2 Dexterity, +4 Intelligence, +4 Charisma, -4 Strength, -2 Constitution Medium Bard Mormolyceans are creatures of beauty and grace in a way that permeates throughout their being and society. They are wonderfully well suited for “refined” classes such as bards, wizards, and sorcerers, but poorly suited to “brute” classes such as fighters or *gasp* barbarians. Unlike elves, who favor natural and simple things, Mormolyceans consider nature a necessary bore at best and a blank canvas at worst. They don’t recoil at greenery and scenic views, but rather find them imperfect and random rather than inspired.
Mudokon 1 Humanoid (Odd) +2 to Cha, −2 to Con Medium Psion Mudokons are gullible, simplistic people who inhabit Oddworld, whom often come under the wings of more evil creatures, becoming slaves to the power and their own pacifism.
Mulskroos 1 Humanoid (Vermin) +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, −2 Strength, −2 Charisma Small Rogue Mulskroos are a small and curious, if not frightenable race of acrobatic rodent people.
Muqua 1 Humanoid +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution Medium Monk Four-eyed, four-armed humanoids with alignment sensitivity.
Murderer, Keran 1 Humanoid (Murderer) −2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, Wisdom Medium Clerics Carrion eating raven people.
Mushroomfolks 1 Humanoid (Mushroom) +2 Int, −2 Strength Small Wizard A mushroom-like humanoids.
Mycelinid <!-0-> <!-Plant-> <!-+2 <!-Wisdom->, <!-+2 <!-Intelligence-> −2 <!-Strength->, etc-> <!-Size: Medium-> <!-Herbalist-> <!In the verdant depths of the Enchanted Forest, a remarkable race known as the Mycelinid's thrives, their vibrant fungal forms harmonizing beautifully with the lush flora surrounding them. These mushroom people, with caps adorned in shades ranging from irridecent ruby to the darkest of blacks, having developed an extraordinary bond with the plants of their domain. Their herbalist skills are nothing short of legendary, as they possess an innate ability to commune with the flora, understanding their needs, ailments, and strengths through the intricate network of mycelium that connects them all. This symbiotic relationship allows the Mycelinid's to cultivate potent herbs and rare fungi that hold invaluable medicinal properties, remedies that have been passed down through generations.

When the Mycelinid's gather to showcase their herbal mastery, the forest transforms into a vibrant tapestry of colors and scents. With nimble fingers, they expertly blend herbs to create enchanting potions, salves for healing, elixirs that ignite the senses and poison's potent enough to take down a Dragon. Their vibrant ceremonies are accompanied by rhythmic songs that resonate with the energies of the plants, drawing forth their healing properties and inviting them to join in the celebration. This deep interconnectivity with the botanical world makes the Mycelinid's not only guardians of their ecosystem but also sought-after allies for those in need of wisdom and remedies. As they dance amid the dappled sunlight, the air filled with their laughter and the fragrant aroma of freshly crushed herbs, it becomes clear that these mushroom people are not just beings of the forest—they are its heart, an embodiment of nature's intricate web of life.>

Myconids 1 Plant +2 Con, −2 Int, −2 Cha Small Any Myconids, or fungus men, are a race of intelligent fungi that live in remote reaches underground.
Myosines ? Monstrous Humanoid −2 Int, +2 Wis, −2 Cha Medium Monk or Druid Large handed jumping rat people.
Nagualdls, Grand 1 Humanoid, Nagualdl None Medium Ranger Grand nagualdls are mammalian shapeshifters who spiritually bond with animals.
Naiads 1 or 3 Fey (Aquatic) ( −2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con, +2 Cha) or (−2 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +4 Cha) Medium Any A kind of nymph, typically found around water.
Naku 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 dexterity, +2 wisdom, -2 intelligence, -2 strength Medium Ranger Nakus are nomadic by nature, and grow uncomfortable with remaining in the same area for very long.
Nalielm 1 Humanoid +2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Wis Medium Any, when multiclassing, the Nalielm's highest class level is not affected by multi-classing XP penalties. The Nalielm is a sentient race of "Undead", prominent amid the coastal reaches due to a rare seasickness that rots away the body, creating a slightly more hardy 'corpse'.
Nanelzi 1 Humanoid (Aquatic) +2 to CHA, −2 to STR Medium Daughter of Duskmight The Nanelzi are the High Priestesses of Nanelz's clergy. They are the combination of the former High Priestess, inseminated with Nanelz' own deific seed. They are reminescent of a normal human until they obtain true enlightenment.
Nature Bound Changelings 1 <-types and subtypes-> +2 to Wisdom, -2 to Strength Medium Druid Changelings who have become one with the natural world.
Neanderthal 1 Humanoid (Neanderthal) +2 Strength and Constitution, -2 Intelligence and Charisma Medium Barbarian While not the perfect barbarian race, this ancient half-breed is surprisingly capable at filling that niche.
Nekomusume ? Humanoid (Feline) +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Fighter, Wizard, or Duskblade Nekomusume are a race of extremely matriarchal feline-like humanoids.
Nelfalem 1 Humanoid (Native, Outsider) Wis +4, Cha +4 Light; Str +4, Con +4 Dark Nelfalem-> Medium Any. Although they appear to be ordinary humans, their affinity for discerning between good and evil is unparalleled in comparison to their human counterparts.
Nelvaanian 1 Humanoid (Canine) +2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Cha, −2 Int Medium Any
Nerubian 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Str, -2 Cha Medium Mortician An arachnid race recovering from the loss and later reanimation of the majority of their kin. Collectors of lore and arcane secrets.
New Giant ? Giant +2 Cha, −2 Wis Medium Fighter New Giants are a peaceful, curious, gentle and charismatic Giant race.
Nimori 1 Humanoid +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, −2 Charisma Medium Rogue, Ranger A tall, slender humanoid race. Though seemingly rigid, they can prove themselves valuable allies.
Noctaven 1 Animal -2 Con, +2 Wis Medium Druid Cautious owl-like folk.
Norkton ? Humanoid (Human) None Medium Any Race of Light hating/Dark seeing humans
Northlanders 1 Humanoid + 3 Strength, - 1 Charisma, - 1 Intelligence, - 1 Dexterity Medium Bard, Barbarian, Fighter A race of humans adapted to cold and rugged terrain.
Nosk'quela 1 Fey (extraplanar) +2 Dex, −4 Con, +2 Cha Small Any Born of the darkest reaches of the Plane of Shadows, the wraith-like nosk'quela are dreaded hunters, preying on those stupid enough to invade their realm.
Nychans 1 Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Dex, −2 Int Medium Barbarian Fast, violent humanoids descended from Dromaeosauridae.
Nymphspawn 1 SRD:Fey Type +4 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity , -2 Strengh Medium Bard Some race
Ogrillons 1 Half ogre half orc +6 str, +4 con, -4 int, -2 wisdom, -4 char Medium-large barbarian
Okeanos (Orion Race) 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Comeliness, -2 Constitution Medium Hunter Okeanos are aloof gaurdians of the coastal forests, studying the arts in their many forms for the duration their long lives.
Oozinoids 1 Aberration +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity Medium Sorcerer A fully sentient ooze-like race that has taken a humanoid form. They are independent and prefer to live among their own kind.
Oracles 1 Humanoid +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, -2 Charisma Varies Cleric, Wizard, Rogue. Since an oracle can manifest as most sentient races. The one thing the all have in common is they all look very old, almost undead.
Orboids 1 Outsider (Native) -+4 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, −4 Strength, −2 Intelligence Small Sorcerer or Favored Soul (Complete Divine pg. 6) A little sphere made of light. Kind and endearing, but also curious and determined.
Orcs, Valshock 1 Humanoid (Orc) +2 Str, -2 Char Medium Fighter The Valshock Variant of Orcs.
Orion ? Humanoid See Text Medium See Text Orions are a race of dual nature. Based off creatures in Star Trek.
Orochi 1 Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Dex, -2 Str, -2 Cha Medium Any A race of snake folk that stem from the same ancestral branch as the yuan-ti but don't have the same evil tendencies, and are a more hermit race.
Oroks 1 Humanoid (Orc) +6 STR, +2 DEX, +4 CON, -2 INT, +2 WIS, -2 CHA Medium Barbarian Oroks are bigger, stronger, and faster versions of orcs.
Pagurians 1 Humanoid (Aquatic) +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength Small Rogue A hermit crab inspired race of agile sea crustaceans.
Pandwarf ? Humanoid −2 Dex +4 Con −2 Cha Medium Fighter A cross of pangoloid and dwarf, they are the ultimate tanks.
Pangoloid ? Monstrous Humanoid +2 Int +2 Con −4 Dex Medium Wizard A craft-focused race, slow of foot but magically inclined.
Pantheraeo 1 Humanoid (Feline) +2 Dex, +2 Cha, −2 Int, −2 Con Medium Scout Pantheraeo are a race of lion people.
Pantheren 1 Humanoid (Feline) +2 Dexterity, −2 Charisma Medium Rogue The Pantheren are quick, agile, stealthy and come in a variety of colors. They usually roam the world alone.
Pantherian 1 Monstrous Humanoid +4 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution Small Scout (Complete Adventurer) Pantherians are catfolk descended from the Panther family. As such, they have features similar to lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Parasite 1 Aberration +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, −2 Charisma Medium Any A parasite is a ghostly visage of a human, they can be hit and are quite weak in normal form but they have the ability to permanently posses creatures.
Peir-Faiff 1 Humanoid (Human) +1 Str, Dex, Con, Int and Cha, −2 Wis Medium Aristocrat Race of Humans that approach Physical perfection
Penguinians 1 SRD:Humanoid Type +6 Con, −6 Dex Small Any Penguinians are a small arctic race. Their diet usually includes fish and any berries they can find in their regions. In their home environment they are commonly naked, as their bodies protect them from the elements.
Peregrines 1 Humanoid +4 Dex, −2 Int, −2 Wis Medium Barbarian A race of exiled semi-bird men that yearn to fly.
Perplexiam 1 aberration +8 Charisma Medium Sorcerer Perplexiam are a race of incredibly abnormal, ultra-powerful sorcerers who enjoy meddling in the affairs of mundane races. The word smug also comes to mind.
Pictsies 1 Fey +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, −4 Intelligence, −4 Wisdom, −2 Charisma Tiny Barbarian Pictsies (Nac Mac Feegle)
Pixies, The Silver Lands
Planetouched—Verephim 1 Outsider (Native) +2 Wis, +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Any Created by the unnatural union of an aasimar and a tiefling, Verephim are an unusual race with an understandable but exaggerated reputation for being either neurotic and erratic.
Platipi 1 Humanoid (Aquatic) +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity Medium Bard A race of beings descended from a group of mages who were performing chimera experiments. Let's just say there was an accident. Platypus Men resemble, well platypi, save for their humanoid features.
Proteus 1 Construct (Living Construct) −2 to either STR, DEX, or CON, +2 to either Int, Wis, or Cha Medium Wizard, Psion Eons ago, before even the most basic bacteria evolved, proteum based asteroids showered the planets surface. Overtime, it's arcane energy wove itself into the fundamental basics of all life. This metal is extraordinarily rare, and it's crystalline form is even more fabled. But life is curious as to the ways it wishes to take shape, sometimes in a single crystal of proteum as old as time itself.
Puppets 1 Humanoid +2Dex −2 -2Wiz, -2Cha Small Rogue They are animated puppets that have been made souls.
Púp’pèts 1st Humanoid Wisdom OR Intelligence +2, Constitution OR Strength -2 Medium Sorcerer Beings created by an incredible power, they are feared, resented, even hated, yet often do not return these feelings.
Quideum 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 dexterity, −4 Constitution Medium sorcerer For those who like lovecraftian horrors in their campaigns, but don't wanna run the underdark or psionics
Quillman 1 Humanoid +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma Medium Ranger A primitive race of bestial humanoids who inhabit the forests.
Radiation Born 1 <!-Types and (Subtypes, Subtypes)-> <!-+2 <!-Stat->, −2 <!-Stat->, etc-> large <!-Class. Add a link if it's a class found here.-> Creatures born from radiation and nightmares.
Ragnok <!-1-> Humanoid +2 Strength, +4 Constitution, -6 Intelligence Medium Barbarian or Paladin The Ragnok are a simple race, the backbone of the Alacterum Empire. They are strong and sturdy, but are almost animal in intelligence.
Raku-n 1 Monstrous Humanoid +4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, −2 -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma Medium Rogue Some race
Ranx, Keran 1 Humanoid (Insectoid) +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma Medium Druid Insect people.
Rasfar 1 Humanoid +2 to Dex, −2 to Cha Medium Monk A human-like race which idolizes the ideas of nature, peace, and freedom.
Raskas 1 Humanoid(Vermin) -+4 DEX, +2 CON ,−2 STR, −2 CHA Medium Rogue
Reika 1 Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic) +2 Str Medium Any Shark-like hunters of the deep capable of thriving both in and out of water.
Relinqui 1 Humanoid +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence Medium Berserker The Relinqui were created by Ephos in an attempt to create an army that could travel into the Empire of Man. Relinqui look mostly human, though their eyes and hair can be colors which would usually be unnatural, and are larger than humans.
Rheryus 1 Humanoid (Dragonblood) +2 Con, −2 Dex Medium Fighter or Druid Draconic spawn of Meon, they are charged with protection.
Ribbits 1 Humanoid (Ribbit) +2 Charisma, −2 Strength, −2 Wisdom Tiny Sorcerer They are the dwellers of pools and marshlands, of forgotten caves and wetlands. The toadfolk, the slimy ones, the bolsterous - the ribbits.
Rinwoods 1 Humanoid (Rinwood) -2 Strength, +2 Intelligence Medium Wizard Although rinwoods were initially created as a race of servitude in academia, the decades have proven that this race of intellectuals has a will and mind of their own.
Robot Girl 1 Humanoid (Construct) none Medium Any <!-around 25 word introduction and overview of race; displayed elsewhere.->
Ronso, Variant 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 str +2 con +2 dex -2 int -2 cha Medium Fighter, Ranger
Rovino 1 Animal -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Wis Medium Cleric or Druid. Rabbit people.
Ryuu'Kigen 1 Fey and Reptilian (Dragon Ancestry) +2 Dex, +2 Cha, −2 Str Medium Varies Androgynous, oriental Dragonkin; half Fey, half Dragon
Sandman 1 Elemental (Earth Subtype) −2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int, −4 Cha Medium Any Earth elementals made of sand.
Saniarmes 1 Monstrous Humanoid Varies, see text. Small Fighter A race of strange, almost tauric creatures that are half-bird, half-humanoid.
Sarli ? Humanoid (Feline) +2 int, +2 cha, −2 con, str Small Necromancer Furry race that drinks blood to live. Necromantic specialists.
Sarli, Keran 1 Humanoid (Sarli) −2 Constitution, Strength, +2 Intelligence, Wisdom Small Wizard Blood Drinking cat people.
Satyrs, Variant 1 Fey +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma Medium bard Satyrs have the legs and horns of a goat, but otherwise look human. Satyrs are interested only in sport: frolicking, piping, chasing wood nymphs, and other pleasures.
Savannah Elves 1 Humanoid, (Elf) +2 Constitution, −2 Intelligence, −2 Charisma Medium Scout Primitive elves who hunt the plains.
Selvics 1 Humanoid (aquatic) Medium Druid
Sentient Construct (3.5e Creature Type) 1 Construct (Living Construct) +4 STR, −2 Intelligence, −2 Wis, −2 Cha Medium Fighter Living Construct
Sentient Machine <!-#-> Construct, Non-living Str +4, Int +2, Con -, Cha -4 Medium Fighter A metallic man with large plates attached to portions of his body.
Serpentine 1 Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, −6 Charisma Medium Any <!-around 25 word introduction and overview of race; displayed elsewhere.->
Shadow Born 1 Outsider -4 Strength. +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma Medium Rogue Living creatures made of pure shadow.
Shadow Grafted (3.5e Template)
Shadow Pixie 1 Fey -6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, -4 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma Fine Wizard, Rogue, Sorcerer, Bard Trickster Fey that are dark in appearance preferring to blend into the shadows where they can.
Shadowkin (Cora Race) 1 Humanoid (kin) +2 to Dexterity, −2 to Wisdom Medium Rogue
Sharkfolk 1 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Int Medium Barbarian Brutal, humanoid fighters which superficially resemble sharks
Sheikels 1 Outsider (Native) None Medium Any People of a alternate material plane with strong ties to the Plane of Shadow.
Shifter, Variant 1 Humanoid/Shapechanger (Kin) +2 to Dexterity, −2 to Charisma Medium Barbarian Ferocious heirs of the wild,

the perfect fusion of civilized race and wild beast.

Shikelf 1 Humanoid (Elf Subtype +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength, -2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom Medium Fighter, Rogue Tall slender forest dwelling green scaled elves with a love of life and a violent nature.
Shinigami 1 Undead +2 Wis, −2 Cha Medium Bard As you float to the afterlife, contemplating how your death came to be, a sullen figure greets you at the edge of the mist covered river. The Shinigami are the omens, bringers, and Ferrymen of death. and they have awaited your arrivel to guide you to your final resting place.
Sholon 1 Humanoid (Sholon) +2 Dex, −2 Con, +2 Int, −2 Wis Medium Wizard or Psion Gnome-like seekers of knowledge.
Shæné ? Outsider (Native) +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Sorcerer (or shadowcaster) Shæné are descendants of denizens of the plane of shadow who entered the material plane.
Sigire 1 Humanoid (Cold) +2 Strength, + 2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma, -2 Constitution Medium Fighter Calm and composed, the sigire seem like kings rather than the mercs they are today.
Sindran 1 Aberration (Psionic) +2 to Int and Cha, −2 to Str and Wis Medium Rogue Genetic relatives of elans that share some natural psionic power.
Siroc 1 Humanoid +2 Wisdom Medium Ranger A substrata of humans hardened and sharpened by the inhospitable deserts.
Skaven 1 Humanoid +2 Dex, -2 Str Medium Rogue Based on the ratmen from Warhammer.
Skeler 1 Humanoid +4 to Intelligence, −2 to Wisdom and Charisma Medium Wizard Some race
Skerottian 1 Swarm Subtype +2 Str, +1 Dex, -8 Cha Medium Fighter A writhing mass of snakes that possess intelligence.
Skithita 1 Humanoid +2 Str, -2 Con, -2 Cha Medium Druid Skithita are a race of dark, climbing humanoids descended from twisted, evil humans.
Sky-Fae Half-Breeds 1 Humanoid (Fey) +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom Medium Any. Sky-fae half-breeds generally stand around 4' tall with deep yet vibrant blue skin. Amongst their own kin, sky-fae half-breeds are kind, playful, and rather naive.
Slime Child 1 Aberration -2 Dexterity +4 Constitution, -4 Charisma, +2 Wisdom Medium Fighter Result of a Mad Mage's experiments on Oozes and captive humans
Smart Ass
Sosmunii 1 Humanoid (Human) +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Strength, –2 Constitution Medium <!-Class. Add a link if it's a class found here.-> <!-around 25 word introduction and overview of race; displayed elsewhere.->
Soulbour ? Humanoid (Incanrum) No Change Medium Soulborn or Fighter A reclusive race that tends to stick to itself, but upholds justice where it can.
Southlander 1 Humanoid Medium A race of humans .
Space Warper 1 Humanoid +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Wis, -2 Cha Medium Any Space Warpers are teleporters that easily fit any role in a party. Teleportation can be used offensively or defensively.
Spirit-touched ? Outsider (Native) +2 Cha, −2 Str Medium Cleric A race born of humans that can have divine powers from their otherworldly heritage.
Squirrel Folk ? Humanoid (Squirrel) +2 Dex, +2 Cha -2 str Small Rogue A squirrel-like race
Stalwart 1 Humanoid +2 to this stat, −2 to that one Medium Knight Some race
Steam Golem 1 Construct Varies by age Medium or Large Fighter, Sorcerer, Monk. Cannot be a wizard or Rogue, or practice any Dark Arts. Steam Golems are an ancient race of Mechanized Automatons made of metal and magic.
Steam Mephit Outside (extraplanar, fire) +8 dex, +2 charisma, +2 intelligence Small Rogue, psion
SteelOrochu 1 Humanoid (Orochu) +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, −2 Charisma Medium Paladin The D&D embodiment of our... beloved? SteelOrochu. In Race form.
Succedaneums 1 Aberration (Shapechanger) −2 on Two Physical Scores of choice, +2 Mental Score of choice Medium Any. A race that, during nighttime, can transform. May assume other humanoid forms with its Soul Imprint ability.
Super Sloths +1 <Magical Creature +6 Strength, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, −2 Charisma Medium Super Sloth gaining ranks in their own racial class. Highly Intelligent and creative. Super Sloths are very strong but prefer brains over brawn any day, resulting to using strength as a last result. Super Sloths while being very strong are very slow whilst on the ground.
Swinling 1 Humanoid (Swinling) +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma Medium Any The descendants of elves and humans cursed with a new race and form that they believed ugly.
Sylvaren 1 Humanoid (syl) +2 Wisdom, −2 Charisma, etc Size: Medium Monk Sylvaren are a wise but distrusted, newly discovered race. They were discovered by a sailor who had to turn back before he reached their island, Syl Isle. Sylvaren are closely related to elves, however there are distinct differences.
T'kerrik 1 Animal Type +4 Str, +2 Con, -4 Cha, -4 Int Medium Fighter. A mutation of scorpion and monkey.
Tabit 1 Humanoid (Hafling, Feline) +2 Dex, -2 Wis Small Rogue Descendants of halflings and catfolk.
Taco 1 <-Food-> +2 to strength, -2 to Constitution Small First class Some race
Talpidans 1> Humanoid +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma Medium Fighter. Sturdy mole people with a tunneling speed and blindsight.
Tanarkin 2 Monstrous Humanoid +2 Dex, +2 Str, +2 Wis, −4 Cha, −2 Con Medium Any A nomadic race of strange, but mostly peaceful, hunter/gatherers.
Tanreiss 1 Humanoid (Feline) +2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con, −2 Int Medium Any Proud and strong warriors that resemble lions. They are known for their lightning-fast attacks.
Tarichas 1 Humanoid (Aquatic) +2 Dex, −2 Cha Medium Any Some race
Telums 1 Outsider (Augmented Construct, Native) Medium Fighter Intelligent weapons have evolved, and now manifest as solid spiritual mass, able to explore the world as a mortal man.
Tengu +1 Monstrous Humanoid Strength -2, Dexterity +2, Constitution -2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2 Medium Ranger As you climb the mountain, the trees rustle, you feel you are being watched. You have trespassed in the territory of the Tengu, and their eyes are everywhere
The Ortal 1 Humanoid Various Medium Various Five different evolutions, the Ortal are a single race under a single banner who are diverse in their powers.
Thirdlings 1 Humanoid (Thirdling) +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution Small Rogue Halflings refer to them as "Two-thirdslings"
Thoon 1 Humanoid (Aquatic) −2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis Medium Rogue An amphibian race, they have no gender, they are just thoon.
Thri-Kreen, Tirr 1st Monstrous Humanoid, Vermin (Psionic) +2 Dexterity, −2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, −4 Charisma Medium Psychic Warrior, Ranger A race of monstrous humanoids resembling giant mantises, the Thri-Kreen are a physically weak but dextrous race, gifted with in-born psionic power.
Tibbit Variant 1 Monstrous Humanoid (Shapechanger) +2 CHA, -2 STR Small Fighter A race of doglike people who tend to find their cause and stay loyal to it.
Tiefling, Keran Variant 1st Outsider(Native) +0 Medium Any A race descended from fiendish beings.
Tiefling, Variant 1 Humanoid (Elf) +2 Dex & -2 Cha Medium Ranger or Fighter This is a personal variant of the tiefling which is natural and can be played in campaigns where magic events and planar phenomenons are few and far between.
TK-Squared 1 Humanoid (TK) +2 to this stat, −2 to that one Medium Any Some race
Tortons 1 Humanoid (Reptilian) −2 Dex, +2 Con, −2 Int, +2 Wis Medium Druid A turtle-like people.
Trader Goblins, Valshock 1 Humanoid (Goblinoid) -2 Str, -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha Medium Any The Valshock Variant of Goblin.
Traelins 1 <!-Types and (Subtypes, Subtypes)-> +2Str +2Dex, −2 -2Con -2Int -2Wis Medium Druid Elf + Plant.
Tribalists 1 Humanoid (Shapechanger) +2 Intelligence Medium Wizard Tribalists are Human-like shapechangers from Ti'lanrur
Tribes of the Pale People 1 Humanoid (Human) +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma Medium Ranger or Druid, chosen at 1st level The pale people are a race of reclusive hunter-gatherers who live in the northern parts of the An Age of Ice and Stone Setting
Tribes of the Sun People 1 Humanoid (Human) -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma Medium Any The sun people are advanced bronze-workers that serve the god-kings of Etarask in the An Age of Ice and Stone Setting
True Dragon Descendants 1 Humanoid (Dragon, Human) Varies Medium or Large None An half dragon-half human race with a strong physique and a bit of a mental skill depending on the flavor you want it to take
Tsigugians 1 Humaniod (Psionic, Tsigugian) −2 Str, −2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis Medium Psion A psionic race worth actually taking a second look at.
Tundrus 1 Humanoid (Canine) Medium Wizard or Sorcerer A bipedal Wolf. Powerful and skilled in Hunting, Tundrus do whatever it takes to protect their "pack".
Twinborn 1 Humanoid +2 Wis, +2 Cha, −2 Str, −2 Dex Medium Cleric or Paladin, chosen at 1st level A race of two-headed humanoids, touched by the divine and striving to live up to it.
Twinborn, Depowered Variant 1 Humanoid +2 Wi, +2 Cha, −2 Str, −2 Dex Medium Cleric or Paladin, chosen at 1st level A race of two-headed humanoids, touched by the divine and striving to live up to it.
Two Headed Ogre 1 Humanoid (Giant) +2 Strength and Constitution. -2 Dexterity. More depending on which head you are playing Large Usually Barbarian and Cleric. The Two Headed Ogre is a Rare breed of Ogre that are 1 out of 100. Both heads are usually smarter then other Ogres, and usually one head is smarter then the other. Being Ogres with just two heads, they share many of their race's culture and few points on the other races. Though one thing is almost always true. A Two Headed Ogre will think themselves better then everyone else, even other Ogres.
Tylwyth Teg 1 Fey +4 Dexterity, −4 Constitution, +2 Wisdom Tiny Druid The Tylwyth Teg are a distant relatives to pixies but still remain part of the sprite family - if just by a hair - even if they carry no true magic through their bloodline, which is acquired instead of being inherited like many other Fey.
Unblood 1 Aberration +2 Constitution, −2 Strength Medium Rogue Unblood are a magical being that looks like a human but has no blood, its lifeforce is sustained by the races greatest secret, a magical field generated by their heart.
Underfolk (Cora Race) 1 Humanoid (folk) +2 to Constitution, −2 to Wisdom Medium Stonemelder Some race
Unguligrade Anthro Ponies 1 Magical Beast(Humanoid) Earth:+4 Str, +2 Con; Pegasus: +4 Str, +4 Dex, -4 Con, -2 Wis, +2 Cha; Unicorn:-4 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Con, +4 Int, +4 Wis Medium Earth:any Pegasus:fighter Unicorn:wizard The three pony races but on two legs and hands.
Unicorn 1 Magical Creature -4 STR, -2 DEX, -2 CON, + 4 INT, +4 WIS Small Wizard A dwarf-sized unicorn, but with many different abilities to their larger cousins.
Urak ? Humanoid +2 Str, −2 Int Medium Barbarian Urak are normally evil raiders and killers, however they are also a complex people with ancient customs and a way of life close to nature.
Urgoth 1 Humanoid +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution Medium Wizard A chimerical lion-horse race with mixed origins
Ursinen 1 Humanoid (Ursine) +2 Strength, −2 Intelligence Medium Barbarian The Ursinen are strong, tough, stocky and come in a variety of colors. They usually roam the world alone.
Urubane 1 Humanoid (Ursine) -2 Dex,+2 Con, -6 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Cha Medium Barbarian A Bear-like, solitary people.
Uruk-Hai 1 Humanoid +4 Str, +4 Con, -4 Wis, -2 Cha, -4 Int Medium Barbarian A brutal race created by Maia and bred by orcs
Usagimimi 1 Monstrous Humanoid (Yokai) +2 Dex, −2 Con, −2 Cha Medium Druid/Shinsou Usagi are a subrace of yokai called kemonomimi and bare specific features of a rabbit.
Ushimimi 1 Monstrous Humanoid (Yokai +2 Str, +2 Con, −6 Cha Medium Barbarian A subrace of kemonomimi and bear specific features of a cow.
Vaspen Swarms 1 Vermin and Swarm, Shapechanger Str is always 1, Dex +4, Con −2, int is Hit Points minus 10, divided by 2, Cha −4 Diminutive Wizard A swarm of Vaspen. On their own, they are stupid, but when they swarm, sentience forms.
Vedalken ? Humanoid +2 Int, +2 Con, −2 Dex, −2 Cha Medium Wizard Vedalken have a cold, logical, and overly analytical view of life, however it proves beneficial to them more often than not.
Vellorreans 1 Humanoid +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Str, -2 Cha Medium Wizard Shadow Creatures
Verian ? Humanoid (Feline) +2 Dex, −2 Int, −2 Cha Medium Ranger Verians are a very physically apt race, heal very quickly, and are quite perceptive and acrobatic.
Vielian 1 Humanoid (Feline) +2 Str, +2 Dex, - 4 int, - 4 cha, + 2 wis Medium Rogue The loyal and over-zealous children of Sylus (3.5e Deity) the dark god of felines.
Viera 1 Humanoid (Viera) +2 to this stat, −2 to that one Medium Ranger A race of humanoids who have rabbit-like features, including long ears and supple limbs.
Viridanai <!-#-> Human &minus2 Str, +6 Cha Medium Sorceror The beautiful people.
Vithui 1 Aberration −2 to Wisdom Medium Fighter Some race
Vithui, Keran 1 Undead (Dark Minded) −2 to Wisdom Medium Fighter A Race that is born dead.
Viverraes 1 Monstrous Humanoid −2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con, +2 Cha Medium Rogue Ferret/mink anthromorphs, swift and lean of form, and graceful in their every step.
Volanc' 1 Humanoid (Winged Folk) Special. See Below. Medium Special. See Below. The Volanc' are Winged Folk of Earthe' resembling anthropomorphic birds. There are five specific types of Volanc' each having a different type of bird form, personality, and preferred territory. All Volanc' have two arms that end in three clawed fingers and one clawed thumb, two legs that end in three forward talons and one backward taloned spur, with two large wings on their back.
style="text-align: center;" | 1 Monstrous Humanoid Type Special <!-Size: Medium Special The Volanc' are Winged Folk of the Prime Material World; Earthe'; resembling anthropomorphic birds. There are five Subtypes of Volanc' each having a different bird ancestry, physiology, personality, and preferred territory.
Vorpal Ragers <!-#-> Giant +4 strength, -2 dexterity, +6 constitution, -2 intelligence, -2 wisdom, -2 charisma Large Barbarian [[1]] Immense brutes, often described as angry walls of muscle.
Vulash 1 Outsider, Native +1 Int; +1 Cha; +2 Dex; -3 Con Medium Any Many years ago, they made a deal with the gods where they would overcome their evil nature, but they were tricked into sacrificing their bodies to do so.
Waterkin (Cora Race) 1 Humanoid (kin) +2 to Constitution, −2 to Intelligence Medium Soulshaper
Wolf-kin (southern)
Woodekin ? Fey +2 Dex, +2 Cha Medium Druid Woodekin are descended from dryads and humans, and feel a strong connection to nature.
Woodsprites 1 Humanoid +2 Wis, −2 Cha Small Ranger Small, somewhat-jumpy winged humanoids who live in trees.
Worban 1 Humanoid +-2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha Small Druid or Rogue Some race
Woren, BoF 1st Humanoid (Feline) +4 DEX, -2 WIS, -2 CHA Medium Fighter, Scout An anthropomorphic race of cat-like people, typically fighter type characters.
Wyg ? Humanoid +4 Con −2 Int −2 Dex −4 Cha Small Warrior Mishappen progeny of trolls and humans
Wyndian, BoF 1st Humanoid (Fae) +2 INT, +2 CHA, -2 STR, -2 CON Medium Wizard, Sorcerer A winged race of humans that excel in arcane magic, but are a physically weak.
Xacilin 1 Humanoid (Xecilin) +2 to Int&Wis, −2 to Cha&Dex Medium Fighter or Cleric Some race
Xenolith 1 Aberration (Insectoid) +2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Int Medium Fighter, Barbarian <!-around 25 word introduction and overview of race; displayed elsewhere.->
Xeren +0 Humanoid (Elf) −2 Str, +2 Dex, −2 Con, +2 Cha Medium Any Though elven in origin, life in urbanized areas has changed their build and affect. Xeren are shorter and weaker than their ancestors, but more sly.
Xerlasi 1 Humanoid (Reptilian) +2 Dex, −2 Con Small Rogue An agrarian race of skink-like reptilians.
Yokai: Kitsune
Youkai, Kitsune 1 Magical Beast (shapechanger) +2 Dex, −2 Con Medium Wizard Masters of illusion and trickery, Kitsune are fox-people rarely seen by civilized humans. Stories abound of a lone traveler seeing a a huge fox gliding gracefully through the trees, Kitsune are seen by few people, and understood by fewer still.
Yuan-Ti Heretic 1 Humanoid +15 Str, + 13 Dex, +8 Con, +8 Int, +11 Cha Large Wizard The next stage of the Yuan-ti on the road to becoming the most powerful being just under the serpent lord. By receiving the bite of 6 fangs of the Profane Fang Ritual

an Abomination can become a guardian of the rites and off spring of the Yuan-ti people. By completing this they are now known as a holy guardian and receive great boons from the serpent lord.

Zashaal 1 Humanoid (Zashaal) −2 Str +2 Dex Medium Sorcerer Zashaal's entire society centers around death.
Zealothian 1 Humanoid (Zealot) +1 Dex, -2 Cha, +1 Str, Medium Ranger,Druid,Barbarian A strong warrior race of Nature.
Zen, Takeshi's Test Experiment Race 1 Humanoid +3 Int and Wis, +2 to any stat, -2 to any stat Medium None Preferred After just being created in Takeshi's Laboratory inside Takeshi's castle, you awaken as though you are in great pain, but cannot feel anything but a burden. The pain inflicted upon you seems to feel only like you are being weighed down. You rise up and look to see something, ...different about your self.
Zephyri 1 Humanoid +3 Dexterity, +2 Strength, −2 Wisdom, −3 Constitution Medium Ranger The Zephyri are an old race, a mix of Elf and Air Elemental. They are exceptionally fast and strong, yet their inability to stay still means they lack the clarity of thought common in more stable races. They perform well as Fighters or Rangers, due to their excellent ability with a sword.
Zerglings 1 Aberration +4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, -2 Strength -2 Intelligence -2 Charisma Small Under Construction Zerglings, as found in Starcraft. They are insect like creatures with big hind legs. They have 2 claws protruding from their shoulders. Meant to be played with Zergling (3.5e Class).
Zora, Variant 1 Humanoid (Aquatic, Zora) +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Con Medium Ranger Lithe, shark-like folk. Commonly found near water.
Zynoble 0 Humanoid +4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -4 Charisma Medium Fighter The Zynoble are a reclusive race of martial artists, who study the way of war in order to learn more about themselves.
Æskmann 1 Humanoid (Nordheim) +4 Str, +2 Con, −2 Int Medium Skald, Viking The dominant humanoid race in Nordheim domain.

Incomplete Races

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