Volanc' (3.5e Race)

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Volanc' (Volanci)[edit]

The Volanc' are Winged Folk of Earthe' resembling anthropomorphic birds. There are five specific types of Volanc' each having a different type of bird form, personality, and preferred territory. All Volanc' have two arms that end in three clawed fingers and one clawed thumb, two legs that end in three forward talons and one backward taloned spur, with two large wings on their back.

  • The five types of Volanc are:

Aarakokra: The Falcon Headed.
Harpy: All Female Humanlike Headed.
Kenku: The Corvid Headed.
Strygidae: The Owl Headed.
Vatour: The Vulture Headed


The Volanc' prefer to exist in their own territories and enjoy the freedom their flight gives them and rarely associate with other races unless the need is great, or there is an established trade market the Volanc’ can benefit from.
All Volanc' save Harpies are monogamous and mate for life.

The Aarakokra love to hunt with Talon, Claw, Spear, and Javelin. Like their Falcon ancestors they are the fastest in flight of all Volanc'. They are fiercely protective of the creches and young. They love celebrations and they perform intricate and beautiful aerobatic dances during these gatherings.

The Harpies are insular and somewhat xenophobic. They are cordial to other Volanc' but dislike all other races, due to some ancient event that altered their forms. They respect strength and guile and once respect is earned, they will treat visitors cordially. They will kill and eat other sentient races that they do not respect or they consider weak if the opportunity presents itself, and are known to collect skulls and bones as trophies.

The Kenku are the most curious and distracted of the Volanc', much like their Crow ancestors. They adore shiny objects, and spend lots of time exploring their territories, watching other creatures and races, and "acquiring" interesting and shiny or colorful objects. They are the most gifted of the Volanc' in crafting, and are masters of archery.

The Strygidae are nocturnal and silent hunters, just like their Owl ancestors. They are wise lore keepers of the Volanc' and will tolerate visitors to their territories only if they bring news, have good lore, or bring unknown tales to their Parliaments.

The Vatour are the largest of the Volanc' and like their Vulture Ancestors are scavengers. They prefer to coast on the updrafts staying in the air for hours or even days at a time. Unlike the other Volanc' they are much more tolerant towards other races, due to the nigh inaccessibility of their nests.

Physical Description[edit]

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All Volanc’ have hollow but extremely durable bones and immense wingspans; taloned feet and clawed hands.

  • Aarakokra
    • Avian Ancestors: Falcons.
    • Plumage: Dark Gray or Brown on top and lighter or white underneath, with Black or Gray markings on their underparts.
    • Average Wingspan: 24 feet (7.3 Meters).
    • Eye Color: Immature Aarakokra have Metallic Blue eyes. Adults have Yellow, or Orange Eyes, and Elders have Brown Eyes.
    • Activity Cycle: Diurnal.
    • Diet: Carnivorous.
  • Harpies
    • Avian Ancestors: Lammergeier.
    • Plumage: Dark Red and Black or Rust and Brown.
    • Average Wingspan: 17 feet ( 5.2 Meters).
    • Eye Color: Immature: Orange. Adult: Gold. Elder: Pale White/Yellow.
    • Humanoid Face: Harpies have Humanoid Faces, Large, Round, Eyes and Nasal Slits instead of Noses; Sharp Fanged teeth for tearing flesh, and Strong Molars for breaking bones to suck the Marrow.
    • Wings: Harpy wings are attached to their arms ending in their Clawed Hands instead of the other Volanci.
    • Activity Cycle: Diurnal.
    • Diet: Carnivorous.
  • Kenku
    • Avian Ancestors: Crow
    • Plumage: Dark Gray to Black
    • Average Wingspan: 20 feet (6.1 meters).
    • Eye Color: Immature have blue eyes. Adults have Dark Blue or Green Eyes, and Elders have Black Eyes with Blue or Green flecks.
    • Activity Cycle: Diurnal.
    • Diet: Carnivorous.
  • Strygidae
    • Avian Ancestors: Owl
    • Plumage: Varies by Climate.
    • Average Wingspan: 21 Feet ( 6.1 Meters).
    • Eye Color: Dark Gold to Dark Brown.
    • Activity Cycle: Nocturnal.
    • Diet: Carnivorous.<br
  • Vatour
    • Avian Ancestors: Condor
    • Plumage: Black with White or Red collar feathers.
    • Average Wingspan: 24 Feet ( 7.3 Meters).
    • Eye Color: Females have Red Eyes; Males have Yellow or Brown.
    • Activity Cycle: Diurnal.
    • Diet: Carnivorous.<br


The Volanc' get on well with most flying creatures or beings, save those that would defile their territories or attack their creches, like some Dragons, Wyverns, Peryton, and the like. Among their own subtypes each hold great affection for their ancestral bird lineages. They generally distrust terrestrial based creatures or beings, though individual adventurers or special liaisons can learn to tolerate or understand the terrestrial's outlook.

The other Volanc' are cautious around Harpies, due to Harpies penchant to see any creature as a possible meal, but even Harpies follow the Laws of Hospitality the Volanc' follow. Though they may act after the encounter if the Harpy feels insulted, or they could get away with an easy kill.


If Alignment is used. Any.
Harpies tend to be Chaotic Neutral.

If Alignment is not used.

Aarakokra: Energetic and Protective.
Harpy: Hungry and Lazy.
Kenku: Curious and Adventurous.
Strygidae: Wise and Patient.
Vatour: Opportunistic and Vulgar.


Aarakokra have Creches in Steppes, Highlands, Badlands, Small Mountains, and Pine Forests.

Harpies prefer to make their Creches in shallow Caves near bodies of water, and many live on rocky islands near shipping lanes.

Kenku make their Creches in Shrublands, Plains, Bamboo Forests, and Small Forests.

Strygidae have Creches in every environment and terrain.

Vatour make their Creches in tall Mountains, Hidden Buttes, and Deserts.


Volanc' generally worship Dieties of Air, Flight, Birds, or Nature.

On the Campaign world Earthe' the primary deities generally worshiped are:

Idohr: God of Birds and the Winged Folk Patron.
Akadi: Elemental Goddess of Air.
Teiwaz: God of the Sky, Rain, Wind, Clouds, and Storms.

The Specific Subtypes also have Favorite Dieties.

Aarakokra Favor Idohr: God of Birds and the Winged Folk Patron.
Harpies Favor Ausrin Goddess of Night, Darkness, Deceit, Hidden Things, Teacher to the Feminine.
Kenku Favor Donn God of Travel, Freedom, Helpful Wind, Ferrier of the Dead to Judgement, Father of the Valkur.
Strygidae Favor Selune Goddess of the Moon, Twilight, Song, Tides, and the Hunt.
Vatour Favor Nergal God of Calamity, Judgement, Retribution, and Vengance.


The Volanc' have their own language Volanci, which is almost impossible for any creature without a beak to speak. It consists of clicks, whistles, shrieks, rumbles, hoots, and songs that other races can never truly duplicate. Each Subrace has their own Dialect. The Volanc' also speak Auran and can communicate with normal birds with ease.

Volanc' who live near terrestrial settlements will usually have one or two that can speak either Common, Trade, or the Major Racial Language of the Terrestrial Settlement.

Kenku are unique in that they have a telepathic language that they use most of the time. They occasionally use their Mimicry ability to "Speak" other languages. They will use Volanci when necessary, but prefer to communicate telepathically even with other Volanc'.


Among themselves Volanc' names are composed of a few syllables that can include clicks, whistles, chirps, and hoots. When they must deal with other races they generally come up with a simple one or two syllable name the other race can passably pronounce.

Aarakokra: Red, Ud, Raf, Dak, Ik, Klull, Sekkar, Qlir, Ka, Qued.

Harpy: Gylylis, Elorys, Phise, Hemnia, Theria, Calea, Zephone, Lypheys.

Kenku: Knorp, Gnash, Cobb, Fleck, Knulk, Dorp, Croonk.

Strygidae: Galeru, Sabuc, Florius, Decus, Sconia, Papia, Ciln, Lida, Faudes.

Vatour: Itzam, Baluc, Hapkre, Cotzla, Ixmac, Papan, Ilalli, Xoc, Zyana, Tzin.

Racial Traits[edit]


  • Ability Modifiers: -2 Strength, -4 Strength
  • Type: Monstrous Humanoid
  • Size: Medium
  • Movement: base land speed is 30 feet: Flight is 70 feet: maneuverability is good:
  • Avian Eyesight: Arakokra can eyesight 10 times better than Humans. They can track the movements of a cheetah up to 2 miles away.
  • Claustrophobia: Aarakokra are not used to living in enclosed spaces as many other races do. Because of this, Aarakokra go into a panic when kept in an enclosed space for too long. Aarakokra receive a -1 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks while underground or in an enclosed space that is 100 square feet (10 ft. x 10 ft.) in area or smaller.
  • Natural Weapon: Aarakokra can attack with their talons or claws, dealing 1d4 points of damage.
  • Weapons: All Aarakokra are trained in the use of Spears and Javelins and have the Weapon Focus feat for both. In flight they can throw their Spears and Javelins with their Feet just as well as their Hands.
  • Racial Skill Bonus: Aarakokra gain a +2 racial bonus to all search and spot checks.
  • Feat: SRD:Weapon Focus Spears & Javelins
  • Collection:
  • Automatic Languages: Volanca (Aarakokra Dialect), Common. Bonus Languages: Trade, Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf, Auran.
  • Speak with Birds: All Volanc' can speak and understand the languages of all birds.
  • Favored Class: Ranger, Cleric, or Monk
  • Level Adjustment: 1


  • Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence,
  • Type: Monstrous Humanoid
  • Size: Medium
  • Movement: base land speed is 30 feet: Flight is 40 feet: maneuverability is average:
  • Avian Eyesight: Harpies have eyesight 8 times better than Humans. They can track movement and carcasses up to 2 miles away.
  • Poor Smell: Harpies have a very poor sense of smell, even worse than humans and thus rely entirely on sight and sound.
  • Natural Weapon: Talons. Harpies inflict 1d6 hp Slashing Damage with their Talons.
  • Weapons: Harpies love to drop heavy, sharp rocks on enemies from above. THey gain SRD:Weapon Focus when dropping rocks on their enemies.
  • Sex: All Harpies are female and they procreate without the need for males. A Harpy will usually lay up to 4 eggs in their lifetime.
  • Racial Skill Bonus: Harpies gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Performance Singing
  • Automatic Languages: Volanca (Harpy Dialect), Common. Bonus Languages: Trade, Human, Orc, Goblin, Giant Auran.
  • Speak with Birds: All Volanc' can speak and understand the languages of all birds.
  • Favored Class: Sorcerer.
  • Level Adjustment: 1


  • Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity. +1 Wisdom
  • Type: Monstrous Humanoid
  • Size: Medium
  • Movement: base land speed is 30 feet: Flight is 60 feet: maneuverability is good:
  • Avian Eyesight: Kenku 9 times better than Humans. They can track movement up to 2 miles away and follow the movement of all creatures within 60 feet in front of them.
  • Weapons: All Kenku at trained in Archery and gain the SRD:Weapon Focus Feat on all bows and crossbows.
  • Avian Crafter: Kenku are the Crafters of the Volanc' and gain a +2 Racial Skill Bonus to any Craft Skills.
  • Mimicry: Kenku are masters of mimicry. They gain the Mimicry Skill with a +8 Racial Bonus to any Mimicry Check. They can Mimic almost any sound.
  • Racial Skill Modifiers: Kenku are distrusted due to their love of "acquiring" shiny things. They Suffer a -4 to all Social Skill checks against other races.
  • Racial Skill Modifiers: Kengku gain a +3 Racial Bonus to Disguise Skill Checks.
  • Automatic Languages: Kenku communicate via Telepathy though through Mimicry they can "Speak" other languages. Volanca (Kenku Dialect), Common. Bonus Languages: Trade, Human, Orc, Goblin, Atami, Auran.
  • Speak with Birds': All Volanc' can speak and understand the languages of all birds.
  • Favored Class: Any Ranged or Magic Using.
  • Level Adjustment: 1


  • Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity +2 Intelligence -2 Strength.
  • Type: Monstrous Humanoid
  • Size: Medium
  • Movement: base land speed is 30 feet: Flight is 50 feet: maneuverability is perfect:
  • Avian Eyesight: Strygidae eyesight is 12 times better than Humans. They can track movement up to 3 miles away and follow the movement of all creatures within 70 feet in front of them.
  • Hearing: Strygidae have incredibly bi-lateral hearing and gain a +2 Bonus to Hearing Based Perception Checks.
  • Weapons: Strygidae prefer to use their incredibally sharp claws, talons and beak when attacking. They gain SRD:Weapon Focus for all attacks with their natural weapons.
  • Racial Skill Bonus: Strygidae gain +2 Racial Bonus to any Knowledge based skill they are trained in. Strygidae suffer a -2 Racial Penalty with Social Checks when dealing with other races.
  • Automatic Languages: Volanca (Strigidae Dialect), Common. Bonus Languages: Trade, Human, Gnome, Elf, Dwarf, Auran.
  • Speak with Birds': All Volanc' can speak and understand the languages of all birds.
  • Favored Class: Wizard
  • Level Adjustment: 1


  • Ability Modifiers: +4 Constitution, -2 Charisma.
  • Type: Monstrous Humanoid
  • Size: Medium
  • Movement: base land speed is 30 feet: Flight is 40 feet: maneuverability is average:
  • Avian Eyesight: Strygidae eyesight is 10 times better than Humans. They can track movement up to 3 miles away and spot a carcass up to 2 miles away.
  • Weapons: The Vatour utilize bolas, nets, and lasso's in combat and gain SRD:Weapon Focus when using them.
  • Eat Anything: Like their Condor Ancestors the Vatour can eat any flesh regardless of how fresh or rotten it is without any ill effects. Including Tröll Flesh.
  • Racial Skill Bonus: Vatour gain a +2 Bonus to Track Prey while in flight.
  • Automatic Languages: Volanca (Vatour Dialect), Common. Bonus Languages: Trade, Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf, Tröll, Hengeyokai, Auran.
  • Speak with Birds': All Volanc' can speak and understand the languages of all birds.
  • Favored Class: Monk
  • Level Adjustment: 1

Vital Statistics[edit]

Table: Aarakokra Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
20 years +0 +5 +15
Table: Aarakokra Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
70 years 150 years 200 years +5d10 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Aarakokra Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 6’ 6” +1d6 100 lb. × (2d10) lb.
Female 6’ 5” +1d6 100 lb. × (2d10) lb.
Table: Harpy Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
15 years +0 +10 +20->
Table: Harpy Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
30 years 60 years 90 years +4d10 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Harpy (There are only female Harpies) Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male {{{mbaseft}}}’ {{{mbasein}}}” +{{{mmodin}}} {{{mbaselb}}} lb. × ({{{mmodlb}}}) lb.
Female 5’ 0” +1d6 80 lb. × (2d8) lb.
Table: Kenku Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
20 years +5 +10 +20
Table: Kenku Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
60 years 120 years 140 years +4d10 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Kenku Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 5’ 6” +2d6 90 lb. × (2d10) lb.
Female 5’ 5” +2d6 85 lb. × (2d10) lb.
Table: Strygidae Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
25 years +5 +15 +30
Table: Strygidae Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
90 years 160 years 200 years +5d10 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Strygidae Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 5’ 8” +2d6 100 lb. × (2d6) lb.
Female 5’ 9” +2d8 100 lb. × (2d8) lb.
Table: Strygidae Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
15 years +0 +6 +12
Table: Vatour Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
40 years 80 years 120 years +4d10 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Vatour Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 7’ 6” +2d12 120 lb. × (2d10) lb.
Female 7’ 7” +2d12 125 lb. × (2d10) lb.

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