Lapruni (3.5e Race)
In the oldest of tomes, Lapruni have been called Lagomorphs, Lapines, or more simply "Rabbitfolk". This term is misleading, the Lapruni's unusual mix of features have led many to dispute the classification, since they only vaguely resemble the rabbits, especially considering the very unrabbitlike appearance and behavior of the male Lapruni. They, of course, call themselves the Lapruni - which supposedly means "Walking Ones", but Lapruni elders are reluctant to give reason or explanations as to what that implies.
Physical Description
Lapruni have humanoid bodies covered with sleek fur that comes in myriad colors - usually shades of brown, grey, black and white. Their legs are unusually long and powerful. Lapruni tend towards lean, and are usually agile and energetic. They have large eyes on a rather hare-like face, short deer-like tails, and surprisingly large ears. Lapruni's ears continue to grow slowly thru out their lifetime - an infant lapruni's ears are about as big as a cat's ears. Elder Lapruni ears have been know to grow over four feet long - long enough to be draped about their shoulders like furry shawls. (To randomly determine ear length roll 1d4 for every 5 years of age for an adult Lapruni). Lapruni also sport a pair of small downward pointing tusks - often mistakenly called fangs. Despite these sharp canines, lapruni are not carnivores - but instead omnivorous with a heavy preference for fruits and vegetables.
At about the time puberty sets in, male lapruni begin to grow antlers. These antlers grow rapidly for about a year before shedding their velvety skin to reveal solid bone in shades between ivory white and dull ebony black. Every five years or so these antlers are shed, much like deer, and the lapruni begin to grow a new set in the next 6 to 8 months. Like deer, these antlers begin as mere prongs for young males, to staggeringly magnificent racks on mature adults. Female lapruni do not grow antlers.
Lapruni live in tribal communities that are lead by a group of Elders. Elders are any Lapruni old enough to have stopped shedding horns in the case of males, or stopped bearing young in the case of females. In some tribes where war with other races is more common, there may be a leader chosen by or in addtion to the Elders - whose role is mainly to organize and lead the tribe's warriors in defense of their village or territory. Lapruni strongly value family ties and close friends are often considered the same as direct family - even if they're another species. Three or four Lapruni families will work as one to raise all their young together, creating stronger bonds within the tribe.
Interestingly, personal disputes, disagreements over property, or fighting to impress a would-be mate - both genders often challenge and then "duel". Males actually lock horns and attempt to wrestle the other to the ground, while females butt heads, wrestle, and attempt to bite their opponents' ear - hoping to pierce the other's ear with a sharp tusk - thus signifying their defeat. A lapruni with a broken antler or a ragged ear is not reguarded any less for having lost, but maybe a little foolish for getting into the duel in the first place.
In relation to antlers, as the lapruni constantly shed their antlers through out their lifetime, many lapruni are very skilled at bone carving. With their discarded horns they make everything from useful every day items like eating utensils, combs, sewing needles, pins, daggers, spear and arrow heads - to purely decorative items like carved and polished jewelry, beads, and figurines -- beautiful items much desired by traders.
Lapruni are bold and outgoing but not reckless. They have a strong, almost savage sense of survival coupled with oppurtunistic mind set. Their primitive home is a dangerous place where enemies abound, and Lapruni find their strength in numbers. Young Lapruni often leave the tribe to adventure to meet new allies and to learn about potential enemies or to gain favor among their tribal Elders. In any case, Lapruni maintain strong community ties to their tribes, and often return after a number of years to become an Elder.
Lapruni meet other races openly in hopes of finding friends and allies. Lapruni thrive in numbers, and they like to find people who's strengths compliment or compensate for their own abilities - whether as a whole race, or individually. Loyalty is important to lapruni, and betrayal is almost always repaid with shocking vehemenance and often a lifetime of animosity towards the betrayer(s).
Lapruni are usually Chaotic Good. With the exception of tribal Elders, or a chieftan in times of war, Lapruni find laws and social brackets restrictive in their tribal societies. Lapruni appreciate and value friends and family, and will fight to defend them.
Lapruni often live in temperate forests, jungles, and occasionally plains. They are semi nomadic if given enough space. Lapruni on islands might feircely defend their island homes from intruders, but on large continents lapruni will happily share territories with other friendly races they've allied themselves with.
Lapruni give homage to a deity they call Frith. As according to their legends, Frith is represented as the sun, most scholars draw the line to Pelor and other similar sun gods.
Lapruni have their own language reserved for use with reciting and memorizing their extensive oral histories and legends - and it has no written form. Lapruni instead largely communicate in Common, although some may learn Elven, Gnome, or Halfling.
Male Names
Fleetscut, Burtail, Duskin, Oakthorn, Jurful, Jaghorn, Starbuck
Female Names
Deekeye, Yani, Songear, Jasill, Swiftfoot, Silfay, Thiska, Dewpaw, Bella
Racial Traits
- +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence
- Medium
- Lapruni base land speed is 30 feet.
- Low-Light Vision
- +4 racial bonus to Jump and Listen checks: Lapruni's large ears are keen at picking up sound, while their powerful legs add great advantage to running and jumping.
- Natural Weapon: A male lapruni can gore an opponent with his horns for 1d4 damage + 1/2 STR.
- Antler Duel (Ex): If the lapruni's opponent also has recognizable horns, on a successful hit the male lapruni can attempt to lock horns with his opponent without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. Treat this action as a trip attack to determine if the lapruni throws his opponent to the ground.
- Automatic Languages: Lapruni and Common. Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnome, Halfling
- Favored Class: Ranger - Lapruni are often close to nature and the need to defend their lands falls easily into this vocation.
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