Kapikos (3.5e Race)

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Kapikos are one of the two species created by the wizard turned deity Meon. They are beings of magic, and seem to have taken on the good aspects of their patron, for they run with a neutral streak that blooms with creativity. Kapikos are an charismatic bunch, wild enough to do as they please yet stable enough to stick at what they like. Many kapikos find themselves a hobby and excel at it, finding new ways to make it interesting and only moving on when they have exhausted all possibilities. Good kapikos are cheerful and child-like, while evil kapikos seem psychotic, cruel, and careless.

Physical Description[edit]

Kapikos stand around the size of a gnome or goblin, their figures are that of small elves. most kapikos are tan or pale complected. Their bodies are a lean and tone, with unusually pointy ears, eyes which glow in darkness, and a single short horn which comes from their foreheads. They also possess a long monkey tail The horn is the seat of their magical powers, and without it they lose the ability to cast. Loosing their horn is very traumatic to a kapiko, who will seek a way to restore it at once. Their tail also serves a purpose at being sensitive to magical energies.


They are far older than there counterparts the kopikos, as a race, and their creator god is terribly old. As such, they have pre-conceived notions of other races and are friendly to most but can be crude. This is not returned, however, being something new and strange. While many would accept them as a harmless oddity, others find them to be some sort of monster or alien. Most do not know where these creatures come from, and if asked the kapiko seem to answer the question in vague terms. As these are some colonies of kapikos who have been born in the etheral plane, not all realize they originate from a demiplane where a deity lives. The exception to this rule is their sister race, the kapikos, as they share similar origins. They also enjoy the company of elves, and from them they seem to admire jungle elves, but usually not for their knowledgeable tendencies. They view elves as amazing beings, and see the elves as a powerful example of a longevity.


Often neutral. There are those who follow chaos, but lawfulness seems to come naturally to these free-spirited beings.


Kapikos enjoy moderate and murky climates, but are able to travel with other races. They particularly congregate in places of high magic, as its aura soothes them as well as the kopikos


Born from Meon's influence, a majority have taken to despise him, or otherwise expand their horizons take of gods of magic, art, and revelry.


Kapikos speak Common and Pangal, due to their origins. Many decide to learn elven or sylvan if possible.


First names are as varied as humans, but the race doesn't seem to have a set system of last names. While the family name is kept in early years, once a kapiko has achieved something of notice they will choose to change their last name to something fitting (such as Flamemaster or Ironguard). The last name seems to be more a title of honor, and it is an honor to be able to outdo your parents and rename yourself.

Racial Traits[edit]

  • +4 Charisma, +2 intelligence, −2 Strength: They lack physical prowess, but their bodies flow with magic energy and a strong mind.
  • Fey: They were literally born of magic, and still have a strong connection to it. While not tied to nature as most fey, their bond is the same sort in the end. Unlike most fey, they lack low-light vision and instead have darkvision.
  • Small: As a Small creature, a kapiko gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium creature.
  • Kapiko base land speed is 30 ft.
  • Kapiko have a +4 racial bonus to Knowledge Arcana and Spellcraft checks.
  • Sense Magic (Su): With their tails they can try to detect magic in an area. This works as the spell Detect Magic, but only is able to detect the presence or absence of magic. This is a standard action, which lasts for a duration of Concentration.
  • Absorb Magic (Su): A kapiko's body act act like a Ring of Spell-Storing, and hold a single spell of 0th or 1st level inside their body. This ability grows with level, with the level able to be held equal to half their HD (to a maximum of a 9th level spell at 18 HD). They may only hold one spell at a time in their bodies regardless of level, and when cast, the spell uses the original caster's DC and caster level. A kapiko cannot apply metamagic feats unless the spell was absorbed with metamagic applied. A kapiko can cast the spell even if they lack the minimum ability score normally required to cast a spell of that level. A kapiko may hold a spell 1/day for every 6 HD past 1st (maximum 4/day at 18th).
  • Draw (Sp): A kapiko may target an arcane spellcaster within 30 ft., and attempt to steal one of their spells. It is a standard action which provokes attacks of opportunity, allowing for a Will and spell resistance, DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha. If successful, the target loses the spell from their memory as if they had cast it, and it is absorbed into the kapiko as per the Absorb Magic ability. A kapiko can only draw a spell they are able to store at their level, and only if they have absorb attempts left, otherwise the Draw fails.
  • Magic Bound (Ex): The tight bond to magic is a bane at times. Dispel Magic spells can attempt to "dispel" the kopiko as if it were a spell whose caster level equals the kapiko's HD. If successful, the kapiko takes 1d6 damage per spell level. An Antimagic Field causes a kapiko distress, 6d6 damage a round for as long as they remain inside with Will for half. Mage's Disjunction has a far worse effect, as the spell becomes a Will save vs death effect.
  • Cold Iron Weakness (Ex): Kapiko take 150% damage from cold iron weapons.
  • Magic Aura (Su): Kapiko radiate magic, and show up on Detect Magic as a universal magic school object with a caster level equal to their HD.
  • Darkvision (Ex): Kapikos can see in the dark up to 60 ft. Darkvision is black and white only, but is otherwise like normal sight, and kapikos can function just fine in no light at all.
  • Spell-Like Ability: 1/day— Prestidigitation, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic. Caster level is 1st. The save DC is Cha-based.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Pangal. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Sylvan, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, and Gnome.
  • Favored Class: Sorcerer and Spellthief

Vital Statistics[edit]

Table: Kopiko Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
10 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6
Table: Kopiko Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
35 years 380 years 700 years +2d10 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Kopiko Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 2' 10" +1d6 30 lb. × (x1) lb.
Female 2' 6" +1d6 25 lb. × (x1) lb.

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