User:Tag365/Dynamic Link Tables
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5e Pokémon Races[edit]
Name | Summary |
Abomasnow | A race of powerful pine tree-like humanoids. |
Aggron | Aggron, the Iron Armor Pokémon, was very accurately named. |
Alcremie | Tiny and adorable fey oozes that secrete a sweet, delicious cream. |
Alolan Marowak | Pack creatures able to do a spirit dance. |
Armaldo | Land walking fossils brought back to life |
Aromatisse | Small, fluffy and wingless bird-like creatures that masterfully manipulate scents. |
Audino | Cute and pudgy, these rabbit-like creatures want nothing more than to heal your wounds. |
Banette | Cursed dolls who seek revenge against the ones who threw them away. |
Barbaracle | Rocky, grabby Pokémon of the coasts |
Bisharp | Savage humanoid pokemon whose bodies are naturally covered in armor and blades. |
Blastoise | Tough shelled tortoises with cannons and a tendency to fight. |
Blaziken | Tall, flightless, bird-like humanoids that combine fire and martial arts. |
Breloom | Mushrooms that punch |
Buizel | loving and social weasel otters. |
Chesnaught | Bulky, armored pokemon with a kind heart and a desire to protect what they hold dear. |
Cinderace | Speedy lagomorphs who turn pebbles to fireballs just by kicking them. |
Cindsler | a anthropomorphic rabbits who use there powerful muscles to use |
Clefable | Odd fey who are elusive until the moon shows |
Cofagrigus | Dark spirited creatures that are tied to sarcophagi. |
Croagunk | Strangely musical creatures but underhanded fighters. |
Cyclizar | Speedy and friendly lizards who love carrying people across the land. |
Decidueye | Collected, focused avian pokemon who employ ranged combat and stealthy tactics to win their battles. |
Deino | Small voracious, and vicious dragons which can grow multiple heads, and eventually fly. |
Delphox | Bipedal vulpine diviners with a mastery of fire magic and psionics. |
Drilbur | A small, swift mole Pokémon that burrows underground. |
Eevlet | Small natural elementals who grow and morph into 8 different eevaforms, of the water, thunder, fire, eon, dark, life, ice, and light elements. |
Electivire | Bipedal, burly humanoids covered in yellow fur that electrocutes the competition. |
Emboar | Emboar are powerful, bulky, and fast creatures... and pigs on fire. |
Florges | Gorgeous fey pokemon that can bring out the hidden power of flowers. |
Froslass | Female snow spirits known for freezing men and using their corpses to decorate their dens. |
Furret | Ferret-like townsfolk Pokemon with long striped bodies. |
Gallade | Courteous creatures with an undying loyalty to those whom they share a close bond with. |
Gardevoir | Graceful creatures with an undying loyalty to those who they share a close bond with. |
Gengar | Large rotund phantoms with a fondness for curses and an appetite for souls. |
Gholdengo | Golden golems made up of 1000 ancient coins and a friendly soul. |
Gligar | Small, organized scorpion-bats that hunt in packs. |
Golett | Clay pokemon made to protect |
Golisopod | Big armored sea creatures that sharpen their skills through meditation |
Goodra | Joyful, draconic-ooze hybrids who love giving their friends slime-covered hugs. |
Gourgeist | Ghastly gourds known for their curse-bringing songs and love of terrorizing their prey. |
Granbull | Dog-fairies with an intimidating appearance but a timid heart. |
Graveler | A rocky pokemon known to have a rotund shape and multiple limbs |
Greninja | Bipedal frog pokemon that destroy enemies with ninja-like movements and large shurikens made of compressed water. |
Grimmsnarl | Powerful, fiendish looking goblinoids who use their hair to overpower their foes. |
Hakamo-o | Reptilian warriors with natural plate armor |
Hatterene | Witch-like, noise-hating creatures who tear apart those who offend them with their tentacle-claw. |
Hawlucha | Small, bird-like humanoids who love a good fight be it on the ground or in the air. |
Heatmor | Fiery anteaters |
Helioptile | As very easy-going creatures, they are nomadic and get along with most, if not, all races. |
Hypno | A pokemon whose most horrifying characteristic is its ability to hypnotize and kidnap you while you sleep. |
Incineroar | Violent, selfish feline pokemon who employ fire and dirty tactics to win their battles. |
Iron Valiant | Vicious yet elegant futuristic robots found within the caves of an ancient crater. |
Jynx | Humanoid pokemon whose hypnotic sashaying is as mysterious as it's unique, special language. |
Kabutops | Fossils bought back to life with scythe hands |
Kadabra | Powerful psychics, Kadabra emits alpha waves strong enough to induce headaches, and can even cause clocks to run backwards, machines to malfunction, and delicate devices to cease functioning altogether. All of Kadabra's brain cells work in unison while it uses its powers. Kadabra lives in urban areas. |
Kangaskhan | Tall kangaroo-like mothers who are completely devoted to their children. |
Kecleon | Chameleon pokemon that like to play merchant |
Krookodile | Bullies of the desert sands that tear prey in half with their powerful jaws. |
Lati | Legendary draconic pokemon that fly through the air at incredible speeds. |
Lilligant | Dainty ladies of the forest |
Litwick | Sentient candle pokemon |
Lopunny | Short, graceful, and rather adorable, these timid lagomorphs pack a powerful kick. |
Lucario | Bipedal, aura-manipulating canines with a strong sense of loyalty and justice. |
Lucario, 2nd Variant | Lucario are humanoid with canine-like features that specialize in manipulating the force known as Aura. |
Lucario, Variant | As a riolu, you gain the following traits, and then some when you evolve. |
Ludicolo | A strange, dance-loving creature that looks like a sombrero-wearing pineapple that some may call "ludicrous". |
Lycanroc | Canine creatures whose growth and development is affected by the time of day. |
Mankey | Short little angry monkey balls |
Maractus | Flowering humanoid cacti with thorns as sharp as their dance moves. |
Mawile | Small, deceptive pokemon with huge mouths growing on the back of their heads. |
Medicham | Belly dancer pokemon who use yoga to strengthen their minds. |
Meloetta | Small mythical creatures with a beautiful voice. Depending on which breed you see, you'll either see powerful psychic attacks or graceful physical attacks. |
Meowth | Adorable yet fickle feline Pokemon who bring luck and trouble in equal measure. |
Miltank | Friendly bovines whose milk is as potent as its attacks. |
Mimikyu | A small, mysterious creature both loved for its short stature and childishly crafted disguise and feared because no one knows what's actually underneath said disguise. |
Muk | Toxic slime Pokémon that smell worse than feces, rotting flesh, eggs, and heavily fermented sauerkraut... Yuck |
Obstagoon | Confrontational obstructers of battle |
Pangoro | Pangoro are rough but gentle creatures... towards those who are kind and courteous. |
Pawmo | Electrical mice pokemon that can punch you out |
Primarina | Beautiful mermaid-like creatures whose most powerful weapon is their singing voice. |
Quagsire | Carefree and dopey creatures who would much rather relax in muddy water than fight. |
Regi | |
Reuniclus | Small levitating psionic capable creatures, encased in a strange liquid. |
Ribombee | Small, fey-like pokemon who gather honey and use pollen to both attack their foes and heal their allies. |
Roserade | A bipedal bouquet of roses that is just as deadly as it is beautiful. |
Sableye | Tiny, goblin-like, gem-eating Pokemon who reside in deep, dark caves. |
Salazzle | Venomous reptilian pokemon whose pheromones can influence the thoughts and actions of beasts and even people. |
Sceptile | Snobby lizards of the trees |
Scrafty | With a rude attitude and saggy skin-pants, these punkish lizard pokemon defend their territory by spitting acid and delivering powerful kicks. |
Scyther | Fast and furious blade hands |
Serperior | Beautiful, regal-looking serpents that possess a glare that can terrify most any creature. |
Skorupi | Oversized, small scorpions with savage venom |
Slakoth | Slow moving sloth pokemon |
Slowking | Gentle geniuses who reside near wetlands |
Smeargle | Bipedal canine pokemon who create art with paint-oozing tails. |
Sneasler | Slightly taller Sneasel who prefer solitude and poisons to pack tactics. |
Snorlax | Rotund, bear-like pokemon sleep, eat, and then sleep some more. |
Sprigatito | Cute little plant cats |
Stufful | Very small and strong bears that resemble stuffed animals. |
Swampert | Big and durable creatures capable of moving or crushing a boulder. |
Sylveon | Eevee's arguably most fashionable evolution |
Trapinch | Small but aggressive antlions who trap prey in inescapable sand pits and crush them with powerful jaws. |
Treecko | Gecko pokemon who may be small but slow to gain trust |
Trevenant | Haunted trees that protect the forests it calls home from those who would harm it. |
Tsareena | Short and vicious, yet protective, plant-like humanoids who kick foes into submission. |
Turtonator | Very durable dragon turtles |
Typhlosion | Bulky badgers with a fiery fury that burns like an erupting volcano. |
Tyrogue | Small, humanoid pokemon that are always looking for a fight, especially against foes stronger than it. |
Ursaring | Big bear Pokémon |
Urshifu | Mysterious and disciplined bear-like creatures who are experts at martial arts. |
Victini | A Pokemon that stands for victory and good fortune. |
Weavile | Cunning, cat-like arctic weasels who tear the flesh of prey with razor-sharp claws. |
Whimsicott | Small, free-spirited puffballs known for their mischief-making. |
Wigglytuff | Unexpected leaders touched by moonlight |
Wobbuffet | Bizarre but docile creatures that are strangely protective of their black tails. |
Yanma | Small, semi-aggressive dragonfly creatures |
Zangoose | Fluffy mongoose pokemon with long, sharp claws and a hatred for snakes. |
Zarude | Simian creatures bonded to their packs and forest home |
Zeraora | Bipedal felines of legend who embody the power of thunder and lightning. |
Zoroark | Sly, black fox pokemon who are experts at disorienting foes with their mastery over illusion. |
5e April Fools Races[edit]
Name | Summary | |||||||||||
A Bear | Literally just a bear. | |||||||||||
A Bee | ||||||||||||
A Goldfish | ||||||||||||
A Literal Pig | Literally a pig. | |||||||||||
A Variety of Minecraftian Monsters Personified | The Minecraft Mobs but oh no they're hot. | |||||||||||
Abyssal Chicken-Born | Creatures born from- uh... Abyssal Chickens? | |||||||||||
Admin | The admins of the site. | |||||||||||
American | The champions of Truth, Justice, Independence, Liberty, and Obesity | |||||||||||
Animated Toy | Children's playthings, brought to life by magical means. | |||||||||||
Anime Girl | One minute a power-house of unfathomable strength, magic, wit, or sheer will, the next a sudden failure at basic speech, the anime girl covers a wide group of archetypes, from Best Girl to Waifu, from Yandere to Tsundere, Isekai heroine to school girl. | |||||||||||
Anon | Anons are magical, grey human shaped blobs that do as they please. | |||||||||||
Ant | Ants were developed after evolving from wasp-like insects but most types of ant developed without wings. | |||||||||||
April Fools Article | The most impervious kind of article to exist. | |||||||||||
Awakened Shrub | Naturally with a Challenge Rating of 0. | |||||||||||
Awoken Bread Loaf | ||||||||||||
Bananafolk | Dancing bananas | |||||||||||
Bear | Simply a bear | |||||||||||
Beefforged | Large living constructs made of beef. | |||||||||||
Beeforged | Large living constructs filled with bees. | |||||||||||
Being of Inordinate Size | A vast humanoid that knows no limit to its size. | |||||||||||
BFG | Roald Rahl's Big Friendly Giant. | |||||||||||
Blizzard Man | Nightmarish horrors that resemble tasty frozen treats. Do not let their delicious appearance fool you however! | |||||||||||
Blue Eye Skeleton | ||||||||||||
Boy Kisser | ||||||||||||
Breadin | Animated bread and cookies | |||||||||||
Build A Race | Now you can put your search to rest because now you don’t have to pick between 2 races. | |||||||||||
Bullet Kin | bullet people | |||||||||||
Can of WD-40 | ||||||||||||
Candy Person | A race of those made out of candy- humanoid and candy shaped alike! | |||||||||||
Cartoon | Born on the Ethereal Plane, the Toonkind are a strange and powerful race known for their love of play and creativity. They may come in all different shapes and sizes, and while a large population possess animal-like features, Toonkind appearances can range from nearly human to living kitchen appliances. Their nigh-boundless energy inspires them to find entertainment in most any situation; if they cannot find excitement readily they may be compelled to make some of their own, earning them a reputation as troublemakers. Thankfully, their natural charm and great agility help them wheedle their way out of whatever trouble they might make. | |||||||||||
Chedarians | ||||||||||||
Chicken | Bawk bawk BA-KAW! | |||||||||||
Chicken God | ||||||||||||
Chimpanzee | Chimpanzees are similar to angry kindergarteners with enough strength to rip off arms | |||||||||||
Chocolate Smile | ||||||||||||
Cigarette Man | ||||||||||||
Creeper | As a creeper, you have the following traits: | |||||||||||
Cucumber | ||||||||||||
Dandwiki | A race of perfectly normal, well-balanced, not-at-all overtuned humanoids. | |||||||||||
Dice-kin | Living dice! | |||||||||||
Duck Kin | Anthropomorphic duck people who are buff sea faring sailors. | |||||||||||
DuelSoulBlade Shadow Vampelf | You're summary is blank because it's not important. | |||||||||||
Dungeonmin | A race of dungeonspawn | |||||||||||
Duwang | What a beautiful Duwang! | |||||||||||
Eggledites | A failed experiment creating sentient, talkative eggs. | |||||||||||
Electrode with Glock 17 | Its an Electrode, with a Gun. what were you expecting? | |||||||||||
Emperor Hamster | Giant hamsters that rule over tiny hamsters | |||||||||||
Fidget Spinner | A Dank Spinning race that will be helpful in a fight... | |||||||||||
Flesh Abomination | A hunter always in search of prey, it endlessly feeds to sate its appetite. Though simple in nature, these complex aberrations hold many surprises to the unsuspecting adventurer. | |||||||||||
Font Skeleton | Mysterious monsters that speak using their own unique typefaces. | |||||||||||
Gargantuar | Massive undead monstrosities created by Dr. Edgar George Zomboss | |||||||||||
Gazorpazorpfield | A lazy, profane cat created as a parody of Garfield. | |||||||||||
Giga Chad | A race of incredible physical feats that has returned from its lethargy in the Astral Plane to Substitute humans | |||||||||||
Globglogabgalab | Schwabbledabbleglibbeglabbe schwibbleschwabglab. Dibbledabble schwibbleschwabble glibbleglabschwab. | |||||||||||
Goble | "Have you ever seen something so odd you suddenly have a knife in your back?" | |||||||||||
God | Since gods are gods they get lots of overpowered abilities | |||||||||||
Goose | Small chaotic birds with fury against all humanoids. | |||||||||||
Gryllus | A featherless biped, once native to the corners of manuscripts. | |||||||||||
Honedge-Possessed | People unfortunately possessed by a ghost sword pokemon | |||||||||||
Human, Gaston Variant | As a Gaston you are the pinnacle of human athleticism, charm and mental fortitude. You are as mighty as you are kind. | |||||||||||
Human, Stand Variant | Only the strangest people can wield such an esoteric power. | |||||||||||
Inu | The borkiest race you'll find. Shiba Inu folk of Eastern origin for those who just want to be cute and bada** all at once. | |||||||||||
Isekai Loli | By being reincarnated, you gained several blessings that made you very strong. | |||||||||||
Jobs | Literally Steve Jobs | |||||||||||
Jungle Knuckles | An April Fools race based off of primitive tribal structures. | |||||||||||
Kong | A race of sentient apes renowned for an obsession with bananas. | |||||||||||
Koopa | A group of happy-go-lucky turtle-like beings, their shells change in color with each representing years of experience and ranking among one another. They're known for being nigh impenetrable thanks to their shells and one could consider them well-rounded in most regards. | |||||||||||
Kra'Akas | Coconuts! With arms and legs! | |||||||||||
Lead Face | Can it have an AK-47 for a head? Yes. | |||||||||||
Little Lizardfolk | A sub type of Lizardfolk, normally thrown out because of expectation of the hatchling dying anyway. The ones that survive are the lucky few that are found by an adventurer and get hatched. | |||||||||||
Little Pony | My Little Pony! | |||||||||||
Living Cartoon | Charming, cute constructs built out of ink, paper, and magic. | |||||||||||
Living Toon | What's up doc? | |||||||||||
Madman | Madmen live for combat, die for combat, and then revive to do it all over again. | |||||||||||
Magical Plant | A small plant that has been granted sentient life through some experimentation | |||||||||||
Maindoeirian | A race of odd humanoids that have salamander origins. | |||||||||||
Mantaur | Man and man make mantaur. | |||||||||||
Mariokin | Most Mario-kin are known for their incredible athletic abilities, especially jumping. | |||||||||||
McChicken | Just a great tasting chicken sandwich. | |||||||||||
Memeites | Not Pronounced May-May | |||||||||||
Minecraftian | Just a Minecraft player's abilities. | |||||||||||
Mouse | Literally just mice. | |||||||||||
Muppet | ||||||||||||
Muscledeer | A race of deer who ate bulk powder, took steroids, and use gym equipment. | |||||||||||
Nami | A race of candy living constructs | |||||||||||
Normal Horse | A regular horse – four human legs, four human arms, unblinking eyes… | |||||||||||
Not Dwarf | Not Dwarves are...NOT DWARVES! The result of magical genetic experimentation, they are a corruption of underdwellers, part Drow, part Dwarf, part Mole Rat. | |||||||||||
Original Character | Original character, do not steal! | |||||||||||
Paintling | You're living paint. | |||||||||||
Pamspawn | As spawn of the Final Pam, your character has several abhorrent traits. | |||||||||||
Pancake Golem | A golem made out of delicious pancakes. | |||||||||||
Pillar Men | CAAAAEEESSSAAAAARRRR! | |||||||||||
Piranha Plant | A deadly plant, armed with a large head filled with razor sharp fangs and leaves as sharp as daggers. | |||||||||||
Platypus, Sapient | You're a semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal of action. | |||||||||||
Possessed Corpse | When you choose to be a possessed Corpse, they are counted as a subrace. | |||||||||||
Reaper | You have several innate traits gifted to all reapers by either the gods or their physiology. | |||||||||||
Rebleb | Reblebs are known for being infinitely duplicating idiots | |||||||||||
Road Runner | Beep! Beep! | |||||||||||
Rock | Literally rock hard. | |||||||||||
Santa's Helper | Those little elves that made toys for Christmas are real. Or was that just your imagination? | |||||||||||
Shaggy Rogers | Nothing personal kid... | |||||||||||
Shambling Mound | Very large creatures constructed of swamp plants, wood, and fungi, Shamblers can make very excellent guardians for an adventuring party. | |||||||||||
Slender | The stuff of nightmares. | |||||||||||
Stick, Variant | Sticks tend toward interpersonal physical action, communicating through poses and quick, dramatic fights. | |||||||||||
The Bananians | Banana people born by the power of potassium | |||||||||||
The Biggest Terry | ||||||||||||
Toad | You are an illustrious toad of Toad Hall. | |||||||||||
Toad, Bup Variant | ||||||||||||
Trolling | A troll variant that improves as you increase in level. | |||||||||||
Tuna and Sweetcorn | Tuna and sweetcorn, on the verge of being perhaps a deific race, are beings of small-human-sized, sandwich-like visage | |||||||||||
Two Kobolds in a Suit | ||||||||||||
Were-Terrasque | The destructive potential of the tarrasque is so vast that some cultures incorporate the monster into religious doctrine, weaving its sporadic appearance into stories of divine judgment and wrath. Legends tell how the tarrasque slumbers in its secret lair beneath the earth, remaining in a dormant state for decades or centuries. When it awakens in answer to some inscrutable cosmic call, it rises from the depths to obliterate everything in its path. | |||||||||||
Werechicken | Small shapeshifting humanoids |