Goose (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Geese are usually small, white-feathered birds with orange beaks and webbed feet. There is the Canadian variant which has brown feathers, with a black beak and feet. They stand anywhere from two and a half to three and a half feet tall. They have beady black eyes that stare into your soul and can strike fear into the hearts of even the strongest warriors.


These feathered fiends have existed for longer than written history can tell, between 10 to 12 million years, but have always had an unquenchable hatred for humanoids. It is believed that the Great Goose Uprising was caused by societies eating geese as holiday meals, which resulted in geese being replaced by other animals.


Geese often group into flocks to form hunter/gatherer communities but eventually work towards picking off nearby civilizations. They usually mimic ranks shown in the Japanese Yakuza and most other well-known mafias. They are highly territorial and aggressive, even going to the lengths of aggressing Red Dragons that were too close to their nests. They honk to communicate, but will also hiss when threatened.

Goose Names[edit]

Geese usually only have one name which isn't distinctive of ranking or age, however, a goose might have been gifted a nickname by nearby civilizations that have been tormented by one.

Male: Mathian Dred, Labyrinth Ripper, Talon Pickerin, Firion Lovelace, Antone Von Cross

Female: Pandora Helion, Weiss Shackleton, Viktoria Gnash, Elaine Magnus, Demonia Von Vigil

Goose Traits[edit]

Small chaotic birds with fury against all humanoids.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Geese mature at around 5 months and live from around 130-310 years. At the age of maturity, they realize their true powers and wield anger and hate for all humanoids.
Alignment. Geese are chaotic evil in nature and rarely deviate from such.
Size. Your size is small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35ft, while your swimming speed is 45ft, and your flying speed is 60ft.
Fearless. You are immune to the Frightened condition.
True Tormentors. You have proficiency in intimidation. If already proficient in intimidation, you gain expertise.
Godly Honk. You can use an action to honk, causing every creature within 60ft to make a DC (8+ Wisdom+ Charisma) Wisdom save. On a success, they are unaffected, on a fail, they have the frightened condition until the start of your next round. Creatures that have already made this save within 6 hours are unaffected by it.
Beak of Vengeance. Through pure willpower and hatred you have invented your martial technique. Your unarmed attacks with your beak deal 1d6 + Dexterity piercing damage.
Bane of The Long Neck. Melee attacks have 5ft of extra reach, but when grappled from the neck you have a disadvantage on checks made to escape.
Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes at a time.
Languages. You can read and understand Common, Abyssal, and Infernal but cannot speak them.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

2'6"′ 30'' +1d4 3 lb. × (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(7 votes)

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