Can of WD-40 (5e Race)

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Sentient Can of Water Displasment-40 Uses[edit]

Cans of Water Displasement-40 Uses (often called WD-40) are often used to lubricate various mechanical parts. WD-40 cans spray oil to accomplish this.

Physical Description[edit]

All cans of WD-40 are metallic, but painted mostly blue. Characteristics vary slightly by subrace.



The first sentient can of WD-40 was created by a magic-using artificer who wanted some extra help in creating things. So, he chose to make his tools sentient, including his can of WD-40. These beings are a rare thing to come upon.


Sentient WD-40 can societies do not exist due to their rarity. However, they are very enthused when they meet another sentient can of WD-40.

Sentient Can of WD-40 Names[edit]

They are all called 'Sentient Can of WD-40'

Sentient can of WD-40 Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Sentient cans of WD-40 can live to be thousands of years old, but the median age is ten years old.
Alignment. Sentient cans of WD-40 tend to not have evil or good tendencies (Neutral)
Size. Sentient cans of WD-40 are usually four inches tall, six with that little extension tube. Your size is tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 15 feet. You can use a bonus action to fall over, allowing you to roll 30 feet per round.
Diminutive size. You have advantage on stealth checks, and while standing still, those looking have disadvantage at spotting you.
Squeak Fix. You can take a bonus action to lubricate an object, making it practically silent
Oily Spray. You can use 1 charge of spray to blind an enemy. You have 40 charges per day, recharging during a long rest.
Stuck Part Penetration. You can use 1 charge of spray on a non-magical locked object to halve the DC it takes to open.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Variant: Water Displasment-60 Uses[edit]

You are bigger, and therefore better.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1 and you no longer benefit from the effects of Diminutive Size.
WD-60. You have 60 charges of spray per day instead of 40, recharging during a long rest.

(one vote)

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