Chocolate Smile (5e Race)
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Chocolate Smile / Chocolate Slime[edit]
Although they are classed as oozes rather than constructs, chocolate smiles smell like chocolate and are edible in small quantities. They may cause other creatures to want to eat them. Chocolate smiles are quite friendly. However when angry, chocolate smiles can become chocolate slimes which are quite dangerous.
- Chocolate Smile Mode
- As long as the other creature is not a glutton, it can eat a little bit of the chocolate smile every day without any problem. The chocolate smile will regrow any small amounts eaten and will be the same size the next day.
- Chocolate Slime Mode
- If the other creature is a glutton, the chocolate smile becomes a chocolate slime and eats the creature from the inside, doing 1d4 points of damage per round.
Physical Description[edit]
Chocolate smiles don't have an exact shape, they usually look like balls of brown mass with two small eyes that look like raisins or nuts, floating inside of the mass, this mass works as easily manipulable muscles, and can be easily controlled by the creature, and can help it to take different shapes and forms, it's whole body serves as a mouth, as it can insert anything inside it's own mass to ingest it.
- Suggested History
- Chocolate smiles are an animated chocolate creature made by advanced gnome and goblin chocolatiers. Oddly, gnomes and goblins tend to hate each other unless the gnome and the goblin are both chocolatiers. The goblins were trying to create a chocolate slime monster that would both defend their lairs and provide sustenance underground. The gnomes were trying to create a chocolate smile that would provide assistance in the laboratory, as well as a profit center. Both failed on their projects until they fortuitously got together and created the chocolate smile/slime.
You can be created by an elite gnome or goblin chocolatier in a process that takes 1 week. The gnome/goblin must have access to large amounts of regular chocolate, and must be at least 4th level.
Chocolate Smile Names[edit]
To some ears, male names sound a little bit like chocolate bars; female names sound a little bit like chocolate companies. Their names nearly always end in the letter 'i'.
Male: Butterfingi, Crunchi, Heathi, Lindi, Milki Wai, Oh Henri, Skitteli, Snicki, Tobli Ronni, Twicksi.
Female: Cadberri, Chocolali, Ghiradeli, Hershi, Kalevi, Lindti, Mayordomi, Nesli, Peruji, Reesi, Troli, Venkhi.
Chocolate Smile Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1 and your Charisma increases by 1, but also see Personality Traits below under Suggested Characteristics.
Age. Chocolate smiles are mature within one week of being created. They can live for up to 10 years.
Alignment. Good, really good, good enough to eat! nom. nom. nom. nom.
Size. small, about 70 lbs (or large if they have that flaw, see Flaws under Suggested Characteristics). In either case they have trouble wielding heavy weapons.
Speed. 25 ft, swim 15 ft, climb 5 ft
Normal Vision. Chocolate smiles can generally see what humans can see, with the exception that they can also see nuts and raisins in pitch darkness.
Tasty Temptation. A chocolate smile may cause other creatures to want to eat them. The other creature may choose to resist with a DC 10 Wisdom save.
Engulfed Consumption. If a creature consumes too much chocolate smile (more than a pound), the chocolate smile may (at its option) turn into a chocolate slime and the rest of it can enter the creature's body and actively consume the creature from the inside. If so, it will cause 1d4 points of damage to the creature per round. This consumption is not noticed until the creature loses 3/4 of its hit points or drops below 10 hit points. At that time, the creature must either figure out how to expel the chocolate slime or it will die. Healing spells only delay the inevitable.
Immune to Being Digested. A chocolate slime is not digested by normal digestion. However, a creature that breathes fire, lightning, or cold can digest a chocolate slime, and does not take damage from consuming it.
Eructation. A chocolate slime may cause the creature that consumed it to vomit it back out again in 1 round. If the chocolate slime chooses to do this while the creature is asleep, it will take 1 minute, and the creature will stay asleep.
Form Change. A chocolate smile can change its form to any humanoid, animal, or object form as long as it maintains the same mass and volume, does not stretch longer than 10 ft, and has no separate or turning parts (no wheels).
Sort of Amphibious. A chocolate smile does not need to breathe, and can travel under water. The chocolate smile takes 1 point of damage per minute while in fresh water though.
Poisonous To Some Creatures. Chocolate smiles are poisonous to canine, feline, and equine creatures including canine feline and equine monsters, causing one point of poison damage per ounce consumed. Other creatures will take 1 point of damage per every 10 pounds consumed. This includes humans and humanoids.
Sticky Melee. A chocolate smile that takes damage from a non-magical melee weapon may engulf that weapon and hold onto it internally. The chocolate smile changes to chocolate slime mode as a reaction, and the wielder may make a DC 15 Strength save to withdraw the weapon. If the wielder chooses to try, it risks being pulled inside the chocolate slime as well. If the wielder fails their save to withdraw the weapon, they must make a DC 10 Dexterity save to avoid being engulfed by the chocolate slime. If the slime's opponent chooses to engage in unarmed combat, they must make a DC 15 saving throw vs either Strength or Dexterity or become engulfed. Once engulfed, the engulfed creature takes 1d4 acid damage per turn until they escape.
Languages. Common, Gnomish, Halfling, Giant (Trollish dialect)
Taffy Smile[edit]
Most smiles are chocolate, however some are taffy instead. The differences are that taffy smiles are non-poisonous, and taffy smiles can stretch to 20 ft. long during form change rather than just 10 ft.
Ability Score Increase. You gain +1 to Dexterity rather than Charisma.
Non-poisonous. You are not poisonous to animals or creatures.
Stretching. You can stretch up to 20 ft long when you 'form change' rather than just 10 ft.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
′ '' | + | lb. | × () lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a chocolate smile character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | Happy - My chocolate tends to be rather sweet. Also I am kind and happy most of the time. Wisdom +1. |
2 | Bubbly - My chocolate tends to have little air bubbles. Also I tend to be exceptionally happy. Charisma +1. |
3 | Smooth - My chocolate tends to be exceptionally creamy. Also, I am real smooth with the ladies. Charisma +1. |
4 | Strong - My chocolate tends to be less sweet, but that makes it healthier to eat. I am stronger than most other chocolate smiles. Strength +1. |
5 | Sharp - My chocolate tastes like it has a little bit of hot chili pepper mixed in. I am also quite smart. Intelligence +1 |
6 | Salty - My chocolate has a little bit of sea salt mixed in. My language can be pretty salty. Charisma +1. |
7 | Consistent - My chocolate tastes the same every time. Some think of me as boring, but many people like me best. Constitution +1. |
8 | Nutty - My chocolate has little nuts and dried berries mixed in. I am also a little crazy. Dexterity +1. |
Chocolate smile ideals tend to be the opposite of the seven deadly sins.
d8 | Ideal |
1 | Moderation - I punish creatures for the sin of gluttony, and reward creatures for the virtue of moderation. I don't kill gluttons, merely take most of their points and then get vomited out so that they learn a valuable lesson. |
2 | Generosity - I like to give things away, not just bits of myself, my possessions and money too. I despise avarice and will give things to avaricious people that end up being more trouble than they are worth. |
3 | Forgiveness - I forgive nearly everyone their indiscretions even if they affect me badly. Those who are full of wrath obviously do not forgive. I forgive them but I also try to teach them a lesson by arranging to have them angry at individual creatures that are beyond their ability to handle. Then I rescue them at the last minute. |
4 | Humility - I always give my team mates or other people credit, and downplay my own part in successful ventures. If I see someone bragging about things that are lies, I try to eat them. |
5 | Modesty - I try to keep myself in a dignified humanoid or more graceful animal form such as equine, feline, stag, or avian. I tend to jump on anyone dressed indiscretely and cover them with myself to protect their modesty. |
6 | Patience - I enjoy it when others gain greater usefulness, strengths and abilities and celebrate their accomplishments knowing that someday I may achieve important things too. |
7 | Hard Work - Chocolate smiles sometimes lapse into inactivity for long periods. Not me. I try to keep active most of the time and goad those who sleep a lot into action with my pseudopods. Whap. Whap. Whap. |
8 | reroll |
d6 | Bond |
1 | Troll Friendship - I like being consumed by trolls. Trolls consider chocolate slimes a delicacy, because trolls regenerate faster than the chocolate slime eats them from the inside. If a troll has consumed a chocolate slime, it regenerates at 8 points per turn rather than 10. Consuming additional chocolate slimes will not cause trolls to regenerate any slower. The effect does not stack. |
2 | Halfling Friendship - I enjoy being used in halfling baking and cooking. Every 10 pounds of you removed costs me 1 hit point damage. I will not allow more than 20 lbs to be removed from me during any one day. |
3 | Gnome Friendship - I enjoy being used in gnomish experiments. Every 10 pounds of me removed costs me 1 hit point damage. I will not allow more than 20 lbs to be removed from me during any one day. In addition, I can be created/recreated by a gnome with one week's effort at half my previous level. |
4 | Alchemist Friendship - I enjoy being used in alchemist experiments. Every 10 pounds of me removed costs me 1 hit point damage. I will not allow more than 20 lbs to be removed from me during any one day. |
5 | Slaad Lover - you love Green Slaads, for much the same reason as other chocolate smiles like trolls. If a green slaad eats you, it regenerates at 8 hit points per turn rather than 10. You also like to put chocolate dressing on your green slaad. |
6 | Mentor a Mimic - I recognize mimics as being a very similar race to myself and do whatever I can to reform them and teach them. Roll DC10 vs your wisdom for one month of training. If the roll fails, the mimic tries to eat you, one of your friends or simply runs away and resumes its deadly ways. Each successful roll reduces the DC by 1 for the next month. If successful for 12 months, the mimic is 'reformed'. Reformed, get it? |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | Unstructured - My life just like my body has absolutely no structure. I have trouble holding objects and must make a DC10 roll on constitution to be able to hold a weapon. Once I succeed, I can hold the weapon for the next minute without having to roll again. |
2 | Large - It is the worst chocolate smile sin of all, gluttony, and yet I have succumbed to it. For most game concerns I am considered a medium creature, but in actuality I have become large. Windows, doors and narrow (5 ft wide) hallways have become rough terrain for me. I still can't use heavy weapons effectively. |
3 | Bitter - I have become overly bitter, overwhelmed by the evil in the world. I am a chocolate slime most of the time and I must make a DC10 roll on constitution to be able to convert to chocolate smile mode. |
4 | Sweet - I have become overly sweet having succumbed to eating lots of sugar and honey and sweets given to me by kindly princesses. I am a chocolate smile most of the time, and I must make a DC10 roll on constitution to be able to convert to chocolate slime mode. |
5 | Hungry - I know it's wrong but I keep wanting to consume people. |
6 | Hydra Hatred - chocolate smiles hate hydras. I hate them so much I will attack with all my resources if I encounter one, and I have vowed to hunt them down and kill them. They send me into a berserk rage (without any of the benefits of a barbarian berserker). |
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