Flesh Abomination (5e Race)
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Flesh Abomination[edit]
This walking pile of flesh and skin tends to take on a form most fitting to their style of hunting. Since they tend to be carnivorous, most of their time is spent in the wilderness hunting their next meal to sate their bottomless appetites.
They can take on many forms of hunting, from ambushing to fighting other large beasts, using their body as a weapon for murder of their method of choice. Although they tend to lean towards eating animals and wildlife, they are known for their desire to feast on the flesh of other hunters found wandering in their territory...
Gluttonous Hunter[edit]
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By MrPositive101 |
Flesh Abominations are anomalous in nature, and their source of origin can vary, from failed experiments, to a horrible miscasting of spells, or even an odd interaction with a pile of meat infected with lycanthropy. Whatever the case, the same principal lies among all Flesh Abominations. Hunger. Their appetites are demanding, as they are always anticipating their next meal, and require sustenance to recover, as their anomalous physique rejects all normal forms of healing, only accepting more flesh as a functional repair to any damage incurred through combat or hunting.
Flesh Abominations aren't easy to monitor and record, as many show signs of intelligence to the point of noticing anyone attempting to track them in nature. While it would be possible to contain such a beast, the casualties have made it difficult, and all attempts to do so were abandoned, and instead have been limited to observing the environment the Flesh Abomination lives in.
When studying the area of a reported Abomination sighting, it was a forest with a noticeable lack of wildlife in the area, and any druids were unable to detect much in way of wandering fauna. A few members of the research team were able to spot the location of the Flesh Abomination abode. A cave hidden deep in the foliage of the forest. Upon further investigation was a cave organized with carcasses and bones picked clean. There was a surprisingly rudimentary camp setup in this cave, but not much more could be inferred as the team was attacked, and forced to retreat after one of the researchers was dragged back to the cave with a caved skull and lifeless body.
With the information of the cavern and townsfolk comments about the beast being sighted well over a decade ago, it is to be assumed that these creatures can survive an indefinite time, so long as they are well fed and unopposed. Presuming the winter time would be more difficult to hunt, it can be assumed they have some form of food storage due to their heightened intelligence and ability to set up a home beyond a hole in the ground. It may also possess the ability to hibernate like an Owlbear during the Winter to stave off their hunger, making them more successful in their hunts the coming spring as the wildlife and fauna have time to reproduce.
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing[edit]
Flesh Abominations are capable of speech, usually emulating the words they hear from hunters traversing their territory. A report of a hunter that was shaken by his experience, as his hunting companion had been ambushed by the Flesh Abomination, pinned to the ground and was sure of his death. But before his friend was inevitably maimed and eaten alive, the hunter allegedly heard the beast utter in a raspy warble "Youuuu... Looooook... Taaaassstyyyyyy"
Further developments of speech could lead to their ability to blend and disguise themselves, as they show natural hunting prowess when stalking their prey. If any information is to be had about these monstrosities that could be walking among the citizens of your town, it is advised to report it to a guard or local militia to deal with the threat, or safely evacuate everyone to a new area for your settlement.
Flesh Abomination Names[edit]
Flesh Abominations are presumed to not fully understand the language they speak, and they usually mimic the sounds of whatever they hear. That being said, an aged Flesh Abomination that has evaded hunters and/or death may find their speech to be more in favor of a traditional name. Most times though, if at all, the Flesh Abomination will mimic basic words and sounds for a name, and respond to any question, or directed speech, with the noise of their choice.
Names: Freak, Monster, Heathen, Beast, Foul, Meal, Prey, Sneak, Slow, Easy.
Flesh Abomination Traits[edit]
A hunter always in search of prey, it endlessly feeds to sate its appetite. Though simple in nature, these complex aberrations hold many surprises to the unsuspecting adventurer.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Flesh Abominations carcasses haven't been sighted unless killed on sight by a capable adventurer. It is assumed they may live indefinitely so long as they sustain their appetite, but a Flesh Abomination can only last upwards of 3 to 4 months without a meal, lest their body begins to decay and depreciate over time.
Alignment. Flesh Abominations understand little of civilization and their rules, and tend to be of a Chaotic and/or Neutral Alignment.
Size. Flesh Abominations are sleek hunters who grow the more they feast, usually a sign of the amount consumed or the size of their prey. They range from 6 to well over 7 ft. tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft.
Darkvision. As a natural hunter of the wilds, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You have a darkvision range of 60 feet, seeing in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Hideous Snarl. You gain Proficiency in the intimidation skill. You may choose to roll with advantage on any intimidation check. If the check fails while using Hideous Snarl's advantage, the target of your intimidation immediately becomes hostile, and attempts to alert those who could help it. This can be used once per long rest.
Essence Reaver. You are a flesh abomination of multiple corpses and carcasses consumed to keep your mass of flesh from decaying. As such, spells like cure wounds don't affect you, as well as any healing from certain methods like potion of healing or a short rest (You are still able to heal from a long rest, and any expended uses of class abilities will still be regained on a short rest if applicable.) Upon melee striking a non-construct or non-elemental target of small size or larger, you heal 1 hit point. This healing upgrades to 2 at lvl 6, and again to 3 at lvl 11, and 4 at lvl 16.
Flesh Armory. You are a natural hunter that uses any weapon at your disposal, be it flesh or steel. Anything is good enough for slaying your next meal. Flesh Armory can be used as an action to meld any weapon in your hand to your body (presumably your claws), giving you a proficiency bonus with the weapon. If you already have proficiency with the weapon, you instead gain double proficiency with it. While the weapon is melded to you, it uses an Attunement Slot, and will stay attuned until removed from your body as an action. You cannot use Flesh Armory on another weapon until you have removed the existing weapon affected by this trait.
(Note: If you use Flesh Armory on a cursed item, you will inherit all of the cursed aspects of the item and will need to make a Constitution saving throw DC 16 when attempting to remove the item. On a failed attempt, the item will need to be forcibly ripped out, putting you down to 1 hp.)
Languages. You can speak Common and one additional language of your choice from - Elvish, Orc, or Dwarvish. You are not aware of the meaning of most of the words you use, but can usually figure if they mean you harm by the individual's tone of voice and body language.
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