Rebleb (5e Race)
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—Rebleb no. 3518573857209 |
Physical Description[edit]
Reblebs are tiny little guys with yellow skin, a moustache, suit and a top hat. Their eyes are just two lines are their face and they are always in immense PAIN. Sometimes their appearance can vary slightly but they mostly look the same
27 years ago, there was a powerful being born in an unknown world, they were known to have the power to constantly evolve, eventually, they created a race made out their own energy, the reblebs, they were made to obey this being but 7 years later, the being disappeared without a trace. The reblebs without a master scattered them selves across the multiverse (They got lost trying to find a McDonalds).
reblebs share a hivemind but cant communicate telepathically using it (they are too dumb) but it causes them all to be like sheep and copy what other reblebs are thinking or doing. Most reblebs reside in an unknown plane but because of their ability to clone themselves there are many scattered across the multiverse
Rebleb Names[edit]
Reblebs are always called rebleb but they do have a number which shows what how many there were before them e.g rebleb no. 3515966642
Rebleb Traits[edit]
Reblebs are known for being infinitely duplicating idiots
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score decreases by 1 and any two scores of your choice increases by 2 (or increase four abilities by 1).
Age. The lifespan of a rebleb is unknown but they die very quickly due to unnatural causes
Alignment. reblebs are typically neutral
Size. reblebs vary from 1 - 3 feet tall, your size is tiny
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Reblebing. As an action you can start to run, roll and spas out on the floor in a 5 foot radius, any one who steps into this radius get pushed 10ft and any ranged attacks against you are at disadvantage, can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus
Rebclone. You can create a perfect clone of yourself as an action, this clone has all your stats but not equipment, these clones act on their own but if given instructions the clone must make a DC 15 Intelligence check to figure out what you want. If attacking the clone does an unarmed strike. When reduced to zero hitpoints or if 2 minutes pass, the clone will combust in an explosion with a radius of 3 feet, all creatures in this radius are stunned until the start of their next turn, you can use this ability a number of your proficiency bonus per long rest
Combustion. When reduced to 0 hitpoints you can choose to automatically fail a death save to create an explosion with a radius of 10 feet around you, any creatures of your choice within the explosion has to make a Dexterity save equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier or take 3d6 + your class level (If you are multi-classing you can choose between them) fire damage and half that damage on a successful save. You can also use this by causing yourself to be reduced to 0 hitpoints as an action
"HEY REBLEB!". Reblebs can cause their voice to travel across an infinite amount of distance with only one downside, only other reblebs can hear it, for anyone nearby else your appear to be just shouting into the sky.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Rebleb. The Rebleb language is spoken as screams which can be different by thousandths of decibels in volume, Rebleb has no script
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
1′ 0'' | +1d2 | 1 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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