Wall (3.5e Race)

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walls are magical beings built by powerful mages and given a semblance of life. While unable to communicate in any way, most golems make up for it with raw durability


walls tough, accepting what life has given them. They can be the staunchest of allies or the most tenacious of enemies. Despite being formed of inanimate walls and magic, they are generally good hearted people. After several generations, walls become more friendly and become better allies or worse enemies.

Physical Description[edit]

walls were once unintelligent magical beings formed of any solid inanimate wall, though, after a golemsmith decided to give them the spark of life, thus creating the race of walls. They can stand well over seven feet tall, though rarely are. They are carved with intricate, magical designs and their faces are capable of little expression. After a few generations of walls, walls being born of other walls, they gain more self-aware capabilities and emotional capabilities, including facial expressions. Genders also start appearing, as well as life cycles, civilizations and birthing capabilities.

All walls are humanoid.


walls are fairly passive, and get along with any race accepting of their kind. This includes most dwarves, trolls, gnomes, changelings. The rarely get along with Dark Elves, as they don't get along with anyone, including their own race. Humans often seem them as nothing but objects that can move to protect what they want protected or do what they don't want to do.


Most walls are neutral. There are walls that have preferred killing or protecting innocents, which gave them an alignment other than Neutral Good or Neutral Evil.


walls live mostly in towns near other walls


walls have no gods or deities.


walls can speak common and one other, depending on what environment they are in.


The walls are named wall.

Racial Traits[edit]

Vital Statistics[edit]

Table: wall Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate
17 years old +1d2 +1d4
Table: wall Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
500 years old 675 years old 900 years old 1000 years old
Table: walls Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight
Male 5' 8" +2d4"
Female 5' 4" +2d4"