The Bananians (5e Race)
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The Bananians[edit]
Have you ever wanted to play an actual banana in your dnd campaign or oneshot? Well, now you can! This Race is based on the bananafolk. Do you use dnd beyond?
Create your own Bananian HERE!
Physical Description[edit]
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A Bananian knight getting ready for battle. By Semsei |
Bananians are amazingly sentient and completely mobile bananas. Human-like limbs protrude from their banana bodies. Bananians do not have perceptible faces. However, this seems to not matter to them as they can still communicate and see without issues. It is believed they do have some ocular organ at their "front," which is probably why they can still be affected by blindness. They use the stem at the top of their head to receive vibrations and pheromones from other bananians. Their "underskin," or flesh beneath their peel, resembles a regular banana. If people killed one, they could eat it and receive all the usual benefits as if they ate a typical banana.
When bananians are born, they are green and turn yellow as they mature. They can use their peels as weapons by throwing them in front of their enemies when needed. The peels are incredibly slippery, and the bananian's peel can be regrown after being thrown.
Bananians were once humans, according to legend. It is believed that, at some point, an incident of radioactive leakage happened in their village. The leakage caused an excess of calcium to be built up within the anatomy of the humans, causing them to slowly turn into bananas over generations. It is thus believed this specific chemical of radiation was potassium. The ones who didn't turn into bananians feared for their safety and banished the bananians to a set of isolated islands far from the village. The name of the group of islands on which the bananians were banished to was appropriately changed to Bananian Islands.
Few know what happens on the Bananian Islands, though people fear going near them for fear of being turned into bananians. This is a somewhat erroneous and harmful belief that bananians still emit the same radiation as the stuff which transfigured them. In reality, bananians live peaceful lives and often gather for celebrations. They firmly trust one another and often share their possessions with other bananians in a coordinated fashion. Bananians also know how to forage for food and have many island community farms. While they are classified as herbs, bananians can consume meat but prefer plant matter. They have also created their own banana language, "Bananian," named after the islands. This language can only be spoken by bananians, as it uses the unique pheromones emitted and received by Bananian stems.
Bananian Names[edit]
Bananian names are usually the same as human names but are often based on nature. Bananians do not have family names but always have the word "banana" before their name, like a title. (i.e “Banana kyle”)
Male: Bob, Joe, Billie, Bosc
Female: Barbara, Heather, Blu, Kiwi
Bananian Traits[edit]
Banana people born by the power of potassium
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Constitution increases by 1.
Age. Bananians don't age like normal creatures, but they are speculated to live between 30 and 40 years and "ripen" (reach adulthood) in their 12th year of life.
Alignment. Bananians are neutral-good beings but will always defend their brethren or whatever they believe is right.
Size. Bananians come in two sizes: Small and Medium. Small bananians are only about 3 feet tall, whereas medium ones are around twice as tall.
Speed. Small bananians have a walking speed of 25 feet, and Medium ones have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
Banana Survival. As a delectable source of vitamins and sweetness, you must defend yourself from voracious beasts who would otherwise eat you. You are proficient in the Survival and Nature skills.
Peel Slip. If a creature you can see within 15 feet of you moves more than 10 feet, regardless of direction but staying within 15 feet, you can use your reaction to throw your skin peel at them. They must attempt a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) or fall prone. You can use this trait once, regaining use after you finish a short or long rest, during which you regrow your peel.
Irradiated Immunity. Due to your origin of being exposed to radiation, you are now immune to nonmagical diseases.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Bananian, which can only be understood by other bananians.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 0'' | +1d12 | 90 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 0'' | +1d12 | 110 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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