Possessed Corpse (5e Race)

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Possessed Corpse[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Possessed Corpse look identical to the race they originate as, though often develop certain recognizable features such as rotten flesh or an unpleasant smell


Usually a domon possessing a dead body to cause chaos and destruction.


There is not really a society for this creatures due to them possessing many bodys.

Possessed Corpse Names[edit]

Possessed Corpse share the same naming conventions as the body they are possessing.

Possessed Corpse Traits[edit]

When you choose to be a possessed Corpse, they are counted as a subrace.
Ability Score Increase. Your Ability score increase is the same as the body you possessed.
Age. Your age is the same as the body you are possessing.
Alignment. Possessed Corpse are usually chaotic evil.
Size. You are the same size as the body you possessed.
Speed. Your base walking speed is the same as the body you possessed.
Ageless. You don't age, and effects that would cause you to age don't work on you.
Dead Body. Due to you possessing a corpse you are permanently at 0 hit points, but your immune to all froms of damage aside from radiant.(this immunity cannot be negated)
Demonic Weakness. When receiving radiant damage the body your possessing explodes and your are sent back to the Abyss.
Unsettling Presence. You unsettle any creature(s) that can see you. The targets have disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes within the next minute. Constructs, undead, and creatures that can't be frightened are immune to this feature.
Undead Abomination. You are immune to the poison condition.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write the languages granted by the body you possessed.

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