Gryllus (5e Race)
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"No way, Among us..."
-A Rogue talking about a Gryllus in Thieves cant'
Physical Description[edit]
Appearing as a head with two legs a Gryllus is a small monstrosity that has been heavily depicted in medieval 'meme culture'. Gryllus often have extremely short arms and typically cover themselves in comedically large Hoods to hide their ugly true form. Gryllus stand no more than 3 feet, and average around 2'6" from toe to hairline.
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A male and female Gryllus |
Appearing along the edges of texts, Gryllus were drawn to spice up manuscripts, as monks would often doodle them for fun, as they were really simple to draw, and helped Monks to accurately draw faces of humanoids. To save time and to practice the important bits of anatomy Monks would draw less and less of the body, culminating in a literal head on legs. Little do people in the forgotten realms know that Gryllus aren't just real, but Beholderan in origin, created by the eye-beasts that saw the images of the little men and women depicted in Paintings galore. In time, Gryllus started to reproduce and populate the lands, forming small tribal villages to hunt wild game.
Natural Gryllus often live in small wooded villages in the deepest of forests, living among the fey-folk, as they certainly fit in with the whimsical bunch. Gryllus are also prized as servants by royalty as their small stature and goofy look makes fine entertainment. Some Gryllus even come full circle and live as monasterial monks, helping write manuscripts and spell scrolls.
Gryllus Names[edit]
Gryllus names are usually short, getting to the point rather than being long or meaningful
Male: Ag, Kah, Pa, Ron, Sib, Yog, Zig.
Female: Bur, Din, Gi, La, Sab, Uoo, Waw.
Gryllus Traits[edit]
A featherless biped, once native to the corners of manuscripts.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Gryllus live for an unknown amount of time and mature at age 16 (none have died naturally as far as anyone knows).
Alignment. Most Gryllus are lawful.
Size. Gryllus stand between 2 and 3 feet tall. Your size is small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet.
Assistant. You are proficient in 2 artisans tools of your choice. In addition, you may take the help action as a bonus action.
Pack tactics. You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
In the way. You are especially easy to trip over. If a medium or large sized creature's passive perception is lower than your passive stealth (10 plus your stealth modifier), if they were to move through your space, they must make a dc 10 Dexterity saving throw or trip and fall prone. A creature that falls prone in this way cannot fall trip over you for the next hour.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice.
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