Chicken (5e Race)
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“ | "You don't act like the other chickens do
You wear a disguise to look like human guys But you're not a man, you're a Chicken Boo" |
” |
Physical Description[edit]
Chickens are tiny, domesticated birds raised by human farmers for their meat and eggs. Their feathers come in a variety of different colors ranging from brown, to white, to black depending on their specific breed. The males, also known as roosters typically have bright red "combs" on the top of their heads as well as flaps of skin hanging under the beaks. Rooster's also have long brightly colored tail feathers that female chickens, or hens, do not. A Chicken has stick-like legs and feet, each with four long spurred toes at the end of them. Chickens are capable of only brief bursts of flight, usually doing so to explore their surroundings, or flee from danger.
It is thought to be a descendant to the red junglefowl, with some hybridization with the grey junglefowl. The red junglefowl was first domesticated at least five thousand years ago. Since then it has spread around the world, and the domestic form is kept globally as a very productive food source. It's also thought that the greatest chicken ever, The chicken hero once slew the Pig king and has been renounded as the greatest creature sense. The Chickens name was Cole the Chicken Little.
Chickens are known to be quite social birds, and live together in flocks. Individual chickens will establish a hierarchy within their flock by creating a "pecking order". Chickens higher up in the pecking order have first call when it comes to food. However, roosters have been known to cluck in a high pitched call in order to gather other chickens around to eat first. Roosters will then repeatedly pick up and drop the food meant for the other chickens.
The Adventuring Life[edit]
Let's be honest, Chickens are the first race that come to mind when you think of high flying adventure. In fact, I'd even go as far as to say that your character may very well be the first chicken in history to ever break away from the farm life to join an adventuring group. That being the case, one can only imagine why a chicken would do such a thing.
Chicken Names[edit]
Male: Clucky, Feathers, Foghorn, Big D, Boo, Cole or any Human name
Female: Chica, Kluck, Coco, Ginger or any Human name
Chicken Traits[edit]
Bawk bawk BA-KAW!
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. On average a chicken will live roughly 11 to 14 years.
Alignment. Chickens have no natural disposition towards good and evil, or order and chaos. They're birds...
Size. The regular height average of a chicken is 10 to 14 inches tall. Your size is Tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Base fly speed is 10 feet (NOTE: Chickens can not use their fly speed to hover in a fixed position).
Peck. A secret offensive technique known only to members of the glorious chicken master race. Similar to the magic missile spell, Peck allows you to automatically hit any target within 5 feet of you for 1 damage. Also like the magic missile spell this attack can only be blocked by a shield spell. This counts as an unarmed strike.
Scratch. Use your claws to scratch a target within 5 feet of you for 2 damage. Negated if hits armor
Lay Egg. (NOTE: This feature is only available to female chickens) Once per long rest, you are able to lay an egg, which can act as a modest sized source of food for any creature that isn't a chicken. This egg can be fried, scrambled, hard boiled, poached, or used to make various pastry mixes. These are just a few ways an egg can be prepared, talk to your DM to see what they will allow.
Glide. While a chicken is not wearing any medium armor, heavy armor, or a shield he or she may act as though they are under the effects of the feather fall spell.
Distract. As an action, you can move up to your movement towards a creatures face, scratching its face. Make an attack roll. On a hit, deal 3d4+ Str mod. slashing damage and distract it for one turn. The target has disadvantage on dexterity saving throws and attack rolls against targets that isn't you, and other creatures have advantage on attack rolls against the distracted creature. This lasts until the end of your next turn, and you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Languages. Chickens don't have a specific language, but you are able to communicate in a series "clucks", "gobbles", and "chirps", to other chickens as well as any similar avian species. You can also speak Common, if you can explain it to your DM in a way that makes somewhat sense.
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