5e Cursed Items
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Cursed Items
Cursed Item | Rarity | Type | Subtype |
Abraxian Prisoner's Shackles | legendary | Wondrous item | |
Alchemical Animorpher | very rare | Wondrous Item | Clockwork |
Alchemy Jug, Lead | rare | Wondrous item | |
All Seeing Eye | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Amulet of Argent | Legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Amulet of Beholder Eyes | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Amulet of Slime | rare | Wondrous item | amulet |
Ancient Guardian | legendary | Wondrous item | |
Armor of Binding | rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) | Armor | medium or heavy |
Armor of Bound Form | Rare | Armor | Plate |
Armor of Silence | uncommon | Armor | light, medium, or heavy |
Artifact of Glass | rare | Wondrous item | |
Artillery Sword | legendary | Weapon | shortsword |
Axe of Sorrow | rare | Weapon | any axe |
Axed Yarting of Lightning | legendary | Weapon | battleaxe |
Aztec Gold | Rare | Wondrous item | Gold Coin |
Backfire Potion | very rare | Potion | |
Bag of Holding Toast | uncommon | Wondrous item | |
Bag of Rats | uncommon | Wondrous item | |
Barbaric Blade | very rare | Weapon | greatsword |
Bauble of Wonder | Uncommon | Wondrous item | |
Berserker Armor, Variant | Rare | Armor | any |
Binding Bracer | very rare | Wondrous Item | arm brace |
Binding Choker | rare | Wondrous item | |
Binding Mask | Very Rare | Wondrous Item | Mask |
Blade of Sacrifice | Very Rare | Weapon | berserker blade |
Blade of the Ruined King | legendary | Weapon | longsword |
Blade of the Warrior Queen | very rare | Weapon | greatsword |
Blade of Vertigo | legendary | Weapon | any sword |
Blindfold of Sensory Enhancement | uncommon | Wondrous Item | |
Blood Armor of Chaos | very rare | Armor | plate |
Blood Cursed Ring of Strength | Legendary | Ring | |
Blood-Soaked Cape | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Boastful Weapon | common | Weapon | any |
Book of Holiness | rare | Wondrous Item | book |
Bow of Destruction | very rare | Weapon | longbow |
Bunny Ring | very rare | Ring | |
Calamity Ring | legendary | Ring | |
Choker of the Stolen Voice | Rare | Wondrous Item | Choker |
Chromatus Watch | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Circlet of the Golden Mask | very rare | Wondrous Item | circlet |
Cloak of Eldritch Outgrowth | legendary | armor | light armor |
Cloak of the Ripper | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Coat of the Duelist | legendary | Armor | leather |
Collar of Khorne | legendary | Armor | plate |
Collar of Water-Breathing | very rare | Wondrous Item | collar |
Compass of Greed | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Cookie of Misfortune | uncommon | food | |
Corpse Eater | uncommon | Weapon | longsword |
Corpse Eater, 2nd Variant | very rare | Weapon | longsword |
Corpse Eater, Variant | rare | Weapon | longsword |
Corpse Lord's Main Gauche | Legendary | Weapon | Dagger |
Courage-Seeker | legendary | Weapon | longsword |
Craven Edge | legendary | Weapon | greatsword |
Crown of the Faceless Queen | legendary | Wondrous Item | Crown |
Curse of Echo | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Cursed Blade | rare | Weapon | any sword |
Cursed Clockwork Contraption | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Cursed Devil Sword | Legendary | Weapon | Katana |
Cursed Nightcap | varies | Wondrous item | |
Cursed Portrait | rare | Wondrous item | |
Cursed Ring of Attunement | Very Rare | Ring | |
Cursed Silver Coin | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Dagger of Whistleblowing | uncommon | Weapon | dagger |
Dark Magic Stone | legendary | Wondrous item | |
Dead-Eye's Eyepatch | rare | Wondrous Item | |
Deceitful Weapon | rare | Weapon | any |
Deck of Plenty | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Demon Gauntlet | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Demonic Mask | uncommon | Wondrous item | |
Devil Armor | very rare | Armor | plate |
Double Fanged Ring | rare | Ring | |
Draconic Sphere | legendary | Wondrous Item | Sphere |
Dragon Mask | legendary | Wondrous item | mask |
Electrovine Stradivari | Legendary | Weapon | Magical Instrument |
Empty Genie's Lamp | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Entropy's Vessel | Artifact | Weapon | maul |
Evil Armor | rare | Armor | Any |
Eye of Expansion | rare | Wondrous Item | |
Eye of the Hollow | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Fafnir | legendary | Weapon | greatsword |
Fairemere Blade | legendary | Weapon | longsword |
Fairemere Blade, Variant | legendary | Weapon | longsword |
False Potion | uncommon | Poison | |
Feather Mask | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Fey Flute | artifact | Wondrous Item | flute |
Figurine Creation Capsule | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Fool's Card | Very Rare | Wondrous Item | Playing Card |
Forbidden Draconic Armor | legendary | Armor | studded leather (dragon leather) |
Forbidden Fruit | rare | Wondrous Item | |
Frayed Blade | legendary | Weapon | katana |
Frostmourne, Variant | Legendary | Weapon | longsword |
Gauntlet of the Frozen Heart | legendary | Wondrous item | |
Gem of Javamak | artifact | Wondrous item | |
Ghostblade Tattoo | legendary | Wondrous item | tattoo |
Girdle of Levitation | rare | Wondrous Item | |
Glasses of Unyielding Attraction | rare | Wondrous item | |
Golden Lute | uncommon | Wondrous item | |
Goliath Berserker Greataxe | very rare | Weapon | greataxe |
Gothic Collar | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Greatsword of Bloodweep | very rare | Weapon | greatsword |
Grim Reaper's Scythe | Legendary | Weapon | scythe |
Guitar of the Sightless Blade | Legendary | Weapon | Magical Instrument |
Hand of the Fire Demon | Rare | Wondrous Item | |
Handheld Mirror of Life Trapping | rare | Wondrous Item | Handheld Mirror |
Helm of Heroism | rare | Armor | great helmet |
Hungry Robe of Useful Items | Rare | Wondrous item | Robe |
Identified Cube | uncommon | Wondrous Item | |
Identity Crisis | very rare | Weapon | warhammer, maul |
Ilmater's Retribution | Very Rare | Armor | Plate |
Imrae | Legendary | Wondrous Item | arcane focus |
Incredibly Comfy Chair | very rare | Wondrous Item | Armchair |
Infectious Milk | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Instrument of Inspiration | Very Rare | Wondrous item | Instrument |
Invisible Ring of Visibility | rare | Ring | |
Iron Maiden | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Irritating Weapon | Very rare. (Requires attunement.) | Weapon | Any |
Jack's Ripper Ring | legendary | Ring | |
Jackal Mask | legendary | Wondrous item | |
Jade Monkies | Very Rare | Wondrous Item | Figurine of Wondrous Power |
Jade Scepter | legendary | Weapon | quarterstaff |
Jarenhäg, the Killing Light | rare | Weapon | evening star |
Jeweled Choker | rare | Wondrous Item | |
Jigoku No Soko No Ha | artifact | Weapon | okatana (A katana with a longer blade- use the stats of a longsword). |
Katana of Hellfire | legendary | Weapon | katana |
Katana of the Magus Slayer | legendary | Weapon | longsword |
King's Sword of Hearts | Very Rare | Weapon | Greatsword |
Knives of Thievery | rare | Weapon | dagger |
Kotodama no Nenju | uncommon | Wondrous Item | |
Lance of the Undead Cavalier | rare | Weapon | Lance |
Lil' Gus | uncommon | Wondrous Item | Ventriloquist Dummy |
Locket of Charm | rare | Wondrous item | |
Locking Armor | rare | Armor | plate |
Lolth's Kiss | artifact | Armor | breastplate |
Longsword of Penance | Weapon | longsword | |
Luna's Bow | rare | Weapon | any bow |
Lusty Maiden's Earring | uncommon | Ring | |
Maestro's Mirage Tome | Legendary | Wondrous Item | Magical Spellbook |
Malediction Ring of the Onyx Alpha | legendary | Ring | |
Mana Seal | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Mask of Animal Form | uncommon | Wondrous item | mask |
Mask of Greed | rare | Wondrous item | mask |
Mask of Indeterminate Faces | legendary | Wondrous Item | Mask |
Mask of Spiderkind | very rare | Wondrous Item | Mask |
Mask of the Beast | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Mask of the Doctor | item rarity such as legendary | wondrous item | cloak and mask |
Mask of the Doom Flumph | legendary | Wondrous item | mask |
Mask of the Fantastic Beast | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Mask of the Fox, Variant | Legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Mask of Twice | very rare | Wondrous item | Mask |
Master's Multitool | rare | Wondrous item | |
Mermaid Bracelet | Very Rare | Wondrous Item | Bracelet |
Mermaid Tattoo | Rare | Wondrous Item | |
Mirror of the Medusa | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Monkey's Paw | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Mood Ring, Variant | uncommon | Ring | |
Mournblade | legendary | Weapon | greatsword |
Myriadic Edge | legendary | Weapon | longsword |
Myriadic Edge, Variant | legendary | Weapon | longsword |
Mysterious Skull | very rare | Artifact | Relic |
Necklace of Strangulation | rare | Wondrous item | |
Necklace of the Siren | very rare | Wondrous Item | Necklace |
Nephilic spirit weapon | Rare | Weapon | Spirit Weapon |
Niflheim's Grace | Legendary | Mark | Crest |
Nirnogzahar | unique | Armor | spiked armor |
Noroki | uncommon | Weapon | greatsword |
Nothic Eye | Legendary | Wondrous item | Crystal Ball |
Oathbow of Infinite Thirst | very rare (requires attunement) | weapon | longbow |
Ocean's Heart | Artifact | Wondrous item | Orb |
Onyx Champion's Mask | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Paired Brass Guard Cats | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Parasitic Blade | very rare | Weapon | any sword |
Pen of Illiteracy | common | Wondrous item | |
Pinata Breaker | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Pinewood's Blood | artifact | Wondrous Item | druidic focus |
Pixie Wings | Very Rare | Wondrous Item | |
Plaguebringer | |||
Plastic Valve | legendary | Wondrous Item | Attachment |
Pliny’s Pine Pike of Piqued Panic | very rare | Weapon | pike |
Possessed Hatchet | very rare | Weapon | handaxe |
Possum Poultice | uncommon | Potion | |
Potion of Damaging | common | Potion | |
Potion of Gloop | rarity varies | Potion | |
Potion of Ooze | Rare | Potion | |
Potion of Slime | rare | Potion | |
Potion of Vulnerability | rare | Potion | |
Prestigious Earring | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Prisoner's Shackles | Rare | Wondrous item | Shackles |
Raccoon Mask of Comical Banditry | rare | Wondrous item | |
Radnalek Cutlass | uncommon | Weapon | cutlass |
Rael's Heart | artifact | Wondrous Item | arcane focus |
Reckless Charm | uncommon | Wondrous item | |
Reluctant Weapon | uncommon | Weapon | any melee weapon |
Rennigan | legendary | Wondrous item | |
Riftscar, Sword of Refracted Planes | artifact | Weapon | longsword |
Ring of Bravado | legendary | Ring | |
Ring of Bureaucratic Wizardry | rare | Ring | |
Ring of Clean Language | common | Ring | |
Ring of Decapitation | very rare | Ring | |
Ring of Dragons | legendary | Ring | |
Ring of Drowning | uncommon | Ring | |
Ring of Fertility | Rare | Ring | |
Ring of Forced Peace | legendary | Ring | |
Ring of Forgiveness | legendary | Ring | |
Ring of Gender Swapping | rare | Ring | |
Ring of Gigantism | Very rare | Ring | |
Ring of Invisible Dress | uncommon | Ring | |
Ring of Mediocrity | common | Ring | |
Ring of Minor Inconvenience | Rare | Ring | |
Ring of Misfortune | uncommon | Ring | |
Ring of Mortality | very rare | Ring | |
Ring of Necromancy | legendary | Ring | |
Ring of Nopes | common | Ring | |
Ring of Pestilence | legendary | Ring | |
Ring of Sacrifice | very rare | Ring | |
Ring of Slight Delay | very rare | Ring | |
Ring of the Chameleon | rare | Ring | |
Ring of the Champion | rare | Ring | |
Ring of the Hunt | Rare | Ring | |
Ring of the Luddite | uncommon | Ring | |
Ring of the Soul Collector | very rare | Ring | |
Ring of the Wretched Hag | uncommon | Ring | |
Rings of Decimation Denied | legendary | Ring | |
Rings of the Arch-Heretic | artifact | ring | |
Rock of Pocket Filling | uncommon | Wondrous Item | Rock |
Rusted Spoon | uncommon | Weapon | dagger |
Saddlebag of Holding | uncommon | Wondrous item | |
Sawtooth | legendary | Weapon | longsword, handaxe |
Scythe of Reaped Souls | legendary | Weapon | greatscythe |
Sea Seeker | artifact | Weapon | cutlass |
Seeds of Eternal Enrootment | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Sharingan | legendary | Wondrous item | |
Sharingan in a Bottle | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Sheath of Sharpening | common (+1), uncommon (+2), rare (+3), very rare (+4), legendary (+5) | Wondrous Item | |
Shield of the Forgotten | legendary | Armor | shield |
Shrinking Armour | rare | Armor | Plate |
Silver Wishes | Legendary | Wondrous item | Ammunition |
Six Bullet's Revolver | Legendary | Weapon | Revolver |
Skull Knight's Set | legendary | Armor | plate |
Skull of the Last Warchief | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Skull of the Wendigo | very rare | Wondrous item | Helm |
Slavers Choker | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Slayer Destroyer | legendary | Weapon | glaive, lance, longsword, shortsword, longbow |
Snowman Incubator | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Sorrow's Cross Fragment Duty | Legendary | Wondrous Item | Tattoo |
Sorrow's Cross Fragment Temptation | Legendary | Ring | |
Soul Blade | rare (+1), very rare (+2), legendary (+3) | Weapon | any sword |
Soul Reaper's Dagger | very rare | Weapon | dagger |
Soulstrum | legendary | Weapon | greataxe |
Spice | legendary | Wondrous item | |
Sseth's Fang Chainmail | Very Rare | Armor | chain mail |
Staff of the Blighted | legendary | Staff | |
Stasis Crystal | rare | Wondrous item | |
Stasis Slab | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Stolen Wrath | legendary | Wondrous Item | Orb |
Stuffed Doll | very rare | Wondrous Item | doll |
Sunglasses of Night | rare | Wondrous item | |
Sword of Feisty Betrayal | uncommon | Weapon | Shortsword |
The Athame of a Thousand Deaths | Legendary | Weapon | dagger |
The Bangle of Disintegration | legendary | Wondrous Item | bangle |
The Black Ring | legendary | Ring | |
The Crystal of Long Dreaming | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
The Demon's Fang | Legendary | Weapon | ShortSword |
The Evernight Woods | Unique | Ring | Demiplane |
The Eyelander | Rare | Weapon | greatsword |
The Hard Hat | Legendary | Armor | Hat |
The Sealed Fist | rare | Wondrous Item | |
The Tyranny of Evil | artifact | Armor | plate |
The Watcher's Garb | uncommon | Wondrous item | |
Thánatos & Vita | legendary | Weapon | Longswords |
Token of the Damned | legendary | Wondrous Item | |
Transformation Control Collar | very rare | Wondrous Item | |
Transformative Pelt | very rare | Wondrous item | |
Tube of Recreation | Legendary | Wondrous item | |
Tyrfing | artifact | Weapon | broadsword |
Undead's Bane | very rare | Weapon | Any Martial Weapon |
Usekh of the Dragon | rare | Wondrous item | |
Vampire Armor | legendary | Armor | plate |
Vampiric Bracers | rare | Wondrous item | |
Vic's Sticks of Recall | Legendary | Weapon | Magical Instrument |
Vice Bracers | rare | Wondrous item | |
Victorian Doll | Legendary | Wondrous Item | Doll |
VoidWalker Armor | legendary | Armor | leather |
Warrior’s Bracer | rarity varies | Wondrous item | |
Wisecracker | legendary | Weapon | mace |
Wraithblade | rare | Weapon | any weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage |
Wyrmfang Blade | Legendary | Weapon | Dagger |
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