Victorian Doll (5e Equipment)
Wondrous Item (Doll), Legendary A Cursed Victorian Doll appears to be a simple doll constructed out of standard bisque porcelain and painted to resemble a young female, complete with simple cotton garments consistent with Victorian Style Garb. Its strange effects only seem to effect humanoid females. The area around the doll will become altered with the environment, décor, ambient temperature, and furnishings become altered to be more attractive to a prepubescent human female. Tables will be set with a pink tea set with a teapot filled with a sweet red liquid, various sweet treats will manifest, and the table cover will become a lace tablecloth of a style popular during the Victorian Era. Accounts has show that items removed from this region of altered reality retain their altered properties and food items created are non-toxic and will decay at the same rate as normal items of the same type. If a female comes into contact with the doll, they must make a DC 16 Wisdom Saving Throw. On a success, nothing happens and they must repeat the saving throw at the end of each consecutive minute they are still in contact with the doll. On a failure, they enter into a trance-like state, fixated on the doll. After 5 minutes of being in this state without having the object removed, their hands will lock around the doll. Their body then begins to painfully shrink and transform into a simple household object, common of the Victorian style. After 30 seconds (5 rounds), they are transformed as per true polymorph, which can only be reverted through a wish spell. The doll may choose for a target that it deems worthy to go under a slightly different transformation, but it is not known how it chooses its targets or why. On a failure of the above saving throw, they will enter into a trance-like state, fixated on the doll. The female will appear to feel joy and embrace the doll. Over the next few seconds, the target will begin to shrink. They will regress both physical and mentally to the state of an 8-year old child, with no recollection of their previous life. They will then be focused solely on playing with and taking care of the doll. The target will still age while still maintaining their mentality and appearance. If the target dies of natural or unnatural means, their body will revert to what it would have looked like at that time. This change is permanent and can only be reverted through a wish spell. As an action, the child may force any creature within 30 ft. it is aware of to attempt a DC 8 + their Wisdom modifier + their proficiency bonus Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, after 30 seconds (5 rounds), the creature is transformed as per true polymorph, which can only be reverted through a wish spell. For additional information, see [this] SCP article. |
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