Eye of the Hollow (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

A strange, hollow sphere made of an unknown metal. This parasitic replacement eye contains metal strips winding and twisting in on itself in the iris, almost like a clockwork. The pupil of this eye is completely void of color at first, but somehow seems to get more color the longer it is equiped. If you have lost an eye, and you put this eye in your empty eye socket, it will function like a normal eye, giving you back your vision. This cursed parasite automatically attunes you when in your eye socket, and you gain the following effects.

Hollow Sight. You are able to magically sense any hollow room, object or other physical item within 30 feet of you.

Discernment. You are able to magically sense an aura from anyone you see. The colors of this aura depend on the alignment of this creature;

Red: Chaotic

Green: Lawful

Blue: Neutral

Purple: Evil

Yellow: Good

  • You cannot see an aura from any creature consciously trying to hide or disguise themselves. If the creature has magically disguised themselves, the aura take on the color of the aura of whoever they disguise as.

Gaze of the Void. You have advantage on intimidation checks when looking into someones eyes. Upon success, the target sees a strange, cold and empty void in your Eye of the Hollow. The target feels a chilling sensation run up their spine, as well as getting the feeling as if others are watching them from the shadows.

Glance of Soul. Once every long rest, you can use a free action to glare at a target you can see. The target must make a wisdom saving throw or be forced to face their own soul. You can choose the vision the target gets from a couple examples, or homebrew something to the backstory of a player. Possible visions are:

Betrayal. The target faces a version of whoever they put their faith in most, such as a friend, a caretaker, a loved one or even a deity they trust in. That fake will then tell the target that what they did up until now was not enough. The fake will then take away the targets most prized possession, before walking away and disappearing into the distance. The target then falls through the floor, tumbling and swirling into the abyss before they wake up.

Meaninglessness. The target finds themselves in a place they vaguely remember, together with someone they seem to recognise from somewhere, though they just cannot put a finger on from where. That person will tell the target that they will end up just like them: alone, without anyone to recognise them, and with no notable accomplishments. A mist creeps up on them, slowly thickening and multiplying before the target wakes up.

Journey's end. The target finds themselves in their deathbed. They are unable to move or speak, and their loved one, in a very old form, sits next to them, crying. The heart beat monitor flatlines, and the targets vision gets blurry. When they open their eyes again, they are at their own burial, but no one is there. The lid of the coffin closes, and they wake up.

Repetition of Trauma. The target appears in a place they experienced a trauma. While witnessing this event again, they can attempt to stop the event that causes this trauma, but no matter what action is taken, the event will inevitably take place. After the event takes place, the target freezes in place, unable to move. All living being nearby will turn to the target, creaping closer and closer while repeating the same lines over and over emotionlessly: "You could have prevented this. This is your fault. I would have done better in your place." The target then wakes up.

  • The target is unable to take any action on their next turn and spends their turn living this illusion. The effect of the event on the character is interpreted by the DM and player.

Curse. This Eye is cursed. Attuning to this item curses you. While under the effect of this curse, you slowly start to feel more empty and devoid of any emotion over the course of a long time span. This time may vary greatly. Some lose their sense of reality after a few days, while others who are more resistant can take months or even years to become a husk of who they once were. When finally losing all their emotions, they turn into something called a Hollow One. Upon turning into a Hollow One, their Non-Hollow eye turns into an Eye of the Hollow as well.

Curse Removal. Before a person turns into a Hollow One, their Eye can be removed, and upon being cracked open, a shiny crystal can be found. If somehow repaired, the eye will lose its cursed status, and now just function as a magic item. The crystal will be shining more brightly depending on the amount of Emotions it has absorbed from the creature it has infected. The 2 colors of the crystal depend on the alignment of its host;

Red: Chaotic

Green: Lawful

Blue: Neutral

Purple: Evil

Yellow: Good

A potion can be made of the crystal. If the crystal has absorbed emotions, the consumer will take on the alignment connected to the color of the crystal for up to 1 month, depending on the amount of emotions the crystal has taken on. This potion is called a Potion of Alignment. If the crystal has not taken emotions yet, it can be turned into a potion which changes the consumer's mind for a month. This potion is called the Potion of Hollow In this state, the consumer continues their daily activities, but they will not take in any differences. They will simply continue doing what they usually do. The consumer automatically fails all saves against being charmed, and anyone can take an action to charm the consumer without needing to use a spell slot.

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