Staff of the Blighted (5e Equipment)

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Staff, legendary (major) (requires attunement by druid cirlce of the blighted)

A staff created by a corupted druid made out of withered black vines with poisonous thorns.

This weapon is a magic quartestaff can be used as a spellcasting focus by a druid and is made out of withered black vines with thorns on them.
On a hit this weapon deals and additional 1d6 necrotic damage and forces the target to make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw taking another 2d4 poison damage on a fail.

When you enter your wildshape while holding this staff it merges with you form and the damage you deal with your natural weapons in that form deal the additional damage the staff normaly would.
Your Wildshape also changes and reflects the nature of the staff that now focuses your powers, the beast you turn into look starved and deprived of water.
While in Wildshape you gain resistence to necrotic damage, if you already are resistent you become immune.

Whenever you touch a plant you turn it into a blighted version of what it once, for plants that are creatures that is that they gain resistance to necrotic damage and deal an their damage type changes to necrotic. This is an effect that occurs to every plant you touch wether friend or foe doesn't matter.

note: the druid circle of the blighted is a homebrew subclass from the Tal'Dorei Campaign setting, if you don't use this subclass feel free to hand it out to any other druid where you think it would be a good fit.

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