Wyrmfang Blade (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Dagger), Legendary (requires attunement)

A dagger fashioned from the tooth of a dragon. While the blade is obviously a fang or predator's tooth, the handle is leather wrapped around the root of the tooth, and there is no cross-guard.

Devilish Smile Wyrmfang Blade has 3 charges. As an action while you are holding Wyrmfang Blade, you can expend a charge to make a haunting deal.

ACTION Target a creature you can see and present them Wyrmfang Blade as if you were trying to sell it to them... for a price, of course. The Blade will disappear from you hands as you give them a Devilish Smile.

Bonus Action You make Wyrmfang Blade appear behind the creature you presented Wyrmfang Blade to without them noticing. It slams into their back causing 2d10+5 damage. This surprise attack startles the creature so much that they will skip their next turn this round. If they have already taken their turn this round, they will go prone. (+1 levels of exhaustion to wielder)

Each time a successful Devilish Smile Bonus Action is performed, roll a d20. On a natural 1, Wyrmfang Blade breaks and is destroyed causing 1d20 acid damage to the wielder. Wyrmfang Blade regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Firm Handshake Wyrmfang Blade has 3 charges. As an action while you are holding Wyrmfang Blade, you can expend a charge to make a haunting deal.

ACTION You target a creature you can see. You stand upright and to the side, pointing Wyrmfang Blade at the creature as if promising to to attack them. What the enemy doesn't notice is that this is an Illusion of you. All creatures will know this is an illusion if they are within 5 ft. of it or any creature attacks the illusion. While representing a different client, you learned a little magic. A little bit of illusion and a little big of... teleportation.

BONUS ACTION You appear behind the creature you promised to attack without them noticing. You wrap your arms around them and with your dominant hand, plunge Wyrmfang Blade into their chest, further securing your grip and causing 1d6+6 piercing damage. You then jump into the air and Suplex them into the ground causing 1d6+6 bludgeoning damage. You then squeeze the roots of Wyrmfang Blade causing 1d6+6 of acid damage. You will then return to the location of your Illusion, in it's grandiose pose, and you make a witty quip. (+1 levels of exhaustion to wielder)

Each time a successful Firm Handshake Bonus Action is performed, roll a d20. On a natural 1, Wyrmfang Blade breaks and is destroyed causing 1d20 acid damage to the wielder. Wyrmfang Blade regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Curse. This Dagger is cursed. Attuning to this item curses you until you are targeted by a wish spell. The only way to remove exhaustion caused by Wyrmfang Blade is to drink at a tavern. No amount of rest will fulfill the need for a great ale, nor will drinking alone or at a "house party". Only the company of strangers and a beverage poured by a bartender with years of experience will make you feel better. Drinking this way removes 1 level of exhaustion per hour. In addition, the wielder is always playing with Wyrmfang Blade, flipping it in their hand, waving it about, or playing Five Finger Filet (roll a d100 when playing FFF, on a multiple of 5, take 1d4 piercing damage). You are completely infatuated with Wyrmfang Blade. This will give you -3 to Charisma when talking to strangers who don't know you, but will also give you +3 to Intimidation to strangers that don't know you. If the person you are talking to has encountered or talked with you before (at least 1 day/conversation prior to the current), they know you just freaking LOVE that knife and aren't threatening. If Wyrmfang Blade is ever destroyed, you will become Distraught, being unable to actually talk with anyone until your grieving period is over (1d4 days). If you enter battle while Distraught everything reminds you of your favorite dagger and all attack rolls are with disadvantage until your grieving period is over.

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