Plastic Valve (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item (Attachment), legendary (requires attunement)

"A short, stubby, clear plastic tube with a plug attached to one end and a flat round base. As you look at the object and think on how to use it, you slowly realize what it is you're holding. You've heard stories about enchanted pool toy nozzles and what happens to those that use them... Anything you stick this onto becomes an inflatable rubber toy."

Attaching the Valve

To attune the plastic valve, stick it onto the object or creature you wish to transform and push the plug down into it's base until it "pops". The valve will then become permanently attached to the body of the object or creature and impossible to remove, along with any worn equipment or items in the creatures hands fusing with them. If the plastic valve is attached to an unwilling creature, they may make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw to resist the valve's magic. On a success, the plastic valve harmlessly pops off their body. Creatures immune to being charmed cannot be forced to equip the valve and must stick it onto themselves willingly. Objects instantly begin to transform when the valve is attached. Sentient Objects may make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw to resist the binding effect, similar to an unwilling creature, but are otherwise unable to resist being transformed.

Once a creature has a plastic valve attached to them, they will feel themselves begin to transform right away and must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, their transformation will progress one stage with part of their body physically turning into air-filled rubber. On a success the creature will not begin to transform physically, but will still feel the magic of the plastic valve coursing through their body.

Transformation Process

Normal Transformation Method: The creature will begins to transform from the inside-out starting where the valve is attached; turning it and any equipment it has on into air-filled rubber until none of its original form remains. Every time the creature gains a level of exhaustion, preforms an action that requires concentration, becomes "excited" or has had an hour pass since making their last saving throw to resist the curse, they must make a DC 10 + N Constitution saving throw, where N is the number of times the creature has had to make the save since cursed. If the creature fails the check, the curse progresses one stage. If the creature falls asleep or unconscious, they will be unable to resist the effect and progress one stage per round. After the curse has progressed 10 times, the creature is completely transformed.

Fast Transformation Method: If the plastic valve is popped open, the creature will rapidly transform at a rate of one stage per round until the valve is closed or is completely transformed and begins to deflate. If the creature happens to perish while under the effects of the curse, the plastic valve absorbs the creature's soul and rapidly transforms their body as they completely deflate.

Transforming Objects:' Objects are transformed must faster than creatures, taking 1 round per size class to transform; starting from tiny. If the valve is opened, the object is transformed instantly and deflates. Objects that have been merged with a creature's body transform at the same rate as the creature.

Complete Transformation

Once a creature is fully transformed, the plastic valve completely absorbs it's soul; turning them into an inflatable. The new inflatable will have the consciousness, personality, memories, and traits of the creature it was before. Depending on the DM's preference (or Player's if the transformed creature was their character), the newly created inflatable may be made of vinyl, PVC, latex, or some other kind of rubberized material and may have almost the exact same appearance it had before; only being hollow and made of rubber, or appear drastically different from how it once was.

Assuming the creature did not perish, the new inflatable must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw to resist having its mind be absorbed as well. If it passes, the creature becomes a living inflatable, retaining it's ability to move and speak when inflated. If it fails, the creature loses either its ability to move or speak and must make another saving throw. If it fails both saving throws or is unable to make them, the creature becomes a sentient object and loses its ability to move and speak; effectively becoming an inflatable rubber toy. If the creature had multiple valves attached to them, it becomes a multi-chamber balloon; allowing different parts of its body to be inflated and deflated separately.

  • Alternatively the DM may decide if the creature will be a Living Inflatable, Completely Inanimate, or Something in Between.

Post Transformation

Because the plastic valve is primarily designed to work on creatures, turning a player character into an inflatable is completely possible. Since the plastic valve does not make any changes to a character's class or skills. The character however, for intent and purposes, would be just a balloon and its new state of being may heavily affect it's playstyle, assuming they weren't completely turned into a toy.

Inflatable Traits

Any inflatable, regardless of what it was before, will have the following features...

  • Inflatable: The inflatables body can be filled with any kind of gas, liquid or fine particulate matter and any enchantments and/or magical effects it has will cease to function when deflated. The inflatable's size is massively reduced when deflated, allowing it to easily fit inside of a character's inventory or container. The time to completely inflate or deflate an inflatable depends on it's size when fully inflated, however using magic like prestidigitation may speed up the process.
Size Class Time to fully inflate or deflate
Tiny 1 round
Small 2 rounds
Medium 4 rounds
Large 8 rounds
Huge 16 rounds
Gargantuan 32 rounds
  • Hollow: The inflatable's body is completely hollow, being less than 1 millimeter thick and weighs 02% (1/50th) of its original weight and due to it being a just a thin pressurized membrane, the inflatable takes triple damage from piercing and slashing.
  • Risk of Popping: If an inflatable's hit points drop below full, it will pop and deflate; requiring that it's body be repaired or healed before it can be re-inflated. The speed at which it deflates depends on the amount of damage it took.
HP Remaining Deflate Time
More than 75% 1d4 rounds
More than 50% 1d3 rounds
More than 25% Next round
Less than 25% This round
  • Rubber Soul: A sentient inflatable cannot truly perish unless it's valve is destroyed and becomes a sentient object fully aware of its surroundings when it's hit points are reduced to 0. A sentient inflatable may have its ability to move restored with magic such as animate objects or freedom of movement and its ability to speak restored with magic like magic mouth. Any attempts to separate the inflatable's soul from its body or change the material its is made of will fail, however attempts change its shape will still work. If the inflatable is completely destroyed, it's soul is lost to the rubber void and unable to be resurrected normally, however magic such as true resurrection may still work.

Living Inflatable Traits[edit]

Any inflatable that has a soul gains the following traits in addition to those listed above, however sentient objects won't benefit or suffer from these traits outside of roleplay.

  • Animated Inflatable: A living inflatable can only move and/or speak while it's inflated, but will still be fully conscious and aware of its surroundings when deflated. A living inflatable is considered resting and incapacitated when deflated and enters into a euphoric dream-like state where it will have trouble keeping track of the passage of time. The living inflatable receives a short rest if it remains deflated for at least 1 hour and a long rest if it remains deflated for at least 8 hours.
  • Increased Sensitivity: A living inflatable is unable to sense any form of physical pain, however it's body remains sensitive to all other forms of touch and unable to rest any time it is inflated to its sensitive skin. A living inflatable's skin becomes hyper sensitive when it's inflated, making all physical stimuli to its body enjoyable if not out-right euphoric; but no area on the inflatable's body is more sensitive than it's valve. A living inflatable is unable to close it's valve on its own and cannot concentrate when its valve is covered by its clothes or gear. The living inflatable's valve is so sensitive in fact, that it is completely stunned if it's valve is touched by another creature, popped open or has a substance flowing through it.
  • Living Container: Because of the living inflatable's hollow form, it gains different bonuses and/or penalties depending on what it's filled with. If the inflatable is filled with a gas, it rolls with disadvantage on athletics skill checks and cannot dive or swim underwater but also gains a flight speed equal to its walking speed and becomes immune to fall damage when not wearing armor heavier than leather and/or carrying a light load. If the inflatable is filled with a fluid, the living inflatable rolls with disadvantage on athletics skill and acrobatics skill checks, but also ignores any penalties due to its extremely low weight and Strength. If the inflatable is filled with any kind of solid matter, it will be unable to sprint, fly, jump or swim with any attempt to move counting as being on difficult terrain and will sink in water but will also ignore all penalties from its extremely low weight and the Just A Balloon trait.
  • Just A Balloon: The living inflatable is unable to eat, drink or consume potions and has its physical stats significantly reduced from that of the original creature. Its Strength is reduced by 8, Constitution reduced by 6 and Dexterity reduced by 4. If the inflatable's Strength or Dexterity is reduced to 0, it can still move when inflated but will be unable to wear or carry any items. If the living inflatable's Constitution is reduced to 0, it will have only 1 HP. A living inflatable also squeaks with it moves, suffering a -2 penalty to stealth skill checks and due to its silly appearance has disadvantage on intimidation skill checks.

Lifting the Curse[edit]

Once a creature has been fully transformed, the effects are irreversible and only the power of a wish spell are able to turn them back to normal. If the creature has not yet fully transformed, they can easily be cured with a remove curse spell or other similar magic. Objects can be restored with a remove curse spell or other similar magic unless it is a sentient item, in which case it must be cured in the same way as a creature.

Once an object or creature has been cured, the plastic valve harmlessly pops off it's body. That said, the plastic valve is still cursed and can easily be re-attached if careless. In order to remove the curse's magic from the plastic valve itself, one must use the power of a wish spell to turn it into a mundane piece of plastic. If a creature is foolish or careless enough to allow themselves to be transformed a second time, it is up to the DM whether or not they can be cured again.

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