Prisoner's Shackles (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item (Shackles), Rare (requires attunement)

These shackles, said to be made from a master forger, made these shackles for himself against his own will by a powerful king and was said that the master forger used ancient magic to curse these shackles to punish the evil king, so when the time was right. He managed to shackle the king's legs and finished the curse but the king became confused and ferrous. Hanging the man for assault but not before the forger had the last laugh, just seeing, in his near moment of death. The king's shackles become locked. In the end, the king was shackled for the rest of his life but wanted to make a positive out of it and enchanted it to help with his punishment he tried to do.

Deadly Attacker You gain a +2 when making attacks and damage rolls.

Curse. These prisoner shackles are cursed. Attuning to this item curses you until you are targeted by a remove curse spell at 9th level or similar magic. While attuned, each time the wearer does an act deemed "evil" these shackles lock up, preventing the wearer from using its legs, making them Restrained. To become free of the shackles the wearer must partake in a greater deed that is good to counter the bad. if the creature wishes to release themselves from these shackles by another way, they must make a DC 20 {[5a saving throw, on a fail the shackles tighten and now an additional good deed must be done. On a success, the shackles let go of the wearer. The wearer can only make the save once per time when being shackled. }}

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