The Bangle of Disintegration (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item (bangle), legendary (requires attunement)

"Talos, The Great God of Destruction, in a fit Of unexplained rage, slew down an entire mountain settlement, causing thousands Of homes and people to crumble away into nothing. After his rage left him, he was only filled with grief. The Great and Powerful God took all his rage and put it into his iron wrist ordainment he was wearing, then discarding it to the land below the gods domain, casting it to the creatures to whom he had wronged..."

The bangle is an ornamental item that will always change its shape to make sure its a perfect fit for anyone who would pick it up.

Corrected Attacks. When donned and attuned onto a creature, they have a +3 to all melee attack rolls. In addition, if you land a critical hit, you deal an additional 2d6 radiant damage on the attack.

Curse. Once donned by an attuned creature, they must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw for the Bangle's Curse. If the creature passes, they are unaffected by the curse but must make another DC 15 Constitution saving throw the following morning. If they pass the first saving throw, they can attempt to unattune with the item once before the next morning by making a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or by casting the remove curse spell. If the creature fails, they are cursed and the item fuses into the wearer's flesh leaving behind the two opals on both sides of the wrist as well as writing that wraps all the way around the wrist, beginning and ending from both gems. It is written in Dwarvish that translates to "In the Name of The Great God of Destruction Talos, You art thou now bound to this ordainment for eternity" , and they are now cursed with the following affect: depending on the wrist worn on, whenever the user touches a non-creature object, the said object will disintegrate on the spot. If someone other then the donned creature casts mending on the destroyed item within 5 minitues, the item can be restored. The cursed creature can have the curse removed by having a creature other than itself cast the greater restoration spell or a better on them, the bangle will unmeld from the creatures flesh, making it a standard bracelet. If the creature dies while bound to this item, the item will unmeld with the dead creature's flesh in an attempt to find a new host.

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