Nirnogzahar (5e Equipment)

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Armor (spiked armor), unique (major) (requires attunement)

Among the duergar there is the legend of Nirnog Blackrock. Even by the standards of his kind, he was an exceptionally frenzied and furious craftsdwarf, and was responsible for forging many duergar constructs. His obsession to his work was so great, he began to loathe the failings of his body to undertake it. To that end, Nirnog began work upon a suit of armor he could inter himself into, a psychically-powered machine that would force him to work through pain, exhaustion, and even death. His creation was a success, and it continued toiling in his forge even after his body finally expired inside it, animated solely by his madness. When this armor was discovered, a lowly apprentice was the first to dare lay hands upon it. The armor opened up like a maw and instantly interred him inside, his screams of agony coinciding with the armor toiling in the forge even more furiously than before. The rest who discovered it gave it the name Nirnogzahar, or Nirnog's Hollow. Many since then have paid reverence to the armor, tried to understand or destroy it, or even tame it themselves, believing that by willingly wearing it they can overpower the madness that drives it for their own ends. Very few in that last regard were successful for long, but the duergar that did succeeded long enough to alter the armor's drive towards war. After singlehandedly swaying the outcome of many battles, it was finally captured by restraining it in adamantine chains for long enough for it to depower, the operator inside long ago killed by the battle. Hundreds of years have passed since then, and Nirnogzahar has yet to be found or replicated.

Nirnogzahar is composed of articulating black iron, mithril, and adamantine plates. It menaces with spikes of adamantine and bears the stench of stagnant copper. It's design bears no ornamentation or embellishments, just the sheer brutal functionality of duergar worksmanship. The armor automatically resizes to fit a Large, Medium, or Small humanoid, and must be attuned to by such.

Once attuned to, the armor enters its powered state. While powered, you can don the armor by touching it as an action. You have a +3 bonus to armor class while wearing the armor, and any critical hit made against you becomes a normal hit.

Engine of Pain. Like it's mass-produced sibling constructs, the duergar hammerer and screamer, Nirnogzahar is powered by the psychic energy of suffering. Whenever you take damage while wearing it, you gain the following benefits until the end of your next turn:

  • Your speed increases by 15 feet.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to your armor class, attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
  • Your melee attacks deal an additional d8 of damage.
  • As a reaction to being dealt damage (including the damage that triggered this feature), you can make a melee attack against one creature within range.

Furthermore, if you are a battlerager, you gain the following additional benefits while wearing Nirnogzahar:

  • Attacks made with spiked armor against objects and structures are considered critical hits if they hit.
  • The piercing damage you deal with your battlerager features is considered magical and instantly kills a creature if it reduces it to below 25 hit points. A creature killed in this way causes you to regain hit points equal to the hit points it had remaining, unless it is an undead or a construct.

Once on each of your turns, you can cause Nirnogzahar to deal 1d4 piercing damage to you (no action required). This damage can be resisted, but never negated completely.

Ironbound. Your attunement to the armor can only be broken by dying outside of it, the remove curse spell cast at 9th level, or the wish spell. Every day the armor allows you up to one hour of self-directed activity, deducted in intervals of 1 minute. During this period you can doff the armor as an action, or while wearing it, you can direct it as you see fit. Performing an activity that aligns with one of the armor's Echoes of Madness does not count against the allotted hour.

If you are not wearing the armor once the hour is up, it self-animates (using the Nirnogzahar statblock) and attempts to inter you inside of it. Once you are wearing the armor and the hour is up, you are bound by Nirnogzahar's Echoes of Madness.

Echoes of Madness. Nirnogzahar contains psychic remnants of every wearer who has successfully commanded it. Once the hour of self-directed activity is up, you must roll on the table to determine which echo drives the armor, or, by passing a DC 15 Charisma ability check, you can choose an echo. You and the armor must both act in accordance to the echo. You may attempt to resist by making a DC 20 Charisma saving throw once every hour. If you succeed, you overpower the echo and gain control of the armor for an hour. If you fail, you lose yourself in the echo and can't attempt to resist again for 1d8 hours. You have advantage on the Charisma check and saving throw if you are a duergar.

If you die while in control of the armor, you become a new echo of madness and can control the armor until it loses power. You retain all class features, proficiencies, and your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores in this state, but control the Nirnogzahar statblock. You must still make a Charisma saving throw against the echoes every hour to maintain control, but you have advantage in this state.

Echoes of Madness
d8 Echo
1 Every moment I spend away from the forge is unforgivable.
2 I'll show you..! I'll show you all what I'm capable of!
3 If I do not achieve greatness, I did not deserve to live.
4 The pain... I love it. More... mooore!
5 It'll all be mine now! Nothing is standing in my way!
6 Destroy. Them. All.
7 Argh! Get this thing off of me get it off getitoffff!
8 This is it. Nothing can hurt me anymore in a way that matters.


Medium construct, lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 75
Speed 30 ft.

25 (+7) 14 (+2) 29 (+9) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

Skills Athletics, Intimidation
Tools smith's tools, tinkerer's tools
Proficiency Bonus +6
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands Dwarvish but can't speak

Binding Tracker. Nirnogzahar always knows the current distance to and direction of the creature attuned to it, even if the creature and Nirnogzahar are on different planes of existence.

Engine of Pain. If a creature inside Nirnogzahar takes damage, Nirnogzahar receives the following benefits until the end of its next turn:

  • Its speed increases by 15 feet.
  • It gains a +2 bonus to its armor class, attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
  • Its melee attacks deal an additional d8 of damage.

Immutable Form. Nirnogzahar is immune to any effect that would alter its form.

Indestructible. If Nirnogzahar is reduced to 0 hit points or subjected to an effect that would kill or destroy it, it instead becomes incapacitated and falls prone. While incapacitated, its speed is reduced to 0 and any creature trapped inside of it it set free. At the start of each of Nirnogzahar's turns while it is in this state, it makes a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. If it succeeds, Nirnogzahar regains all of its hit points and is no longer incapacitated.

Limited Life. Nirnogzahar loses its animation if it spends 48 hours or longer without a living creature attuned to it, or if a creature inside of it hasn't taken damage, turning back into its object form.


Multiattack. Nirnogzahar makes up to two slam attacks.

Adamantine Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage + 2 (1d4) piercing damage. If this attack hits an object, it is treated as a critical hit. A creature that is reduced to less than 25 hit points by the piercing damage of this attack is instantly killed.

Inter Inside. A humanoid within 5 feet of Nirnogzahar the same size category as it must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. The target has advantage on this saving throw if they are wearing medium or heavy armor, and automatically succeeds if they are wearing armor that can't be removed against their will. On a failure, the target is ripped out of their armor if they are wearing any and forcibly interred within Nirnogzahar. While interred, they are restrained and can't take any actions.


Enlarge/Reduce. Nirnogzahar alters its size and configuration to become Small or Large size, or return back to Medium size. Using this action while a creature is interred within it does not alter the armor's size—it instead deals 1d4 piercing damage to the creature.


Engine of Pain. If a creature inside Nirnogzahar takes damage, it can make a melee attack against one creature within its range.

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