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Wizard Spell Book


0-Level Wizard Spells[edit]

  • Arcane Deflection With a wave of your hand, you create a barrier of arcane energy to deflect a ranged spell attack.
  • Astral Barrier Reinforce yourself with starstuff to blunt an incoming attack.
  • Disjunction You channel a sliver of magical energy into your target’s cantrip as it forms, attempting to destabilize the casting.
  • Furious Charge You create a shield of force on your shoulder and ram it into your foes.
  • Glyph Trap You cast a glowing pool of magic upon the ground by drawing a glyph with paint, or something that can mark a surface, that damages and hinders anyone who wanders through or is pushed into it.
  • Haptic Counter You focus on the energy kept within you and release it in a defensive manner.
  • Hydro Barrier Throw water in front of yourself to blunt an incoming attack.
  • Mana Shield, Variant Create an intangible magical shield around you
  • Spectral Shield You invoke a minor protective force to grant yourself a +1 bonus to your AC.
  • Static Armor You generate a shocking aura on a willing creature's armor that damages attackers.
  • Temporal Blur You briefly glimpse the future, which allows you to narrowly evade an attack.
  • Temporal Rift Reduce the movement speed of a target
  • Vortex Gaze The target is forced to look into your eyes and is shown an image of the Vortex itself.
  • Acidic Blast Shoots beams of acidic energy at enemies.
  • Acidic Bolt You shoot a solid bolt of acid at a target, dealing piercing and possibly acid damage too.
  • Aero Slash Hurl ripples of razor-sharp air at your enemies when you attack, anime-style.
  • Aerostrike You enhance your next attack with condensed air.
  • Air Slash You form a blade of air and launch it at incredible speeds at a creature or object within range.
  • Almighty Strike You clap your hands and create an almighty aura that sends a blast wave out in a 30-foot sphere centered on you.
  • Arc A ranged lightning attack which can jump between foes.
  • Arcane Attraction A cantrip to pull folks closer.
  • Arcane Blast Releases a force blast in a cone in front of you, deals damage and knocks enemies back
  • Arcane Bolt You fire a bolt of magical energy that seeks its target before exploding.
  • Arcane Strike For those mages that wade into the fray.
  • Astral Light By gently waving your hand in a circular motion, you slowly draw forth an aurora of light into the air around yourself for the duration.
  • Blast You create a blast of pure destructive force.
  • Blast Cantrip Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of cantrips.
  • Blazer You cover your sword in volatile flames that propell you into the air to strike an airborne opponent or drag one off the ground, but its flames strike back at you if you miss.
  • Blazing Counterstrike Counter an attack with a fiery strike
  • Blazing Slash You extend your hand as a slash of scorching heat burns the creature in front of you.
  • Blinding Bolt You hurl a bright yellow lightning bolt at a creature within range.
  • Bolt of Time You send out an orb of warped time to a creature within range and try to manipulate its cognitive function.
  • Bolt Strike You enhance your next attack with electric energy.
  • Bomb Magically create a small non-magical explosion.
  • Boom Beat Arrow
  • Boreal Strike Your weapon emanates a misty cold aura of subtle and scintillating colors, freezing all in its path.
  • Bounding Flame You create a magical flame that travels along the ground and autonomously seeks out targets.
  • Carian Slicer Create a translucent blue short sword to quickly slash your opponent.
  • Cataclysm You summon a small amount of pure destruction into your hand and can apply it to something of your choosing.
  • Chaotic Rocket A missile trailing a ribbon of multicolored light is lobbed from the caster, producing random sounds (a whistle, ducks quacking, a long burp, etc) as it streaks for its target.
  • Chill Boomerang You launch a gust of freezing air at an opponent, after which it comes back to your hand.
  • Chilling Wind You freeze the air around you and then send it at a creature or object within range.
  • Chord You pluck at the strings which hold the fabric of time, causing ripples to form in space and resonate forward.
  • Chromatic Bolt Shoot a spark of elemental energy at nearby foes.
  • Coldslinger Spin up a bowling ball of ice before slinging it right at a target.
  • Combustion Your body is briefly enveloped in flame, burning the creature that damaged you.
  • Concussive Blast
  • Conduct You channel lightning through your hand to smite a creature or object you can touch.
  • Coral Blast You hurl a sharp chunk of neurotoxin-laced coral.
  • Corroding Strike You enhance your next attack with Acidic energy.
  • Dark Fire A wisp of purple flame coalesces in your hand, which you can use to either illuminate an area or deal damage to an enemy.
  • Dark Matter Blast Fire a clump of invisible space matter.
  • Dark Mote Summon a floating mote that emanates darkness.
  • Daunting Volt Blade Your weapon is charged with electric energy, released upon impact.
  • Delay Upon an ally dropping to 0 hit points within 60 feet, you can freeze them in time.
  • Disarming Cry
  • Discord Bolt A bolt that pulses with a chaotic nature
  • Divine Arcane Attraction A cantrip to pull folks closer.
  • Dongle's Frozen Fire Bolt A frozen version of the Fire Bolt cantrip, invented by the Gnome Bard Sorcerer Dongle.
  • Double-Edge Dance You unleash a quick slash of fire which as you progress in strength, results in a series of fiery slashes.
  • Double-Edge Dance, Variant You unleash a quick slash of fire which as you progress in strength, results in a series of fiery slashes.
  • Drago Bolt A bolt with the face of a dragon flies through the air damaging anything in its path.
  • Earthshatter You use your abilities to cause a point within range to shatter.
  • Eldritch Burst You launch an invisible blast towards a target.
  • Eldritch Strike, Variant A magically enhanced strike
  • Electrical Handaxe Conjure and throw a handaxe made of electricity
  • Element Blast
  • Elemental Arrow You throw an arrow made of elemental energy on your target.
  • Elemental Blast You form a ball of energy that gathers elemental energy around it and then sends that elemental blast at a creature or object.
  • Elemental Blow you cast a 10 foot cone of elemental damage against creatures
  • Ember
  • Ember Strike You infuse your weapon with the embers of a fire, then strike as it bursts into flame.
  • Emberbolt
  • Emit Spores You cover the area around you in a fine toxic cloud of fungal spores.
  • Endrian Slash You channel you melee weapon with Endrian energy allowing you to slash your opponent to bits.
  • Energy Strike You enhance your next attack with force energy.
  • Entropy You create a point of entropy in your hand and touch it to a creature or object within range.
  • Faerie Glitter You hurl a mote of sparkling energy at a creature within range.
  • Farron Dart You hurl a tiny projection of bluish-white energy at a creature or object within range.
  • Feu Sans Nuit
  • Fiery Disengage A spell allowing you to rapidly escape in an burst of flame.
  • Final Stroke The fury of the tranquil, wielded only as a last resort.
  • Finger Gun Budget Eldritch Blast for any Spell Caster
  • Fire Boom
  • Fire Splash You hurl an exploding bolt of fire at a point within range.
  • Firecracker A dazzling, explosive bombardment.
  • Firesweep
  • Flame Ring You make a weapon attack that rings the target in flames.
  • Flame Shot
  • Flare Blade There is a burning sensation near the hilt of your sword as you prepare to cast this spell. It grows as you hold and channel the spell up your blade until it is almost unbearable, releasing a destructive explosion of fire that decimates opponents but burns you in the process.
  • Flare Blitz The caster coat itself in flames, then flies forward spinning like a torpedo.
  • Flare Counter Your sword is wreathed in fire as you prepare yourself in a parry stance. If an adversary attempts to harm you while in this stance, the results are devestating.
  • Flare Shot Shoot an explosive projectile that dazes and burns the two targets.
  • Flèche Chromatique Himo A cantrip that combines with chromatic orb.
  • Force Arrow Enhance an arrow, dart, or other such weapon with raw magical power
  • Force Cannon fires a swirling ball of air
  • Force Streak You fill your weapon and ammunition with raw magical energy that repels or draws in those stricken by your projectiles.
  • Forceful Flash A ball of magical energy hurtles toward a creature in range and blinds them with a flash of bright light.
  • Forceful Hand You surround one or more of your hands with gloves of transparent force for a minute, gaining several benefits.
  • Forceful Strike Magical energy coats your melee weapon and gives it more forceful attacks.
  • Frost Bolt You hurl a ball of magical frost
  • Froststrike You enhance your next attack with frost energy.
  • Fulgur A basic lightning spell.
  • Gandr Shot A simple curse originating from Scandinavia, which decreases the physical health of the target.
  • Glacies A basic ice spell.
  • Glintstone Pebble Fires a small glintstone the size of a pebble.
  • Glyph of Pain You write a magic glyph in the air and launch it at a creature within range.
  • Gravity Force You use gravitational energy to forcefully push or pull an object or creature within range.
  • Haunting Whispers You begin whispering haunting words which instills pain in those who hear them.
  • Heat Beam You concentrate your firepower into a single beam and shoot toward a creature or object within range.
  • Heated Hands You touch a sheet of ice up to 6 inches thick and no larger than 5 feet in any dimension, which instantly melts.
  • Hershey Squirt You cause the target to lose control of their bowels.
  • Hoarfrost Blade Your weapon is coated in fractalline frost as you attack.
  • Hurricane Blade Whirling winds whip around you and your weapon that threatens to force away any in its path.
  • Ice Blade You deftly pull moisture from the air, which briefly solidifies into a blade you use to strike a creature or object within 5 feet of you.
  • Ice Shards You evoke shards of ice to rain into an area.
  • Ignite Create a burst of heat within a cube in front of you.
  • Ignite, Variant You extend your hand and a volcanic explosion sears your foe, taking more damage if they took fire damage previously.
  • Ignitions You extend your hand and a volcanic ignition sears your foe, making them more vulnerable to fire.
  • Illumination, Variant You conjure a globe of light, illuminating an area and blinding an enemy.
  • Instil Pain You attempt to twist the mind of a creature you can see within range.
  • Iridescent Ray You evoke rays of light that scorch enemies.
  • Keen Cut Cut down your foes with the power of your mind
  • Kinetic Garrote You create and attack with a garrote made out of force.
  • Kinetic Throw You manipulate the power of force to toss your target.
  • Liberate Flame Make a flame within range burst, damaging foes nearby
  • Life Flare
  • Lightning Field A cylindrical aura of electricity sweeps around you for a moment, jolting adjacent foes.
  • Lightning Lasers
  • Lightning Orb You summon a ball of electric energy to strike a creature within range.
  • Lightning Tendrils Summon tendrils of electricity to shock multiple opponents.
  • Lightning Whip You create a lash of lightning energy that strikes at one creature of your choice that you can see within range.
  • Lofting Breeze A cantrip frequently used to move or aid in the movement of flying vehicles.
  • Mage Fist For those mages that wish to brawl.
  • Magic Dart A single magical dart akin to those created by magic missile.
  • Megaton Punch Super Punch!
  • Mental Shred Weave darkness into your weapon to drain your opponent's vitality with a hefty strike.
  • Minor Implosion
  • Moonbeam Bolt Hurl a shard of moonlight against a target, can potentially revert shapechangers to their original form.
  • Moonlight You create a source of dim moonlight, capable of revealing the true form of things.
  • Nahal's Reckless Dweomer
  • Ni You call upon an ancient power and speak a forbidden word.
  • One Inch Punch You deliver a ki-infused close quarter unarmed strike
  • Pillar of Sand You cause a small pillar of sand to erupt from the ground in a 5-foot cube originating from a point you can see within range.
  • Pixie Storm You point at a creature within range, and they are assailed with a magical storm of glitter.
  • Plasma Bolt You fire a bolt of hyper charged matter that simultaneously burns and electrocutes your enemy.
  • Pleasant Breeze You create a pleasant breeze of air around a creature, giving it slight protection against heat and gasses.
  • Power Beam You project a beam of force from your melee weapon to attack from a distance.
  • Power Chord
  • Powerful Punch You concentrate a amount of energy and it explode when you hit your target, making possible to push it away and knock it prone.
  • Powerful Strike Control your foes with the power of force.
  • Psionbolt You release a bolt of psionic energy and fire it at the target.
  • Psionic Blast
  • Psionic Kunai You launch a blade that slices the mind.
  • Psionic Strike You enhance your next attack with force energy.
  • Psychic Missile You shoot a projectile made out of psionic power that hurts and dazes your opponent.
  • Psychokinesis You fling an object weighing up to 10 pounds within range towards another point within range.
  • Push You blast an enemy with raw kinetic force, knocking them back.
  • Pyrokinesis Manifest your magical power by igniting a fire.
  • Quickbolt Creates a silver liquid-like bolt that travels silently and strikes a target.
  • Radiant Blade You make a weapon attack that rings the target in radiant flames.
  • Radiant Flame Blade You make a weapon attack that rings the target in radiant flames.
  • Red-Flame Missile You unleashed fiery fury upon your foe using ranged weaponry.
  • Rimeward Strike Water and icy winds collect around your weapon to turn it into magical frost.
  • Rune Blast You draw a rune in the air and blast an object or creature in range with different types of damage.
  • Sacrificial Strike You channel all of your energy into a singular burst.
  • Shadow Blast Create a blast of shadows to defeat you enemies and torment your friends.
  • Shadowcery Conjure an object or creature out of your shadow that stands up
  • Shartrund's Energy Blade The caster raises her hand, a sword of flame forms in her grip and she strikes the goblin that is hurtling up the path, igniting it. Screeching in pain, the goblin jumps back and frantically pats himself out as the wizard readies herself for another strike.
  • Shenanigan You launch an unpredictable and everchanging bolt of energy at a creature or object within range.
  • Shining Force Blast A pulse of radiant energy which shines like a star blasts out from you in a line.
  • Shinsu Baang
  • Shocking Bolt You hurl a small bolt of lightning at a creature or object in range.
  • Shocking Grasp, Variant Lightning springs from your fingertips. Your attack roll has advantage if the target is soaked or wearing metal.
  • Shocking Reaction The creature that hit you takes 1d4 lightning damage.
  • Snipe A long-range, high damage cantrip with a high chance of missing.
  • Sorrel's Minuscule Missile Sorrel Glintwing's micro magic missiles, now a dime a dozen!
  • Spark Shower You bring down sparks of lightning in a small area centered to a point you choose within range.
  • Spellfire You conjure arcane fire in your hand that can be used for light and combat.
  • Spellstrike You increase the accuracy of your attacks using your magic power.
  • Starlight Bolt A bolt of brilliant light streaks toward a creature within range.
  • Static Shock Strike Charge your weapon with electric magic to fend off foes with a strike of your weapon
  • Static Shot Imbue a weapon or piece of ammunition with arcing lightning
  • Static Strike Imbue a weapon with arcing lightning as you strike.
  • Stone Bullet You hurl a stone at a creature or object within range.
  • Thunder Shock
  • Thundering Whip Summon forth a thunderous whip to rattle and deafen foes.
  • Thunderous Strike A thunderous strike meant to push back the foes of the War wizards and bladesingers.
  • Tractor Ray You pull or push a creature you want.
  • Vent Anger You vent your anger and pulse out hot air in a 15-foot sphere centered on yourself to cool yourself down.
  • Voidbolt
  • Water Blast
  • Water Bolt You hurl a bolt of tightly compressed water at a creature or object within range.
  • White-Frost Weapon You brandish a weapon coated in unnatural frost and swing.
  • Wind Slash Basicaly a firebolt that can snuff-out candles
  • Wind Strike A spell which allows one to project the attack of their melee weapon a short distance.
  • Withering Thorn Weave darkness into your weapon to drain your opponent's vitality with a hefty strike.
  • Word of Virulence You utter a divine word, and corrupting virulence erupts from you.
  • Zap Fire a thin streak of electric energy towards the target.
  • Blue Death You force a creature into believing they are in a life-or-death situation.
  • Chloromorpho You change the color of a touched object or willing creature for the duration of this spell.
  • Concealment Creatures must make a Wisdom save to notice a specific, small item magically guised on your person.
  • Concealment, Variant You magically draw attention away from a singular, small item on your person.
  • Deepen Shadows Remove the light from a 10 foot cube and cause the area to become darker.
  • Grain of Sand Make grains of sand appear to be grains of wheat.
  • Label Place a small permanent magical label on an item. The label can be seen by any spell caster or magical creature.
  • Label, Variant Place a permanent magical label on an item. The label can be seen by any creature which can use spells or spell-like abilities.
  • Manipulate Hearing Influence a creature's sense of hearing
  • Shadow Garrote With a subtle gesture you carve a slice of shadow from the air around you and cast it toward your foe. It wraps around the creature's neck and squeezes the life from it.
  • Shadow Mist You conjure an illusory swarm of inky black clouds.
  • Shady Visage You obscure the features of the willing creature that you touch.
  • Spurt of Weirdness Give a creature the sensation of touch
  • Umbral Visage You conjure a cloak of shadows to hide you from sight.
  • Warding Flare You throw up your hand to create a flash of light and distract a creature that is attacking you.
  • Bleeding Wounds Cause stable creatures to resume dying.
  • Blood Bind Bind your own life force to that of another creature in order to inflict the same damage you deal upon yourself to them.
  • Blood Blade You create a blade out of your own blood to use as a weapon.
  • Bloodbridge The caster creates a bridge of blood between 2 creatures, taking the blood of one and giving it to the other.
  • Charnel Claw Channel necrotic power through a clawing strike.
  • Coagulate You cut yourself to form a magical mote to assault a creature in range that you can see.
  • Curse Bestow a minor curse on a creature.
  • Dark Exchange You touch an injured, willing creature, concentrate on the wound as the sinew magically stitches close wounds, graft overs burns and otherwise closes and protects the injured creature.
  • Dawndragon's Vitality Steal A minor life drain spell.
  • Death Blade You enchant the weapon that you wield with the life force of a slain creature.
  • Death Bolt You hurl a dark ball at a creature or object within range.
  • Death's Garrote You infuse your garrote with the power of death.
  • Desecrate Strike Imbue your weapon with necrotic energy as you strike.
  • Desecration Desecrate the land.
  • Empowering Sacrifice
  • Fingers of the Necromancer Rays of necrotic energy shoot from your fingers, withering anything you shoot.
  • Ghostly Hands You touch a willing creature and cover its hands with ghostly energy.
  • Grum's Fix 'em/Hurt 'em Caster chooses to either heal or damage a target, using their own lifeforce.
  • Jolt Cadaver You compel a dead or undead creature into a sudden, jerking motion.
  • Malignant Blast You harm creatures or objects within range with blasts of evil power
  • Minor Animate You animate a number of tiny creatures to serve basic purposes
  • Minor Blood Infusion You infuse an agonizing creature with your blood.
  • Minor Blood Orb You cut yourself and hurl your blood against your opponent.
  • Momentary Relapse A cantrip that deals temporary damage.
  • Necro Blast A beam of necrotic energy streaks toward a creature within range.
  • Necrotic Overlay You imbue your weapon with necrotic power.
  • Necrotic Overlay, Variant You imbue your weapon with necrotic power.
  • Necrotic Sickles You conjure necrotic energy from the lower plains of existence to give your weapon an aura to increase your attack power
  • Roll the Bones Control dice made of bone.
  • Shadow Pulse You harm evil creatures or objects within range with pulses of evil power
  • Shadowblade With a couple quick movements, you pull a sword made from solidified shadow from thin air that lasts for the duration.
  • Shadowstrike You enhance your next attack with necrotic energy.
  • Shrieking Skull
  • Soul Drain Your hands sap health from others to bolster yourself
  • Soul Shallow You cause fear in the soul of another, sending a spirit through their mind.
  • Soul Tear
  • Spectral Scythe Create a blade of necrotic energy at the end of a staff.
  • Spirit Meddling you use spirits to play tricks on others such as flicking on and off a torch, giving somebody a chill down their spine or any number of things
  • Tear You cause the matter of a creature or object that you touch to split apart.
  • Vicious Rant You lace your words with withering magic and aggressively rant at a creature or object in range.
  • Viktor's Soul Rend A flash of light sparks from your finger and strikes a creature, dealing necrotic damage that increases each time it is hit by this spell.
  • Wyrd Reconstruction You mend a creature's wounds with the risk of further injury.
  • Accelerate/Decelerate Your mastery of time manipulation allows you to make some changes to the speed of objects, or even people.
  • Alacrity This spell boosts the speed of another creature within range.
  • Amanuensis You point at the writing and then move your hand as though holding a stylus or quill. As you intone the spell, the script appears on a sheet of paper close at hand.
  • Aqua Push You conjure a blast of water and hurl it into a creature within range.
  • Arcane Blade Imbue a weapon with arcane energy.
  • Arcaning A melee attack using a magically infused arcane focus
  • Astral Sacrifice A dangerous gamble. Would you trade your own HP for more spell slots?
  • Attack Bonk!
  • Blade Meld Transform your flesh to fuse a weapon into it.
  • Blood Rush You cause the blood from a creature's body to flow towards its head, dazing it temporarily.
  • Can't Trip You magically resist being knocked off balance.
  • Charged Blade You infuse a melee weapon with arcane energy, guiding your strikes with it.
  • Condense/Suffuse Condense various coins into a coin of equal value, or suffuse the value of one coin into several other coins
  • Control Electricity You take a portion of static charge and manipulate it in one of the following ways...
  • Cryonis Upon a relatively flat plane of liquid water at least five by five feet, you create a pillar of magic ice that has dimensions in feet of 5 x 5 x 10.
  • Descent Cause a creature to be pulled back down to the ground.
  • Destroy Wall Destroy a wall with a corrosive slime
  • Earthen Bullet A ranged spell attack hurls a clod of hardened dirt and stone towards a creature or object.
  • Elemental Edge Alter the elemental properties of an equipped weapon, changing its damage type.
  • Erasure You can paint over the body of your target, erasing parts of it.
  • Firewater
  • Flame Edged Bolts A minor enchantment commonly used by archers who have dabbled in magecraft to allow their bolts or arrows to strike with the fervor of fire.
  • Flavor Blast
  • Floating Figment You suspend all held items in the air, as if the items are unaffected by gravity.
  • Gaiastrike You enhance your next attack with the earth.
  • Glass Form Manipulate the properties of a large piece of glass
  • Halt A moderate magical force ceases or slows time at a specific point within range, creating one various effects.
  • Hardened Stone
  • Hemomancy Manipulate your own blood in a limited fashion.
  • Inferno, Handaxe
  • Inferno, Mace
  • Inferno, Quarterstaff
  • Launch Bolt A crossbow bolt you touch flies towards a target.
  • Leonardo's Magic Card You throw a card imbued with energy that explodes shortly after.
  • Mage Strike Use magic to pull your weapon towards your target for you.
  • Magic Card Turn ordinary playing cards into deadly weapons.
  • Magical Blade A basic enchantment to enhance a blade's sharpness with magic.
  • Magnetize Magnetize metal objects and send them flying in a direction of your choice.
  • Manipulate Snow and Ice You manipulate a portion of snow or ice that you can see within range.
  • Metabolic Boost A "healing" cantrip.
  • Minor Stasis A light object or creature is stopped in time until touched.
  • Mordenkainen's Magnificent Magical Mauling You channel pure magical energy into your hands to causing them to glow brightly become extremely sharp.
  • Origamist You control the folding of paper into a new form, infusing magic into its creation.
  • Poisoned Blade You coat your weapon with a deadly poison created by magic.
  • Porte Ècarlate
  • Precipice Blade
  • Razor Tome You momentarily transmute several pieces of paper or parchment to have sharp edges, which then fly out to slice a creature in range, before safely returning to your book or hand.
  • Reinforce Armament Strengthen the power of light & finesse weapons made of metal, using your spellcasting ability.
  • Reinforce Arms You make a weapon you touch magical and do more consistent damage for a period of time.
  • Shata's Rock of Flames You cause a rock to burst into flame, and kick it at a target.
  • Shift Stone You crudely shape stone or move it up to 30 feet along the ground.
  • Slip Removes friction from a small area.
  • Spectral Throw Throw a ghostly duplicate of your melee weapon.
  • Step Up You slightly hasten your own movement, or the movement of another creature within range.
  • Stonefists Your fists transmute to hard stone.
  • Sunder Generate minor destructive vibrations with a touch
  • Sylvanism Minor time manipulation.
  • Temporal Surge You give up some of your time and grant it to an ally.
  • Venom Strike Your blade is coated in a crippling neurotoxin
  • Venomstrike You enhance your next attack with poison.
  • Water Whip, Variant Lash out at an opponent with a snake of water.
  • Weapon Shift A melee weapon you are wielding transforms into a different melee weapon for the duration.
  • Weave Shadows
  • Weld Weld metal together with just a touch!
Needs Work

vvv put this in {{Template:5e_Spell_List| the template}} === {{{class}}} Spells === ==== [[5e {{{class}}} Spells 0|0-level Spells]] ==== {{5eOGCAutoSpells|class={{{class}}}|lvl=0|nmspc={{{nmspc|User}}}}} ==== [[5e {{{class}}} Spells 1|1st-level Spells]] ==== {{5eOGCAutoSpells|class={{{class}}}|lvl=1|nmspc={{{nmspc|User}}}}} ==== [[5e {{{class}}} Spells 2|2nd-level Spells]] ==== {{5eOGCAutoSpells|class={{{class}}}|lvl=2|nmspc={{{nmspc|User}}}}} ==== [[5e {{{class}}} Spells 3|3rd-level Spells]] ==== {{5eOGCAutoSpells|class={{{class}}}|lvl=3|nmspc={{{nmspc|User}}}}} ==== [[5e {{{class}}} Spells 4|4th-level Spells]] ==== {{5eOGCAutoSpells|class={{{class}}}|lvl=4|nmspc={{{nmspc|User}}}}} ==== [[5e {{{class}}} Spells 5|5th-level Spells]] ==== {{5eOGCAutoSpells|class={{{class}}}|lvl=5|nmspc={{{nmspc|User}}}}} ==== [[5e {{{class}}} Spells 6|6th-level Spells]] ==== {{5eOGCAutoSpells|class={{{class}}}|lvl=6|nmspc={{{nmspc|User}}}}} ==== [[5e {{{class}}} Spells 7|7th-level Spells]] ==== {{5eOGCAutoSpells|class={{{class}}}|lvl=7|nmspc={{{nmspc|User}}}}} ==== [[5e {{{class}}} Spells 8|8th-level Spells]] ==== {{5eOGCAutoSpells|class={{{class}}}|lvl=8|nmspc={{{nmspc|User}}}}} ==== [[5e {{{class}}} Spells 9|9th-level Spells]] ==== {{5eOGCAutoSpells|class={{{class}}}|lvl=9|nmspc={{{nmspc|User}}}}}