5e 9th Level Spells

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9th-Level Spells Summary
617 Pages Call upon a creature from somewhere unknown.
A Comedy of Errors This spell twists fate against your target. Turning even the most cunning opponent into a bumbling buffoon
Abhorrent Colossus You string together pieces from corpses and create a rotting monstrosity of decay.
Absolute Zero You evoke absolute cold to freeze solid all creatures in an area within range.
Abyssal Army Summon a handful of demons
Acererak's Enfeeblement Expel almost all of the life force out of a victim in a single stroke.
Alter Appearance Permanently You assume a different form by transforming your appearance to your liking permanently.
Animate Dead Legion You animate lots of undead.
Annihilation You tear a hole in the very fabric of space and time. This spell is a conversion of the one in "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil".
Annihilation Runic Field You consume a primordial rune to unleash a massive burst of energy.
Antimatter Beam A beam of dark energy that obliterates all it touches! Ok, not really, but pretty close.
Apocalypse from the Sky One of the evilest and most destructive spells a creature could cast.
Apogee Empower your next spell to its maximum potential.
Arcane Sluggers The sequel to Bigby's famous hand. Now there are two of them!
Arctic Tempest Conjure a powerful arctic storm
Army of One Create near-perfect duplicates of yourself to act as an extension of your will.
Arthur's Infinite Inferno A powerful explosion, at the cost of the caster's life. Will your gamble truly be worth it?
Atomic Bolt You conjure a devastating bolt of nuclear power at a target within range.
Baator’s Essence You call upon the essence of the greater demons.
Baja Blast A burst of fruit flavored energy is released from the caster, cumulating in a massive beacon of green energy that can be seen for miles. It burns the area with an otherworldly hatred, damaging friend and foe alike.
Ballad of Song The beautiful sound could be the last sound you hear
Beckon Kraken Command a kraken to come to your aid.
Bites the Dust Bomb Type 3: Bites the Dust! A spell that turns your target into a time reversing bomb. As a bonus, it also can kill the target after time has reset.
Black Hole Beam You create a tiny black sphere in an unoccupied space that you can see within the spell’s range that begins rapidly sucking in everything around it. After some time, a giant laser beam originating from you fires through the sphere, obliterating anything that was sucked in.
Blast Everything in That Direction Beam of light that deals 1d4+100 force damage and repels 30 feet.
Blessing of Chaos Conjure a magical spell from the chaotic Qi of the world.
Blood Feast of the Vampire Lord You magically siphon the life force out all creatures in a large area.
Blood Punch
Bolt of the Storm An orb of crackling energy appears in your hand, which you can use to hurl lightning bolts.
Bond with Reality Bind your soul to a structure, and as long as you remain within it, you never die.
Boy II Man's Curse RO! SHAM! BO! A spell that saps the life energy from creatures you beat in Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Brain Wash implant fake memories in a creature you’re touching.
Brand of Undeath Causes all affected targets to be transformed into the undead should they die while under the spell's effect.
Bubble of Chaos You permanently turn a 30-foot radius sphere around you into pure chaos.
Calamitous Strike On a successful weapon attack, you deal a massive amount of damage.
Call of Valors Your past achievements and heroism have impressed the God-Emperor himself, deliver his soldiers from the Astronomican.
Call Shadow You raise the shadow of a nearby creature
Channel Divine
Chaotic Rift You bring a portion of the land into a state of Limbo
Christmas Wish All you have to do, is believe in the Spirit of Christmas.
Combat Time Stop A variation of Time Stop that allows the user to attack.
Cometstrike Conjure three frozen comets three times to strike your opponents
Consume Essence You tear a creatures shadow away, sundering it's very essence
Consumptive Malice Create a massive, and spreading curse of undeath to unleash upon your foes.
Consumptive Touch Drain the soul of a creature, causing it unbearable, deadly agony.
Contained Apocalypse
Contained Horrors
Crash To Desktop Instakill something, including you.
Create Demise Armor You create a bone sentient armor capable of protecting you and fighting at your side. There may be some balance problems, use it under your own responsibility.
Create Greater Undead After sacrificing one humanoid you must then choose a corpse within range that corpse becomes undead with the challenge rating of 20 or lower under your control. The corpse cannot be the humanoid sacrifice.
Create Greater Undead, Variant After sacrificing one humanoid you must then choose a corpse within range that corpse becomes undead with the challenge rating of 25 or lower under your control. The corpse cannot be the humanoid sacrifice.
Create Soul Gem You seal a being's soul into a gem, granting them a profane form of immortality.
Crowley's Complicated Combustion You create a deep force inside your body and then you combust with a flaming energy.
Curse of the Diminished Soul You curse a creature with a dire curse, giving it a -3 penalty to all saving throws.
Dark Chant You damn nearby creatures to a void of eternal punishment by performing a chant invoking the power of death.
Dark Meteor You hurl a meteor of dark matter from the heavens.
Darkest Fear You fill the minds of creatures around you with horrific waking nightmares.
Death from the Heavens You summon a holy storm that can shatter even the strongest defenses.
Death's Scythe Summon the power of Death himself: A weapon of ultimate destruction, capable of killing any being.
Deity's Jaw Instant kill, coming soon to a deity near you!
Dementia You make an attempt to render the victims mind useless.
Destructive Teleport You teleport yourself and up to eight willing creatures or an object. Whatever you teleport explodes on arrival for massive damage.
Disintegration Cube Conjure a black cube that disintegrates matter.
Distill Essence Distill a creature into a usable source of power.
Divine Ruin Channel other spell slots into one spell
Dovar's Brutal Beam The user conjures a vicious beam of blinding white light from above, which crashes into a single target violently.
Draconic Skeleton Transforms a willing dragon into a dracolich.
Dragon Knight You summon a dragon of challenge rating 10 or lower.
Dreamworld Create a vivid, surreal dreamscape that slowly wears down the minds of all afflicted.
Duplicate You shoot a bolt of liquid glass at a creature or object to create an identical duplicate of it.
Eclipse Life You draw out a creature's life force and turn it into an explosion of magical force.
Eidolon Create a clone!
Eldritch Cannon Summoning your eldritch power you take it to a whole new level causing a huge massive beam of eldritch energy to come out of your outstretched hands.
Elemental Infusion You perform a blood ritual that binds an oak leaf and your blood to an elemental rune stone
Endless Null An ancient technique to purge the magical essence out of a being
Energy Drain Drains hit points equal to hit dice.
Enhanced Permanency The spell you know and love is back with a vengeance!
Entropy Field Weaken enemies, warp reality and manipulate results
Ephemeral Storm The air darkens and shadowy tendrils slice each creatures shadow in an area
Erase Memory
Essence of the Elements You conjure the pure essence of the elements to destroy your enemies.
Estate Summons an estate, which you control freely
Evergreen Army A druid’s greatest power is to command the forest itself. No other spell proves the truth of this in as direct a manner.
Eye of the Storm You stand in the center of a blizzard of your own making, wreaking havoc among your foes.
Fantasy Heaven After channeling the divine spirits of the world around you, you unleash a blinding flash of purifying energy towards a creature you can see within range.
Fimbulwinter Curse the land with a dire winter!
Final Stand Sacrifice Everything For One Last Burst of Strength
Flames of Hephaestus a spell to either make magic items of destroy magic people
Flash Freeze You point at a creature within range, and they are immediately frozen in a large block of ice.
Flay Remove all the skin from a creature and keep them alive.
Forbidden Knowledge of the Ancients The knowledge gained from this ritual has been long forgotten by many, but the legend of the evil Wizard that used it ages ago still haunt those that know of the tale.
Forest of Bone and Sinew Crucify a field of creatures upon their own bones.
Frostfall Freeze the region and call down comets of ice.
Full Counter Allow you to reflect attacks targeted against you.
Gavotta's Ragnarok An expensive yet almighty rain of pure destruction, invented by an evil emperor for a legendary first strike.
Genesis The spellcaster creates a finite plane with limited access: a demiplane. Demiplanes created by this power are very small, very minor planes.
Glacier You put your hand to the ground and then spikes of ice blast out of the ground.
God Time You pull upon a godlike reserve of extra time for a short while.
God's Dice When you want to roll the big boy dice
Good Lich Turn yourself into a non-evil skeletal lich.
Grand Kingdom Create your own perfect domain over which you rule.
Gravitational Anomaly You distort spacetime in a 5-foot cubed unoccupied space.
Greater Dragon's Stolen Breath You spew forth the mighty breath of a dragon past slain.
Greater Heal A fully healing spell that comes with a cost.
Greater Purge You strain a drop of pure divinity from your god or patron, letting the raw power burst out to consume those around you.
Greatwyrm's Wrath Conjure the flames of a dragon of legend, and wreak devastation upon your foes.
Grey Goo Start a chain reaction that consumes everything around you in a swarm of metal mites
Hallowed Lances You conjure five lances of pure radiance to impale your foes.
Hayzenbyrg’s Superposition You call upon the limits of arcane possibility to transform your deterministic form into one of probability.
Heavenly Fall You call upon the highest of powers to bring down beams of radiance upon your enemies.
Heavenly Rebuke Harness the curse of a fallen angel to smite your foes and pull them to the depths.
Heavenstrike You beseech your deity to strike the wicked with an awesomely powerful stroke of heavenly lightning.
Hell's Lightning Call forth the most powerful lightning from the deepest and darkest parts of hell to destroy everything that stands in your way.
High Octane Explosion Bring the spectacle of a high-budget action movie to your life.
Hollow Resurrection
Holy Exodus In the name of your deity, you command the wicked to be no more.
Hyper Compress You attempt to turn a creature to dust with intense gravity.
Ice Assassin You create a living, breathing creature that is a near-perfect duplicate of an existing creature, formed entirely out of ice.
Impermanence of Being This spell begins or resumes the aging process on an unaging creature.
Infernal Rain You throw the pieces of brimstone into the air and they catch fire and grow in size as creatures of living fire take their place.
Inumaki Word "Die" Force a creature to adhere to your word and Die.
Inumaki Word "Stop" Force a target to adhere to your word and stop.
Inumaki Word "Twist" Force a creature to adhere to your word and Twist.
Invincibility Exactly what it says on the tin.
Kamikaze Summons a godly wind to annihilate armies of opponents and sink ships
Knowledge Instant knowledge floods your mind.
Last Act As your final act of heroism you channel all of your arcane power into your body and then expel it as a destructive force that proves harmful to your enemies.
Lightning Storm
Lockspell You remove a creature's ability to cast a specific spell.
Mad Mage's Rage You fill yourself with great arcane power at the cost of being consumed by madness.
Made In Heaven
Magic (Mobius)
Majority World Twist the laws of physics to aid your allies and hinder your enemies.
Malcador’s Fallen Star Named after its discoverer, this accursed star brought death to all who saw it, including the great astrologist himself.
Mark of Nirvana You touch a creature and enlighten it.
Mass Disintegrate A blast of green light erupts from your outstretched hand, dealing heavy force damage in a cone.
Mass Harm A flood of negative energy flows from you into creatures around you.
Mass Immolation You set a whole bunch of creatures on fire.
Mass Traumatic Teleport You teleport up to eight creatures within range into one or more solid object.
Maya's Symphony An eerie music begins to play, summoning a spirit that protects and heals allies.
Meateor xyz???
Miasma of Death You point at a location within range and create a cloud of horrid decay which rises from the location and spreads to an area up to 50 feet.
Miasma of Death, Variant To devastate the weakings that dare to stand before you in defiance.
Microcosm You warp the consciousness and senses of one or more creatures, sending the victim(s) into a catatonic state.
Midas' Touch You touch something, turning a chunk of it to pure, pure gold.
Mind Scour You attempt to rewrite another creature's mind.
Mind Steal
Miracle's Crucible
Mordenkainen's Spirit Burst In response to an attack that damages you, you create a burst of arcane energy that channels the very essence of Mystra.
Murder of Moths Seas of Moths Spew from your hand and devour your opponents in a merciless slaughter on their hunt for the light.
Myrsta’s Soulfire Smite your foes with an extremly powerful blue fire
Necromantic Summons When Create Undead isn't powerful enough and Animate Dead doesn't give enough variety, turn to Necromantic Summons. It gives up some choice for stronger undead.
Necropolis you infuse an area with necrotic energy, turning control of the land to the dead.
Noro's Puppet Master
Noval Strike Invoke the mighty power of the number nine!
Nyan's Light Speed Dash Move at the speed of light itself!
Obliterate Level a blow that can reduce people to nothing.
Obliterate Soul A powerful damaging spell that can destroy souls.
Pattern Screamer Scream and ban a enemy for another plane
Perfect Reflection Create a perfect reflection of a creature.
Perfect Wish Wish Beyond, Plus Ultra!
Phoenix Climax You expend more power than you have to raze everything around you.
Phoenix Fire Like the phoenix of legend, you explode in an enormous blast of flame as you overcome your death with raw power alone.
Pillars of Time
Planar Imprisonment You bind target creature into a near inescapable space between planes.
Planar Vortex an orb of dark violet energy erupts in an explosion and then suddenly implodes into a vortex from where it orginated from, sucking any creature it affected into the vortex and sending them into the astral plane.
Power Bolt For the duration of the spell, you can repeatedly shoot highly damaging bolts of concentrated magical energy.
Power Word Bees Compel a creature to explode into a swarm of bees.
Power Word Bind
Power Word Break A spell capable of destroying souls by breaking them out of the body and destroying it.
Power Word Crash You disconnect a creature from the matrix of reality.
Power Word Exile You speak a word of power which can banish a creature for a millennium.
Power Word Explode You speak a word of power that can compel a creature to explode.
Power Word False Make false the hands of fate so that you may seek a different result or course of action.
Power Word Obliterate You speak a word of power which utterly destroys a weak creature.
Power Word Peace Speak a word of power which can end a battle outright.
Power Word Save
Power Word: YEET Yeet.
Prison Realm A seal to trap immortal beings.
Psychic Wrath
Pulverize Lift an enemy into the air and grind them to dust.
Purge Evil or Good But what if you felt REALLY bad about the whole kill everything thing?
Purity By offering up an example of good in unlikely places, you convince the gods to perform a miracle and attempt to sway a powerful creature of evil towards the side of good.
Purple Haze A savage and deadly virus created by magic that devours the flesh and quickly kills those infected with it.
Pyroclasmic Unmake You summon the malicious fury of red dragons to incinerate your enemies.
Qin Xi's Eternal Army Summon an army of terracotta warriors to do your bidding.
Quadon's intense pain
Quantum Shift You force open the strongest rip in time creating an aging vortex for any enemy inside its area.
Quincy's Epic Hammer You conjure a downright massive hammer to smack down your enemies.
Raact'thuul's armor of the dead Use the bones of the once living to protect yourself
Raddik's Plasmatic Tear Create a massive rift of plasma, boiling both anything it touches, and anything close to it.
Ragnarok Giant flaming swords falling from the sky to destroy your enemies. What could be better?
Raise/Sink Island You raise or sink an island in the ocean.
Reflections of Things to Come You view the shadows of the world around you, things happening, and things yet to happen
Replication Replicate the effects of another spell or magical effect.
Resurrection From Beyond Bring anything back, by force.
Rite of The Elemental Blood You replace the blood of a creature with the pure elemental energy.
Schrodinger's Von Neumann Wigner Quantum Revival
Second Self A Second Body you can controll at the Same time
Self-Arcane Eruption
Self-Destruct Go out with a bang!
Serious Bomb
Shadow Surge You totally obscure the mind of a creature with darkness, asserting your own will
Shadow Time
Shadowy Body You turn yourself into a living, three-dimensional shadow.
Shapechange Redesigned (5e Variant Rule)
Soul Inferno Collapse you soul and take everyone around you with you
Soul Slice You extend your mystical powers and grasp at the soul of your enemy, cutting it in two obliterating half.
Soul Strike You assault the soul of a creature within range, attempting to rend it from the body and disperse it into the ether.
Spell Mastery Asserting your mastery over magic, you take control over all bard, sorcerer, warlock, and wizard spells cast within range.
Spelled You spell a creature into existence with its name
Spirit Bird Gain a giant eagle's power.
Spirit Maelstrom You bring forth a maelstrom of spirits that destroy those within
Star Blazing Summons a giant rainbow star that splits into smaller stars to attack enemies.
Star Walk You and up to ten willing creatures assume a form of pure light, and gain the ability to fly through space.
Stardown Part the sky itself!
Starfall Summon a falling star.
Starvation You call upon the darkest necrotic energies to rob a creature or object of its vitality.
Steel Body You transform your body into living steel, granting you many powers.
Steelcurse May every blade be your bane.
Stormblast Summon the wrath of the entire sky, and blast all your enemies into ash
Summon Falling Rocks Rocks fall, everyone dies
Summon Greater Daemon You summon a greater demon to wreak havoc upon the battlefield.
Summon Living City You summon a city that is alive.
Summon Spriggan You summon forth 1 Spriggan warrior to aid you in combat.
Swansong You cry out in a magically infused song, a lament for all that is wrong in the world.
Sword Storm Launch a flurry of spectral swords at your foes.
Tame End the reign of any horrible monster!
Tempest This is basically a buffed version of the storm of vengeance Spell
The Sun, Revealed Create the sun in miniature.
Tiamat's Dragon Shape Turns the caster into a chromatic dragon of their choice permanently.
Tidal Front Calamity
Time Skip You throw the entire universe forward in time.
Trebuchet You feared Catapult, but Trebuchet is the superior spell
Tribute to the Dark Ones Your blade becomes a portal straight to your dark patron, and in your prey's place rises undead.
True Annihilation You attempt to truly annihilate a creature, wiping them from existence.
True Contingency A perfected form of Contingency, capable of preparing nearly any spell.
True Mind Switch You attempt to take control of a nearby living creature, permanently forcing your mind and soul into its body, and its into yours.
True Moment Captures a perfect picture
True Resurrect Skeleton Restore life to a deceased skeleton.
True Seraphim Become more than man.
Truest Strike You never miss an attack.
Ultimate Earth Spikes Spikes rise up and skewer your enemies
Ultimatum A final trump card, for when you know there is no way out.
Undead Dragon Create an undead servant from the corpse of a dragon.
Unleashed Shadows You unleash a powerfull wave of shadows that damages your enemies and heals you and your undead minions.
Unlimited Blade Works I am the bone of my sword
Unparalleled Body You turn into something that makes surviving easier
Victus's Sonic Boom
Violet Inferno The deadliest spell of all time. Probably.
Void Dismemberment You touch a creature and stimulate its natural decomposition.
Vortex Creating a portal to the depths of space, you attempt to suck your foes through.
Wail of the Banshee You emit a heart-rending wail that beckons the living to the grave.
Wall of Time Create a singularity point in which you twist time to your whim.
Warp Dead like animate dead, but creates Great Old Ones
Warrior of the Gods Summon glowing armor and weaponry to make yourself virtually invincible.
Warsong You begin to play a song that can instill a whole army with heroism.
Weave Warrior When the light dims, hope is not yet lost. It's always darkest before the dawn, and the dawn has come.
Whiteout A blizzard forms, centered on a point you can see and spreading to a radius of 80 feet.
Wildfire A foe bursts into flame and spits out fiery motes that spreads the fire to others.
World Eater Summon a world-eating monster whose only goal in life is to consume everything. Become the Hive.
Zodiac Stars Twelve multicolored and bright stars appear and settle on your head like a crown. You can use one bonus action to make a ranged spell attack and send one star to a target.
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