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- 5e Creatures
- 5e Classes
- 5e Subclasses
- 5e Races, Subraces and Racial Variants
- 5e Other
- 5e SRD
- 4e Creatures
- 4e Classes
- 4e Races and Race Variants
- 4e Other
- 3.5e Creatures
- 3.5e Races
- 3.5e Classes
- 3.5e Other
- Ajaal's Iron Hand (3.5e Equipment)
- Arkana Handgun (3.5e Equipment)
- Back to Hand (3.5e Feat)
- Bigbys Planar Hand (3.5e Spell)
- Bladed Crossbow, Hand (3.5e Equipment)
- Burning Hands, Greater (3.5e Spell)
- Burning Hands, Improved (3.5e Spell)
- Chitinous Hands (3.5e Feat)
- Deceptive Hand (3.5e Feat)
- Deft Handling (3.5e Feat)
- Ell's Handy Homunculus (3.5e Spell)
- Expanded Psionics Handbook
- Explorer's Handbook
- Fighters' Handbook By Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)
- God's Hand (3.5e Equipment)
- Hand Cannon (3.5e Equipment)
- Hand Crossbow, Assassin's (3.5e Equipment)
- Hand Crossbow, Martial (3.5e Equipment)
- Hand Crossbow, Repeating (3.5e Equipment)
- Hand Crossbow, Simple (3.5e Equipment)
- Hand of the Dark One (3.5e Invocation)
- Hand of the Furnace (3.5e Bodily Relic)
- Hand of The God (3.5e Spell)
- Hand-To-Hand (3.5e Feat)
- Hand-to-Hand (TOWW)
- Handcannon (3.5e Equipment)
- Handgrip of Proficiency (3.5e Equipment)
- Handgun (3.5e Equipment)
- Handgun (Tome of tech)
- Handgun, Exotic (3.5e Equipment)
- Handgun, Simple (3.5e Equipment)
- Hands of a Wiseman (3.5e Feat)
- Hands of Kossuth (3.5e Equipment)
- Hands of the Saviour (3.5e Feat)
- Hands of Undeath (3.5e Spell)
- Handy (3.5e Feat)
- Handy Saddlebags (3.5e Equipment)
- Healing Hands (3.5e Feat)
- Heward's Handy Pouch (3.5e Equipment)
- Improved Sleight Of Hand (3.5e Feat)
- Improved Two Hand Weapon Fighting (3.5e Feat)
- Knife Hand (3.5e Martial Artist Maneuver)
- Mace, Two-Handed (3.5e Equipment)
- Mech Hands (3.5e Mech Equipment)
- Militant Mage Hand (3.5e Spell)
- Miniatures Handbook
- OGC:Iron Hands (3.5e Equipment)
- One Handed Crossbow Shot (3.5e Feat)
- One Handed Reloader (3.5e Feat)
- One-Handed Power Strike (3.5e Feat)
- Open Hand, Focused Mind (3.5e Feat)
- Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts (3.5e Other)/Membership Handbook
- Pharaoh's Hand (3.5e Spell)
- Phoenix Hand (3.5e Monk Fighting Style)
- Pick, Two-Handed (3.5e Equipment)
- Planar Handbook
- Planewalker's Handbook (Valgora Supplement)
- Planewalker's Handbook (Valgora Supplement)/Natural Portals
- Player's Handbook (3.5e)
- Player's Handbook (Andu Supplement)
- Player's Handbook (Valgora Supplement)
- Player's Handbook (Valgora Supplement)/Birth Feats
- Player's Handbook II (3.5e)
- Polished Hand (3.5e Flaw)
- Red Hand of Doom
- Restoring Hands (3.5e Feat)
- Righteous Lay on Hands (3.5e Feat)
- Rope of Handling (3.5e Equipment)
- Sand Hand (3.5e Spell)
- Seafarer's Handbook (Valgora Supplement)
- Silverwig's Ultimate Handy Heaversack (3.5e Equipment)
- Skeletal Hand (3.5e Spell)
- Special Edition Player's Handbook (3.5e)
- Superior Handgrip of Proficiency (3.5e Equipment)
- Two-Handed Defense (3.5e Feat)
- Two-Handed Finesse (3.5e Feat)
- Two-Handed Flurry (3.5e Feat)
- Two-Handed Spear Shield (3.5e Equipment)
- Two-Handed Weapon Flurry (3.5e Feat)
- Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (3.5e Feat)
- Umbral Hand (Shadow Power)
- Unholy Hand Grenade (3.5e Spell)
- Unique Handwriting (3.5e Trait)
- Waste Walker's Handbook (Valgora Supplement)
- Weapon Handling (3.5e Feat)
- Wizards' Handbook by Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)
- Wizards' Handbook by Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)/Equipment
- Wizards' Handbook by Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)/Feats
- Wizards' Handbook by Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)/Prestige Classes
- Wizards' Handbook by Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)/Races
- Wizards' Handbook by Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)/Skills
- Wizards' Handbook by Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)/Spells
- Wizards' Handbook by Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)/Tactics
- Wizards' Handbook by Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)/The Class
- Wizards' Handbook by Dictum Mortuum (3.5e Optimized Character Build)/Tricks and Comparisons
- 3.5e SRD
- Unearthed Arcana
- 3e SRD
- d20 Modern SRD
- d20 Modern Homebrew
- Pathfinder SRD
- Pathfinder Homebrew
- 2.5e Homebrew
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- See also