Knights of the Silver Hand (4e Feat)

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By Rui Zhang [1]

Creating Knights of the Silver Hand

You gain access to certain features ordinary Argent Dawn members do not have, and At-will, Utility, Encounter and Daily powers
Prerequisite: Divine Class, Argent Dawn (4e Theme)
Benefit: Every race, class, and form of warrior is permitted in to the Argent Dawn, to fight the holy crusade against the limitless waves of the undead. However, there are those who are more naturally suited to the fight, Divine warriors with a natural aptitude for dealing with the hordes of undead enemies. As a result, those initiated in to the Argent Dawn who are Divine Classes may join the Knights of the Silver Hand. Knights of the silver hand gain extra powers Argent Dawn members would not ordinarily have. You may perform any first aid action at a range of 5 squares rather than at melee range, and as a minor action instead of a standard action. In addition, you gain three Channel Divinity powers from any source, and may learn Channel Divinity powers from any class. You may also take any Divine feat from any Divine Class, even if you are not that class. You also can use Channel divinity powers twice per encounter instead of once, and may use three Channel divinity powers at level 21. You also gain the "Knights of the Silver Hand" Channel Divinity power. When you would otherwise learn another encounter power due to the Argent Dawn level 10 theme power, you may choose a Divine encounter power from any Divine class, instead of just a power from your own class. In addition to the Argent Dawn theme powers, you may also learn the Knights of the Silver Hand powers of the same level of lower in place of argent dawn theme powers. For the purposes of meeting prerequisites, you are considered both an Argent Dawn member and a member of the Knights of the Silver Hand.
Special: Note: If the target is sanctioned, it can't fly, hover, swim, jump or climb. If they move, they take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and grant combat advantage.

Knights of the Silver Hand Channel Divinity Utility
As a member of the Knights of the Silver hand, you invoke your pact power which all Knights learn upon their initiation, to always start off battle with an advantage
Encounter, Divine
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You roll for initiative
Target: Self
Effect: You can add an additional +4 bonus to your initiative roll. In addition for your first turn in combat, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses.

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Divine Consecration Theme Attack 1
You consecrate the surrounding area, purifying it for the Divine Will of the Light.
At-Will Star.gif Implement, Radiant, Divine
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Highest ability modifier Vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Highest ability modifier radiant damage.
Special: You create a zone of light equivalent in size to the close burst of the attack until the end of your next turn. The zone of light allows any creature within it to see as if there is Bright light within the zone, and any enemy that moves through the zone or ends their turn there becomes vulnerable to 3/5/8 radiant damage.

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Sigil Theme Attack 1
You can send bursts of holy light towards your enemy, damaging them with it's blinding radiance.
At-Will Star.gif Implement, Radiant, Divine
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One Creature
Attack: Highest ability modifier Vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + Highest ability modifier radiant damage.
Special: You may use this power as a ranged basic attack.

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Crusader's Vengeance Theme Attack 1
You strike with the burning heart of a true Crusader, embarking on his creator's will to destroy the hordes of the undead.
At-Will Star.gif Weapon, Radiant, Divine
Standard Action Melee
Target: One Creature
Attack: Highest ability modifier Vs. Will
Hit: 1[W] + Highest ability modifier radiant damage.
Effect: The target is sanctioned until the end of your next turn.

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By Yee-ling Chung [2]

Purification Theme Attack 3
You consecrate the ground with holy power, radiating out from you shed a bright light with purifies the ground
Encounter Star.gif Implement, Divine, Radiant
Standard Action Burst 2
Target: Each Enemy in burst
Attack: Highest ability modifier Vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + Highest ability modifier radiant damage.
Special: The Burst creates a zone of light. The zone of light allows any creature within it to see as if there is Bright light within the zone, and it sanctions and causes Vulnerability to 3 radiant damage to any enemy within or that moves in to zone until the end of their next turn.

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Divine Retribution Theme Attack 7
You invoke a holy wrath, shining your divine radiance in every direction to blind and awe the unbelievers.
Encounter Star.gif Implement, Divine, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One, two or three creatures
Attack: Three attacks, Highest ability modifier Vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + Highest ability modifier radiant damage.
Effect: Each creature is slowed until the ended of your next turn. If the creatures are vulnerable to radiant damage, they are also blinded and deafened (save ends).

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Divine Intervention Theme Attack 13
The Gods grant you mercy to save a friend, transporting you to where you can best stop your opponent.
Encounter Star.gif Teleportation, Divine, Radiant
Free Action Ranged 10
Trigger: An ally is targeted with an attack.
Target: The creature responsible for the attack.
Effect: When an ally within 10 squares is targeted with an attack, you may teleport to an unoccupied adjacent square next to the creature performing the attack as an immediate interrupt, and make a basic attack against the creature. If the attack hits, the creature's attack is interrupted and stops.

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Divinity Theme Attack 5
You shed an aura of bright light in every direction, and summon three mystical radiant orbs, which glow with a divine hue, to attack your enemies.
Daily Star.gif Implement, Divine, Radiant
Standard Action Close burst 10
Target: Three unoccupied squares in burst.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you may choose to shed bright let in 10 squares in every direction. In addition, you Summon three "Radiant Orbs" in three unoccupied squares within the radius of the burst. Each orb may make an attack against a creature using your highest ability modifier for the attack, and deal 1d6 + your highest ability modifier when they hit. The orbs last until the end of the encounter or until they are destroyed; the orbs have half your health and your defenses, and are destroyed when their health reaches zero or until the end of the encounter. Each orb can move your speed each turn as a free action. As a standard action, you may allow all three orbs to perform their attack. Any ally who ends their turn adjacent to the orb may gain temporary hitpoints equal to your highest ability modifier. In addition, allies can move through the Orbs space, but enemies may not.

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Astral Seal Theme Attack 9
You summon an Astral Seal, to perform an attack for you, forgoing the ordinary limitations of your corporal being.
Daily Star.gif Implement, Divine, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 10
Target: One creature.
Attack: Highest ability modifier + 2 Vs. Will
Hit: 4[W] or 4d10 damage + highest ability modifier
Effect: If the target is vulnerable to radiant damage, it is also stunned (save ends). In addition, the target increases it's vulnerability to radiant damage by 10 after the attack is resolved (save ends).
Special: You may use a weapon or an implement for the attack roll, even if the weapon is not ranged.

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