Hand Flamer (Fallout Supplement)
PL 5 Flamer Fuel 5/shot Handgun (Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Energy Weapons))
Damage | 6d6 | Magazine | 30 Internal |
Critical | Size | Large | |
Damage Type | Fire | Weight | 14 pounds |
Range Increment | 20 feet | Purchase DC | 15 TU/150 Caps |
Rate of Fire | Single | Restriction | Uncommon, Midwest |
Hand held gas tank with a nozzle at the top for spraying fire.
d20 Modern Rules[edit]
The hand flamer shoots flames at a 10-foot-by-10-foot area within 20 feet of the wielder that deals 6d6 points of fire damage to all creatures and objects in the area. This uses up 5 flamer fuel. No attack roll is necessary. Any creature caught in area of flame can make a Reflex save (DC 15) to take half damage.
Any creature or flammable object that takes damage from a hand flamer catches on fire, taking 1d6 points of fire damage each subsequent round until the flames are extinguished. A fire engulfing a single creature or object can be doused or smothered as a full-round action.
- Craft: (Parts DC: 50; Parts Used: 20; Craft DC 35; Time: 60h) The hand flamer can be crafted at a Weapon Crafting Table with a Craft (mechanical) skill check if the crafter possesses the schematics for it.
- Repair: (Parts DC: 40; Parts Used: 10; Repair DC 25; Time: 10h) A hand flamer can be repaired with mechanical parts with a Repair check. Alternatively, another hand flamer can be used in place of parts (a Repair check is still required). This gun is affected by the Jury Rigging feat, and as such can use other flamers for parts if the feat is possessed.
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