Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts (3.5e Other)/Membership Handbook
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The Ogre Membership Handbook is designed to assist those individuals attempting to set up a chapter in their city.
Meet the Ogres[edit]
What is/are Ogres?[edit]
- If you have ever sat around a table with friends while rolling dice, discussing obscure statistics on unheard of demons and monsters, and laughing into the night, then quite simply: you are an Ogre. The most essential part of the Ogres is the individual gamer. An enthusiast who enjoys tabletop gaming and the friendship and memories that come with it.
What makes up Ogres?[edit]
- The Ogres exist as a living network of Gamers and like-minded individuals who participate in the same or similar hobbies. Each individual community of gamers (also known as campaign party or adventuring group) is linked to every other group, and those in the same area may be able to expand their player base or meet new like-minded individuals.
Who runs Ogres?[edit]
- Ogres is ran by each separate chapter member. Each represented city chapter has a “core group” of players. These are usually that community’s players who first chose to join up with the Ogres organization. Contact information for them should be easily found in your town’s gaming shops and other points of interest that potential gamers may patron. These groups are the public face and soul of the Ogres.
What is Gaming?[edit]
- Gaming, at least in the sense used by the Ogres organization, is the act of partaking in tabletop group games. Although each chapter may differ in it’s “gaming style,” the overall essence of gaming is to engage in a fun and imaginative session amongst friends.
What Games Do Ogres Play?[edit]
- The core games that will be found in nearly every chapter are the classic Roleplaying Games (RPGs) found across the globe. These include Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, Star Wars, Star Trek, Rifts, Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, and many others. Some groups also partake in “classic tabletop gaming” with board games such as Monopoly, Risk, Scrabble, Arkham Horror, Settlers of Catan, and any other chapter favorites. The list is really endless.
History of the Ogres[edit]
- The moniker of ‘ogre’ has been used in the gaming community since the 1980s. It referred to exactly what we use it as: a gamer and/or roleplaying enthusiast. The foundations of our organization can be found in Las Vegas with the Vegas Gamers. One group of members were once known as the ‘Sin City Ogres,’ and before they became a part of the Vegas Gamers, their choice of nomenclature found it’s way into the virtual gaming community and was adopted by a Midwestern group of gamers, the Quilt City Ogres, who began this organization.
Being an Ogre[edit]
Ogre Membership[edit]
- At present, Ogre membership is free. The only requirements are to be an active gamer in your community and a part of your local chapter. If there is not a chapter, you may begin one (more on that in Section 04). That being said, being a member of your local gaming group may have some costs associated with it, and they will vary depending on the group. These could range from simple expenditures such as chipping in for a pizza for the night, or rental fees on gaming meet up rooms.
- Membership comes with an established network of gamers to increase your gaming experience and potential, as well as a database of materials to assist in gaming or running a game.
- At the very basic level, membership is what you make it. You will get out of the Ogres what you put into the Ogres. Advertise your chapter, and you’ll get more people to game with. Promote gaming in your community, and you’ll introduce new people to our beloved hobby.
Rights and Responsibilities[edit]
- As an Ogre, members are guaranteed certain inalienable rights. Much of this is common sense for members of any international organization; however, this section of the handbook seeks to list your basic rights as a member of O.G.R.E. These include, but are not limited to:
- Right to pursue the type of membership desired, and the right to change from one type of membership to another for any reason, without retribution.
- Right to transfer from one chapter of Ogre to another, at any time, for any reason, without problem.
- Right to participate in Chapter, Regional, and International functions to the fullest extent wished.
- Right to pursue any level of involvement in organizational workings and management at any level
- Right to due process
- Right to be considered to be involved in any Ogre event at any level
- Right to voice your opinion
- and most importantly:
- Right to have fun
- In addition to your membership rights, there are also membership responsibilities that must be considered, and which are equally important. Nowhere else are the responsibilities of membership in Ogre better outlined than below:
- I will always behave in a manner that brings credit to the Ogres, my chapter, and myself.
- I will always praise in public and critique in private.
- I will show courtesy to my fellow Ogres at all times.
- I will never assume, but always verify.
- I will be resolute in the performance of my duty and the execution of policy and regulation.
- I will always diffuse confrontations, not cause them.
- I will listen to both sides of a dispute and act upon fact, not innuendo.
- I will strive for impartiality and fairness in judgment and disqualify myself from decisions where my judgment may be compromised.
- I will be the first to praise and the last to criticize.
- I will always strive to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Rank and Advancement[edit]
- One of the ways that the Ogres recognize participation and work on behalf of the organization is through the granting of fictional ranks. Though these ranks hold no true power of superiority or imply a position with any paramilitary outfit, they allow for a fun way for Ogres to know which members are more active or have more experience in the gaming world. These ranks are formed along the lines of a fantasy militia that exists within numerous campaign worlds.
- Each chapter may have different ways of acknowledging work by granting promotions, so please see your chapter contact for specific promotion criteria. The rank system used by the Ogres varies from Chapter to Chapter, and is formed at the discretion of the founding contact of a city’s chapter. Typically, the rank is based around medieval militaries of Europe in a fantasy setting, though some chapters opt to use other systems, some of which include the rank structures used by motorcycle clubs, noble titles, and even completely home-made set ups. Some chapters choose to forgo the use of ranks.
Grievances and Due Process[edit]
- Although the Ogres exist to promote a fun and friendly gaming environment, there are instances when situations occur that fall outside the realm of fun and friendly. In a gaming world, these typically stem from harassment, misconduct, metagaming, cheating (see next section for more information), or general rudeness. These types of actions can ruin any gaming session, and potentially, a gaming group.
- If an Ogre feels that an event happened that was wrong, and that member’s own chapter will not assist in the matter, he or she may call on members from the nearest Ogre chapter to step in and investigate. As one large community, we must police ourselves and keep the fun on the fast track.
- The Ogres have purposely not set down specific rules about how chapters should govern themselves. Chapters are expected to be self-governing with Ogre’s role mainly to be an adviser to individual chapters and as a conduit for new members. Most grievances can be dealt with at the local level by one of the several officers Ogres has appointed to represent the organization in such matters: namely, chapter founders, contacts, and DMs. Intrachapter, or individual member, difficulties are usually best handled by that chapter’s contact or their designate (i.e. the current DM). Cases involving the DM or Contact may be heard by another impartial contact or a DM of that chapter (or their designate, i.e. a long time member). Interchapter difficulties (often involving member recruitment disputes) are usually handled at the regional level.
Harassment, Misconduct, Metagaming, and Cheating[edit]
- It is the policy of the Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts that harassment or misconduct, defined as behavior by one member perpetrated upon another member that would be construed as illegal under local, county, state, provincial, federal, or international law, will not be tolerated at any time. This includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment or harassment based on a member’s ethnicity, religion, social or economic background, or any other legally-defined category. Any Ogre, regardless of rank or position, found to be in violation of this article shall be subject to immediate discipline, and possible expulsion.
- Furthermore, as the base of our organization revolves around fun and fair game play, any Ogre found to be cheating, metagaming, or in willingly and knowingly in violation of game rules, whether official or homebrew, will be removed from the game and dealt with according to the wishes of the game master or chapter contact.
The Ogres Award Program[edit]
- Like many organizations, we love to acknowledge the hard work, effort, and input that members (“ogres”) put into our organization. As such, we have a internal awards program to acknowledge when a member does something special, whether it be on the grand scale of life saving, the gaming scale of running a great campaign, or the local scale of participating in community events, the Ogre acknowledge all dedication to the promotion of the gamer. The Ogres Awards that are currently available are listed in the index at the end of this manual. Use the proper contact information in Section 07 to submit an Ogre for one of the awards
Chapter Communications[edit]
- As a “loose coalition” organization, the Ogres rely on constant and accurate information flowing freely between chapters. A chapter should have a ‘Chapter Contact.’ This person will be, typically, the individual with the most time provided to the public (i.e. most internet time, most time at local gaming store, etc.). This person should keep in contact with the other chapters nearest him, through other chapter contacts, so that each region knows what the next is up to. This allows traveling gamers and visiting gamers to have access to ongoing gaming sessions and to meet the local gaming community.
- Each chapter should try to keep a schedule of ongoing games and any recruitment for upcoming games information accessible to the public, whether through the use of a website or demographically-appropriate store. The contact should provide the Ogre Headquarters (“Ogre Lair 1”) know this information, so that any potential gamers who contact them may be referred properly.
Organized Ogres[edit]
Organization Structure[edit]
- The Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts, also called the O.G.R.E.s or Ogres, is a loose coalition of gaming groups (“chapters”) who network together to expand their regional player base. Mostly, each chapter exists as its own group, only calling on the larger organization to help settle gaming disputes and keep other chapters informed of their happenings, or to work with multiple chapters in order to host events.
The Executive Committee[edit]
- A “governing body” of the organization exists to run it’s day to day needs. Though the individual members may change over the years, this committee helps field media inquiries, settle gaming disputes that can no be settled on smaller level, promote the organization as a whole, recruit new chapters, and to support the chapters in any other tasks.
- The Executive Committee can be reached at the Ogre Headquarters (“Ogre Lair 1”).
- The Ogres separate the globe into regions. These regions coincide with time zones in a numerical order, beginning with Pacific Standard Time (Region One), and following on (as such Mountain time is Region Two, Central is Region Three, and so forth). This is to assist in referring individuals quicker to their nearest chapter.
- The core of the Ogres is the Chapter. What you may consider your gaming group is what we call a chapter. A chapter may include numerous gaming groups and campaign sessions within the same geographic location, who share members. If there is not a chapter present in your area, you may start one. See section 05 for the methods involved in starting a chapter.
Affiliation with Other Organizations[edit]
- The ogres are by far not the only gaming club in existence, and as such any ogre should seek to coexist with other gaming groups. Some of these groups include the RPGA, online game guilds, the International Simulation and Gaming Association, LARP Alliance, the New England Role Playing Organization, and many other organizations both local and international. Many potential Ogre members may be lying in wait in the ranks of these groups and could benefit from being in both!
Local Ogres[edit]
Your Chapter[edit]
- The friends and family who you play beside on a regular schedule are the backbone of any Ogres Chapter. However, being an Ogre group is so much more than just being “another group of gamers.” When you take on the Ogre moniker, you become a focal point of gaming networking, planning, and preparing for your regional gamers. Also, you become a promotional tool and public face to the entire gaming community of your city.
- Adopting the Ogre moniker for your group will not change the great dynamic you and your friends already share – you’ll still be the same rpg lovers you were the day before you became Ogres. What will change will be your responsibility to your regional gaming community. You will now be a recruiting center for gamers, network manager for campaigns, and media inquiry point for the industry in your region.
- As a chapter grows, it may become more than one “gaming group.” Members in a city or region who are currently playing in several different campaigns and sessions, possibly sharing some members between them. Eventually, the goal is for your entire local gaming community to be able to network together for campaigns and other fun, as well as to be a welcoming center for new or possible gamers.
- A Ogre chapter will reap as many benefits as it is willing to sow. Recruitment will become easier and simpler, but you’ll have to get your name out there first. Your chapter can receive local media attention in a serious light – but you’ll have to build yourself to that point.
Types of Chapters[edit]
- There are three different types of chapter that one may participate in or create. Make sure to put a great deal of thought into what type of chapter will best suit your player’s needs.
- City Chapter – The most common type of chapter, a city chapter is based in a particular city and most of its members are residents of that city or surrounding areas. These players will usually meet in person at pre-determined places and times to play, and recruitment for new members is usually done at local gaming and comic shops, or other demographically appropriate places.
- School Chapter – A school chapter may exist as part of a large city chapter, alongside a city chapter, or independent of a city chapter. In a large city with a large amount of Ogres, the School Chapter is typically made up of the student-gamers of the chapter, who may meet on campus (if in college) or actually create a School-sponsored student club (in High School). Though they may share members with the larger city chapter, they also play together quite a great deal. A school chapter working alongside a city chapter is usually for large cities with colleges, where a rotating student body is common. A representative of the local city chapter may ambassador to the group, but they are culturally separate. Lastly, a independent school chapter exists in a city with no chapter (but may grow into a city chapter as the student-gamers age) or exists entirely separate of any local chapter, usually for age/culture reasons.
- Lastly, the least common type of chapter is the Cyber Chapter. A cyber chapter exists entirely of internet-gamers, usually of members who routinely play together by email or forum. A cyber chapter is a much more loose chapter – but may accept the Ogre moniker for recruitment and brand purposes. Members of a city or school chapter may also participate in online-only games with other cyber chapters, but their “main” membership will always be considered a physical chapter.
Naming Your Chapter[edit]
- The name of your chapter will be heard throughout your region, and should be instantly recognizable. The standard for determining a chapter name is as follows: ‘’[City Nickname Here] Ogres.’’ Using this standard, gamers in your region will recognize the Ogre moniker and instantly understand that it is a gaming group ‘’(as more chapters are created, this brand recognition raises)’’. Secondly, residents in your region, whether gamers or not, should instantly associate your chapter with your city and region by use of your city’s commonly known nickname.
- A city’s nickname is usually an established item, such as Chicago’s “Windy City” or Louisville’s “Derby City.” Although some, like the given examples, may be widely known, your city’s nickname may only be known to residents of the area. Either way, you’ll be able to reach out to your target audience and to a lesser degree the general public.
- School chapters may choose to use the name of the school or the school’s mascot, whichever is more colloquially appropriate ‘’(i.e. – the Central High School Cougars may refrain from using the mascot, as the Cougars Ogres sounds odd, in which case they’ll be the Central High Ogres. This oddity is usually true of animal mascots, so use your most appropriate possible name)’’. Cyber chapters may include the website, forum, or listserv they play on ‘’(i.e. play-by-posters on may be the Ogres)’’.
- Should an upstart chapter have a city nickname that can not follow the formula, or believe that they should choose a different name, that should be discussed with Ogre Headquarters first. Typically it will be fine, just remember that your name needs to convey to things: the region (city/school/online forum) that you game in, and that your chapter is an Ogre chapter.
Promoting Your Chapter[edit]
- So, you and your other friends who you game with have decided to become Ogres. You’ve came up with the name you’ll use, and now you’re ready to get your name out there. This will be the most important part of your upstart career as a chapter. Public perception will be very important, and you’ll have to get past three very important hurdles: getting your name out to your target audience, explaining what you are, keeping possible recruits from being scared away by the “geek factor.” Before we get to the hurdles though, we need to start the race.
- First, create some promotional material. This does not have to be a costly affair, and can usually be done free. Flyers should be simple and informative. Put the chapter name, the full name of O.G.R.E.s under the name, a brief explanation of what you are, what games you play, and contact information ‘’(a very simple to reproduce example can be seen here)’’. If you have the ability to, a website can be your best resource, and make sure to include the site address on any flyers. Small business cards with contact info can be good for when you happen to run into a gamer.
- Now, our first hurdle: reaching the target audience. Posting flyers up everywhere will do many things for you, and none of them good: you’ll look desperate, not well organized, and amateur. Put information in proper locations, where people most likely to be gamers or open to the gaming lifestyle may visit. Typically, these include the following: comic shops, video game stores, gaming lan stores, comics and rpg sections of book stores, and the appropriate sections of your local school or public library. Always make sure to keep open communication with management at any possible location, to insure mutual assistance (remember, if your recruitment works – they could see an increase in sales or rentals or gaming material, so you both have something to gain from working together). See if gaming stores will allow you to place a flyer in the front window, and small flyers near the check out counter or around the RPG section. A really great tool is to slip a half sheet flyer or business card in the table of contents page of all RPG books, where gamers will be sure to look. Lastly, make sure to do a search of appropriate social networking sites or gaming sites that list members. You can do searches for people in your area who enjoy tabletop rpgs on sites like MySpace, Facebook, Meetup, or on any number of gaming sites. Send out a friendly informative email or message to individuals you find letting them know about the club in their region!
- The second hurdle needs to happen quickly and simply, and can even be done as part of the first. If Ogre chapters exist in your region or nearby cities, it may be easier, but if you are the first in your region, prepare for difficulty. The example provided above, and seen here, is one example of including this hurdle with the first. On any flyer – just have a quick sentence describing what you are. Keep it clear, concise, and simple. Something as sufficient as ‘’a group of local tabletop gamers recruiting players for new campaigns or game nights.’’ Be creative, but don’t try to be too elaborate. Just like in the example, you can follow this with a brief rundown of the games your chapter currently plays or would be willing to.
- Lastly, the most difficult hurdle of all is pushing pass any fears or perceptions of the tabletop gaming “geek factor.” Cyber chapters should not have this issue, and college level school chapters shouldn’t either. However, meeting chapters in a city or younger aged school have to deal with the public perception of the roleplaying game and the roleplayer. Although recent years have brought comics more into the mainstream, things like Dungeons & Dragons and World of Darkness are still considered taboo or geek by many. Now, firstly, who cares? Is geek even a bad thing? Most will say “not me” and “no” to those questions, but sadly not all agree. The best thing is that most of this type of mindset will exist in individuals who you do not need to affiliate with your chapter, and as such won’t affect you. However, some gamers will be weary of attending sessions due to the public pressure of being considered a geek. This is truest of our High School chapters, which exist within a subculture where possible gamers may be harassed or singled out for their hobby. Some of the best and most subtle ways to combat this is to show your own lack of care of the geek title, and to also show just how dynamic a character that gamers are. Already established Ogre chapters include athletes, business owners, families, and the one thing sure to break down any insecure gamer’s walls: women. Gamers come from all walks of life, like any other hobby. Remember, be proud of who you are, never apologize for being a gamer, ignore unfounded verbal attacks, and you’ll instill self confidence in other gamers.
- In review: create simple and informative flyers with contact information, place them in demographically appropriate areas, and maintain a positive gamer lifestyle and attitude.
Chapter Community Involvement[edit]
- Your chapter is not only a representative of the global gaming community to your community – it is also a member of that community and representative of it to the global gaming community. Take part in community events and you’ll quickly break down the walls of gamer perception mentioned in the previous section. Give back to your community through charitable events or community service – it’ll be some of the best XP your group can get! An added bonus will be that this is a great way to get your name out to the local media in a serious manner, which can equal free advertisement.
Your Chapter’s Place within the Ogres[edit]
- Your chapter will most likely be the only representation of Ogres you’ll see, and as such, you ARE the Ogres. The network of other chapters and headquarters exist to facilitate gaming, but your chapter operates independently (unless absolutely necessary intervention is required – see due process) of the main framework of chapters.
Gaming & You[edit]
The Ogre Lair[edit]
- The heart of every chapter is the gaming session where members get to enjoy their hobby. These sessions may be held at a member’s home, a local gaming store, a library, a school, or any other appropriate place. These locations, affectionately referred to as the Ogre Lairs, are where the “home” of the chapter exists. Chapters whose members have grown so much that they enjoy many different gaming groups may have several locations, and as such members should know where other groups meet and when. If possible, a public location should be used occasionally to help recruit and so viewers can see exactly what tabletop gaming is.
Positive Gaming Environment[edit]
- The Ogres strive for a positive, friendly, warm gaming environment that will be pleasant and fun for everyone. Each group will be dynamic, and humor and maturity will vary accordingly. As such, be sure to be aware of your group’s proper level of fun, and keep things safe. There is a no tolerance policy on discrimination based on sex, ethnicity, or any other possible reason. Always be aware of minors and watch language when appropriate.
Public Gaming[edit]
- As briefly mentioned above, public gaming sessions can be a great way to get your chapter out there, both recruiting and putting gaming in the public eye. Occasionally gaming at your local comic or game shop, or perhaps in a school or public library’s dedicated area, can be a good experience and a great time for all involved. If your region hosts any conventions or events that draw a gaming crowd, make sure to have a table for gaming and recruitment/information there.
- Another way of showcasing the fun that can be had with tabletop gaming is through podcasts or online videos to your group’s site or youtube. This allows non-gamers to see into a session and get a feel for what we do, and it can help recruit new members. Plus, it helps to record and keep good memories of friends.
Convention Gaming[edit]
- Gaming, fantasy, scifi, anime, and numerous other types of conventions are held globally every year, and usually attract individuals who may be open to gaming or already tabletop gamers themselves. If your region plays host to one, or if your members are open to traveling, your chapter should consider gaming at these conventions. Some are set up in such a way as to allow groups to just show up and game, but others may require registering for a table. Make sure to do all the prep work and contact the coordinator or organizer of the convention to make sure you chapter adheres to all rules and regulations.
- There are three main ways to game at a convention. The first does not apply to the Ogres as a group, and it is when conventions allow individuals to sign up but then place them in gaming slots. This can be fun, but it breaks up the Ogre group – so it is not as fundamental to your chapter as the other ways. A second way is the simplest: show up and game among your chapter, as if it was just another session.
- The third can be the most difficult, yet most rewarding method: involve the crowd by allowing other convention goers to make characters and game as well. A time tested method to get people involved has been to allow them to make a 20th level character in games like Dungeons & Dragons, and then run them through a pre-set session. Many players will jump at the chance to roll up a 20th level character, and it is a great way to meet new gamers and recruit new Ogres. Remember, if you are doing this method, provide all the materials needed for people to make characters.
Live Action Role Playing/Gaming[edit]
- Another form of gaming usually associated with tabletop rpgs is Live Action Roleplaying, known as LARPing. Typically speaking, the Ogres are not LARPers, but if your chapter prefers this method of gaming, which is particularly popular in the World of Darkness settings, please feel free to enjoy it. Remember, this will alter your message that you need to get across in recruiting.
Ogre Campaigns and Characters[edit]
- Each chapter may game in settings that they enjoy (i.e. Greyhawk, Eberron, World of Darkness, etc.) to their fullest extent. However, the Ogres are also the creators of their own setting within the Dungeons & Dragons game known as Valgora. Much like the RPGA’s Living Campaigns, Valgora is a constantly growing world – being added to as chapters game within it. The world started as a “generic fantasy setting,” but is slowly taking on a life of its own. Those gaming in Valgora should keep in touch with Ogre Headquarters ‘’(Ogre Lair 1)’’ so that changes made by your particular group can be reflected in the living session
Ogre Legalities[edit]
The Ogre Goal[edit]
- The goal of the Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts is to promote the hobby and lifestyle of tabletop gaming as a fun, family friendly, positive hobby, and to network gamers together to facilitate increased gaming and community.
The Ogre Logo[edit]
- The Ogre logo currently used was made by members of the Sin City Ogres, now known as the Vegas Gamers, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Variants are taken and used for each chapter with permission from the original creator of the logo.
The Ogre Constitution[edit]
- The Ogre Constitution is currently being written up with the assistance of many wonderful individuals. Once recognized as a official non-profit entity by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Constitution will be available for all to view.
Ogre Headquarters[edit]
- Ogre Headquarters, more commonly known as Ogre Lair 1, is where the central hub of Ogre information is located at any one time. Though it may change in the future and those changes will be reflected in updated handbooks, it is currently the Quilt City Ogres of Paducah, Kentucky.
Ogre Contact Information[edit]
- For information, media inquiries, or any other type of questions or comments please email Ogre Lair 1 at
Index, Glossary & Legal[edit]
Acknowledgments, Index, & Glossary[edit]
Legal Text[edit]
- Hooper
- Quilt City O.G.R.E.s
- Cain
- Quilt City O.G.R.E.s
- Hooper
- Quilt City O.G.R.E.s
- Handbook Update History:
- First Edition: July 2008
- Second Edition: December 2008
- Third Edition: September 2009
- O.G.R.E.s, the Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts., is a not-for-profit corporation chartered by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and is dedicated to uniting tabletop gamers and roleplayers and promoting the gaming hobby.
- O.G.R.E.s provides as membership benefits numerous documents, such as this Membership Handbook, the O.G.R.E. Chapter Manual, web pages and other electronic services and web-based materials. All of these are provided for limited purposes. The information contained therein may not be used by any member for any private commercial purpose. Provision of these documents or services does not constitute permission for anyone to use any information contained therein or thereon for any non-O.G.R.E.s related purpose. No member or non-member may use any O.G.R.E.s document, mailing list, services, or materials, including but not limited to the O.G.R.E.s Membership Handbook, O.G.R.E.s -supplied chapter or membership rolls, web-based lists, and/or any O.G.R.E.s materials, for any commercial purpose. Anyone using any O.G.R.E.s services or material(s) for any private commercial purpose or non-O.G.R.E.s related use will be subject to appropriate legal action by the O.G.R.E.s Executive Committee, including but not limited to suspension or revocation of membership without refund and suit for copyright infringement and conversion of proprietary information.
- This document is the Membership Handbook of O.G.R.E.s, the Organization of Gamers & Roleplaying Enthusiasts. Its contents are copyright © 2009, O.G.R.E.s, and all rights are reserved. No part of this document may be re-produced or stored in any way or by any copying process of any kind without prior written permission of O.G.R.E.s. This publication may not be stored electronically (including, but not limited to, FTP or HTML) without prior written permission.
- Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, Rifts, Warhammer, and any other related marks are registered trademarks of their respective creator. Neither the O.G.R.E.s copyright in this material, nor any part of the material itself, nor do O.G.R.E.s’s use of the brands, are intended in any way to infringe upon any copyrights or trademarks with regard to any of the licensed owners of the games discussed, or any other persons or organizations. Permission is granted to O.G.R.E.s chapters to reproduce and utilize sections of this material for their members’ use.
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