Multi-Mage Hand (5e Feat)

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Multi-Mage Hand

Prerequisites: You must be able to cast mage hand
Your mastery of minor telekinesis has reached a new level, allowing you to summon and control multiple spectral hands at once. Whether you're juggling objects, performing intricate tasks, or unsettling your foes with a swarm of ghostly fingers, your magical hands are always ready to assist.

  • You increases its range by 60 feet.
  • You can have a number of Mage Hands active at once equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • When you use your action to control your Mage Hands, you can command all of them simultaneously. Each hand can perform a different task.

(If you have the Arcane Trickster archetype or a feature that allows you to control mage hand with a bonus action, you can use your Bonus Action to control all of your Mage Hands instead of just one.)

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