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Just a thought about how we should sort monsters. I've done it using 3.5e SRD here, and it's mostly correct. You'll notice we have some mistakes and things we should switch up, but it mostly works, and looks more useful than about any other format. So if I can figure out how to insert text into an empty cell, this would be nearly flawless. Does anyone know how?

3.5e Creatures
Name CR Size Type (Subtype) Environment Alignment
1st-Level Astral Construct 1/2 Small Construct Any Always neutral
2nd-Level Astral Construct 1 Medium Construct Any Always neutral
3rd-Level Astral Construct 2 Medium Construct Any Always neutral
4th-Level Astral Construct 3 Medium Construct Any Always neutral
5th-Level Astral Construct 5 Large Construct Any Always neutral
6th-Level Astral Construct 7 Large Construct Any Always neutral
7th-Level Astral Construct 8 Large Construct Any Always neutral
8th-Level Astral Construct 9 Large Construct Any Always neutral
9th-Level Astral Construct 10 Huge Construct Any Always neutral
Aasimar 1/2 Medium Outsider (Native) Temperate plains Usually good (any)
Aboleth 7 Huge Aberration (Aquatic) Underground Usually lawful evil
Aboleth Mage 17 Huge Aberration (Aquatic) Underground Usually lawful evil
Abyssal Greater Basilisk 12 Large Outsider (Augmented Magical Beast, Extraplanar) A chaotic evil-Aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Achaierai 5 Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) A lawful-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Adamantine Golem 25 Huge Construct Any land Always neutral
Adult Arrowhawk 5 Medium Outsider (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Always neutral
Adult Tojanida 5 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Water) Elemental Plane of Water Always neutral
Advanced Megaraptor Skeleton 6 Huge Undead Warm forests Always neutral evil
Advanced Mummy 8 Large undead Any Environment Usually Lawful Evil
Air Mephit 3 Small Outsider (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral
Allip 3 Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Any Always neutral evil
Anaxim 22 Medium Construct (Extraplanar, Lawful) Any Always lawful neutral
Androsphinx 9 Large Magical Beast Warm deserts Always chaotic good
Ankheg 3 Large Magical Beast Warm plains Always neutral
Annis 6 Large Monstrous Humanoid Cold marshes Usually chaotic evil
Ape 2 Large Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Aranea 4 Medium Magical Beast (Shapechanger) Temperate forests Usually neutral
Assassin Vine 3 Large Plant Temperate forests Always neutral
Astral Deva 14 Medium Outsider (Angel, Extraplanar, Good) Any good-aligned plane Always good (any)
Athach 8 Huge Aberration Temperate hills Often chaotic evil
Atropal 30 Large Undead (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) Any Always lawful evil
Average Salamander 6 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually evil (any)
Average Xorn 6 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Earth) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Avoral 9 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good) A good-aligned plane. Always neutral good
Azer 2 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire) Elemental Plane of Fire Always lawful neutral
Babau 6 Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Baboon 1/2 Medium Animal Warm plains Always neutral
Badger 1/2 Small Animal Temperate forests Always neutral
Baleen Whale 6 Gargantuan Animal Warm aquatic Always Neutral
Balor 20 Large Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Barbed Devil 11 Medium Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Barghest 4 Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful, Shapechanger) An evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Basilisk 5 Medium Magical Beast Warm deserts Always neutral
Bat 1/10 Diminutive Animal Temperate deserts Always neutral
Bat Swarm 2 Diminutive Animal (Swarm) Temperate deserts Always neutral
Bearded Devil 5 Medium Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Bebilith 10 Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Behemoth Eagle 18 Colossal Outsider (Extraplanar) Any forest, hill, mountains, and plains Always neutral
Behemoth Gorilla 19 Huge Outsider (Extraplanar) Warm forest and warm mountains Always neutral
Behir 8 Huge Magical Beast Warm hills Often neutral
Belker 6 Large Elemental (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral evil
Bison 2 Large Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Black Bear 2 Medium Animal Temperate forests Always neutral
Black Pudding 7 Huge Ooze Underground Always neutral
Blink Dog 2 Medium Magical Beast Temperate plains Usually lawful good
Blue 1 Small Humanoid (Goblinoid, Psionic) Temperate plains Usually neutral evil
Boar 2 Medium Animal Temperate forests Always neutral
Bodak 8 Medium Undead (Extraplanar) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Bone Devil 9 Large Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Brachyurus 23 Large Magical Beast Any Usually lawful neutral
Brain Mole 1/2 Tiny Magical Beast (Psionic) Temperate forest Always neutral
Bralani 6 Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Good) A chaotic good-aligned plane Always chaotic good
Brown Bear 4 Large Animal Cold forests Always neutral
Bugbear 2 Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid) Temperate mountains Usually chaotic evil
Bugbear Zombie 2 Medium Undead Temperate mountains Always neutral evil
Bulette 7 Huge Magical Beast Temperate hills Always neutral
Cachalot Whale 7 Gargantuan Animal Temperate aquatic Always neutral
Caller In Darkness 9 Large Undead (Incorporeal, Psionic) Underground Always chaotic evil
Camel 1 Large Animal Warm deserts Always neutral
Cat 1/4 Tiny Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Cauchemar Nightmare 11 Huge Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar) A neutral evil plane Always neutral evil
Celestial Charger 13 Large Magical Beast A chaotic good plane Always chaotic good
Centaur 3 Large Monstrous Humanoid Temperate forests Usually neutral good
Centipede Swarm 4 Diminutive Vermin (Swarm) Underground Always neutral
Cerebrilith 10 Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Psionic) Chaotic evil-Aligned planes Always chaotic evil
Chain Devil 6 Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Chaos Beast 7 Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar) Chaotic-Aligned Plane Always chaotic neutral
Cheetah 2 Medium Animal Warm plains Always neutral
Chichimec 21 Medium Outsider (Air, Evil, Extraplanar) Any Always neutral evil
Chimera 7 Large Magical Beast Temperate hills Usually chaotic evil
Chimera Skeleton 4 Large Undead Temperate hills Always neutral evil
Choker 2 Small Aberration Underground Usually chaotic evil
Chuul 7 Large Aberration (Aquatic) Temperate marshes Usually chaotic evil
Clay Golem 10 Large Construct Any Always neutral
Cloaker 5 Large Aberration Underground Usually chaotic neutral
Cloud Giant 11 Huge Giant (Air) Temperate mountains Usually neutral good or neutral evil
Cloud Giant Skeleton 7 Huge Undead Temperate mountains Always neutral evil
Cockatrice 3 Small Magical Beast Temperate plains Always neutral
Colossal Animated Object 10 Colossal Construct Any Always neutral
Colossal Monstrous Centipede 9 Colossal Vermin Underground Always Neutral
Colossal Monstrous Scorpion 12 Colossal Vermin Warm deserts Always neutral
Colossal Monstrous Spider 11 Colossal Vermin Temperate forests Always neutral
Constrictor Snake 2 Medium Animal Warm forests Always Neutral
Couatl 10 Large Outsider (Native) Warm forests Always lawful good
Criosphinx 7 Large Magical Beast Warm deserts Always neutral
Crocodile 2 Medium Animal Warm marshes Always neutral
Crysmal 3 Small Elemental (Earth, Psionic) Underground Any lawful
Dark Naga 8 Large Aberration Temperate hills Usually lawful evil
Darkmantle 1 Small Magical Beast Underground Always neutral
Deinonychus 3 Large Medium Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Delver 9 Huge Aberration Underground Usually neutral
Demilich 29 Diminutive Undead Any Neutral evil
Derro 3 Small Monstrous Humanoid Underground Usually chaotic evil
Destrachan 8 Large Aberration Underground Usually neutral evil
Devastation Beetle 50 Colossal Vermin Any land Always neutral
Devastation Centipede 39 Colossal Vermin Any land Always neutral
Devastation Scorpion 42 Colossal Vermin Any land Always neutral
Devastation Spider 41 Colossal Vermin Any land Always neutral
Devourer 11 Large Undead (Extraplanar) Any Always neutral evil
Digester 6 Medium Magical Beast Warm forests Always neutral
Dire Ape 3 Large Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Dire Badger 2 Medium Animal Temperate forests Always neutral
Dire Bat 2 Large Animal Temperate deserts Always neutral
Dire Bear 7 Large Animal Cold forests Always neutral
Dire Boar 4 Large Animal Temperate forests Always neutral
Dire Lion 5 Large Animal Warm plains Always neutral
Dire Rat 1/3 Small Animal Any Always neutral
Dire Shark 9 Huge Animal (Aquatic) Cold aquatic Always neutral
Dire Tiger 8 Large Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Dire Weasel 2 Medium Animal Temperate hills Always neutral
Dire Wolf 3 Large Animal Temperate forests Always neutral
Dire Wolverine 4 Large Animal Cold forests Always neutral
Djinni 5 Large Outsider (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Always chaotic good
Dog 1/3 Small Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Donkey 1/6 Medium Animal Temperate deserts Always neutral
Doppelganger 3 Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Shapechanger) Any Usually neutral
Dragon Turtle 9 Huge Dragon (Aquatic) Temperate aquatic Usually neutral
Dragonne 7 Large Magical Beast Temperate deserts Usually neutral
Dread Wraith 11 Large Undead (Incorporeal) Any Always lawful evil
Dream Larva 31 Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar) Any Always chaotic evil
Dretch 2 Small Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Drider 7 Large Aberration Underground Always chaotic evil
Dromite 1/2 Small Monstrous Humanoid (Psionic) 1st-Level Warrior Underground Usually neutral
Drow 1 (see text) Medium Humanoid (Elf) Underground Usually neutral evil
Dryad 3 Medium Fey Temperate forests Usually chaotic good
Duergar 1 Medium Humanoid (Dwarf) Underground Often lawful evil
Dust Mephit 3 Small Outsider (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral
Dwarf 1/2 Medium Humanoid (Dwarf) Temperate mountains
(Deep: Underground)
Often lawful good
(Deep: Usually lawful neutral or neutral)
Eagle 1/2 Small Animal Temperate mountains Always neutral
Earth Mephit 3 Small Outsider (Earth, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Efreeti 8 Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire) Elemental Plane of Fire Always lawful evil
Eight-Headed Hydra 7 (normal);
9 (pyro- or cryo-)
Huge Magical Beast Temperate marshes
(Pyro: Warm marshes)
(Cryo: Cold marshes)
Usually neutral
Elan 1/2 Medium Aberration (Psionic) Any Usually neutral
Elasmosaurus 7 Huge Animal Warm aquatic Always neutral
Elder Air Elemental 11 Huge Elemental (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral
Elder Arrowhawk 8 Large Outsider (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Always neutral
Elder Black Pudding 12 Gargantuan Ooze Underground Always neutral
Elder Earth Elemental 11 Huge Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Elder Fire Elemental 11 Huge Elemental (Fire, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Elder Titan 30 Colossal Outsider (Extraplanar) Any Always neutral
Elder Tojanida 9 Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Water) Elemental Plane of Water Always neutral
Elder Treant 25 Colossal Plant Any forest Always neutral good
Elder Water Elemental 11 Huge Elemental (Water, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Water Usually neutral
Elder Xorn 8 Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Earth) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Elephant 7 Huge Animal Warm plains Always neutral
Eleven-Headed Hydra 10 (normal);
12 (pyro- or cryo-)
Huge Magical Beast Temperate marshes
(Pyro: Warm marshes)
(Cryo: Cold marshes)
Usually neutral
Elf 1/2 Medium Humanoid (Elf ) Temperate forest
(Half-elf: Temperate forests)
(Aquatic: Temperate aquatic)
(Gray: Temperate mountains)
(Wild: Warm forests)
(Wood: Temperate forests)
Usually chaotic good
(Wood: Usually neutral)
Erinyes 8 Medium Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Ethereal Filcher 3 Medium Aberration Underground Usually neutral
Ethereal Marauder 3 Medium Magical Beast (Extraplanar) Ethereal Plane Always neutral
Ettercap 3 Medium Aberration Warm forests Usually neutral evil
Ettin 6 Large Giant Cold hills Usually chaotic evil
Ettin Skeleton 5 Large Undead Cold hills Always neutral evil
Fire Giant 10 Large Giant (Fire) Warm mountains Often lawful evil
Fire Mephit 3 Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Five-Headed Hydra 4 (normal);
6 (pyro- or cryo-)
Huge Magical Beast Temperate marshes
(Pyro: Warm marshes)
(Cryo: Cold marshes)
Usually neutral
Flamebrother Salamander 3 Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually evil (any)
Flesh Colossus 27 Colossal Colossal Construct Any Neutral evil or neutral
Flesh Golem 7 Large Construct Any Always neutral
Flesh Harrower Puppeteer 2 Small Magical Beast (Psionic) Underground Always neutral
Folugub 2 Medium Aberration Underground Always neutral
Force Dragon 31 Gargantuan Dragon (Force) Any land and underground Usually neutral
Formian Myrmarch 10 Large Outsider (Lawful, Extraplanar) A lawful-aligned plane Always lawful neutral
Formian Queen 17 Large Outsider (Lawful, Extraplanar) A lawful-aligned plane Always lawful neutral
Formian Taskmaster 7 Medium Outsider (Lawful, Extraplanar) A lawful-aligned plane Always lawful neutral
Formian Warrior 3 Medium Outsider (Lawful, Extraplanar) A lawful-aligned plane Always lawful neutral
Formian Worker 1/2 Small Outsider (Lawful, Extraplanar) A lawful-aligned plane Always lawful neutral
Frost Giant 9 Large Giant (Cold) Cold mountains Often chaotic evil
Frost Giant Jarl 17 Large Giant (Cold) Cold mountains Always chaotic evil
Frost Worm 12 Huge Magical Beast (Cold) Cold plains Usually neutral
Gargantuan Animated Object 7 Gargantuan Construct Any Always neutral
Gargantuan Monstrous Centipede 6 Gargantuan Vermin Underground Always neutral
Gargantuan Monstrous Scorpion 10 Gargantuan Vermin Warm deserts Always Neutral
Gargantuan Monstrous Spider 8 Gargantuan Vermin Temperate forests Always neutral
Gargoyle 4 Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Earth) Any Usually chaotic evil
Gelatinous Cube 3 Huge Large Ooze Underground Always neutral
Genius Loci 30 Colossal Ooze Any Usually any evil
Ghaele 13 Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Good) A chaotic good-aligned plane Always chaotic good
Ghast 3 Medium Undead Any Always chaotic evil
Ghoul 1 Medium Undead Any Always chaotic evil
Giant Ant Queen 2 Large Vermin Temperate plains Always neutral
Giant Ant Soldier 2 Medium Vermin Temperate plains Always neutral
Giant Ant Worker 1 Medium Vermin Temperate plains Always neutral
Giant Bee 1 Medium Vermin Temperate plains Always neutral
Giant Bombardier Beetle 2 Medium Vermin Warm forests Always neutral
Giant Constrictor Snake 5 Huge Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Giant Crocodile 4 Huge Animal Warm marshes Always neutral
Giant Eagle 3 Large Magical Beast Temperate mountains Usually neutral good
Giant Fire Beetle 1/3 Small Vermin Warm plains Always neutral
Giant Octopus 8 Large Animal (Aquatic) Warm aquatic Always neutral
Giant Owl 3 Large Magical Beast Temperate forests Usually neutral good
Giant Praying Mantis 3 Large Vermin Temperate forests Always neutral
Giant Squid 9 Huge Animal (Aquatic) Temperate aquatic Always neutral
Giant Stag Beetle 4 Large Vermin Temperate forests Always neutral
Giant Wasp 3 Large Vermin Temperate forests Always neutral
Gibbering Mouther 5 Medium Aberration Underground Usually neutral
Gibbering Orb 27 Huge Aberration Any land and underground Usually chaotic evil
Girallon 6 Large Magical Beast Warm forests Always neutral
Glabrezu 13 Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Gloom 25 Medium Monstrous Humanoid Any urban Usually lawful evil
Gnoll 1 Medium Humanoid (Gnoll) Warm plains Usually chaotic evil
Gnome 1/2 Small Humanoid (Gnome) Temperate hills (Forest gnomes: Temperate forests) Usually neutral good
Goblin 1/3 Small Humanoid (Goblinoid) Temperate plains Usually neutral evil
Golden Protector 13 Large Dragon A lawful good plane Always lawful good
Gorgon 8 Large Magical Beast Temperate plains Always neutral
Gray Glutton 7 Huge Magical Beast Underground Always neutral
Gray Ooze 4 Medium Ooze Cold marshes Always neutral
Gray Render 8 Large Magical Beast Temperate marshes Usually neutral
Gray Render Zombie 6 Large Undead Any land and underground Always neutral evil
Greater Air Elemental 9 Huge Elemental (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral
Greater Barghest 5 Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful, Shapechanger) An evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Greater Earth Elemental 9 Huge Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Greater Fire Elemental 9 Huge Elemental (Fire, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Greater Shadow 8 Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Any Always chaotic evil
Greater Stone Golem 16 Huge Construct Any Always neutral
Greater Water Elemental 9 Huge Elemental (Water, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Water Usually neutral
Green Hag 5 Medium Monstrous Humanoid Temperate marshes Usually chaotic evil
Grick 3 Medium Aberration Underground Usually neutral
Griffon 4 Large Magical Beast Temperate hills Always neutral
Grig 1 Tiny Fey Temperate forests Always neutral good
Grimlock 1 Medium Monstrous Humanoid Underground Often neutral evil
Guardian Naga 10 Large Aberration Temperate plains Usually lawful good
Gynosphinx 8 Large Magical Beast Warm deserts Always neutral
Ha-Naga 22 Colossal Aberration Temperate and warm land or underground Usually chaotic evil
Hagunemnon 29 Large Aberration (Shapechanger) Any Always chaotic neutral
Half-Giant 1 Medium -Giant (Psionic), 1st-Level Warrior Warm desert Usually neutral good
Halfling 1/2 Small Humanoid (Halfling) Warm plains
(Deep halfling: Warm hills)
(Tallfellow: Temperate forests)
Usually neutral
Harpy 4 Medium Monstrous Humanoid Temperate marshes Usually chaotic evil
Harpy Archer 11 Medium Monstrous Humanoid Temperate marshes Usually chaotic evil
Hawk 1/3 Tiny Animal Temperate forests Always neutral
Heavy Horse 1 Large Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Heavy Warhorse 2 Large Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Hecatoncheires 57 Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar) Any Always chaotic evil
Hell Hound 3 Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fire, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Hellcat 7 Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Hellwasp Swarm 8 Diminutive Magical Beast (Extraplanar, Evil, Swarm) A evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Hezrou 11 Large Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Hieracosphinx 5 Large Magical Beast Warm deserts Always chaotic evil
Hill Giant 7 Large Giant Temperate hills Often chaotic evil
Hill Giant Dire Wereboar 11 Large Giant (Shapechanger) Temperate hills Always neutral
Hippogriff 2 Large Magical Beast Temperate hills Always neutral
Hoary Hunter 25 Medium Fey (Cold) Any cold Always neutral evil
Hoary Steed 9 Medium Fey (Cold) Any cold Always neutral evil
Hobgoblin 1/2 Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid) Warm hills Usually lawful evil
Homunculus 1 Tiny Construct Any Any (same as creator)
Horned Devil 16 Large Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Hound Archon 4 Medium Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful) A lawful good-aligned plane Always lawful good
Hound Archon Hero 16 Medium Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful) A lawful good-aligned plane Always lawful good
Howler 3 Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar) A chaotic-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Huge Air Elemental 7 Huge Elemental (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral
Huge Animated Object 5 Huge Construct Any Always neutral
Huge Earth Elemental 7 Huge Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Huge Fire Elemental 7 Huge Elemental (Fire, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Huge Monstrous Centipede 2 Huge Vermin Underground Always neutral
Huge Monstrous Scorpion 7 Huge Vermin Warm deserts Always neutral
Huge Monstrous Spider 5 Huge Vermin Temperate forests Always neutral
Huge Shark 4 Huge Animal (Aquatic) Cold aquatic Always neutral
Huge Viper 3 Huge Animal Temperate marshes Always neutral
Huge Water Elemental 7 Huge Elemental (Water, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Water Usually neutral
Human 1/2 Medium Humanoid (Human) Any Any
Human Warrior Skeleton 1/3 Medium Undead Temperate plains Always neutral evil
Human Zombie 1/2 Medium Undead Any Always neutral evil
Hunefer 25 Medium Undead Any Always lawful evil
Hyena 1 Medium Animal Warm deserts Always neutral
Ice Devil 13 Large Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Ice Mephit 3 Small Outsider (Air, Cold, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral
Imp 2 Tiny Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Infernal 26 Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar) (Chaotic or Lawful) Any Lawful evil or chaotic evil
Intellect Devourer 7 Small Aberration (Evil, Psionic) Underground Always chaotic evil
Invisible Stalker 7 Large Elemental (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral
Iron Colossus 33 Colossal Construct Any Usually neutral
Iron Golem 13 Large Construct Any Always neutral
Janni 4 Medium Outsider (Native) Warm deserts Usually neutral
Juvenile Arrowhawk 3 Small Outsider (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Always neutral
Juvenile Tojanida 3 Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Water) Elemental Plane of Water Always neutral
Kapoacinth 4 Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic) Any aquatic Usually chaotic evil
Kobold 1/4 Small Humanoid (Reptilian) Temperate forests Usually lawful evil
Kobold Zombie 1/2 Small Undead Temperate forests Always neutral evil
Kolyarut 12 Medium Construct (Extraplanar, Lawful) A lawful-aligned plane Always lawful neutral
Kraken 12 Gargantuan Magical Beast (Aquatic) Temperate aquatic Usually neutral evil
Krenshar 1 Medium Magical Beast Temperate forests Usually neutral
Lacedon 1 Medium Undead (aquatic) Any aquatic Always chaotic evil
Lamia 6 Large Magical Beast Temperate deserts Usually chaotic evil
Lammasu 8 Large Magical Beast Temperate deserts Always lawful good
Lantern Archon 2 Small Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful) A lawful good-aligned plane Always lawful good
Large Air Elemental 5 Large Elemental (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral
Large Animated Object 3 Large Construct Any Always neutral
Large Earth Elemental 5 Large Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Large Fire Elemental 5 Large Elemental (Fire, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Large Monstrous Centipede 1 Large Vermin Underground Always neutral
Large Monstrous Scorpion 3 Large Vermin Warm deserts Always neutral
Large Monstrous Spider 2 Large Vermin Temperate forests Always neutral
Large Shark 2 Large Animal (Aquatic) Cold aquatic Always neutral
Large Viper 2 Large Animal Temperate marshes Always neutral
Large Water Elemental 5 Large Elemental (Water, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Water Usually neutral
Lavawight 23 Medium Undead (Fire) Any Chaotic evil
Legendary Bear 9 Large Animal Any forest, hill, mountains, plains, and underground Always neutral
Legendary Tiger 10 Large Animal Any forest, hill, mountains, plains, or underground Always neutral
Lemure 1 Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Leonal 12 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good) A good-aligned plane. Always neutral good
Leopard 2 Medium Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Leshay 28 Medium Fey Any Any
Light Horse 1 Large Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Light Warhorse 1 Large Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Lillend 7 Large Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Good) A chaotic-aligned plane Always chaotic good
Lion 3 Large Animal Warm plains Always neutral
Living Vault 33 Colossal Construct Any Neutral
Lizard 1/6 Tiny Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Lizardfolk 1 Medium Humanoid (Reptilian) Temperate marshes Usually neutral
Locathah 1/2 Medium Humanoid (Aquatic) Warm aquatic Usually neutral
Locust Swarm 3 Diminutive Vermin (Swarm) Temperate plains Always neutral
Maenad 1/2 Medium Humanoid (Maenad, Psionic) Warm hills Usually neutral
Magma Mephit 3 Small Outsider (Fire, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Magmin 3 Small Elemental (Fire, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Fire Always chaotic neutral
Manta Ray 1 Large Animal (Aquatic) Warm aquatic Always neutral
Manticore 5 Large Magical Beast Warm marshes Usually lawful evil
Marilith 17 Large Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Marut 15 Large Construct (Extraplanar, Lawful) A lawful-aligned plane Always lawful neutral
Medium Air Elemental 3 Medium Elemental (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral
Medium Animated Object 2 Medium Construct Any Always neutral
Medium Earth Elemental 3 Medium Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Medium Fire Elemental 3 Medium Elemental (Fire, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Medium Monstrous Centipede 1/2 Medium Vermin Underground Always neutral
Medium Monstrous Scorpion 1 Medium Vermin Warm deserts Always neutral
Medium Monstrous Spider 1 Medium Vermin Temperate forests Always neutral
Medium Shark 1 Medium Animal (Aquatic) Cold aquatic Always neutral
Medium Viper 1 Medium Animal Temperate marshes Always Neutral
Medium Water Elemental 3 Medium Elemental (Water, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Water Usually neutral
Medusa 7 Medium Monstrous Humanoid Temperate marshes Usually lawful evil
Megaraptor 6 Huge Large Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Mercane 5 Large Outsider Any land and underground Always lawful neutral
Merfolk 1/2 Medium Humanoid (Aquatic) Temperate aquatic Usually neutral
Merrow 3 Large Giant (Aquatic) Temperate aquatic Usually chaotic evil
Mimic 4 Large Aberration (Shapechanger) Underground Usually neutral
Minor Xorn 3 Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Earth) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Minotaur 4 Large Monstrous Humanoid Underground Usually chaotic Evil
Minotaur Zombie 4 Large Undead Underground Always neutral evil
Mithral Golem 21 Huge Construct Any land Always neutral
Mohrg 8 Medium Undead Any Always chaotic evil
Monitor Lizard 2 Medium Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Monkey 1/6 Tiny Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Mu Spore 21 Colossal Plant Any Usually chaotic neutral
Mule 1 Large Animal Warm plains Always neutral
Mummy 5 Medium Undead Any Usually lawful evil
Mummy Lord 15 Medium Undead Any Usually lawful evil
Nalfeshnee 14 Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Neh-Thalggu 26 Huge Aberration (Extraplanar, Incorporeal) Any Usually chaotic neutral, neutral evil, or chaotic evil
Neothelid 15 Gargantuan Aberration (Psionic) Underground Always lawful evil
Nessian Warhound 9 Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fire, Lawful) A lawful evil plane Always lawful evil
Night Hag 9 Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar) A evil-aligned plane Always neutral evil
Nightcrawler 18 Gargantuan Undead (Extraplanar) Plane of Shadow Always chaotic evil
Nightmare 5 Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar) A evil-aligned plane Always neutral evil
Nightwalker 16 Huge Undead (Extraplanar) Plane of Shadow Always chaotic evil
Nightwing 14 Huge Undead (Extraplanar) Plane of Shadow Always chaotic evil
Nine-Headed Hydra 8 (normal);
10 (pyro- or cryo-)
Huge Magical Beast Temperate marshes
(Pyro: Warm marshes)
(Cryo: Cold marshes)
Usually neutral
Nixie 1 Small Fey (Aquatic) Temperate aquatic Always neutral
Noble Djinni 8 Large Outsider (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Always chaotic good
Noble Salamander 10 Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually evil (any)
Nymph 7 Medium Fey Temperate forests Usually chaotic good
Ochre Jelly 5 Large Ooze Temperate marshes Always neutral
Octopus 1 Small Animal (Aquatic) Warm aquatic Always neutral
Ogre 3 Large Giant Temperate hills Usually chaotic evil
Ogre Barbarian 7 Large Giant Temperate hills Usually chaotic evil
Ogre Mage 8 Large Giant Cold hills Usually lawful evil
Ogre Zombie 3 Large Undead Temperate hills Always neutral evil
Ooze Mephit 3 Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Water) Elemental Plane of Water Usually neutral
Orc 1/2 Medium Humanoid (Orc) Temperate hills Often chaotic evil
Orca 5 Huge Animal Cold aquatic Always neutral
Otyugh 4 Large Aberration Underground Usually neutral
Owl 1/4 Tiny Animal Temperate forests Always neutral
Owlbear 4 Large Magical Beast Temperate forests Always neutral
Owlbear Skeleton 2 Large Undead Temperate forests Always neutral evil
Pegasus 3 Large Magical Beast Temperate forests Usually chaotic good
Phaethon 34 Gargantuan Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fire) Any Always chaotic evil
Phane 25 Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Incorporeal) Any land and underground Always chaotic evil
Phantom Fungus 3 Medium Plant Underground Always neutral
Phase Spider 5 Large Magical Beast Warm hills Always neutral
Phasm 7 Medium Aberration (Shapechanger) Underground Usually chaotic neutral
Phthisic 6 Large Monstrous Humanoid (Psionic) Any Always chaotic evil
Pit Fiend 20 Large Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful) A lawful evil-aligned plane Always lawful evil
Pixie 4 (5 with irresistible dance) Small Fey Temperate forests Always neutral good
Planetar 16 Large Outsider (Angel, Extraplanar, Good) Any good-aligned plane Always good (any)
Polar Bear 4 Large Animal Cold plains Always neutral
Pony 1/4 Medium Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Porpoise 1/2 Medium Animal Temperate aquatic Always neutral
Primal Air Elemental 35 Colossal Elemental (Air, Extraplanar) Any land Usually neutral
Primal Earth Elemental 35 Colossal Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) Any land Usually neutral
Primal Fire Elemental 35 Colossal Elemental (Fire, Extraplanar) Any land Usually neutral
Primal Water Elemental 35 Colossal Elemental (Water, Extraplanar) Any land Usually neutral
Prismasaurus 28 Huge Magical Beast Any sunny land Always neutral
Prismatic Dragon 48 Colossal Dragon (Light) Any land and underground Usually neutral
Pseudodragon 1 Tiny Dragon Temperate forests Always neutral good
Pseudonatural Troll 21 Large Outsider (Extraplanar) Any Always chaotic evil
Psicrystal Included with master Diminutive Construct Any As master
Psion-Killer 12 Large Construct Any Always neutral
Psionic Aboleth 7 Huge Aberration (Aquatic, Psionic) Underground Usually lawful evil
Psionic Couatl 10 Large Outsider (Native, Psionic) Warm forests Always lawful good
Puppeteer 1 Fine Magical Beast (Psionic) Underground Usually lawful evil
Purple Worm 12 Gargantuan Magical Beast Underground Always neutral
Quasit 2 Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Rakshasa 10 Medium Outsider (Native) Warm marshes Always lawful evil
Rast 5 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Rat 1/8 Tiny Animal Any Always neutral
Rat Swarm 2 Tiny Animal (Swarm) Any Always neutral
Raven 1/6 Tiny Animal Temperate forests Always neutral
Ravid 5 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar) Positive Energy Plane Always neutral
Remorhaz 7 Huge Magical Beast Cold desert Usually neutral
Retriever 11 Huge Construct (Extraplanar) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Rhinoceros 4 Large Animal Warm plains Always neutral
Riding Dog 1 Medium Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Roc 9 Gargantuan Animal Warm mountains Always neutral
Roper 12 Large Magical Beast Underground Usually chaotic evil
Ruin Swarm 23 Tiny Vermin (Swarm) Always neutral
Rust Monster 3 Medium Aberration Underground Always neutral
Sahuagin 2 Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic) Warm aquatic Usually lawful evil
Salt Mephit 3 Small Outsider (Earth, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Satyr 2 (without pipes) or 4 (with pipes) Medium Fey Temperate forests Usually chaotic neutral
Scrag 5 Large Giant (Aquatic) Any aquatic Usually chaotic evil
Sea Cat 4 Large Magical Beast Temperate aquatic Always neutral
Sea Hag 4 Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic) Temperate aquatic Usually chaotic evil
Seven-Headed Hydra 6 (normal);
8 (pyro- or cryo-)
Huge Magical Beast Temperate marshes
(Pyro: Warm marshes)
(Cryo: Cold marshes)
Usually neutral
Shadow 3 Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Any Always chaotic evil
Shadow Mastiff 5 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar) Plane of Shadow Always neutral evil
Shadow of The Void 26 Large Undead (Cold, Incorporeal) Any Always lawful evil
Shambling Mound 6 Large Plant Temperate marshes Usually neutral
Shape of Fire 26 Large Undead (Fire, Incorporeal) Any Always lawful evil
Shield Guardian 8 Large Construct Any Always neutral
Shocker Lizard 2 Small Magical Beast Warm marshes Always neutral
Shrieker 1 Medium Plant Underground Always neutral
Sirrush 24 Large Magical Beast Any Usually chaotic neutral
Six-Headed Hydra 5 (normal);
7 (pyro- or cryo-)
Huge Magical Beast Temperate marshes
(Pyro: Warm marshes)
(Cryo: Cold marshes)
Usually neutral
Skum 2 Medium Aberration (Aquatic) Underground Usually lawful evil
Small Air Elemental 1 Small Elemental (Air, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Air Usually neutral
Small Animated Object 1 Small Construct Any Always neutral
Small Earth Elemental 1 Small Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Earth Usually neutral
Small Fire Elemental 1 Small Elemental (Fire, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Small Monstrous Centipede 1/4 Small Vermin Underground Always neutral
Small Monstrous Scorpion 1/2 Small Vermin Warm deserts Always neutral
Small Monstrous Spider 1/2 Small Vermin Temperate forests Always neutral
Small Viper 1/2 Small Animal Temperate marshes Always neutral
Small Water Elemental 1 Small Elemental (Water, Extraplanar) Elemental Plane of Water Usually neutral
Solar 23 Large Outsider (Angel, Extraplanar, Good) Any good-aligned plane Always good (any)
Spectre 7 Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Any land and underground Always lawful evil
Spider Eater 5 Large Magical Beast Temperate forests Always neutral
Spider Swarm 1 Diminutive Vermin (Swarm) Warm forests Always neutral
Spirit Naga 9 Large Aberration Temperate marshes Usually chaotic evil
Squid 1 Medium Animal (Aquatic) Temperate aquatic Always neutral
Steam Mephit 3 Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Stirge 1/2 Tiny Magical Beast Warm marshes Always neutral
Stone Colossus 24 Colossal Construct Any Usually neutral
Stone Giant 8 Large Giant (Earth) Temperate mountains Usually neutral
Stone Giant Elder 9 Large Giant (Earth) Temperate mountains Usually neutral
Stone Golem 11 Large Construct Any Always neutral
Storm Giant 13 Huge Giant Warm mountains Often chaotic good
Succubus 7 Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
Svirfneblin 1 Small Humanoid (Gnome) Underground Usually neutral
Tarrasque 20 Colossal Magical Beast Any Always neutral
Tayellah 24 Gargantuan Magical Beast Any temperate or cold land Always neutral
Temporal Filcher 3 Large Aberration (Psionic) Any Usually evil (any)
Ten-Headed Hydra 9 (normal);
11 (pyro- or cryo-)
Huge Magical Beast Temperate marshes
(Pyro: Warm marshes)
(Cryo: Cold marshes)
Usually neutral
Tendriculos 6 Huge Plant Temperate forests Always neutral
Thoqqua 2 Medium Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar, Fire) Elemental Plane of Fire Usually neutral
Thorciasid 22 Medium Aberration Any Usually neutral
Thought Eater 2 Small Aberration (Psionic) Ethereal Plane Usually neutral
Thought Slayer 13 Huge Aberration (Psionic) Ethereal Plane Often chaotic neutral
Three-Headed Sirrush 28 Large Magical Beast Any Usually chaotic neutral
Tiefling 1/2 Medium Outsider (Native) Temperate plains Usually evil (any)
Tiger 4 Large Animal Warm forests Always neutral
Tiny Animated Object 1/2 Tiny Construct Any Always neutral
Tiny Monstrous Centipede 1/8 Tiny Vermin Underground Always neutral
Tiny Monstrous Scorpion 1/4 Tiny Vermin Warm deserts Always neutral
Tiny Monstrous Spider 1/4 Tiny Vermin Temperate forests Always neutral
Tiny Viper 1/3 Tiny Animal Temperate marshes Always Neutral
Titan 21 Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar) A chaotic good-aligned plane Always chaotic (any)
Toad 1/10 Diminutive Animal Temperate marshes Always neutral
Treant 8 Huge Plant Temperate forests Usually neutral good
Triceratops 9 Huge Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Triton 2 Medium Outsider (Native, Water) Temperate aquatic Usually neutral good
Troglodyte 1 Medium Humanoid (Reptilian) Underground Usually chaotic evil
Troglodyte Zombie 1 Medium Undead Underground Always neutral evil
Troll 5 Large Giant Cold mountains Usually chaotic evil
Troll Hunter 11 Large Giant Cold mountains Usually chaotic evil
Troll Skeleton 3 Large Undead Cold mountains Always neutral evil
Trumpet Archon 14 Medium Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful) A lawful good-aligned plane Always lawful good
Twelve-Headed Hydra 11 (normal);
13 (pyro- or cryo-)
Huge Magical Beast Temperate marshes
(Pyro: Warm marshes)
(Cryo: Cold marshes)
Usually neutral
Tyrannosaurus 8 Huge Animal Warm plains Always neutral
Udoroot 5 Huge Plant (Psionic) Temperate forest Always neutral
Umbral Blot 32 Medium Construct Any Always neutral
Unbodied 5 Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Incorporeal, Psionic) Any Any
Unicorn 3 Large Magical Beast Temperate forests Always chaotic good
Uvuudaum 27 Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar) Any Usually neutral evil
Vampire Spawn 4 Medium Undead Any Always evil (any)
Vargouille 2 Small Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar) An evil-aligned plane Always neutral evil
Vermiurge 24 Large Aberration Any Usually lawful neutral
Violet Fungus 3 Medium Plant Underground Always neutral
Vrock 9 Large Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Extraplanar, Evil) A chaotic evil-aligned plane Always chaotic evil
War Pony 1/2 Medium Animal Temperate plains Always neutral
Water Mephit 3 Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Water) Elemental Plane of Water Usually neutral
Water Naga 7 Large Aberration (Aquatic) Temperate aquatic Usually neutral
Weasel 1/4 Tiny Animal Temperate hills Always neutral
Werebear 5 Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) Cold forests Always lawful good
Wereboar 4 Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) Temperate forests Always neutral
Wererat 2 Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) Any Always lawful evil
Weretiger 5 Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) Warm forests Always neutral
Werewolf 3 Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) Temperate forests Always chaotic evil
Werewolf Lord 14 Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) Temperate forests Always chaotic evil
Wight 3 Medium Undead Any Always lawful evil
Will-O'-Wisp 6 Small Aberration (Air) Temperate marshes Usually chaotic evil
Winter Wolf 5 Large Magical Beast (Cold) Cold forests Usually neutral evil
Winterwight 23 Medium Undead (Cold) Any Always chaotic evil
Wolf 1 Medium Animal Temperate forests Always neutral
Wolf Skeleton 1 Medium Undead Temperate forests Always neutral evil
Wolverine 2 Medium Animal Cold forests Always neutral
Worg 2 Medium Magical Beast Temperate plains Usually neutral evil
Worm That Walks 26 Medium Aberration Any Any evil
Wraith 5 Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Any Always lawful evil
Wyvern 6 Large Dragon Warm hills Usually neutral
Wyvern Zombie 4 Large Undead Warm hills Always neutral evil
Xeph 1/2 Medium Humanoid (Psionic, Xeph) Warm forest Usually neutral
Xill 6 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar) Ethereal Plane Always lawful evil
Xixecal 36 Colossal Outsider (Chaotic, Cold, Evil, Extraplanar) Any Always chaotic evil
Yeth Hound 3 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Evil) An evil-aligned plane Always neutral evil
Young Adult Red Dragon Skeleton 8 Huge Undead (Fire) Warm mountains Always neutral evil
Yrthak 9 Huge Magical Beast Temperate mountains Often neutral
Zelekhut 9 Large Construct (Extraplanar, Lawful) A lawful-aligned plane Always lawful neutral