Abjuration spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.
Abjuration Spells by Name[edit]
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Energy
- Absorb Kinetics
- Absorb Missiles
- Absorb Prosperity
- Abyssal Strength, Variant
- Adamantine Shell
- Adloquium
- Air Shield
- Alice's Chaos Recall
- Alternate Reality
- Angelskin
- Annihilation Runic Field
- Anti-Evil-Protection
- Anti-Fireball
- Antimagic Blast, Variant
- Antimagic Blast
- Arcane Defense
- Arcane Deflection
- Arcane Guard
- Arcane Juggernaut
- Arcane Shield
- Arcane Shroud
- Armor of Agathys
- Armor of Avernus
- Armor of Othrys
- Armor of Prometheus
- Armour of Jenova
- Aspect Of the Fallen One
- Astral Barrier
- Astral Entity
- Aura of Embers
- Aura of Life
- Aura of Purity
- Aura of Shade
- Aura of Time
- Banish Cringe
- Banishing Smite
- Barrier
- Beast Sense
- Begone Thot, Variant
- Blade Ward
- Blaze of Wrath
- Block Seed
- Blood Moon's Blessing
- Bloodwhirl
- Booming Shield
- Brand
- Briars of Punishment
- Briars of Sin
- Broken Ward
- Bulletproof
- Carian Retaliation
- Caul of Shadow
- Celebrimbor's Battle Glyph
- Ceremony
- Cerg's Fortification Fortification
- Cerg's Icy Gambit
- Circle of Lightning
- Circle of Magic Resistance
- Circle of Power
- Circle of Rmatos
- Cleansing Flame
- Cloak of Shadow
- Cloud of Daggers
- Column of Time
- Combat Avatar
- Conjured Boundary
- Corazon's Tiny Glyph
- Countertrip
- Cover
- Crystalline Sanctuary
- Curing Mist
- Damage Deflection
- Darius's Selfless Shield
- Dark Dome
- Defender of Life
- Defense Lattice
- Defensive Dome
- Defiant Overflow
- Denial
- Dimensional Anchor
- Dimensional Lock
- Disjunction
- Dismiss Stranger
- Dispelling Smite
- Divine Armor
- Dodgeball
- Dome of Light
- Doozel's Dome of Kinectic Redirection
- Dowon's Energy Deflection
- Druid Grove
- Eldritch Armor
- Elemental Blessing Rune
- Elemental Infusion
- Elemental Shield
- Endless Null
- Endure Elements
- Energy Immunity
- Enhanced Durability
- Enigma's Paper Seal
- Etzel’s Bolstering Bands
- Eye of the Storm (Cataegis Cantrip)
- Fall Control
- False Blade
- Fizban's Platinum Shield
- Flame Cloak
- Flash Sweat
- Flesh Mending
- Flood of Shadow
- Flounder
- Flux Wall
- Force Armor
- Forceful Smite
- Fortify
- Freedom of the Winds
- Frozen Defenses
- Frozen Fragment Field
- Full Counter
- Furious Charge
- Galvanize
- Gem Containment
- Gemstone Aura
- Gentle Impact
- Glyph Trap
- Glyph of Oath-binding
- Greater Transference
- Grum's Popping Bubble
- Halaster's Blackcloak
- Hallowed Armor
- Hallowed Ground
- Halo
- Haptic Counter
- Healing Wall
- Heavy Mage Armor
- Helotry
- Heroic Intervention
- Hindering Light
- Hydro Barrier
- I'm Banishing You to the Shadow Realm.
- Ice Ward
- Icebound Fortitude
- Intellect Fortress
- Interference Field
- Invincibility
- Invulnerability
- Iron Flesh
- Kagerou
- Kelpie's Poison
- Kinetic Redistribution
- Knitkwick's Missile Shield
- Lady of the Deep Water's Torrent
- Leomund's Shield
- Leonardo's Imploding Shell
- Leonardo's Projected Force
- Leonardo's Pulsing Shield
- Leonardo's Splinter Armor
- Leonardo's Splinter Shell
- Lesser Reflection
- Leticia's Ward
- Light of Blinding
- Light of Courage
- Limited Spell Immunity
- Lockspell
- Mage Plate
- Magic Resistance
- Magic Shield
- Magical Deflect
- Majority World
- Mana Shield, Variant
- Mana Shield
- Mandom
- Mark
- Mass Dodgeball
- Maxwell's Marvelous Mantle
- Mental Barrier
- Merrow's Song
- Mind Freeze
- Mind Spike, Variant
- Mind Steal
- Mineral Armor
- Minor Ward
- Mist of Inhibition
- Nature's Ward
- Nayru's Love
- Neutralise Aura
- No U
- Null Bolt
- Obscured Garden
- Paradoxal Grotto
- Perfect Cube
- Pincushion
- Planar Imprisonment
- Positive Energy Aura
- Power Word Exile
- Power Word Save
- Prayer of Protection
- Prayer of Strength
- Primordial Ward
- Prismatic Barrier
- Prismatic Circle
- Projected Ward
- Projectile Protection
- Projectile Style
- Protection from Harm
- Protection from Negative Energy
- Protection from Projectiles
- Protection from Spells
- Protective Barrier
- Protector's Mark
- Psionic Ward
- Quintessa's Dweomerdrain
- Quintessa's Dweomershield
- Radiant Armor
- Radiant Shield
- Radiant Song
- Radiative Shield
- Ragnaul's Rewritten History
- Redemption, Variant
- Redirecting Shield
- Redistribute Impact, Variant
- Redistribute Impact
- Reflect
- Reflect Spell
- Reflection
- Reflection of Magic
- Repel
- Reprisal Blitz
- Repulsion
- Resist Annihilation
- Resistance, Variant
- Resistance (That Works)
- Resistant Veins
- Restorative Overflow
- Rift Balance
- Ritual Circle, Variant
- Ritual Circle
- Rockform
- Rumplestiltskin's Catch Missiles
- Rune Strike
- Runic Chains
- Sacred reinforcement
- Sand Armor
- Sand Replacement
- Scholar’s Shield
- Schrodinger's Von Neumann Wigner Quantum Revival
- Shadow Armor
- Shadow Skin
- Shadows Fade
- Sharp Shadows
- Sheikah Meditation
- Shield, Hyrulean
- Shield, Variant
- Shield Barrier
- Shield of Darkness
- Shield of Honor
- Shield of Stasis
- Snare
- Sorrel's Warding Missile
- Spectral Shield
- Spell Mastery
- Spell Shape
- Spell Shield
- Spellblock
- Sphere of Warded Repulsion
- Stalwart Overflow
- Stasis
- Static Armor
- Static Interference
- Steal Spell
- Steel Shadows
- Steelskin
- Storm Skin
- Stun Monster
- Stun Person
- Succor
- Suffocation
- Sun Ward
- Super Duplex Barrier
- Suppress Pain
- Sword of Protection
- Syncopate
- Temporal Blur
- Temporal Rift
- Thought Shield
- Tidecaller's Blessing
- Time Restoration
- True Circle of Rmatos
- Unravel Dweomer
- Vacuum Zone
- Vampiric Circle
- Veil of Compressed Time
- Virtue
- Vortex Gaze
- Wall of Adaption
- Ward
- Warding Blood
- Warp Spell
- Warrior's Armor
- Warrior’s Blessing
- Weather Warding
- Web of Alarms
- Windflower Wind Barrier
- Wolfsbane
- Zone of Law
- Zone of Sweet Air
Abjuration Spells by Level[edit]
Cantrips (0th-Level)[edit]
Abjuration Rituals[edit]
Incomplete Abjuration Spells[edit]
SRD Abjuration Spells by Name[edit]
SRD Abjuration Spells by Level[edit]
Cantrips (0th-Level)[edit]
SRD Abjuration Rituals[edit]