5e Magical Armor

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Armors, Featured and Quality

These articles have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.

Magic Armor Rarity Type
Absorption Armor very rare light, medium, or heavy
Armor of Rocks very rare medium or heavy, but not hide
Avian Armor very rare studded leather


Magic Armor Rarity Type
Absorbing Shield rare shield
Adamas Armor Common Any
Aegis, Variant rare shield
Alacritous Armor common medium or heavy, but not hide
Ancient Shield very rare shield
Angelic Armor very rare light, medium or heavy
Ankh Shield legendary shield
Antimagic Shield legendary shield
Anything Armor rare light, medium, or heavy
Archangel's Blessed Armor legendary any suit of metallic armor
Armor of Automatic Defense legendary chain mail
Armor of Boosting uncommon light, medium, or heavy
Armor of Celestial Boons very rare any medium or heavy, but not hide
Armor of Contra legendary light, medium, or heavy
Armor of Dawn very rare light, medium, or heavy
Armor of Elemental Absorption rarity varies light, medium, or heavy
Armor of Elemental Rebuke rare light, medium, or heavy
Armor of False Wings uncommon light, medium, or heavy
Armor of Fenris legendary camouflage leather
Armor of Guardians legendary plate
Armor of Haste uncommon (+0), rare (+1), or very rare (+2) light or medium
Armor of Immunity very rare light, medium, or heavy
Armor of Light Movement Legendary Light, Medium, or Heavy
Armor of Mount Protection rare light, medium, or heavy
Armor of Selûne legendary plate
Armor of Speed uncommon light. medium, heavy
Armor of the Anti-Mage rare any
Armor of the Archlich legendary magnificent half-plate
Armor of the Blood Fisted rare medium or heavy
Armor of the Bloodied rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) any armor
Armor of the Darkest Night very rare light
Armor of the Druid legendary ring mail
Armor of the Dryad rare light, medium, or heavy
Armor of the Feathered Wing legendary magnificent half-plate
Armor of the Fire Elemental legendary plate
Armor of the High Dragoon legendary plate
Armor of the Nameless Son legendary half plate
Armor of the Phoenix legendary splint
Armor of the Relentless Very Rare Any
Armor of the Slayer legendary light
Armor of the Spirits rare light
Armor of the Void legendary light, medium, or heavy
Armor of the War Path very rare plate
Armor of the Wind rare light, medium, or heavy
Armor of Thorns rare light or medium
Armor of Undead Fortitude rare medium or heavy, but not hide
Armor of Unyielding Fury legendary hide
Armor or the Moon Dancer legendary light
Armor, Red Iron uncommon, rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) medium or heavy, but not non-metal armor
Armory rare heavy
Armour of Warding rare Breastplate, Half plate, Splint, Plate
Articulated Plate rare plate
Artificed Plate legendary plate
Astral Silver Armor legendary medium or heavy, but not hide
Aura Armor legendary plate
Azimandium Armor rare medium or heavy, but not hide
Balgar's Armor very rare half plate
Barbarian Armor uncommon hide
Barkskin Armor rare wood armor
Battle Armor legendary heavy
Battlegear of Might very rare plate
Battlemage's Bulwark very rare plate
Berserker Armor legendary plate
Bladebreaker Armor rare heavy
Bladed Shield uncommon shield
Blazing Armor legendary medium or heavy
Blizzard Very Rare shield
Blood Armor very rare medium, heavy
Blood Lord’s Armor legendary medium or heavy
Blood Shield very rare shield
Blood-Forged Armour legendary plate
Bloody Mary legendary medium, heavy
Blue Lightning Scale Armor legendary scale mail
Blue Mail very rare chain shirt or chain mail
Bone Armor rare light
Bracer of Barriers uncommon shield
Breaker Plate rare plate
Bronze Armor of Glory very rare plate
Buckler of Watchful Eyes rare shield
Bulette Plate very rare half plate
Bulwark Regalia legendary plate
Burning Ash Shield rare shield
Bursting Shield uncommon shield
Carapace Armor rarity varies hide
Charged Armor common light, medium or heavy
Charlatan's Shield uncommon shield
Clockwork Armor very rare half plate, plate, or scale mail
Coil Shield rare buckler
Colossus Bracers rare shield
Colossus Shield legendary shield
Combat Skirt uncommon light
Concealed Mithril Breastplate very rare breastplate
Cresweld Plate legendary plate
Damageshift Armor Legendary Any Armor or Shield
Dark Lord's Armor unique plate
Deflecting Armor uncommon medium or heavy, but not non-metal armor
Deific Armor legendary any armor
Diamond Embedded Shield rare shield
Diamond Plated Armor legendary plate
Dimensional Splinter Plate very rare splint
Draconic Armor legendary studded leather
Dragon Full Plate very rare dragon full plate
Dragon Half Plate very rare half plate
Dragon Scale Armor uncommon scale mail
Dragon Shield uncommon shield
Dragon Slayer Shield rare shield
Dreadnaught Shield very rare shield
Dreadnought Armor very rare plate
Dreadnought Plate Armor legendary plate
Ebony Mail legendary plate
Enchanted Lich Robes legendary battle robe
Enhanced Wolf Armor rare medium
Envies Rest, Martyr's Death rare breastplate
Esmira's Bulwark rare shield
Fade Plate rare plate
Feline's Garb uncommon studded leather
Fell Rider's Cloak very rare hide
Fire Spartan Armor Rare any heavy armor
Fire Wolf Armor very rare any medium or heavy armor
Fluid Plate very rare plate
Force Shield very rare shield
Fox Hide very rare hide
Frozen Shield legendary shield
Frumious Armor rare Half Plate
Fullmetal Cloak rare half plate
Gallant Armor very rare medium or heavy
Gambler's Armor rare light, medium, or heavy
Garment of Protection rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) clothes
Gauntlets of Elemental Fury rare gauntlets
Ghost Armor Rare Light, Medium or Heavy
Gilded Serpent Mail legendary scale mail
Glamoured Armor uncommon (+0), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) light, medium, or heavy
Golden Armour legendary half plate
Golden Chain Mail rare chain mail
Golden Guardian Plate rare half plate or plate
Golden Plate legendary plate
Gothic Armor rare splint
Grand Raven Armor legendary studded leather
Grandmaster Feline Armor legendary light armor
Grass Crest Shield legendary shield
Great Dragon Shield legendary shield
Gromril Armor legendary plate
Guardian Armor uncommon plate
Guardian's Robes rare battle robe
Harlok Armour rare plate, half-plate, splint
Heart of Gehenna legendary splint
Heartwood Armor rare medium or heavy, but not hide
Heide Knight Armor very rare plate
Hell Forged Armor legendary plate
Helmet of the Eternal Guardian legendary great helmet
Hero Shield legendary shield
Hide of the Bear Spirit rarity varies hide
Holy Plate Rare breastplate
Holy Protector very rare shield
Hornet Helm Very rare Helmet
Hunter's Hide rare hide
Ice and Fire Armor legendary plate
Immortal King's Sacred Armor legendary half plate
Impenetrable Arm Shield legendary shield
Incursion Armor very rare medium or heavy
Infused Leather Vestments uncommon leather
Invulnerable Shield uncommon (+0), rare (+1), or very rare (+2) shield
Iron Golem Armor legendary plate
Iron Halo very rare Shield
Iron Man Suit very rare heavy armor
Ironwill Bulwark very rare shield
Jacket of the Donnybrook Very Rare leather armor
Juggernaut Armor legendary plate
Juggernaut Armor, Variant Legendary Plate
Khadgar's Robe uncommon clothes
Kibble's Helm uncommon crested helmet
Krakenscale legendary any
Lantanese Shield Common Shield
Le Roc Uncommon shield
Leather Armour of Pocketing uncommon Leather
Lightning Left legendary gauntlet
Lightning Shield rare shield
Lion's Mane rare hide
Living Breastplate Symbiont legendary breastplate
Living Clothing rare symbiote
Lolth's Skeleton Artifact Chitin Armor
Lynel Shield rarity varies iron shield
Manticore's Mane uncommon studded leather
Master Armor very rare light, medium, or heavy
Master Thief Armor very rare light armor
Mastercrafted Wolf Armor Rare Medium
Masterplate legendary half plate or plate
Meteorite Armor very rare plate
Mimic Armor very rare light, medium, or heavy
Mirror Scale uncommon scale mail
Mirror Shield legendary shield
Mirror Shield, Variant legendary shield
Modifiable Weaponized Shield Tier 1 Upgrade-Rare, Tier 2 Upgrade-Very Rare, Tier 3 Upgrade-Legendary shield
Monk's Iron Armor uncommon padded
Morse Anti-Magic Shield very rare shield
Necromancer Robes Rare common clothes
Nemean Leather Armor uncommon Leather Shoulder Guard
Nemean Lion Skin legendary hide
Nemeses Legendary shield
Netherite Armor Legendary Plate
Nidoplate very rare plate
Norse Shield very rare shield
Nova Armor legendary
Nurgle's Living Plate legendary plate
Nyr-metal Armor very rare Medium or heavy, but not hide
Obsidian Shield uncommon shield
Organtine Chestplate rare light
Paladin's Shield very rare shield
Parmula of Magic Deflection varies parmula
Pearl Armor common Plate
Piecemeal Armor uncommon hide
Pirate Armour very rare half plate
Pirate Garb uncommon leather
Pirate Shield rare shield
Plate Armor of Burning Rage very rare plate
Portable Cover uncommon tower shield
Portable Shield common combat round shield
Power Armor T60 Legendary Plate
Power Armor VII (Aquila/Imperator Armour) Legendary Plate
Primordial Armor Very Rare medium or heavy, but not hide
Protection of Mother Kosem legendary any
Protectorate Shield very rare shield
Pufferfish Scale Armor legendary scale mail
QuickArmor uncommon medium or heavy, but not hide
Quiet Armor uncommon any
Quilled Armor rare any
Reappearing Clothes common clothing
Red X Suit Unique light
Reinforced Armor rarity varies light, medium, or heavy
Return To Sender Pavise uncommon shield
Revealing Plate Very Rare Plate
Ringed Knight Armor very rare half plate
Rings of Saturn (5e Shield) Very Rare Shield
Robe of the Sage very rare Light
Runic Armor Uncommon Any
Savior's Hide legendary leather
Scarlet Spider Suit Each item on this page has a rarity of rare Padded armor
Sea Serpent Armor legendary any medium armor
Senketsu legendary Clothing
Sentinel Armor rare plate
Sentinel Shield, Variant very rare Shield
Sexy Armor rare light
Shadow-Spider legendary Chitin Armor
Shardplate legendary plate
Shatter Shield Rare
Shield of Absorption common shield
Shield of Bats uncommon shield
Shield of Brutality rare shield
Shield of Cthulhu rare shield
Shield of Deflection legendary shield
Shield of Expertise very rare shield
Shield of Flying very rare shield
Shield of Hurling rare shield
Shield of Kord legendary shield
Shield of Missile Deflection Rare Shield
Shield of Missile Deflection (Alt. Version) Rare Shield
Shield of Ptolos rare shield
Shield of Remorse very rare shield
Shield of Shields rare shield
Shield of the Endless Sky legendary shield
Shield of the Grand Phalanx legendary shield
Shield of the Protecting Warrior very rare Shield
Shield of Throwing and Returning Legendary shield
Shimmering Shield rare shield
Siege Keeper rare shield
Silverweave Armor common scale mail
Snowl Armor very rare light or medium
Solune Legendary Shield
Soul Garments of Shadow uncommon studded leather
Soundproof Shock-Suit rare padded armor
Spell Sponge legendary shield
Spellbreaker legendary shield
Spider-Man Suit legendary Any light armor
Spiderplate very rare plate
Spring-Loaded Shield common shield
Squirellfolk Armor rare leather
Stalwart Agony rare shield
Stalwart Armor rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) medium or heavy
Starlight Plate legendary Plate
Steadfast Hold legendary shield
Storm Reavers Bulwark legendary plate
Suit of Transmutation Legendary Special
Sune's Blessed Armor Legendary chain mail
Sune's Blessed Shield very rare shield
Sylph Armor Uncommon any
Tendril Plate Armor rare Symbiote
The Bracers of Blak Sab'batõn uncommon light
The Scarlet Summit legendary studded leather
Thundering Right legendary gauntlet
Tower Shield of the Rein legendary shield
Vile Scar Shield rare shield
Vinewrought Leather rare leather
Vulskari House Armor Very Rare Medium, Heavy
War and Song Artifact studded leather
Warding Steel rare heavy
Water Shield very rare shield
Weeping Shield rare shield
Wind God's Shield legendary shield
Winged Guardian's Cloak very rare Cloak
Wolf Armor Rare Medium
Wurm Scale Mail uncommon or rare scale mail
Wyrmhide Raiment legendary studded leather
Xavius's Platemail legendary plate
Yin Yang robe rare clothes
Zephyr Shield rare shield

April Fools Armors

Magic Armor Rarity Type
Auric Andamantine Titanium Armor Legendary All armor combined
Bikini Armor very rare light or medium
Chocolate Armor uncommon plate

Incomplete Armors

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