Shield of Remorse (5e Equipment)

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Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)

Shields of Remorse, legend says, are created whenever a warrior with incredible willpower falls in battle with the regret of lacking the strength to strike back with while trying to protect their allies. Due to their creation being left mostly to chance, these shields come in a variety of builds, shapes and designs, and creatures who attune to these shields can occasionally hear faint echoes of the last words of those whose regret clinged to the it.

Stance of Martyrs. As a bonus action, you may take 1d6 psychic damage to enter a menacing stance. You take 1d6 psychic damage at the start of each of your turns while you remain in this stance, in which creatures have advantage on attack rolls against you and you can not cast any spells or concentrate on them. You may exit the stance as a bonus action.

Stance of Vigilance. As a bonus action, which you can only take while you aren't in your Stance of Martyrs, you can enter a defensive stance in which you can not cast any spells or concentrate on them. Your speed is halved while you remain in this stance, but you gain a +2 bonus to your Passive Perception, Initiative Rolls, Armor Class and Saving Throws. You may exit the stance at any time (no action required).

Pain with Purpose. Whenever you take damage while in your Stance of Martyrs, you may use your reaction to channel the regrets within the shield and force the creature which inflicted that damage to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failure, that creature takes psychic damage equal to 1d6 + the damage dealt by the triggering effect before any reductions, resistances or immunities. Regardless of success or failure, whenever that creature directly targets a creature other than you with an attack or a harmful spell before the beginning of your next turn, it takes that damage again.

No more Regrets. While you are attuned to this shield, you can take one additional reaction (besides your normal reaction) when a creature you can see within 5 feet of you takes damage, choosing to take that damage instead of the creature taking it. When you do so, the damage type changes to psychic.

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