Nurgle's Living Plate (5e Equipment)

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Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement)

The armor appears to be nothing more than rotting meat and offal that is inexplicably still moving. If it is touched it attaches instantly to the target attempting to strangle them. Should the target fail a DC 12 Strength saving throw, the trial begins. The armor forms a filthy, rotten meat shirt on the target and is impossible to remove. It is benign and does nothing until the target takes a long rest. When the player falls asleep, the armor slowly eats its way through their armor, after which it will attempt to eat and possess the user. The sleeper must must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, followed by a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. Should they fail either, they take 1d10 necrotic damage and wake up. If they succeed both saving throws, the armor forms into a set of shoulder plates and a chest plate with a massive gaping mouth. This grants them proficiency in Constitution saving throws, immunity to disease, resistance to poison damage, and the following. (note the armor does not give you disadvantage on Dexterity checks)

Second Skin’s Rotten Bulwark. The bulwark of flesh now makes your armor and body harder to punch through. You gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning and slashing damage.

Plaguelord’s Maw. Once per turn, you may make an attack with the gaping mouth on your chest using Strength. On a hit, it deals 1d10 + your Strength modifier piercing damage and 1d6 poison damage. Additionally, it can use your action to non-magically cast burning hands, replacing fire with poison damage. You may use this once, regaining use at dusk.

This armor also incurs one of the following flaws. You must roll 1d4 to determine which flaw you take. You may reroll at the end of a long rest.

1. You require twice the amount of food you normally would.

2. Pure and clean things disgust you good and kind creatures are the bane of your existence. You have disadvantage on Persuasion checks against Good creatures.

3. Plagues and illness, disease and filth are your friends you want nothing more than to infect yourself and others with nurgle’s pestilent blessing. If a creature spends more than 1 minute within 10 feet of you, they must succeed a DC 15 saving throw or contract a disease.

4. Reroll.

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