Armor of the Archlich (5e Equipment)

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Armor (magnificent half-plate), legendary (requires attunement by a creature with intelligence of at least 15)

Only the most paranoid and inhumane mages survive their schemes long enough to become Archliches. As such, a necromancer aspiring to become one must be well protected from any do-gooders or backstabbers; and this is why they have these masterfully crafted armors designed. This set of half-plate armor appears to be made from the bones of a once undead powerful Ki-rin. Some of their protective magic still dwells in this old carcass and confers it's wearer a +2 bonus to their AC.

Unholy Sanctity Wearing the armor grants you resistance to necrotic and radiant damage. Once a day, as an action, you may perform a 10 minute ritual where you embrace a willing creature to temporarily remove the effects of a curse for 24 hours. If the creature is not cursed or the ritual is interrupted it instead takes 7d8 necrotic damage. You cannot benefit from this ritual while wearing this armor.

Hallowed and hollowed. Spell attacks that target you are made with disadvantage and you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

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