Silverweave Armor (5e Equipment)

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Armor (scale mail), common

Crafted by artisan tritons and shalarin, silverweave armor is a living colony of silver coral that has been carefully cultivated and woven into a lattice, then quickly severed and woven together and tempered into a material less restrictive than cloth, but as durable as steel, making it a lightweight alternative to pearl armor. It is typically worn as leggings, or as a tailpiece among merfolk, and a "heartsleeve" covering the left side of the chest and the left arm.

Coral Covering. This armor does not grant its wearer disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. If no part of the armor is submerged in water for 1 hour, the armor becomes brittle, shattering into unwearable pieces the next time the wearer takes damage. Brittle silverweave can be returned to normal by submerging it in water for 24 hours.

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