Azimandium Armor (5e Equipment)

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Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), rare (attunement optional)

This set of armor is reinforced with azimandium, a magical alloy of adamantine created by the infamous wild mage Jalthier Azimandeus. While you're wearing it, any critical hit made against you becomes a normal hit. If the critical hit is from an attack made with a magic item, spell, or magical effect, roll on the Azimandium Surge table below. You do not have to attune to this armor to use its magical properties—however, you are not granted any protection against otherwise harmful effects rolled on the table if you do not attune to it. An Azimandium Surge can only trigger once per turn, and its effects when called for have a save DC of 17.

A knight in azimandium plate. Created by Midjourney.
Azimandium Surge
d20 Effect
1 A stinking cloud appears centered on you. You are immune to its effects for the duration.
2 Synaptic static explodes centered on you. You are unaffected by it.
3 Spike growth appears centered on the location you were standing for 1 minute. You are immune to its effects for the duration.
4 You immediately regain hit points equal to the damage dealt by the triggering attack.
5 Chain lightning targets the creature closest to you, and then leaps to the three closest creatures to it aside from yourself.
6 You take half the damage (rounded down) from the triggering attack, and the source of the attack takes the remaining half.
7 A 5th-level fireball explodes centered on you. You are immune to it.
8 A sleet storm occurs centered on you for 1 minute. You are immune to its effects.
9 A swirling maelstrom appears centered on you for 1 minute. You are immune to its effects.
10 You take no damage from the triggering attack, and the source of the attack takes force damage equal to the damage that would have been dealt.
11 You swap locations with the source of the triggering attack if there is sufficient space to do so.
12 You gain the effects of mirror image for 1 minute including against the triggering attack.
13 If the source of the triggering attack is a creature, it must save against mind spike.
14 You take no damage from the triggering attack and can immediately attempt to teleport to an unoccupied space within 400 feet as if you had cast dimension door.
15 Dawn shines down on a point centered on you for 1 minute. You are immune to its effects.
16 If the source of the triggering attack is a creature, it must save against suggestion from the next spoken demand it hears.
17 A warding wind surrounds you for 1 minute. You are unaffected by it.
18 You take no damage from the triggering attack, and an antimagic field appears centered on you for 1 minute. You, the armor, and any equipment you are wearing or carrying is unaffected by the field.
19 If the source of the attack is a creature with 50 hit points or fewer, it instantly dies.
20 You become immune to all damage (including against the triggering attack) until the end of your next turn.
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