5e Classes With d10 Hit Dice

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d10 Hit Die Classes[edit]

Classes that have a d10 hit die.

Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
(SETTING NOT FULLY DEVELOPED) MC Origins: Veteran Grizzled Warrior that utilizes their uncanny accuracy and battle stances to get an edge against their enemies. 10
User:2804:14D:5C9E:A603:856A:EF9E:11BC:CDE0/Sandbox A soulful warrior who embraces a dangerous path, channeling elemental energy and the strength of their soul to excel in combat, using their fists as lethal weapons 10
Aberration A creature cursed by powerful entities. half 10
Abyss Knight A fighter who exchanged its soul to gain demonic powers. 10
Abyssal Dragon Lord (Re-balanced) Nigh-unstoppable warriors who combine the powers of dragons and demons. half 10
Abyssal Dragon Lord, Variant Nigh-unstoppable warriors who combine the powers of dragons and demons. full 10
Aegis Paladin A Paladin of the Harvest Gods 10
Aetherborn Aether. A magical energy that bears life giving energies. When utilized, Aether can be used to heal or empower yourself or your allies. Control these energies and show your enemies the power they squander. third 10
Alcoholic An somewhat self-sustaining DPS with evenly distributed benefits and negatives. 10
Amalgam Amalgams aren't spellcasters in the traditional sense. They don't learn many spells, if any at all. But rather they focus on a very particular magic, one that had long been forgotten by the wizards of Faerun. The strange practice of magically fusing parts of other creatures to themselves. 10
Amalgamation, Variant Amalgamations aren't spellcasters in the traditional sense. They don't learn many spells, if any at all. But rather they focus on a very particular magic, one that had long been forgotten by the wizards of Faerun. The strange practice of magically fusing parts of other creatures to themselves. 10
Anomaly Glitched half 10
Anti-Paladin Anti-paladins are the distorted version of paladins, profane knights infused with dark powers, that wander the world delivering death and destruction, and acting as agents of powerful demons and vile deities will. 10
Apocalypse Knight Dark knights that are choosen by dark powers. half 10
Arcane Bastion A defender specialized in a very specific way of using arcane magic, to create force fields and magical barriers. 10
Arcane Blade Dancer A magical warrior who can sense the weave and move with it, dancing with its invisible flow. 10
Arcane Fighter A warrior that enhances his martial prowess with arcane magic. half 10
Arcane Fist half 10
Arcane Ranger A mixture of ranger/fighter and wizard half 10
Armed Infantry A soldier with access to simple firearms. 10
Armed Infantry, Variant A soldier with access to firearms. 10
Army Master A class that is a mix of a Bard and a Fighter 10
Arrowsmith The Arrowsmith uses custom arrows to create chaotic and useful effects on the battlefield from afar. 10
Artillery-man Relentless and versatile soldiers who protect the people and are experts with firearms. 10
Artonian Warrior 10
Attacker A specialist in quick and devastating strikes in combat 10
User:Austain/Big Crack 10
Aventureiro A adventurer is a warrior who possesses the power of magic. 10
Aztec Warrior Warriors of supernatural strength and ferocity, these savages give the hearts of their enemies to their bloodthirsty gods to fuel their power and conquest. 10
Banisher A fighter focused in temporaly removing enemies from the battlefield. 10
Barriomancer A defense focused warrior, built to defend themselves and those they care for. half 10
Basic Fighter A basic fighter in the style of OD&D 10
Bastion Bastion are warriors, trained in defensive tactics to protect their allies in the battlefield. 10
Battle Alchemist Warp the battlefield to your every desire. 10
Battle Hedgehog A warrior who uses their spiky armor to protect themselves and hurt their foes. 10
Battle Medic Battled hardened frontline fighter who also specialize in healing. half 10
Battlemage, Variant A magic-wielding combatant that uses the weave of raw arcane energy to enhance their martial capabilities half 10
Battlesmith A weapons smith that forges their own powerful equipment to augment their combat abilities 10
Beast Hunter A bloodthirsty warrior, fighting and killing to fufill the hunt, gaining benefit as the blood sheds from either the self or the enemies. 10
Beast Master A warrior who specializes in taming vicious creatures to do their bidding. 10
Beast Soul Channel primal savagery and run with a beast companion, create your own pack, or become a beast yourself. 10
Beastblood Individuals raised by wild animals, giving them animal characteristics, in addition to great physical resistance. 10
Behemoth What barbarians and fighters wish they could be. 10
Black Knight A knight imprisoned onto a cursed suit of armor, that acts as a second skin and a vessel to its soul. 10
Blackblade Devoted warriors who dedicate themselves to the mastery of a magical sword known as an aterius. 10
Blacksmith 10
Blade Dancer A fighter who uses their Dances, creating devastating combos 10
Blade Dancer, Variant A fighter who uses their dances, stringing together multiple enemies in their combos 10
Blade Master A warrior who pursues perfection on the combat with blades. 10
Blade Master, Variant A warrior with an inseparable bond to their blade. 10
Blade Singer A graceful fighter that mesmerizes foes with a mix of magic and swordplay. 10
Bladedancer 10
Blademaster A warrior specialized in using blades on melee combats. 10
Blademaster, Stance and Combo A martial melee class that uses stances and successive attacks to build combo points to unleash stronger and stronger attacks. 10
Bladescribe 10
Blood Caster You're not a regular Mage, you are a Caster. You are what those pesky Wizards are striving to be. What those Mages do with their Charisman you do with pure Intelligence. 10
Blood Caster, Variant 2 You're not a regular Mage, you are a Caster. You are what magic users are striving to be. What those Mages do with their Intelligence you do with pure uncut Life Essence. 10
Blood Hunter, Variant Their methods sometimes blur the line between themselves and the evils they hunt, calling their own humanity into question. 10
Blood Knight A bloodthirsty warrior, fighting and killing for the glory of the blood god, gaining benefit as the blood sheds from either themself or their foes. 10
Blood Siphon Warrior specialized in draining blood from its enemies. 10
Blood War Remnant As a warrior infused with deep and completely re-writing blood magic you gain the following features. 10
Bloodbound Revenant A character who deals self inflicting damage to buff themselves in combat. 10
Bloodguard A dark knight who receives powers through sacrifice to a higher being half 10
Bloodrager Bloodragers are a rare form of barbarian that has both a Sorceror's bloodline and a Barbarian's ancestors. In the battlefield they blend their intense anger and the burning fervor of l spells to destroy any foe who would dare apose them. half 10
Bodyguard One bound to duty of the guard 10
Bone Breaker A fighter who works with punches and kicks to destroy those who stand in their way. 10
Bowhunter A hunter specialized in sharpshooting with bows. 10
Boxer A unarmed combatant who fights for glory and gold. 10
Brawler A combatant that relies on brutality and endurance, rather than on technique. 10
Bright Lord A Strong, warm, merciful fighter imbued with powers generated from their own good energies. third 10
Buddhist Monk A martial artist who uses the mystical force of ki to enhance their natural fighting abilities. 10
Bulwark, 3rd Variant Armored specialists that take the center of the battlefield 10
Cannibal Cannibals are crazy adventurers who eat the flesh of living creature, most out of madness, a few to take their strength. 10
Celestial Crusader A warrior reborn by the heavenly powers to keep fighting on a celestial war. 10
Celestial Crusader, Variant A warrior reborn by the heavenly powers to keep fighting on a celestial war. 10
Celestial Warrior Healers with great melee capability, celestial warriors are dedicated to killing demons and undead. This is a Paladin variant class, and it is meant to work with the paladin core class. 10
Chain Warrior A fighter that has traded the skills for multiple chances at attack for the ability to chain more attacks as long as one can successfully hit. This class also incorporates lightning abilities into the attacks using the spear as a way to aim it. Abilities are tied to the number of your chain attack. 10
Champion of the Blade A legendary warrior who will be known throughout the ages but what legacy will they leave 10
Channeller A martial spellcaster that can Infuse spells into their weapons to deal massive burst damage. half 10
Chaos Knight A warrior capable of channeling the power of the primordial chaos in combat. 10
Chemist full 10
Chimera A monstrous beast that might be a hybrid of lions, dragons, eagles, snakes and humans. 10
Chrono Knight A class Who trains in manipulating time and arcane magic to carry out this will of there council or to seek the future they see half 10
Clairvoyant A perceptive warrior 10
Clairvoyant, Variant A perceptive warrior 10
Combat Butler A loyal and diligent servant, making sure that the needs of its masters is fulfilled and its security is assured. 10
Combat Specialist A warrior that relies on their own martial prowess and combat experience. 10
Combat Tactician Fighters who use their battlefield knowledge to complete the mission. 10
Commander A front line warrior who specializes in giving orders. 10
Commando Non-magical Ranger with emphasis on infiltrating and surviving in hostile territory 10
Consumer 10
Corrupted Soul A soul whose rot spreads to the body 10
Corsair The corsair is a vicious pirate under the service of a patron, deadly and intimidating, capable of shooting or cutting an enemy's head clear off without hesitation. Not for the faint of heart. 10
Cosmic Swordsman Guardians who call upon the powers of the cosmos for power 10
Critical Warrior Precise warriors, who emphasize great precision on their attacks as a means to defeat their enemies. 10
Crossbowman A fighter who masters the use of firearms 10
Crossbowman, Variant A crossbowman who uses his sensitivity to modify the impact of his arrows, which are formed from streams of emotions. 10
Cryo Fighter
Cuisiner The cuisiner is a chef who is ready to take down any opponent in the name of food. 10
Cursed A individual cursed by powers of darkness, who learned how to take control over it. 10
Daring Swashbuckler A whimsically roguish martial class, en garde! 10
Dark Knight A knight who obliterates enemies through the powers of darkness. So like a paladin, but so very different. half 10
Dark Knight, Pure Martial Variant Individuals that harness the power of Darkness. 10
Dark Knight, Variant Individuals that harness the power of Darkness. half 10
Dark Lord Opposite of "Bright Lord". third 10
Dark Omen Grim knights that are fueled by dark powers. half 10
Dark Weapon Men and women with the ability to transform into weapons, or wield an incarnation of their power as a weapon. 10
Death Incarnate Beings beyond reasoning of normal people, that embrace Death as their life, goal and means of justice. 10
Death Knight Ever wanted to play a Warcraft style Death Knight in 5E? I have amalgamated the previous versions into this more vanilla variant. half 10
Death Knight, 4th Variant Great fighters imbued with the unholy magics of Death itself. half 10
Death's Servant full 10
Demigod A half breed between a god and a mortal, gifted with godly powers derived from his bloodline. 10
Demigod, Variant A half breed between a god and a mortal, gifted with godly powers derived from his bloodline. 10
Demolitionist Makes things go boom. 10
Demon Hunter A demon hunter is one who has made a pact with a devil or vengeful angel to exterminate demons. 10
Demon's Spearmen An adventurer who was pulled from his home and warped by time spent in the abyss. Serving Demon lords as a polearm weilding guard you gain mastery of the weapons. 10
Destroyer You embody the raw and destructive power of nature. 10
Detective An inquirer of mysteries and seeker of justice. 10
Devourer Devourers are frightening warriors that eat monsters to gain their traits. 10
Dino Rider Let’s Ride Dinosaurs. 10
Divine Crusader A Divine Crusader is a knight of the church that hunts those that defy their deity's will. She uses divine energy granted from his deity. half 10
Divine Hunter A warrior focused on the destruction of unholy creatures in devotion to a deity or other powerful being. half 10
Divine Knight Divine Knights are capable of utilizing Holy or Unholy magic with their sword skill abilities to wreak havoc among the battlefield. 10
Doctor of Death a class based on the one piece character Law 10
Dominion Overlord you are the person you chops beholders in half and slays kings men with you great sword and turn even the most powerful of Dragons into pets. 10
Doom Knight Cursed warriors, servants of an evil entity, doom knights are the emissaries of darkness and bringers of destruction and death. This class is a variant of the Fighter class. 10
Dragon Blade A swordmaster that fights with deadly grace, skill, and power 10
Dragon Kin Those who's ancestry can be traced back to the dragons, similar to sorcerers, but unlike sorcerers who use their ancestry for magic the Dragonkin use it for strength. Warriors who's skin is as hard as armor and who's teeth are as sharp as daggers. Those are not mere mooks but true dragonkin who make their ancestors proud! 10
Dragon Knight Warriors utilizing dragon cohorts to decimate their opposition. 10
Dragon Knight, 3rd Variant Knights utilizing dragon cohorts to decimate their opposition. half 10
Dragon Lord A battle commander that possesses a powerful bond with dragons 10
Dragon Rider, 2nd Variant Dragon Riders and their partners are a fearsome duo. They share their minds and powers to defeat their foes and defend their allies. third 10
Dragon's Chosen Dragon's chosens and their partners are a fearsome duo. They share their minds and powers to defeat their foes and defend their allies. 10
Dragonbound 10
Dragonbound, Variant 10
Dragonhunter A warrior specialized in slaying dragons. third 10
Dragonsoul Warrior A warrior able to channel the power of the dragon souls. 10
Dragoon A polearm user endowed with the arcane for greater physical abilities 10
Dragoon Lancer Skillful warriors, that use powerful leaps and mastery with spears to defeat the strongest beasts in existence: the mighty dragons. 10
Dragoon, 3rd Variant A polearm user endowed with the arcane for greater physical abilities 10
Dragoon, Variant One who uses a dragon's blood to enhance their physical capabilities. 10
Drunken Brawler Masters of the Drunken Fist 10
Dueler A warrior who specializes in duels to the death. 10
Eldritch Guardian Eldritch Guardians are arcane knights in who use abjuration magic to protect their allies. half 10
Elemental Shaman A potent half-caster who draws power from the inner planes, summoning elemental spirits into totems and dynamically converting magical energy into various primordial powers. half 10
Elemental Warrior The Elemental Warrior is a skillful soldier, mating elemental power with perfectly with their chosen weapon. 10
Elemental Warrior, Variant half 10
Empowered Born with a special power known as the Spark, you bring enemies to their knees and allies from their graves. 10
Engineer, Variant Utilize technological devices to your advantage! 10
Enkindler A Dark Souls inspired class. Burn your enemies alive. three-quarters 10
Ethereal Samurai Ethereal samurais are the guardians of the material plane against the threats from the ethereal world. half 10
Evocatus The best in their fields Evocatus train in anything they can 10
Evolutionist Masters of manipulating flesh - theirs or others. 10
Evolved Seeking for advancement and perfection of their own bodies, an evolved is constantly changing and mutating, becoming abominations and living weapons. 10
Exiled Knight The Exiled Knight is a martial class specializing in survival, defense, and unmatched skill with their blade, honed during their exile from society. 10
Extended Fighter Levels 20 additional levels for the fighter class. 10
Extended Paladin Levels 20 additional levels for the paladin class. 10
Extended Ranger Levels 20 additional levels for the ranger class. 10
Fairy Tail Dragon Slayer Individuals who use lost magic that grants them the power of dragons. 10
Familiar Master A warrior who puts a more powerful form of familiar to use in battle. 10
Fearmonger, Variant 10
Fencer An ultra-basic melee focused class 10
Fey Warrior A warrior with otherworldly powers to destroy his enemies. 10
Fidgeter 10
Field Medic Brave people who put their lives on the line to save the lives of others. 10
Fiend Slayer Warriors who harness the power of the fiendish planes, manifesting into primordial energy, used to destroy demons and devils 10
Fighter Swordsmaster A Fighter Swordmaster is a warrior specialized in the use of swords in fighting. A core class meant to be used with the fighter subclasses. 10
Fighter, Alternative Variant fighters switched with rogues 10
Fighter, Switched Variant fighters switched with rogues 10
Fighter, Switched Variant 1 fighters switched with rogues 10
Fist Dealer A powerful unarmed brawler, who strives for power trough whatever means necessary 10
Fistfighter Decimate your opponents with your flurry of fist attacks. 10
Flame Dancer Flame Dancers are pyromaniacs that release the flame within through dancing. half 10
Flame Demon As a Flame Demon you gain the following class features. 10
Flame Demon, Variant As a Flame Demon you gain the following class features. 10
Flowing Blade Slice Enemies to Pieces 10
Football Player Prideful warriors pushing themselves beyond their limits. 10
Force-User, Variant 10
Frenzied Warrior A warrior that blends instincts and tactical combat to gain the upper hand on the battlefield. 10
Frenzy Harbinger Chaotic harbingers of the Frenzied Flame that solely act on whims, these harbingers possess spellcasting abilities and have the same spell casting table and known spells as the Paladin class. half 10
Frost Bringer One touched by the the Plane of Ice, bound with great power. 10
Frozen One The frozen one is a warrior able to control the power of cold and frost. 10
Frozen Revenant Undead soldiers, slain on the fields of battle and returned to life by the Frozen Death, Frozen Revenants do their bidding in exchange for power. half 10
Fundamental Force Fighter Harnessing the fundamental forces of nature to enhance your combat prowess. half 10
Furry Clad in cursed fursuits, these savage warriors are animals in their minds and abilities. 10
Gear Wielder 10
Gem Knight A warrior able to use the mystical power of gemstones in combat 10
Ghoul King Incarnate, Variant 3 Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin. 10
Gier Do you have a desire you can feed to the ultimate greed? 10
Gier Variant Do you have a desire you can feed to the ultimate greed? 10
Glacial Conjurer Use your inherit glacial abilities to destroy your foes. 10
Glacial Knight Glacial knights are warriors who can channel the arctic forces and magically control the powers of winter, ice and snow. 10
Gladiator A warrior for entertainment, much like those in the Roman Colosseum of yore. 10
Gladiator, Variant 10
Glyphflinger (5e Subclass)
God Saiyan A powerful saiyan choose by the god 10
God Seeker A largely two-handed melee-based fighter who can lead or go it alone. 10
God Winter The God Winter is a warrior able to control the power of cold. 10
God's Descendant 10
Godbinder A warrior who binds the power of gods to their will to help in combat, exploring, and produce amazing miracles 10
Godslayer One forsaken seeks revenge on that which hath left them stranded 10
Grail Knight High-ranking soldiers of the Gilded Empire who have been granted immense power by a sun god. 10
Gravattack Master of the cosmos, bending the very fabric of gravity to crush foes and defend the natural order. 10
Grave Walker You have died. You know this. You felt the blood draining from your wounds, and then you died. But you have awoken once more, cast adrift between the worlds of light and dark, forever bound within this world, unless your curse be lifted. You have been bound to a wraith, once powerful in life, who was summoned by this curse. You and this wraith are now one, and forever will roam the lands, until your second death. 10
Gravekeeper 10
Gravitation Manipulator A class focused on using weight manipulating magic to enhance their melee fighting ability through either control or agility. half 10
Gravitonic Master This indomitable warrior wields and manipulates the force of gravity. 10
Gravitonic Master, 2nd Variant This indomitable warrior wields and manipulates the force of gravity. 10
Gravitonic Master, Variant This indomitable warrior wields and manipulates the force of gravity. 10
Graviturgy Warrior A warrior who augments there martial abilities with gravity magic to gain the upper hand in battle they are tactical warriors who dedicate there life to there order. 10
Gravity Warrior This indomitable warrior wields and manipulates the force of gravity. 10
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full 10
Grim Reaper Death's representative, given authority to reap souls at will. half 10
Guardian Guardians are durable melee fighters who develop nature based spellcasting abilities. half 10
Guardian Chronomancer A defender, or corrupter, of time tasked by the gods of Time and Fate to maintain the Prime Timelines 10
Guardian Knight A protector of the forest that follows the laws of nature above the laws of man. 10
Guardian of the Forest Guardians Of the Forest are beings that have devoted their lives to protect and ward natural forests and their inhabitants. full 10
Guardian, Fighter Variant A walking bastion that holds foes at bay while more offensive classes wipe them from the face of the earth. This is a variant of the fighter class. 10
Guardian, Variant A construct built to serve as a protector. 10
Gunman A fighter who masters the use of firearms 10
Gunslinger An adventurer who uses their intellect to create weaponry of mass destruction. Bang bang. 10
Gunslinger, 4th Variant Another gunslinger class based on single shot weapons more fitting of a medieval setting. 10
Halberdier A halberdier is a devoted spearman whose first duty is the protection of those in his jurisdiction. A core class meant to be used with the fighter subclasses. 10
Hallowed Hunter A very specialized huntress that excels in combat against otherworldly foes. 10
Hatamoto three-quarters 10
Hawk's Ronin A very good Warrior, with Rogue/Ranger aspects, but if you want a full Fighter, You also have come to the right place. 10
Healer of Revenge, Variant A divine warrior who heals and strikes enemies with vengeance using ranged attacks. full 10
Hemo-Mancer Bend the blood of your enemies to your whims. 10
Hemomancer Bend the blood of your enemies to your whims. 10
Hemomancer 1.0 Bend the blood of your enemies to your whims. 10
Herald Champions of greatness who use their raw force of personality to empower their allies. half 10
Hitokiri A swordsman sent out by an important or powerful figure for the express purpose of assassinating others. 10
Hitokiri, Variant A swordsman sent out by an important or powerful figure for the express purpose of assassinating others. 10
Hojosa Alternate A class revolved around the character 'Ilpyo Park' from God of Highschool 10
Holy Fighter Warriors blessed by the gods, using these divine gifts to defeat the forces of evil. 10
Holy Inquisitor These divine warriors hunt enemies of their faith and evil beings with faith and fire. 10
Hunter of Artemis One of many female followers of the Greek goddess Artemis, whom follows her values, or wanders whilst linked to the wilderness. half 10
Hurricane Knight A warrior capable of controlling the power of wind. 10
Iai Swordsman A swordsman capable of drawing their blade with incredible speed. 10
Ice Warrior A combatant capable of controlling ice with magic. 10
Imperial Warden Imperial Blessed Warrior half 10
Inquisitor Holy warrior who is entrusted with the task of root out heresy. full 10
Inquisitor, Variant Holy warrior who is entrusted with the task of rooting out heresy. full 10
Iron Chef, Variant The cuisiner is a chef who is ready to take down any opponent in the name of food. 10
Ironclad Soldiers with demonic strength 10
Jester, 5th Variant A master of chaos, it's unknown whether they will harm their enemies, their friends, or themselves. full 10
Kensei A swordsman who’s skill in the sword is unmatched bolstering themselves with ki. 10
Ki Martial Artist (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement) A martial artist uses the energy of Ki to fight. 10
Kickboxer A melee fighter who utilizes ever part of their body 10
Knife Master Knife masters are fighters specialized in the use of knives, honing the art of close combat. 10
Knight Warriors of nobility and valor who fight for either their lady's hand or for fame and honor. 10
Knight of Darkness Individuals that harvest the life essence (souls) of their enemies in the name of Darkness. 10
Knight of the Fey Knights who have pledged themselves to the service of a specific archfey or a Fey court as a whole in return for magical power. 10
User:Krebs A soulful warrior who embraces a dangerous path, channeling elemental energy and the strength of their soul to excel in combat, using their fists as lethal weapons 10
Lady Luck As a Lady Luck, you gain the following class features. 10
Lance Master A warrior specialized in the use of spears, lances and similar polearms 10
Legionnaire Soldiers who rely on standard combat prowess in battle, rather than magic or maneuvers. 10
Lich, 3rd Variant Even death cannot stop you now, explore the new possibilities given to you in undeath. full 10
Lich, 4th Variant Even death cannot stop you now, explore the new possibilities given to you in undeath. full 10
Lifedrinker Creatures of mystique and unholy wonder that move in the night and feed on unsuspecting victims. 10
Light Mage A mage with destructive light powers 10
Light Monarch A reclusive order of warriors, the Light Monarchs have pledged to scour darkness from the world wherever they encounter it, and to destroy all those who choose to dwell within such darkness. 10
Living Armor An unfortunate soul, bound to a suit of armor for all eternity half 10
Living Weapon One who becomes their own arsenal 10
Lodestar A noble swordsman who relies on speed and on their allies in battle. 10
Lord of War 10
Lycanthrope Shapeshifters empowered through their lycanthropic curse. 10
Mage Hunter We kill magic users 10
Magical A͖̚̚n͎̭͍̮̻̯ͭͬͭͯ̒̆ͪo̖̭͂̐̑̔m̘̬͖͍͎̾a͖̹̹̱̠l̲̰͈̱̫̝̖̄̈̓̈̊y̤̤̅́̌͑ͥ Glitched Magic half 10
Marshal A battlefield commander experienced in inspiring and ordering their companions 10
Martial Artist Warriors who seek to master the art of combat. 10
Martial Dancer A performaer that learned to wield a blade in a unique way. 10
Master of the Arcane Sword A warrior specialized in a way of combat that blends the use of mundane weapon techniques with arcane magic. half 10
Master of the Sword A warrior who strives for perfection in the use of blades in melee combat. 10
Master Puppeteer A person who uses a puppet as a tool to amplify their abilites. half 10
Mechmaster A warrior who uses the sheer force of a mech to assist the needs of themselves and others in a fight. 10
Mechromancer Artisans that graft advanced warforged parts to their own bodies. 10
Memory Warden 10
Mercenary A professional soldier who fights under any banner or cause by a good payment in gold. 10
Meteor Knight The Meteor Knight is a heavily armed combatant, who moves through enemy lines with ease. 10
Meteor Knight, Variant The Meteor Knight is a heavily armed combatant, who moves through enemy lines with ease. 10
Minuteman The enemy is 30 minutes from the gates, but I'll be ready in one 10
Monk, Bone Wizard Variant Coming from monasteries, monks are masters of martial arts combat and meditators with the ki living forces. 10
Monk, Treantmonk Variant Coming from monasteries, monks are masters of martial arts combat and meditators with the ki living forces. 10
Monk, Variant 2 An unarmed martial artists capable of weaving a mysterious energy known as Ki into their strikes to perform spectacular feats. 10
Monkey King, Variant 3 A class based on the character Jin Mori from God of highschool 10
Musketeer A fencer and sharpshooter task with the duty of protecting the realm and the king. 10
Myrmidon Warrior Warriors chosen by the gods, inspired by the legendary hero Achilles. This class is a Fighter variant, meant to work with the core Fighter subclasses. 10
Nightbringer The nightbringer is freedom, darkness, and chaos incarnate half 10
Noble Knight A warrior who has taken vows of chivalry, now roaming land in pursuit of glory 10
Nordic Warrior A warrior that comes from the north, protected by magical runes and by the gods themselves, and imbued with lust for pleasure, adventure and war. 10
Northern Ranger These are rangers that have been living in the north, learning to endure harsh conditions and fighting skills, as they are the first line of defense of the north. They show a great mastery on sword and combat skills as they train almost non-stop, as well as others such as tracking or survival in the wilderness. There aren't many northern rangers left, but those that still survive are considered to be brothers. 10
Oathbreaker A paladin that has forsaken their oath and their deity. It is their will alone that drives them now. 10
Occultist Warlocks who have decided to abandonded their deals and try to use what is left of their deal. half 10
ODST A soldier with unbreakable will jump from orbit into the battlefield they are the epitome of shock troops 10
Ouroban half 10
Overlord, Variant A tyrant, an oppressor, and a dictator. These are all words to describe some of what an overlord really is. half 10
Pact Summoner Pact Summoner fight with creature they create a pact with. half 10
Phoenix Knight 10
Pirate, Variant Yarrr matey's! 10
Plague *Dies in bubonic* 10
Plague Doctor A healer who specializes in treating the suffering of patients, and increasing the suffering of enemies 10
Plague Stricken 10
Plaguetouched 10
Planerider Wanderer of Worlds, Master of Travel, a Planerider uses their natural energy to travel between planes, and bring a little something with them. 10
Portal Knight A warrior conjurer, capable of using portals to move through the battlefield, attacking and evading while moving through the planes. 10
Prince Royal heirs with incredible skill and intellect, that descend from the true royal family. 10
Professional Assassin Specialists in eliminating targets undetected. 10
Psychopath, Variant A crazed killer or manipulative murderer. 10
Puppeteer, Variant A person who uses a puppet as a tool to amplify their abilites. half 10
Quietus A versatile class that uses taunts and takes advantage of those suffering around him. 10
Random Dice A Dice Caster rarely ever combats their opponents. Only through the power of their dice will they prevail. 10
Ranger "old school" Variant An ultra-basic ranger/archer class 10
Ranger, 2nd Variant Acting as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness, rangers study, track, and hunt their favored enemies. half 10
Ranger, Non-Magical Variant As the name might suggest, this class is a non-magical variant of the existing "Ranger" class. 10
Ranger, Variant An extensive rework of the classic Ranger class of 5th Edition. 10
Reaver A humanoid whom lives for the fight, and uses the blood of other creatures to their own benefits. 10
Rider A warrior that has the ability to seek the aid of a beast. 10
Rift Healer A magical healer doted with the ability to mend wounds with a simple touch 10
Royal Navy Sailor 10
Rune Blade A master of martial combat who uses magic runes to supplement martial skill. third 10
Runepriest One who uses the divine alphabet of the gods 10
Runeseeker Runeseekers are researchers of ancient runes, they carve them on their weapon to use it as a spellbook and arcane focus. half 10
Runic Knight A warrior that engraves its weapon with magical runes to enhance its fighting capabilities. 10
Runic Master A master of runes 10
Runic Warrior 10
Runic Warrior Marine Variant 10
Runic Warrior, Variant 10
Saboteur Saboteurs are blessed combatants who take blessings from light and dark celestials or deities. 10
Samurai 10
Samurai, Variant A warrior who fights with deadly grace and skill 10
Samurai, Variant 2 10
Scourge Warlock Half Demon of the race you choose half 10
Scout Highly mobile, adaptable, and independent, scouts strive to ensure that their party never has to face a challenge unprepared. 10
Scythe Master Scythe Masters who uses arcane magic to augment their martial prowess. half 10
Self-Annihilator 10
Senshi A disciplined warrior, devoted to a path and master in the art of combat. 10
Seraphim Angelic beings that serve an all powerful god 10
Sergeant Fighters who drive their inner potential that can be competed with spells. 10
Shadow Knight A secret demonic knighthood. Using shadows as the source of their strength to combat any who oppose. 10
ShadowHunter (Variant) A Shadowhunter from Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instrument book series 10
Shaman (spirit walker) A creature that goes in and out of the vale half 10
Shapeshifter, 3rd Variant A being blessed with the ability to change into a wider variety of creatures. 10
Shieldbruiser 10
Shielder As the name implies, shielder's specialize in protecting themselves and those around them. 10
Shroomancer A class for a fungi or those who wield them. 10
Siege Warrior A melee combatant specialized in mass skirmishes, war and siege battles. 10
Skald An adaptation of the pathfinder hybrid class (Bard and Barbarian) half 10
Skiódi A worshipper of Erebus. The Greek God of darkness. 10
Sky Heir Sky heir are warriors chosen by the stars. 10
Slasher A forsaken revenant, a deranged murderer, or sometimes just someone with a very, very crooked sense of justice. 10
Slaver This is something that I have come up with to go hand in hand with the Jronian race. However, it could be used by any race that wants to become a Slaver. 10
Slinger These men and women make masterful use of the humble Sling, raining death upon their enemies with stones or lead bullets. 10
Solar Knight "Praise The Sun!" 10
Soldier A modern combatant. 10
Soldier, 2nd Variant A martial combatant. 10
Soldier, Variant A modern combatant. 10
Soul Fighter A soulful warrior who embraces a dangerous path, channeling elemental energy and the strength of their soul to excel in combat, using their fists as lethal weapons 10
Soul Knife Never caught unarmed, the Soul Knife is the literal interpretation of using the power of the soul as a weapon. 10
Soul Manipulator Individuals who can draw forth the power of souls. 10
Soul Vessel Warriors who have learned to harness the power of soul, a magical force which resides within them. 10
Soul Weaver You channel the souls of dead men into your lantern and the light unleashes powerful energy to defeat your foes or aid your allies. 10
Soulforged Individuals that learned how to grow their souls, using their powers to fight for good. 10
Spartan, Variant Spartan Warriors are strong fighters of war that use spears, swords, and shields. 10
Special Forces A highly trained individual, that serves in special missions with elite groups. 10
Spectral Slayer Duel wielding fighters that cannot be manipulated among friends and foes alike. 10
Spellblade, 2nd Variant A magical warrior who focuses arcane energy into combat. half 10
Spellblade, Variant An arcane warrior able to cast powerful spells while remaining true to its nature as a melee fighter, thanks to a simple and innovative mechanic. full 10
Spirit Bound Hunter Hunters of darkness, that bound themselves with shadowspawns in order to fight these shadows themselves. 10
Spirit Guardian Guardians of the spirits. half 10
Spirit Walker, Variant half 10
Spiritual Blacksmith A warrior capable of creating weapons made of spiritual energy. 10
Stalker Hidden in the shadows, the Stalker watches, waiting for the right moment to strike. 10
Steel Hunter A monster hunter dedicated to the mastery of steel weapons 10
Stitchpunk A gruesome second cousin to surgeons who uses surgical knowledge for many helpful and harmful purposes. 10
Storage Magician A magician that summons her powers to quickly store away and retrieve items from her own plane of existence known as the Spectral Plane. half 10
Storm Knight Warrior capable of using storm and lightning powers. third 10
Storm Lord full 10
Storm Touched Warriors who use the power of thunderstorms to enhance their combat abilities full 10
Stormbreaker Smash, break, break, break enemies! 10
Strider A deadly hunter, a killer of men, with no morals but those he chooses for himself, and an endless debt to Death itself. 10
Swashbuckler, Variant Daring adventurers who live by their skill, wit, and sheer bravado. 10
Sword Demon Devastating swordsmen that skirt the line of darkness. 10
Sword Saint Different fighters choose different approaches to perfecting their fighting prowess, but they all end up perfecting it. 10
Sword Saint, Variant Sword Saints are unrivaled under the heavens when it comes to melee combat. They boast such martial prowess and speed when in Focus, that they can blitz any enemy and turn any blow directed at them, and woe is any enemy that faces their unparalleled sword skills in bloody combat. 10
Sword Soul-Eating 10
Swordmaster Sword wielders that use graceful maneuvers to cull their opposition. 10
Swordplayer 10
Swordsman A warrior with great expertise in swords. 10
Swordsman, 2nd Variant Warriors specialized in swordsmanship and its art. 10
Tamer 10
Taoist Warrior Spiritual warriors who find a balance between serenity and chaos in both war and magic. half 10
Taser Shocking! It's a maniac, probably. 10
Templar of the Five Winds Those who receive the powers of the gods, unlike the Paladins, they have a directly affinity with his gods. half 10
The Achilles 10
The Augmenter 10
The Ever Changing 10
The Ghost Samurai Become a fearsome samurai warrior that foes will learn to fear you as the Ghost Samurai. 10
The Rotten An evil paladin devoted to bringing rot and decay to the world. half 10
The Sealed Warrior 10
Theurgist Those who use force of will to control outside powers. third 10
Tonberry Knight A brave knight who cleaves a path for their allies half 10
Trailblazer 10
Trickster Knight A mix of Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster third 10
Trigger User A trion user that uses their trion for creation and fighting 10
Unarmed Fighter Unarmed fighters are combatants specialized in using their own bodies as weapons. 10
Unarmed Fighter, Variant Unarmed fighters are combatants specialized in using their own bodies as weapons. 10
Universe Hopping Rogue-Like Rogue Like Universe hopper who picked up new skills on their travels. 10
Untainted Individuals trained to resist magic, becoming the perfect nemesis of powerful spellcasters. 10
Vain An entertaining soul, one who exists as a unique competitor whose swagger will guide them further. 10
Valkrym A Chosen One imbued with darkness by the Gods to deliver their Judgement. half 10
Valkyrie The beautiful battle warriors descend from Asgard to collect the souls of fallen soldiers. 10
Valkyrie, Variant The beautiful battlemaidens descend from Asgard to collect the souls of fallen soldiers. half 10
Vampire Hunter Warriors, dedicated to the single purpose of exterminating the creatures of darkness, becoming a predator of predators. 10
Vampyre Knight You are one of the last descendants of old these Vampyre's use their blood to empower them selves and show true fear. half 10
Vandar A fighter who uses both weapons and magic. 10
Vanguard The ultimate symbol of sturdiness. 10
Viking Warrior As a Viking Warrior you gain the following Features 10
Vindicator Holy warriors that seek to turn evil towards the righteous path. 10
Voidblade The voidblade is a mystic soldier who handles weapons and move through the more fearsome worlds and use insanity as a weapon. 10
Wanderer, Variant A Wandering swordsman who has learned to manipulate Ki into their fighting style. 10
War Priest, Variant A divine warrior that manipulates radiant energy to assist friends or harm foes. half 10
War-smith A weapon maker who is both an crafter and a warrior. 10
Warchief Elite Captain and leader of orcs and evil creatures for good or evil. 10
Warcraft Death Knight Great fighters imbued with the unholy magics of Death itself. half 10
Warden Wardens are durable melee fighters who can use the magic of their soul to inflict more damage. They also gain advantage on survival checks, due to the time they spend in the wilderness hunting monsters, and dangerous animals. 10
Warhammer Fantasy Witch Hunter Inquisitive warrior that hunts demons and witches. 10
Warlord Leaders, commanders, and masters of their own destiny. Warlords live not for war, but for leadership. half 10
Warpriest A divine warrior that manipulates radiant energy to assist friends or harm foes. half 10
Warrior of Fenris Followers of the giant wolf Fenris, these warriors worship the fury and power of this divine monster 10
Warrior Poet 10
Waterbender Water Bending Monk 10 Water Bending Monk 10 Water Bending Monk 10
Weapon Master The Weapon Master is a skillful soldier who handles weapons as if it were an extension of their body. 10
Weapon Summoner A warrior capable of invoking weapons during combat. 10
Wielder of a Legendary Weapon An even more versatile fighter, with some resemblance to monk and a huge reliance on one magical item. 10
Wild Blade Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. half 10
Wild Blade, 1st Variant Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. half 10
Wild Master Combination of Barbarian and Ranger 10
Witcher, 6th Variant Monster Hunter Class based on Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski's books. 10
World Strider World Striders are the fastest humanoids to exist, darting around the world with no chance to be caught. 10
Wraith/Ranger 10
Wrestler Whether through brute strength or incredible skill, the wrestler is a charismatic melee fighter adept at dishing out pain, soaking up punishment, and controlling the flow of battle. 10
Yandere Shower your beloved with your unending love and remove all that stands between you and them 10
User:ZarHakkar/Angel A heavenly protector of the upper planes half 10
Zephyr A fighter who uses the power of wind to enhance their movements and attacks. 10
Zone Weaver 10

d10 Hit Die Classes Based on Existing Fiction[edit]

D10 hit die classes which are based on characters or archetypes from other works of fiction.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Abomination Adventurer with a dark secret. 10
Abomination, Variant ever been unable to contain stress? let it consume you 10
Absolute Solver's Host The host of an ancient virus. 10
Agent 10
Apostle In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will. 10
Arrancar A Hollow that has removed its mask 10
Bearer of Calamities 10
Biskmatar half 10
Blacklight Mutator Once a normal creature, exposed to an aberration/cursed virus you are more than just the creature, you are an infected hybrid. 10
Blacklight Virus A genetically enhanced mutation which allows the user access to alter their genetic code for biological weapons. 10
Blaster A warrior who uses a magical weapon called a Pile Bunker, a weapon which deals massive explosions and can shred through any obstacles. half 10
Blood Lord A mage whose chosen a very unconventional method of magic. 10
Blood Quirk A quirk that incorporated blood in a major way. 10
Blood Quirk, Variant A quirk that incorporated blood in a major way. 10
Bloodborne Hunter Variant
Cavalier Fearsome and courageous knights that ride their steed into battle. 10
Combatant Mage (Black Clover Supplement) 10
Commandment of Piety Powerful demonic warriors who will destroy everything while offering piety 10
Cosmos User Powerful Knights that uses the cosmos of the universe to fight. 10
Covenant Soldier A force of conquest throughout the galaxy. 10
Crusader You are a valiant champion whose goal is to smite evil. 10
Custom Stand User Variation A Class of Stand User with a customized stand. No Star Platinums or The Worlds over here. 10
Daemon Eater Individuals that suffer from the Daemonblight, causing their soul to emit a toxic aura simply called Malevolence and slowly turning them into Daemons. 10
Daemon Eater Variant Individuals infected with a blight that grants them power. 10
Dark Knight, 2nd Variant 10
Dark Ranger Ruthless hunters of the living, Dark Rangers are murderous trackers, that employ necromantic magic to deliver death to their victims. The Dark Ranger is a Variant of the Ranger class. half 10
Dark Slayer 10
Demon Slayer A swordsman/swordswoman who's joined the ranks of the Demon Slayer Corps. 10
Demon Wielder Fighters who utilize the power of demons to assist them in battle. 10
Destiny Warlock Radical Space Wizards 10
Determined, Variant As a Determined you gain the following class features 10
Devil Hunter, 2nd Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style. 10
Devil Hunter, Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style. 10
Dominant half 10
Dovahkiin half 10
Dragon Rider A warrior possessing magical powers by being bonded with a dragon. (Based on the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini.) 10
Dragon Slayer Individuals who use lost magic that grants them the power of dragons. 10
Dragon Slayer, Fairy Tail Individuals who use lost magic that grants them the power of dragons. 10
Dragonsmith A warrior with a size-changing dragon and nifty smithy skills third 10
Dragoon (Legend of Dragoon) Warriors bound to the spirits of dragons, able to invoke the elemental power of dragons to conjure magic and transform into a hybrid dragon form, known as the Dragoon form. 10
Driver 10
Espada (JJ Nerf) 10
Explosion A class about making explosions with your explosive body. 10
Fable Wolf Beings who have struggled to integrate into society due to their bestial nature. 10
Fell Rider Dark riders on mounts, who fell into darkness 10
Fire Soldier (Fire Force supplement) 10
Fixer (Project Moon Supplement) 10
Force Master A powerful warrior who can use the force. 10
Force Sensitive As the name implies, Force Sensitive's specialize in using the force to protect themselves and those around them.. 10
Force Sensitive, Variant A being with a rare connection to the force 10
Fudou Style Martial Arts You are a warrior who uses the wind. 10
Ghoul King Incarnate Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin. 10
Ghoul King Incarnate, 2nd Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin. 10
Ghoul King Incarnate, Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin. 10
Greatcoat 10
Green Lantern Peacekeepers of green light 10
Guild Wars Dragonhunter A defender class that specializes in team support and trap damage. 10
Gungeoneer A dungeon delver who uses their wit and intellect to dip dive and dodgeroll through traps and enemies. 10
Gungeoneer, Variant A dungeon delver who uses their wit and intellect to dip dive and dodgeroll through traps and enemies. 10
Gunlance Wielder 10
Hallownest Knight A class based around the Hollow Knight lore. 10
Halo Spartan A machine in the shape of a super-soldier 10
Heroic Adventurer Heroic Adventurer 10
Heroic Adventurer, Variant Heroic Adventurer 10
Heroic Spirit A class based of the Servants from the Fate series 10
Hojosa A class revolved around the character 'Ilpyo Park' from God of Highschool 10
Hollow (Soul Society Supplement) 10
Hollow Knight, Variant A Knight who uses the power of the void within themselves and their master swordsmanship to combat their foes. 10
Horn Hunter Horn hunters are unique musical playing class that can support from the back lines or be a front-line attacker. half 10
Hunter(HXH) People who learned how to use the aura inside them as a weapon. 10
Huntsman A versatile fighting class that makes use of a transforming weapon and mitigates damage with Aura (RWBY). 10
Huntsman Variant A versatile fighting class that makes use of a transforming weapon and mitigates damage with Aura (RWBY). 10
Huntsman/Huntress, Variant A highly customizable warrior who protects people and slays monsters. Based on the show RWBY. 10
Hyrule: Fighter You are a master of traditional combat. Few can match your training and talent on the battlefield. 10
Hyrule: Oathsworn Bound by a sacred oath, you are sworn to use your divine power for a cause you believe in. 10
Imperial Guardsman The regular infantry of the Imperial Guard, whom are ready to die for the Emperor. 10
Insect Glaive Hunter The Insect Glaive hunter is an unique warrior who takes down the enemy with mobility and his loyal Kinsect companion. 10
Integrity Knight 10
Iron Solari 10
Jedi/Sith A powerful warrior, who using a strange mystic energy, known as, The Force. 10
Jedi/Sith, Variant Those capable of feeling and wielding energy of the planes 10
Keyblade Guardian half 10
Keyblade Master A fierce warrior wielding immense and unique power. 10
Keyblade Master, Variant The ancient keyblade legacy has awakened inside you. Use it wisely, as it will be more than just a weapon. 10
Keyblade Master, Variant 2 Kingdom Heart beckons, will you answer its call? 10
Keyblade Warrior third 10
Keyblade Wielder, 2nd Variant A fierce warrior wielding immense and unique power. 10
Legionis Elite officers who use the power of spectral entities called Legions. 10
Lieh Samurai Noble warriors that protect Lieh, serving loyally their masters while strictly adhering to the code of Bushido. half 10
Living Weapon, Variant Inspired by Kantai Girls, Azure Lane, and the Military. 10
Manakete Beings who have a connection to dragons whithin their blood. They gain strength and power from it, shapeshifting their body into draconic forms. But they must be wary to not let it consume them. 10
Mandalorian A group of people native to the planet Mandalore, and wear special armor made of a substance called Beskar. 10
Medicine Cat Outside combat healer based on Medicine Cat from Warrior Cat 10
Monado Wielder You are one of the rare people able to wield the power of the legendary fate-altering sword, the Monado. 10
Monkey King A class based on God of highschool 10
Monster/Beast Hunter A Guardian of nature and people equally. 10
Monsterbound A class that allows the user to take on a more feral fighting style with the assistance of a monster companion 10
Myrmidon Sword wielders that use graceful maneuvers to cull their opposition. 10
Mystic Puppeteer, Variant A mystic who has crafted and enchanted small puppets, using them for anything and everything from the mundane to fighting in their stead. 10
Mystic, 2nd Variant Psionic Disciplines (5e Other)
Nomu An unnatural fusion of quirks. 10
Omnitrix Wielder A warrior attached to a powerful device known as the Omnitrix. 10
One for All Wield a powerful quirk passed down from hero to hero 10
Operative A strategist, both fighting and providing utility. 10
Overdrive User 10
Planes Walker 10
Plumber An adventurer with superhuman jumping abilities. 10
Prey-Hunter Aggressive fighter class based on Prey-Hunter tribe in warrior books 10
Prototype You were infected by a virulent virus, mutating your genetic code and allowing you to freely manipulate your own biomass for your own use. 10
Quirk User A person whose unique power has 10
Ranger of the North A Ranger of the North is a warrior who is trained rigorously, sometimes for years, before they are considered ready to venture beyond the wall. Until then, they do small work, training, of course, or standing watch on the wall. Tending the flames in the braziers that are used for warmth, polishing swords, working the kitchens, and many other things. After they are finished with their training is when they become a force to be reckoned with. After their training, they go beyond the wall, scouting, making maps, and hunting. Sometimes, they go on hunts for parties of wildlings whom are planning to go over the wall and raid, and most times, they do not come back. Scarcely is a ranger who survives one who is not greatly skilled. 10
Ranger, Pathfinder Edition Acting as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness, rangers study, track, and hunt their favored enemies. 10
Reishi A warrior that has mastered the art of Reiki channeling (Yu Yu Hakusho) 10
Revenant Revenants channel the spiritual energy of powerful souls in the spirit realm. half 10
Rider, Variant A specialized class based of the Rider Servants from the Fate series 10
Runeblade A master of the blade and a scholar of the runes, with these skills, blaze a path to arcane martial supremacy 10
Sandbender Individuals that control sand to attack and protect himself. 10
Seeker of Truth
Shifter Creatures with the ability to transform into other creatures. 10
Shinigami A class based on the hit anime and manga series, Bleach. 10
Shovel Knight A knight that lives by a holy code and uses a sacred blade: The Shovel Blade! 10
Sin of Wrath, 2nd Variant 10
Sith A true warrior of the dark side, you are above all others in power and status. 10
Skaven Warplock Engineer A engineer and madman in equal measure. Any Warplock engineer worth their salt can be anything from chaotic sorcerer and masterful tinkerer, to heavy infantry wielding heavily augmented weaponry and riding warpstone fueled mounts. full 10
Soul Reaper 10
Soul Reaper, Variant A being made out of spiritual energy made to purify evil souls and protect the world of the living. 10
Soulbringer Adaptable spellswords with conviction and arcane senses. 10
Sovereign A being that has been genetically altered to handle the collective will of a planet. half 10
Spawn of The Body Superhuman with shapeshifting powers. 10
Spawn of The Power Superhuman with energy manipulation powers. 10
Spellbreaker A Spellbreaker is both a destroyer and protector of magic. 10
Spirit Walker, 2nd Variant 10
Stand User (Custom) A Class of Stand User with a customized stand. No Star Platinums or The Worlds over here. 10
Stand User, 2nd Variant 10
Steel Stringer An assassin of eloquence third 10
Survivalist A wily character who makes up for offense with out of the box animal tricks 10
Survivalist, Fallout Variant A lonesome watchman. 10
Swordsman, Variant A dex-based weapon fighter based on swordsman from one piece fiction. 10
Tager A person who has inextricably bonded themself with a being from the Far Realm, gaining a shifted form in the process. 10
Taster A class revolved around the character 'Sora' from Hardcore Leveling Warrior 10
Taster, Variant A class revolved around the character 'Sora' from Hardcore Leveling Warrior 10
Tech-Priest 10
The Fixer 10
The Nightmare Seeker they are demons that come from far places of the underworld just to seek the nightmare flame of broken worlds 10
The Pure Lightning 10
The Scout Scout from Tf2 10
The Stranger An individual using his wits and modifications of his own body to fight for his own survival 10
The Witcher, 8th Variant Monster Hunter Class based on Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski's books. 10
Thunder Warrior Cat Maneuvers class based on Thunderclan from Warriors Cats 10
Titanshifter Soldiers that fly around on gas powered grappling cables and transform into giants 10
Tokyo Ghoul A mutated monster that just wants to live. 10
Tokyo Ghoul, 3rd Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin. 10
Tokyo Ghoul, Variant A mutated monster that just wants to live. 10
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power. 10
Vampire, Stone Mask Variant A normal creature, twisted by an artifact of great power. 10
Vein Revenant Revenants can be played in a variety of ways. The can stay back and cast powerful spells using Ichor, or charge in head-first with giant weapons in hand. 10
Vein Revenant, Variant A species of vampire that was born from the Miasma disease. 10
Warrior Cat A hybrid between loner, kittypet, and warriors 10
Witcher Monster Hunter Class based on Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski's books. 10
Witcher, 7th Variant Monster Hunter Class based on Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski's books. 10
Witcher, Variant Monster Hunter Class based on Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski's books. 10
Wonderful One A masked hero, fueled by their Wonder-Pendant. 10
Wraith Host, Variant 2 A more lore versatile version of the Wraith Host, with an overhaul to its gameplay. 10
Wukong A class based on the character Jin Mori from God of highschool 10
Yakuza, Variant 10

d10 Hit Die April Fools Classes[edit]

D10 hit die classes with a more comedic twist.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Bud Light Knight, Variant A warrior in service to a kingdom that uses the power of Bud Light to attack their enemies and help their allies. 10
Corpse Just a dead guy 100
Emperor, the False Archfiend Version Emperor are people that are born to great things. 10
Explosive Swordsman Just cut and blow everything to pieces 10
Gentleman, 3rd Variant Tip top, my fair lady! 10
Halfwit A hero empowered by their propensity for mistakes. 10
Kid Adventurer A child-like adventurer capable of fighting against magical entities with only a sword 10
Rugger A rough and tumble fighter with a strong team spirit 10
Shitposter Such a heavy joke maker. half 10
Umbrella Warrior A half-brawler, half-spellcaster with some support features and an increasingly beat-up umbrella. half 10

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