Witcher, 6th Variant (5e Class)
There will always, always be darkness. And in that darkness there will always be Evil, in that darkness there will always be fangs and claws, murder and blood. There will always be things that go bump in the night. And we, Witchers, are the ones who will bump back. --- Vesemir of Kaer Morhen
A human stalks through the night, cat eyes shining in the darkened forest. All is silent save for the gentle humming of his medallion against his chest. At the sound of an otherworldly howl, he dodges out of the way, narrowly avoiding the cavernous maw of a werewolf. A whirlwind of fangs and claws lash out at the human male as he effortlessly parries away each attack with his silvered longsword in hand. In a flash, the man lunges forward, bringing his blade across the belly of the werewolf. The creature buckles and howls as it falls to the ground. The Witcher swings back, bringing the point of his sword down upon the beast, ending the howls in an instant.
A Tiefling whirls his gleaming sword about his head before bringing it down before him, hacking a griffin’s wing from its body. Blood and feathers fly as he nimbly carves his way up the side of the beast before finally splitting its head in two.
A half-orc thrusts his hand toward the pack of undead shambling toward him. With a short sign, a wave of fire explodes forth, followed by him cleaving a path through them with his shining sword. The last thing they see is his face, veined from the potions he took, a branching mass of death.
Reciting aloud the memorized formulas she had learned since she was a child, a female half-elf begins preparing a noxious brew. If done correctly, it could give her the edge she needs to fell her query. But one mishap and it could end her in a moment.
Yellow eyes like that of a cat, a halfling peers through the darkness of night. The scent of a troll is fresh. Broken limbs of trees point him in the direction he needs to track. It is just a matter of time now before he collects the sizable bounty on its head.
Mutated Hunters On The Path[edit]
Witchers, the ideal being for killing monsters. Mutated by the Trial of the Grasses, trained in swordplay, and well versed in nearly every type of monster, they are more than equipped to handle being pitted against whatever goes bump in the night. Described by some as a cruel experiment to create something greater than a man, Witchers were developed as a result of extensive training, ruthless mental and physical training, and cruel alchemy as opposed to nature. They fill a necessary niche in the homeland of their craft, killing monsters for those plagued by them. The life of a Witcher is seldom one of little report. Fabled and legendary monster hunters, trained by the best warriors, are the first line of defense between society and destruction. The Path leads Witchers to the pursuit of seeking out contracts, and killing any monster. This lifestyle doesn't offer the comforts many would want in life. As such, these men and women often find themselves isolated and alone. The life of a hunter is one that requires a Witcher to be constantly on the move. Emotional attachments can at times be seen as distractions for some Witchers.
Once Man, Now Monster[edit]
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The Witcher Digital Art, By Tom Cage |
A Witcher is someone who has undergone extensive training, ruthless mental and physical conditioning, and mysterious rituals (which take place at "witcher schools" such as Kaer Morhen) in preparation for becoming an itinerant monsterslayer for hire. Taken in as children, Witchers-to-be are subjected to intense alchemical processes, consumption of mutagenic compounds, and relentless physical and magical training to make them dangerous and highly versatile against their vast array of opponents, many of which possess superhuman speed, strength and/or other deadly powers. These procedures ultimately mean that each fully-trained witcher is a mutant built specifically to hunt and kill inhuman prey. The key permanent results of mutations shared by all Witchers include:
• Sterility (which partially explains selection from the outsiders, as they cannot breed to pass on their traits).
• Cat-like eyes that grant very acute nightvision - Witchers can constrict their pupils to see in blinding light or open them to see in near pitch darkness. This night vision can be further enhanced with the cat potion, but in general, it is good enough by itself to not require further enhancement.
• Tremendous resistance to disease and poison (which functions in most cases as complete immunity) and a boosted immune system, allowing them to consume large quantities of potions that could prove easily deadly if consumed even in small amounts by a normal man.
• Exceptionally increased strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance, far beyond any normal or well-trained human, allows them to swiftly end fights with minimal effort, and perform physical feats non-witchers couldn't hope to match. A witcher's physical skills alone are sufficient to defeat most monsters single-handedly if combined with extensive training and proper weaponry, whereas regular men could only hope to accomplish this in large groups. Witchers have also been shown to shrug off hits that would normally render normal men unconscious. Additionally, they have been known to survive the strikes of powerful monsters such as giants, or other beings possessing herculean strength, that would otherwise kill others with a single blow.
• Having the ability to perform simple yet incredibly versatile combat magic in the form of Signs. They also develop a sixth sense that allows them to "feel" things around them, be it items of importance or people's immediate intentions. This explains their uncanny ability to track and hunt people and monsters.
• Accelerated healing granting quick recovery from injuries.
• Incredibly long lifespan and prolonged youth (Witchers are not known to die from old age).
Creating a Witcher[edit]
When creating your Witcher, think about how your character views the world as a result of your training. Do they view them as an ultimate evil that they are on a crusade against? Or do they view them as feral creatures, unable to understand the evil they perform, simply following their nature? Also, consider your Witchers emotions. As a result of your trials, your emotions have been stunted, but they are still there. Finally, consider the circumstances surrounding your induction to the Witcher caste. More often than not, most children don't get a choice when they are chosen. Orphans are often taken, and there are rumors that some children are abducted. Your parents might have given you away because they didn't have enough food, or you might have run to them seeking adventure. Think about this and how it impacts your view of humanity.
The Witcher's Code[edit]
While peasants often claim a Witcher’s only code is gold, some mages and monarchs believe all Witchers obey an ancient code of honor, obligating them to take any monster contract that comes their way. Fact is, there is no single code which unites all Witchers, and often there is tension between their schools over the philosophical tenets of being a Witcher. Whether an individual Witcher strives to follow a code of personal honor and professional conduct is up to the player. Precepts of a Witcher’s personal code might include:
- The Contract
- Witchers do not work for free. Upon taking a contract to hunt a monster (or person), the Witcher should make a good faith effort to rid the land of the monster. If the Witcher fails, payment received should be returned to their patron. Likewise, the Witcher should observe professional courtesy and never poach a fellow Witcher’s contract.
- Free of Emotion
- The Witcher should strive to remain free of emotion and to keep an open mind; often the most obvious answer is the least true.
- Knowing Man From Monster
- The line between monsters and men can be thin indeed, and the Witcher must discern what separates the two.
- Law of Surprise
- Witchers reserve the right to ask for a child to train as a Witcher in payment for a life debt.
- Neutrality
- Witchers try not to get too involved in politics; it usually ends badly and complicates their monster-hunting.
- No Dragons
- Witchers don’t normally hunt dragons out of respect for - and perhaps healthy fear of - this sentient Elder Race. In ages past, dragons were hunted to near extinction.
- Sanctity of Life
- Humans, elves, dwarves, and sometimes even trolls are not the enemy, and the Witcher should avoid taking a sentient life in all but extreme situations. Likewise, the best way to deal with a monster may not lie in sword or spell.
Quick Build[edit]
You can make a Witcher quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Dexterity your highest score, followed by Wisdom. Though depending on your Witcher school of choice, you may want to make different scores higher, as seen in the schools description. Finally, take the Outlander background.
Class Features
As a Witcher you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Witcher level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Witcher level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies, Poisoner's Kit
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose four from: Perception, Persuasion, Stealth, Investigation, Survival, Nature, Medicine, Acrobatics, Athletics, Animal Handling, Insight, or Intimidation.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Studded Leather or (b) Scale Mail
- (a) Silvered and a Normal Longsword or a Silvered and a Normal Greatsword or (b) Silvered and a Normal Battleaxe or a Silvered and a Normal Greataxe
- (a) Light Crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) 20 Throwing Knives
- Alchemist Kit, Monster Hunters Pack
- Witchers Medallion and Bestiary
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d10 x 10 gp in funds.
Having been raised since childhood for a singular purpose in life, to hunt down monstrous creatures, you have undergone a number of horrifying mutagenic procedures that have long stripped you of your emotions, but also some level of who you used to be.
Starting at 1st level, you gain the following benefits.
• Your eyes now take on the appearance of a cat's, yellow in color, and slitted. You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision from your race, its range increases by 30 feet.
• You needn't sleep any more if your race requires it. Instead, you meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
• You gain resilience to poisons and concoctions that would kill a lesser being. You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have immunity against poison damage (explained in the “Combat” section of the PHB).
• You become proficient or expertise in perception.
• Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
• You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.
• You gain the Observant feat.
• You are immune to disease.
• Witchers are not known to die from old age. For every 100 years that pass, your body ages only 1.
• Your body develops a number of weird quirks, such as pigmentless hair or skin. You may lose scales, claws, feathers, or a number of other racial traits. Discuss with your GM about these abnormalities. Whatever you choose, the mutation process you underwent caused your body to react in a visual manner, leaving it apparent that you are different from the rest of your kind.
• Some school's mutations offer strange quirks such as the school of the cat's hyper aggressive nature, the reclusiveness of the bear, or just simply a lack of emotions.
• If you lose or break your weapons, buying others cost an additional 100gp at the original price of the weapon. Your weapons are unique.
Witcher Artifacts[edit]
- Pendant
- All Witchers have a pendant (Wolf, Bear, Cat, Viper, Manticore or Griffin) in the shape of the symbol of their Witcher school, as well as a Witcher's Bestiary. While wearing said pendant. It vibrates in the presence of monsters within 120 feet, and hums softly in the presence of magic within 60 feet.
- Notebook
- Across your studies with your enemies you have always kept track of their vocal and communication patterns. You can learn up to an amount of languages equal to your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency modifier. You can not learn druidic or thieves cant in this way.
- Bestiary
- The Witcher's Bestiary is where a Witcher records the strengths and weaknesses of all enemies faced. After you are in combat with a creature and kill/subdue it, it is added to your Witcher Bestiary. When facing a beast or monster recorded in the bestiary, you know about its lore, stats, and abilities, in addition to its damage immunities, resistances, and vulnerabilities. You have four Bestiary dice, which are d8s. A Bestiary die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended bestiary dice when you finish a short or long rest. You can expend one bestiary die and add the result to a saving throw made against an ability of a creature listed on the bestiary or you can add as a penalty on a creature saving throw against your abilities. You need to spend 5 minutes after the battle by analyzing the body of a dead creature or the environment where the fight occurred to be able to add it to your bestiary. You gain another Bestiary die at 7th level and one more at 15th level.
- Additionally through your study and training you have learnt a great deal about the creatures you hunt. You may use your Wisdom (Survival) modifier instead of Arcana when rolling to recall information about Creatures and creatures magical effects/abilities.
The Bestiary's Appearance. Your bestiary is a unique compilation of notes and diagrams on recorded creatures. It can look like any old leather journal, a barely held together bunch of notes, or a unique tome gifted to you by your teacher.
Replacing the Bestiary. In the event that you want a backup of your bestiary, you can spend a half hour for each creature you've recorded in your bestiary to transcribe it into a new one. If you don't have your original bestiary during this process, you can only scribe from memory a number of creatures equal to 5 x your Wisdom modifier.
Specialized Killers[edit]
At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
Archery. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
Protection. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within reach of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a melee weapon that has the two-handed or versatile property, and you are wielding that weapon with two hands.
Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
Witcher Alchemy[edit]
Starting at level 3, you gain powerful new formulas in which you can develop in order to help you in your endeavors. You can create up to three different potion types during a long rest. This alchemical formula is a special potion with unique properties. These potions are incredibly toxic for non-Witchers. If you pass the toxicity limit, you gain 1 point of exhaustion, and 4d8 poison damage per potion taken after that.
In addition, you can consume potions as a bonus action.
The saving throws of any potion is equal to 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
Certain potions increased effects at higher levels, gaining additional effects in addition to previous ones, or having a higher potency.
- Swallow
- You can create 4 doses of Swallow, a fiery orange tincture. The process takes 1 hour to gather materials, if consumed by a Witcher, heal 1d6 + your Constitution modifier at the end of your turn for 4 turns. Toxicity: 1
Enchanced: At 10th level you can craft 3 Enhanced Swallow, which heals for 2d8 + your Constitution modifier, but has a toxicity of 2.
Superior: At level 15 you can craft 2 doses of Superior Swallow, which heals for 3d8 + your Constitution modifier for 5 Turns, , but has a toxicity of 3.
- Elixir of the Cat
- The Witcher produces 1 dose of Cat, a sickly green mixture which doubles the Witcher's natural dark vision range to 120 feet, and allows the sight of color in the dark for one day. Toxicity:1
Enchanced: At 10th level, you can produce 1 dose of Enhanced Cat: You gain Truesight up to 60 ft. This allows you to see invisible creatures and objects, automatically detect visual illusions and automatically succeed on saving throws against them, and allows them to see through magical darkness. It has a toxicity of 2.
Superior: At 15th level, you can craft 1 dose of Superior Cat, when consumed you gain Truesight up to 80 ft., and Blindsight up to 150 ft., and they can determine the basic mood of creatures within range of their blindsight. It has a toxicity of 3.
- Black Blood
- You can create 2 doses of Black Blood, a midnight-black potion. Consuming the potion turns the creature's blood into poison when attacked for 1 minute. Any creature that attacks with claws takes 1d8 poison damage. A creature that attacks the consumer with a bite attack or similar must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking twice as much damage on a failure and becoming poisoned until the end of their next turn. This increases by 1d8 at 10th and 14th level. Toxicity: 2
Enhanced: At 10th level, you can craft Enhanced Black Blood, increasing the damage to 2d8 and ignoring resistance to poison damage. A creature that is poisoned by this effect is instead poisoned for a number of turns equal to your proficiency bonus. It has a toxicity of 3.
Superior: At 15th level, you can craft Superior Black Blood. In addition to the previous effects, a creature must make the save whether it bites you or not, and is poisoned for 1 minute. The DC becomes 21 and its damage becomes 2d6 per turn. It also has a toxicity of 4.
- Killer Whale
- You can craft 1 dose of Killer Whale, an amber colored liquid. Consuming the potion allows the creatue to hold its breath indefinitely while underwater as long as it is not incapacitated, and it gains a swimming speed equal to its walking speed for 8 hours. Toxicity: 1
- White Honey
- You can craft 1 dose of White Honey, a thick white fluid. When consumed: Regain all of your toxicity points, cancels active potion effects, and the poisoned condition.
- At 10th level, you can craft 2 doses of white honey, and at 15th level you can cast 3.
In the event that a Witcher potion is consumed by a non-Witcher, they must pass a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. Upon failing the saving throw roll a percentile, add your full con mod, and on 50 and above you're insane for 1d10 days, on a fail you die. If they succeed the constitution saving throw, they gain the benefits of the potion for half the duration and the poisoned condition. This can be removed through lesser restoration.
Witcher School[edit]
Starting at level 3, Witchers decide what school they want to follow. Each school offers a variety of different skills Witchers can use to enhance their monster tracking and slaying abilities. There are six schools to choose from: The School of the Wolf, Cat, Viper, Bear, Griffin and Manticore. Your Witcher school grants abilities at 7th, 11th, 14th and 18th level.
At level 10 you may also study the techniques of 1 additional school of your choice, you gain use of the level 3 feature and use of the level 7 feature of that school.
Starting at 3rd level, you gain access to signs, a form of magic only usable by Witchers. All signs require the use of one hand for somatic components (no other components are required). At level 3 you may choose two signs to be able to cast at will, at higher levels you gain the ability to know more signs as listed in the table above. Then starting at level 7, you gain the ability to empower your signs with greater potency. Then at level 15, you gain access to higher level effects for each sign. When you Empower your signs, you can now choose a Mythic Empowered sign effect to cast. You may also change out signs you currently know at the end of a long rest. You can recover all uses during a long rest.
Using signs is a strenuous activity. As such, there is a limited amount of times you can cast a sign in a turn. You are only able to use a sign as a bonus action. Sign casting beyond that is possible, but you take a level of exhaustion for each sign cast and it consumes an action, unless the sign is being used as a feature or ability.
Sign Save DC= 10 + Proficiency bonus + Wisdom Modifier
- Aard
Prestidigitation: Out of combat, you can create disturbances in the air that extinguish small flames like torch and bonfires.
Empowered: You empower your Aard Sign to blast a 30ft cone with telekinetic force. All creatures caught in the blast must make a strength saving throw against your Sign save DC. Upon a failed save the creature is thrown back 15 ft, knocked prone, and dealt 1d6 force damage. On a successful save the target is pushed back 10ft and takes half damage. This damage increases by 1d6 at 7th, and 13th. This works against creatures up to 2 sizes above your own. Creatures three sizes or larger only take the damage, and half movement on a failed save.
Greater: You empower your Aard Sign to blast out in a 20ft radius emanating from you in all directions. All creatures caught in the blast must make a strength saving throw against your Sign save DC. Upon a failed save the creature is thrown back 15 ft, knocked prone, and dealt 3d8 force damage. On a successful save the target is pushed back 10ft and takes half damage. The additional damage increases at level 15 (4d8). This works against creatures up to 3 sizes above your own. Creatures four sizes or larger only take the damage, and half movement on a failed save.
Mythic: The range of your Aard Sign increases to 30ft, the damage dice increases to 5d8 force, and any creature that fails the strength saving throw is knocked prone and stunned until the start of your next turn. This works against all sized creatures.
- Yrden
Basic: As a bonus action, you place a magical trap on the ground (10ft range), lasting 1d4 turns. All non-allies within the area of the trap have half movement speed. (Moving 1 foot inside the trap costs 2 feet of speed). You may only have three instances of this sign active at a time.
Empowered: You empower either your preexisting Yrden trap, or a new one, to a 25ft radius. In addition to the original Yrden Sign's effect, all non-allies within the area of the trap must make a wisdom saving throw, If they fail, they gain a -1 to ac. And can no longer use their reaction ability. If they succeed they only receive the half movement while in the trap. The duration of the trap becomes 1d6 turns. To walk inside the trap costs 3x movement.
Greater: Hey TyCat I know this is your baby, but any chance we can get greater signs [Yrden, Igni, Quen, Axii] for the current version? Thanks in advance from all the ones watching and using this wonderful class.
Mythic: When you can empower your preexisting Yrden trap or cast a new Yrden trap, the radius of your Yrden trap increases to a 60ft. In addition, a creature who failed its wisdom saving throw experiences a sapping effect on its life force. For every turn spent within the Yrden trap the creature will take 2d6 necrotic damage. Attacks are made at advantage against these creatures. While you are inside of the Yrden trap radius you are hasted. Your speed is doubled, gain a +2 bonus to AC, advantage on Dexterity saves, and gain an additional action on each of your turns. The duration of the trap becomes 1d8 turns. To walk inside the trap costs 4x movement.
- Igni
Prestidigitation: Out of combat, you can create small flames that light candles, torches and bonfires.
Empowered: You empower your Igni Sign, to a 15ft cone and set a target ablaze. All creatures within the area make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw the target takes 1d10 fire damage or half damage on a successful save. This damage increases by 1d10 at 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th. The target burns for an extra 1d6 fire damage at the start of their turn for 1d4 rounds. The creature can use an action to put out the flames ending the effect on itself. This damage increases by 1d6 at 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th.
Mythic: When you empower your Igni Sign, you focus the energy of the Igni blast into a fire stream to hit a single target to devastating effect. The range of the fire stream is 30ft. An enemy hit by this stream takes 8d10 fire damage; Roll a percentile die, on a 50 or above, the enemy is set ablaze and are burning for 6d8 fire damage. This burning damage occurs every round at the start of their turn for 1d6 rounds. On a successful save they receive half damage, and 3d8 burning damage for 1d4 rounds.
- Quen
Basic: With a reaction, or if you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can cast Quen. You cast a protective ward around yourself, gaining resistance to any form of damage. This effect lasts for 2 hits at level 7 and 3 hits at level 13.
Empowered: You empower your Quen sign to create a more powerful shield around. In addition to the original Quen Sign, you add your Wisdom modifier bonus to AC. You also take no damage from Magic Missile. Now Quen lasts for 3 turns or until hit.
Mythic: You empower your Quen sign to create a bubble of potent energy around yourself. You gain immunity to all damage for one round. If you are hit by any melee attacks, ranged attacks, or spells, you gain 1d8 temporary hit points. These hit points last for 1d4 rounds and if they aren't lost then they are gained as regular hit points. You are immobile for the duration of this effect, but can end the effects early with an action and regain one use of your signs.
- Axii
Prestidigitation: Out of combat, you can cast the effects of Calm Emotions, a target in line of sight must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Witcher save DC. Upon a failed save you can suppress any effect causing the target to be charmed or frightened. Alternatively, you can make a target indifferent about creatures of your choice that it is hostile toward.
Empowered: You empower your Axii Sign to instead control the target's actions. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Witcher save DC. Upon a failed save the target is charmed and under your control. The creature attacks any creature that is hostile to you, if there is no hostile creature nearby, it is stunned by 2 turns. The target can remake the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, a successful save ends this effect on itself. If the target fails saving throw, on your turn, you can use your bonus action to keep the control. When the Sign ends the target is dealt 2d4 psychic damage. If the target succeeds their saving throw they are only dealt half the psychic damage and have advantage on the save against this Sign for 1d4 turns.
Mythic: You empower your Axii Sign to assault a single target's mind with psychic energy. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 5d10 psychic damage, or half as much on a success. If this damage would kill the target they are instead put to sleep for 1 hour. If they are put to sleep they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Sign save DC. Upon a failed save the target's memory of the past 24 hours is erased. Additionally, you can use an action to learn the contents of the target's memories regardless of the results of the saving throw.
Blade Oils[edit]
Starting at level 3, you can use a bonus action to coat your blade in a specially crafted oil that is harmful to the recipient. If you have the required monster type recorded in your bestiary you may craft—using your Alchemist's Kit, Lamp Oil and the required ingredients, 3 vials of the listed oils per short or long rest.
Sacramental Wine Components: Bear Fat, Holy Water
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Undead.
Frightful's Nightmare Components: Bear Fat, Monstrosity Tissue
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Monstrosity.
Bellower's Bane Components: Bear Fat, Draconic Tissue
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Draconic.
Feral's Poison Components: Bear Fat, Wolfsbane
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Beast
Hanged Man's Venom Components: Bear Fat, Local Poisonous Plants
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Humanoid.
Cold Iron Salve Components: Bear Fat, Iron Filings
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Fey.
Pious Tears Components: Bear Fat, Celestial Blood
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Fiend.
Lycan's Agony Components: Bear Fat, Silver Filings, Feral’s Poison
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets with Lycanthropy.
Storm King's Ruin Components: Bear Fat, Hanged Man's Venom
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d9 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Giant.
Distilled Mullein Components: Bear Fat, Fey Wild Plant Matter
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Aberration.
Tinker's Backup Components: Bear Fat, Conductive Fluids
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Construct.
Element's Scream Components: Bear Fat, Mercury
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Elemental.
Sinners Blood Components: Bear Fat, Fiend Blood
While applied to your weapon, your attacks deal an additional 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier in damage to targets of the type: Celestial.
These oils last for up to one minute of use.
The damage decreases to 1d6 after 10 hits.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Witcher Senses[edit]
Starting at level 4, your body continues adapting to the changes brought by the Trial of Grasses, tempering your senses further. You have blindsight out to a range of 30 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you. Your blindsight doesn't work while deafened however.
- In addition, you can sense creatures within 80 feet by sense of smell. This doesn't tell you the exact location of a creature, only that they are somewhere within that range. The exact location is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. The creature can take a bonus action to note the direction of the scent.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th.
Swift Of Arm[edit]
The mutations to your body has sharpened your reactions, and honed your blade arm. Starting at level 5, you are able to use your reaction to reduce the damage dealt by a weapon attack by 1d8 + your Witcher level + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. If the damage is reduced to 0 you can spend a reaction to knock the weapon from, or return the projectile with Aard. You must be wielding a melee weapon or be able to cast Aard in order to use this feature.
Of Men And Monsters[edit]
The line between monsters and men can be thin indeed, and the Witcher must discern what separates the two.
- Monsters
- Starting at level 6, when you attack a creature (i.e. All other creatures that do not have the Humanoid category. ) with a silvered weapon, you gain +2 to your attack and damage roll. If you attack a creature that is Humanoid, this in turn has no effect. You can pass the magical resistance with this feature, even if your weapon is not magic. This increases at level 9 to a +4, at level 13 to +5, at level 15 to +6.
In low magic campaigns you only get the initial bonus.
- Humans and Non-Humans
- Starting at level 6, when you attack a humanoid (i.e. All creatures that have Humanoid category ) creature with a weapon, you gain +2 to your attack and damage roll. If you attack a creature that is not Humanoid, this in turn has no effect. This increases at level 10 to a +3, at level 14 to +4, at level 16 to +5.
In low magic campaigns you only get the initial bonus.
Quickened Analysis[edit]
Starting at 9th level, you can analyze a creature mid combat, and waste much less time adding them to your bestiary. You only need to spend 1 minute examining a creature to add it to your bestiary, and can finalize your notes over the course of a short rest.
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack or it fails a saving throw against one of your signs, you can count that creature as being added to your Bestiary until the end of combat. You can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
In addition, you gain the following features with which you can use your Bestiary dice on:
- When you make a skill check against a creature in your bestiary, you can roll one bestiary dice and add it to the result, such as when making a stealth check to hide against the creature, a persuasion check to convince them, or an athletics check to grapple them.
- When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature in your bestiary, you can expend one bestiary die to add it to the roll. You can use this before or after making the attack roll, but before any effects of the attack are applied.
- When a creature in your bestiary makes an attack roll against a creature other than you within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to expend one bestiary die and reduce the attack roll by the result. You can choose to use this feature after the creature makes its roll, but before the DM determines whether the attack roll hits or misses. You must be able to see the creature for this feature to take effect.
Bomb Crafting[edit]
Starting at level 10, you can craft bombs using your alchemist kit. The process takes 1 hour to gather materials and to craft 3 bombs of your choice per long rest. As a bonus action you can light and throw the bomb with a range of 30ft.
Bomb Save DC= 8 + Proficiency bonus + Dexterity Modifier
Enhanced Bombs receive +1 on DC
Superior Bombs receive +2 on DC
- Grapeshot Bomb
- Detonating this bomb produces a blast of shrapnel within a 5 foot sphere. Creatures within this radius must make a Dexterity Saving throw. They take 3d8 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. This damage increases by 1d8 at 12th and 16th level.
Enhanced: At level 14 you can craft Enhanced Grapeshot Bomb. Detonating this bomb produces a blast of shrapnel within a 10 foot sphere, which now by improving its gunpowder grants the Grapeshot Bomb an effective increase in blast radius. Creatures within this radius must make a Dexterity Saving throw. They take 4d10 piercing and slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Additionally, the detonation sight of the bomb is littered with shrapnel which can be removed with an action per square or with the power of the Aard Sign. Any Creature that goes over the shrapnel will take 1d6 piercing damage per square which is considered difficult terrain.
Superior: At level 19 you can craft Superior Grapeshot Bomb, Detonating this bomb produces a blast of shrapnel within a 15 foot sphere. Which now causes the ability to inflict greater wounds. Creatures within this radius must make a Dexterity Saving throw. They take 6d12 piercing and slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Additionally, if a creature fails in the Dexterity Save its wounds will begin to bleed for a 1d6 bleeding damage for 1d6 rounds.
- Dancing Star Bomb
- Detonating this bomb produces a fiery blast within a 10 foot sphere. Creatures within this radius must make a Dexterity Saving throw. They takes take 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. This damage increases by 1d6 at 10th, 14th and 18th level.
Enhanced: At level 14 you can craft Enhanced Dancing Star Bomb. Detonating this bomb produces a fiery blast within a 15 foot sphere, Which causes everything in the radius of the explosion to catch on fire. Creatures within this radius must make a Dexterity Saving throw. They take 5d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Additionally, creatures that fail the dexterity check begin to burn for 1d4 rounds taking 1d6 fire damage which can be extinguished using an action.
Superior: At level 19 you can craft Superior Dancing Star Bomb. Detonating this bomb produces a fiery blast within a 20 foot sphere. Creatures within this radius must make a Dexterity Saving throw. They take 5d12 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Additionally, if a Creature fails the dexterity check instead of taking 4d12 fire damage and catching fire, you can cause it and three other creatures around it to instead take 12 fire damage and catch fire for 1d8 rounds.
- Dimeritium Bomb
- You can light and throw the bomb as a bonus action with a range of 30 foot sphere. Detonating this bomb produces a shimmering cloud within a 10 foot sphere. Any creature that is within the range of the blast must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 2d10 piercing damage. Magic in this sphere is canceled for 1d4 turns, including illusions. Spells like Firebolt or Ray of Frost may pass through unhindered from the outside. For concentration-based spells, any spellcasting creature that enters the radius must make a Wisdom Saving throw or lose concentration
Enhanced: At level 14 you can craft Enhanced Dimeritium Bomb. Detonating this bomb produces a shimmering cloud within a 15 foot sphere. Any Creature that tries to cast a spell within the radius of the explosion must make a Constitution Saving throw, and on a failed save they are stunned. For the next 1d8 rounds all attacks, spells and concentration check of the creatures in the bombs radius are at disadvantage.
Superior: At level 19 you can craft Superior Dimeritium Bomb. Detonating this bomb produces a shimmering cloud within a 20 foot sphere. Any magic cast from within this 20 foot sphere immediately backfires on the caster.
- Samum Bomb
- Detonating this bomb produces a flash of blinding light within a 15 foot sphere. All creatures within this radius must make a Wisdom Saving throw or be blinded for 1d4 (minimum of 1) rounds.
Enhanced: At level 14 you can craft Enhanced Samum Bomb which now. Detonating this bomb produces a flash of blinding light and loud bang within a 20 foot sphere. All creatures within this radius must make a Wisdom Saving throw or be blinded and deaf for 2d4 (minimum of 2) rounds.
Superior: At level 19 you can craft Superior Samum Bomb. Detonating this bomb produces a flash of blinding light and loud bang within a 25 foot sphere. All creatures within this radius must make a Wisdom Saving throw or be blinded, deafened and stunned for 2d6+1 (minimum of 3) rounds.
- Moon Dust
- Detonating this bomb produces a blast of tiny crystalline shards within a 10 foot sphere. Any creature with the type shapechanger must Succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be unable to change shape for 1 minute. At 15th level, the duration becomes 15 minutes.
Enhanced: At level 14 you can craft Enhanced Moon Dust. Detonating this bomb produces a blast of tiny crystalline shards within a 15 foot sphere. Now every creature that has the ability to Transform itself or become invisible suffers from the effects of Moon Dust.
Superior: At level 19 you can craft Superior Moon Dust, Detonating this bomb produces a blast of tiny crystalline shards that impregnate creatures within a 20 foot sphere. Creatures that are affected by Moon Dust must spend 1 hour removing shards from their skin to no longer suffer from the effects of Moon Dust.
Witcher Smithing[edit]
Starting at level 13, you can use Witcher blacksmithing secrets to add a +2 AC to any armor. Additionally this can be used to add a +2 to the attack and damage rolls of a weapon of your choice. Requires 12 hours of preparation, once complete the armor or weapon retains this bonus permanently. This ability can only be used once per set of armor and or weapon.
Monstrous Decoction[edit]
Starting at level 13, when you slay a monster and record it in your beastiary, or if you already have it in your beastiary, you may take one hour to craft a special decoction based on the monsters abilities using your alchemists kit. When you consume this potion you can use one stat, feature, damage resistance, damage immunity, condition immunity, or sense from the creatures stat block as your own for the next minute. This decoction costs 4 toxicity points.
When you reach level 13, you've learned how to remain constantly on the lookout for danger. You can't be surprised, instead, you roll initiative and can act on the same turn as your ambushers as long as you are not incapacitated or unconscious. Meditation does not count as unconsciousness for you.
Heightened Witcher Senses[edit]
Beginning at 15th level, you can add double your proficiency bonus in three skills you are proficient with. Alternatively you can add triple your proficiency bonus in three skills you have expertise in.
Superior Mutagens[edit]
Starting at 18th level your senses and body are enhanced to their peak as your mutations begin to finalize. You gain Superior Darkvision and become proficient, or expertise if applicable, in Wisdom Saving Throws, and skill checks. You gain advantage on tracking (Survival) checks.
- In response to a spell, feature, attack, or ability that would cause damage you can use a reaction to gain immunity to that damage for up to one minute. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
- Upon catching a scent you can use your bonus action to make a survival roll of DC 15 to determine what type of being it is.
- You gain advantage for Acrobatics and Athletics checks, if you already have advantage apply expertise.
- You gain 10 additional feet to your speed.
At 18th level, your Constitution, Wisdom, and your choice of Strength or Dexterity scores are increased by 4. Your maximum for those scores is now 24. Additionally, you gain immunity to the Charmed and Frightened conditions.
Grandmaster Witcher[edit]
You have become the greatest among Witchers. When you reach 20th level your training is finally complete, and you have achieved the rank of master. Due to the vastness of everything you've seen on your journey you have become immune to any and all illusion spell effects or conditions (I.E. Charmed, Slept, ETC).
- Attacks of opportunity against you are done so with disadvantage.
- Once per turn, when you make a weapon attack against a creature, you can also make an attack against each creature within 5 feet of you.
- You can empower your signs effortlessly, gaining the ability to do so at will and at no cost. Additionally, you may perform the somatic components of a sign even when your hands are full..
Additionally, you have picked up some special fighting techniques in your travels. Choose one of the following specialized Witcher fighting styles from below to adopt. You may change your chosen style after a short or long rest.
- The Temerian Devil
- This is known as the strong style. This style emphasizes hard and heavy hits that often leave an opponent stunned. While wielding a weapon that has the reach and two-handed properties, you can make two attacks against one target, spinning your weapon before jumping in the air to bring down another attack. You make two attack rolls, and if both hit, the target is stunned for 1d4 turns. If only one hit, then the target is knocked prone and takes 3d6 additonal bludgeoning damage. This attack costs your entire attack action.
- Addan Anye
- This is known as the fast style or the “Fiery Dancer”. This style emphasizes fast and agile strikes that would quickly wear your opponents down. You may now use your attack to make a melee attack against 3 enemies in your movement range. You do not provoke opportunity attacks against yourself when moving in between targets. You make separate attack rolls against each enemy, and should they hit, they induce 1d6 bleeding damage at the start of their turns. This lasts for 1 minute. This attack costs your entire attack action.
- Viroledan Naev’de Feaine Glaeddyv
- This is known as the group style or the “Nine Sun Swords”. It is designed to fight a multitude of foes. You can now use your attack to make a melee weapon attack against all hostile creatures within your weapon's reach. If you do so, you make a single attack roll and compare the result to each target's AC, and you make a single damage roll for all creatures you hit with the attack. This attack costs your entire attack action.
Witcher Schools[edit]
School Of The Wolf[edit]
Counted as the most recognizable, as well as renown of the schools, the wolves have taken their place in history as some of the greatest Witchers to have ever been created. Reliable, professional, and always for a price, these Witchers are often the ones townsfolk think of when they heard the name. Either working in pairs, small teams, or even alone, the Witchers of the School Of The Wolf are always capable of felling whatever evil besets them.
Bonus Proficiencies[edit]
When you choose this school at 1st level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, additionally, you can use either your Dexterity or Constitution modifier to determine the bonus to your AC while wearing medium armor.
Silver For Monsters[edit]
Starting at 3rd level, whenever you strike a non-humanoid creature type with a silvered weapon, the target takes an additional damage die.
Steel For Humans[edit]
Starting at 3rd level, you have advantage on Wisdom Checks made to perceive the intentions or detect the position of humanoid enemies.
Thunderbolt Potion Crafting[edit]
Starting at 7th level, you learn the formula for Thunderbolt, and it does not count against your maximum formulae known.
- Thunderbolt
- You can create 2 doses of Thunderbolt, a lime green beverage. Consuming the potion allows you to roll an additional damage die with all attacks for the next 3 rounds. Toxicity: 2
Enhanced: At level 10 you can craft Enhanced Thunderbolt, which, for the next 5 rounds, allow you to roll an additional 2 damage die with all attacks. It also has a toxicity of 3.
Superior: At level 15 you can craft Superior Thunderbolt, which, for the next 10 rounds, allows you to roll an additional 3 damage die with all attacks, and you may reroll any ones. These effects do not stack. It also has a toxicity of 4.
Additional Fighting Style[edit]
At 11th level, you can choose a second option from the Fighting Style class feature.
Cut and Dry[edit]
At 14th level, when you deal damage to a creature with a weapon attack you can cause them to bleed profusely. At the start of each of their turns, their hit points are reduced by 1d6 for each time they've been wounded, and they can make a Constitution saving throw against your Sign Save DC. On a success, the bleeding stops. A creature or a creature within 5 feet of them can make a Wisdom (Medicine) check against your DC to stop the bleeding on a success. For each wound the creature has, its speed is reduced by 5 feet.
Wolven Storm[edit]
When you reach 17th level, you have mastered the way of the Path. As a bonus action you can gain resistance to all damage types for the next minute, or until you fall unconscious.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:
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