Stitchpunk (5e Class)

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Creating a Stitchpunk[edit]

When a character chooses to delve into the Stitchpunk Class, one has to ask, how did they learn of this uncommon profession? Why did they think they were a good fit for it? Perhaps you were an assistant to a member of this class, who set out on your own journey after your master either finished training you or died. Perhaps you heard stories of Stitchpunks and idolized their work to heal others without spells or magic.

Regardless, a Stitchpunk must be not only strong and smart, but willing to do nasty things to accomplish their goals, and so they are often shunned by polite society as ghoulish butchers, stereotyped as monsters in human form lugging sacks of body parts in one hand and tools of dismemberment in the other as much as rogues are stereotyped as killhappy thieves with hilariously-terrible childhoods or barbarians as drooling morons with shorter tempers than the list of words they know. To accept the mantle of Stitchpunk is to either stand with or against a very gruesome mental image that most people will think of you as without even getting to know you, but for as many Stitchpunks that embrace the negative connotations to intimidate others into doing what the Stitchpunk wants, many Stitchpunks do succeed in changing the minds and hearts of those they meet through deeds of heroism or charity.

Quick Build

You can make a Stitchpunk quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution or Strength. Second, choose the Sage background. Third, choose a warhammer, shortbow, and burglar's pack, as bludgeoning damage and range are useful against low level encounters and a burglar's pack comes with more widely usable items.

Class Features

As a Stitchpunk you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Stitchpunk level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Stitchpunk level after 1st


Armor: light armor, shields
Weapons: simple weapons, battleaxes, mauls, warhammers
Tools: weaver's tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Strength
Skills: Choose three from Athletics, Sleight of Hand, Arcana, Investigation, Insight, Medicine, or Perception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A warhammer or (b) a battleaxe
  • (a) Two sickles or (b) a shortbow, a quiver, and 20 arrows
  • (a) A burglar's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack or (c) a scholar's pack
  • (a) A healer's kit and a shield or (b) weaver's tools and a shield
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Stitchpunk

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Operation
2nd +2 Diagnose, Autopsy
3rd +2 Doctorate Feature
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3
6th +3 Graft Pocket, Doctorate Feature
7th +3 Superior Skill, Operation improvement
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Medic-Alchemy
10th +4
11th +4 Doctorate Feature
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5
14th +5 Medic-Alchemy improvement
15th +5 Multi-Operation
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Doctorate Feature
18th +6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Multi-Operation improvement
20th +6 Doctorate Feature


When you take this class, you gain a great knowledge of anatomy and medicine you can tap into both in and out of combat through various tasks, which can mentally tire you and is represented by a pool of dice called Surgery Dice. Your Surgery Dice are fully replenished at the end of a long rest, and you recover a number of Surgery Dice equal to half your level (rounded down) when you complete a short rest. The number of Surgery Dice you have is equal to your level plus your Intelligence modifier. For example, a 6th level Stitchpunk with an Intelligence of 19 would have 10 Surgery Dice.

Your Surgery dice change when you reach certain levels in this class. The dice become d8s at 5th level, d10s at 10th level, and d12s at 15th level.

In addition, Medicine counts as an Intelligence skill for you, meaning you use your Intelligence Score and Modifier when making Medicine Checks.


You can take the Operate Action, with which you can attempt to heal a creature, besides Constructs, Elementals, Oozes, Undead, and yourself, that you can touch by applying a burst of your surgical knowledge. When you do so, roll a number of unspent Surgery Dice up to your proficiency bonus and add your Intelligence (Medicine) modifier to get a total number of Operation Points. As part of this action, you can either spend one of a healer's kit's ten uses to add 5 Operation Points to your total, or use a set of weaver's tools to add 2 Operation Points, but you cannot use both. If you use a magical set of weaver's tools, you may add your Intelligence (Arcana) modifier and any of the tools' modifiers (such as +1 from a +1 set of Weaver's tools) to your total on top of the two points.

You can spend one Operation Point to replenish one of the chosen creature's missing hit points, spend two Operation Points to give the chosen creature one temporary hit point, or spend four Operation Points to end any one condition on the target besides grappled, petrified, or restrained as long as the effect is not maintained by a creature's concentration. You finish an Operate Action only when you have no usable points left.

At 7th level, you may perform the Operate Action as a bonus action by spending one Surgery Die without adding it to your total, but you cannot add to your bonus action's Operation Points using a healer's kit or weaver's tools, and you cannot use your action on that turn to take the Operate action. In addition, you can attempt to perform the Operate action on yourself, but you cannot move or take a bonus action on your turn to do so. You cannot perform this action while you are blinded unless you have blindsight.


When you reach 2nd level, you gain a sharp eye for small details in a being's behaviour and mannerisms. As a bonus action, you can make an Intelligence (Medicine) or Wisdom (Insight) check on a creature within 30 feet of you, gaining advantage if the target is a Humanoid or similar creature, such as a Giant or Fiend/Celestial/Undead with very humanoid features. On a successful check, you automatically know their physical and emotional condition, any illnesses or injuries they have or recently recovered from, if they are lying to you, and you may also gain advantage on the next attack you make against that creature.


Also at 2nd level, your knowledge of anatomy allows you to far more accurately analyze the dead for information. You gain advantage on Intelligence (Medicine) checks to determine a dead or Undead creature's cause of death and how long they have been dead, and when you succeed a check like this, you also learn a few details about how they lived, such as diet, major past injuries, and physical appearance, with additional details being available at the DM's discretion.

Doctorate Feature[edit]

At 3rd level, you choose a Doctorate. Choose between Witch Doctor, Bodybuilder, and Mad Doctor, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, 17th, and 20th levels.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Graft Pocket[edit]

When you reach 6th level, you are able to extract the parts of slain creatures, referred to as Grafts, for various purposes. You gain a magic bag called a Graft Pocket that connects to a small demiplane which can hold a number of Grafts equal to your Stitchpunk level, but any other object will be automatically ejected from the Graft Pocket if placed inside. If your Graft Pocket is destroyed or lost, you can make a new one with 30 minutes of work and a set of weaver's tools, but you cannot recover the Grafts inside your old Graft Pocket.

As an action, you can use a dagger or similar small cutting implement to extract a Graft from the body of a creature that is incapacitated or has died within the last half hour, and is not an Ooze, Elemental, Construct, or Undead, then put the Graft in your Graft Pocket. You can only extract a number of Grafts from the body of a dead creature equal to the number of sizes larger than Tiny it is, so you can only extract 1 Graft from a Small creature, 2 Grafts from a Medium creature, 3 from a Large creature, etc. When you extract a Graft from a living creature, its hit point maximum decreases by an amount equal to the maximum roll of one of its hit dice plus its constitution modifier (unless it has a regeneration trait or similar ability) until it completes 1d4 long rests.

The way you use Grafts varies by your Doctorate, but during your Operate Action, you may expend a number of Grafts you possess, up to your proficiency bonus, to add 5 Operation Points to your total for each spent Graft.

Superior Skill[edit]

At 7th level, your skills as a Stitchpunk have surpassed a threshold that only dedicated doctors and surgeons may reach. You gain expertise in Medicine, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any Medicine ability check you make. If you already have expertise in Medicine, you gain proficiency in one other skill of choice. In addition, you gain advantage on all Intelligence (Medicine) checks while you are not affected by any Conditions.


When you reach 9th level, you gain proficiency with Alchemist's Supplies, and can use them in a 10 minute long process to create one of the following items during a short or long rest at the cost of 10 GP. You can perform this process once during a short rest or up to three times during a long rest.

  • A Potion of Healing
  • An Alchemist's Fire
  • A Vial of Acid
  • A Vial of Basic Poison

When you create an item in this way, you can expend one of your Surgery Dice to enhance it. Roll one of your Surgery Dice when you make the item, and the amount it heals or damages when used is increased by the amount you rolled. This Surgery Die is not recovered at the end of the same rest you made the item during.

At 14th level, you have improved your processes and knowledge, allowing you to create improved versions of each item and improve their base versions. When an improved version is used, roll two dice for each die of healing or harming it normally does. Additionally, when you produce a basic version of an item, you may roll a Surgery Die to enhance it without expending that die.


At 15th level, each of your Surgery Dice can be rolled twice before being expended, and your ability to operate on others is so ingrained in your reflexes that you can use your Operate action even while blinded. In addition, if you do not move on your turn, you may use both your action and bonus action on the same turn to make the Operate Action, either both times on one creature or on two adjacent creatures.

This improves at 19th level, allowing you to perform two Operate bonus actions on any turn that you use your action to Operate and do not move.

Witch Doctor[edit]

A Stitchpunk who incorporates Magic into their operations. If discoveries that various apes can use herbs and rudimentary tools mean anything, it's that humanoids may have been practicing medicine since even before they tamed fire and built shelters. By learning these ancient medicines from nature and the old Druidic tribes which commune with it, Witch Doctors learn new ways to heal, and also to cast magic that other forms of Stitchpunks do not have, furthering their connection to the title of Witch.

Alternative Medicine

When you choose this subclass at 3rd level, you open your mind to old, natural ways of healing illness and injury. You gain proficiency in herbalism kits, Intelligence (Nature), and Wisdom (Survival). In addition, when you use your Operate Action granted by your Surgeon's Hands feature while in areas of dense flora and fauna (jungles, swamps, forests, etc.), you can reroll one Surgery Die if it rolls 3 or less, but must take the new roll.

Graft Sacrifice

At 6th level, you can use the Grafts you collect using your Graft Pocket feature to produce magical effects. You know the spare the dying cantrip, as well as a number of spells of 1st level or higher from the Druid Spell List equal to your Intelligence (Arcana) modifier. You may change each one of your spells for one other spell once per 1d4 long rests, but you cannot know a spell of a level greater than one-quarter of your Stitchpunk level (rounded up).

Whenever you cast a spell of 1st-level or higher, you must sacrifice one of the Grafts from your Graft pocket, which replaces the material component for that spell and crumbles into fine dust when the spell is completed. If a spell requires concentration, the sacrificed Graft will crumble either if you lose concentration or the spell ends on its own.

Magic Thread

When you reach 11th level, you gain the ability to create thin magical strings from your fingertips as a bonus action. These strings last for a number of minutes equal to your Intelligence Modifier before disappearing. Using your attack action, you can attempt to entangle one creature up to one size category larger than you within 5 feet, even if that creature is incorporeal or amorphous. The creature is automatically grappled by you and must make a Strength or Dexterity Saving Throw with a DC equal to 8 + your Strength Modifier + your Intelligence Modifier at the start of its turn to escape.

Before these threads disappear, you can also use them to add your Intelligence (Arcana) modifier to one Surgery Die you roll on your turn.

Greater Sacrifice

At 17th level, you have learned how to enhance the spells granted by your Graft Sacrifice feature. You can now know spells of a level no greater than one-third of your Stitchpunk level (rounded up), however you must sacrifice two grafts to cast a spell of a level greater than one-quarter of your Stitchpunk level (rounded up), and both grafts crumble into fine dust when the spell is finished.

Ancient Anastasis

When you reach 20th level, your studies in nature and medicine uncover a powerful ancient ritual for resurrecting the dead, which takes five hours to cast and consumes 3 Grafts at the end of the ritual. You can cast this ritual by rolling your Surgery Dice as if through an Operate action on a number of creatures equal to the Operation Points you roll, which are each resurrected as though by the resurrection spell, or up to one-quarter as many creatures, which are each resurrected as though by the true resurrection spell. Once this ritual is completed, you cannot cast spells until you complete a long rest, and you cannot use this feature again until you complete 1d4 long rests.


Whether selfishly amassing power into themselves or using themselves as test subjects, Bodybuilders use the Grafts they steal from others to empower their bodies, slowly becoming more monstrous as a result. Due to their striking appearances, Bodybuilders are the members of the Stitchpunk class most folks think of when they hear the class' name. Though a majority who seek this power resign themselves to looking like monsters with bodies stitched together from various parts, a rare few spoken of in legend have acquired the perfectly crafted beauty some sought out.

Do Harm

When you take this Doctorate at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Martial weapons.


At 6th level, you are able to use your Operate action on yourself so long as you do not take your move action or bonus action. When you do so, you may spend a number of Operation Points equal to twice your Stitchpunk level to implant a Graft into your body, permanently granting yourself one of the following benefits until you use an Operate action on yourself to remove the Graft, using a number of Operation Points equal to your level.

You can only have a number of Grafts implanted in your body equal to half of your Strength score rounded up, you can have a maximum number of additional limbs equal to your Strength modifier, and you have disadvantage on Charisma checks while you have more than half of your maximum number of Grafts implanted. While you have additional limbs, you must pay 50 extra gold per added limb when you buy armor to accommodate each of your extra limbs.

  • +1 to a single ability score, to a maximum score of 21, that the creature you extracted the graft from had which yours is lower than. (e.g. If your Charisma score is 14 and the Graft is from a Red Dragon Wyrmling, which has a Charisma score of 15, you could get a +1 to Charisma, but you could not get the +1 with a Graft from an Ogre which has a Charisma score of 7.)
  • An additional arm, with which you can manipulate an object, open or close a door or container, pick up or set down a Tiny object, or wield a weapon that has the light property. For each additional arm you have, you get a nonmagical +1 bonus to any checks you make to use tools that you are proficient with, including your Operate Action. If the Graft is from a creature with a Claw attack or similar action, you can use that action using your Attack action, but you cannot wield a weapon with it or benefit from its +1 to tool-based checks. A Graft from a creature that is not of your size category cannot be used for this benefit, but changing your size category to match the creature's size, such as through the enlarge/reduce spell, will allow you to do so, and the new arm will later grow/shrink with you to match your natural size.
  • One sense that the creature you extracted the graft from had which you do not, such as tremorsense or a blindsight.
Extra Attack

Also at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

The number of attacks you can make during your Attack action increases to three when you reach 17th level in this class.

Monstrous Graft

When you reach 11th level, your ability to graft monster parts into yourself also allows you to take on some of their abilities to a certain point.

  • One passive trait that the creature you extracted the graft from had which you do not, such as a Giant Toad's Amphibious or a Death Dog's Two-Headed. A Graft from a creature that is of a CR greater than one half of your level (rounded up) cannot be used for this benefit.
  • One active trait that the creature you extracted the graft from had which you do not, such as a Dryad's Tree Stride or a Wererat's Shapechanger. A Graft from a creature that is of a CR greater than one third of your level (rounded up) cannot be used for this benefit.
  • One resistance that the creature you extracted the graft from had which you do not.
Liquid Graft

At 17th level, you gain the ability to extract Grafts from Elementals and Oozes, then implant them into yourself as normal. By implanting a Graft from one of these creatures into yourself, you may give yourself one benefit that another feature of this subclass can grant you, or one of the following benefits.

  • An additional tentacle-like limb, with which you have a 15 foot reach, can manipulate an object, open or close a door or container, or pick up or set down a Tiny object. If the Graft is from an Elemental, you can use your reaction to interpose this limb between yourself and an attack, negating any damage of a type that the Elemental you extracted the graft from was immune to. If the limb is from an Ooze, you can wield a weapon with the Light property with it.
  • A layer of gooey skin that gives you a +1 to your AC, a climb speed equal to your walk speed, and prevents any item you are holding from being taken from you against your will.
Perfectly Grafted

When you reach 20th level, your body becomes a perfectly balanced blend of your Grafts, giving you a better ability to use those Grafts as well as an immensely more pleasing visage. You can have a number of Grafts implanted in your body equal to three-quarters of your Strength score rounded up, and you have advantage instead of disadvantage on Charisma checks and saving throws while you have more than half of your maximum number of Grafts implanted. Your additional limbs can be retracted at will, and can wield weapons without the Light property, but not the Heavy property. If one of your additional arms has claws, they can be retracted as a bonus action, allowing you to wield weapons with it and benefit from its +1 to tool-based checks until you extend your claws again as a bonus action, dropping anything you are holding in that hand as you do so.

Mad Doctor[edit]

Frightening individuals who perform odd experiments and are safeguarded by powerful chimeras born of the Stitchpunk's slain enemies. Mad Doctors are spoken of in horror stories as bringers of demise and misfortune, playing god by desecrating the dead and creating life from cold flesh, creating monsters that think and act all too human to be comfortable. That said, those who choose this path can often be a supportive kind, helping bolster their allies' ranks with strong, dependable constructs.

Wicked Grin

When you take this Doctorate at 3rd level, you can let your eccentricity leak out as odd and frightening expressions and gestures. You gain proficiency in Charisma (Intimidation) checks, and as an action, you can make a Charisma (Intimidation) check, contested by a Wisdom saving throw against one creature within 20 feet of you, causing it to become frightened of you or one of your allies which is closer to it than you on a success. A creature can repeat its Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the condition on itself and becoming immune to this feature for 24 hours on a success.

Graft Golems

At 6th level, you gain the ability to combine and animate the Grafts you have gathered. Over the course of a long rest, you can combine as many of the Grafts you currently have in your Graft Pocket as you like, creating a Graft Golem. A Graft Golem uses the statistics of a Flesh Golem, but has a hit point maximum equal to 1d8 + 4 times the number of grafts used to make it, lacks its Magic Resistance and Magical Weapons if it is made with 11 or fewer grafts, and can make a number of slam attacks equal to the number of grafts used to make it divided by 4 (rounded up). The Graft Golem is loyal to you and will carry out any orders you give it, preserving itself to the best of its ability if you do not give it orders. You can have a maximum number of Graft Golems equal to half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down).

In the event your Graft Golem is damaged, you can expend a Graft to restore all its missing hit points, and when you increase your level in this class, all your existing Graft Golems are enhanced as though they had been originally made with a number of Grafts equal to your level.

Grafted Retainers

When you reach 11th level, your Graft Golems become far more intelligent and eloquent, gaining an Intelligence score and Charisma score equal to 10 plus your Intelligence modifier, as well as the ability to speak any languages you know and benefit from proficiencies you have (but not expertise). In addition, while a Graft Golem is within 1 mile of you, you can use an action to enter a trance. During this trance, you can see and hear as though with your Graft Golem's eyes and ears, and can give it commands as though you were there, but count as unconscious during this time until you take a bonus action to dispel the trance.

Beyond Golem

At 17th level, you gain the ability to enhance the Graft Golems you have made using Grafts from various monsters. This allows you to grant the following abilities to your Graft Golems, but no more than three total enhancements to each.

  • One physical attack, such as claws, hooves, a tail, etc. that a creature you currently have a Graft from had.
  • One ability score that a creature you currently have a Graft from had and is higher than the same score that your Graft Golem has.
  • One resistance that a creature you currently have a Graft from had.
  • One sense or movement speed that a creature you currently have a Graft from had.
Barrier Trio

When you reach 20th level, you can use an action to order three of your Graft Golems that are within 30 feet of you to unite into one being around you or one ally within 30 feet of all three Golems. While the Golems are united, the creature they are surrounding gains 60 temporary hit points and its size becomes Large if it is Medium or smaller. A creature benefitting from this effect gains any resistances and immunities that the three Graft Golems had, and can make three of the Graft Golem's attacks on a target within reach as a bonus action. Once the creature's temporary hit points are depleted, or after 5 rounds pass, the three Graft Golems separate and return to normal, unable to unite in this manner again until they finish a long rest.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Stitchpunk class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Stitchpunk class, you gain the following proficiencies: Medicine, weaver's tools

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